Visual Basic Language Reference  

Declarations and Constants Summary

Visual Basic language keywords and run-time library members are organized by purpose and use.

Action Language element
Assign a value. Get, Property
Declare variables or constants. Const, Dim, Private, Protected, Public, Shadows, Shared, Static
Declare a class, delegate, enumeration, module, namespace, or structure. Class, Delegate, Enum, Module, Namespace, Structure
Create objects. CreateObject, GetObject, New
Get information about an object. GetType, IsArray, IsDate, IsDbNull, IsError, IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsReference, SystemTypeName, TypeName, VarType, VbTypeName
Refer to the current object. Me
Require explicit variable declarations. Option Explicit, Option Strict
Handle events. AddHandler, Event, RaiseEvent, RemoveHandler
Implement inheritance. Inherits, MustInherit, MustOverride, MyBase, MyClass, New, NotInheritable, NotOverridable, Overloads, Overridable, Overrides

See Also

Keywords and Members by Task | Visual Basic Language Keywords | Visual Basic Run-Time Library Members