Visual Basic Language Reference  

StrDup Function

Returns a string or object consisting of the specified character repeated the specified number of times.

Public Shared Function StrDup( _
   ByVal Number As Integer, _
   ByVal Character As Char | String } _
) As String


Public Shared Function StrDup( _
   ByVal Number As Integer, _
   ByVal Character As Object _
) As Object


Required. Integer expression. The length to the string to be returned.
Required. Any valid Char, String, or Object expression. Only the first character of the expression will be used. If Character is of type Object, it must contain either a Char or a String value.


Exception type Error number Condition
ArgumentException 5 Number < 0 or Character type is invalid.
ArgumentNullException 5 Character is Nothing.


This function returns a String made up of repeated characters. The character that makes up the string is the first character in the Character argument, and it is duplicated Number number of times.


This example uses the StrDup function to return a string of duplicated characters.

Dim aString As String = "Wow! What a string!"
Dim aObject As New Object()
Dim myString As String
aObject = "This is a String contained within an Object"
myString = StrDup(5, "P")   ' Returns "PPPPP"
myString = StrDup(10, aString)   ' Returns "WWWWWWWWWW"
myString = StrDup(6, aObject)   ' Returns "TTTTTT"

See Also

SPC Function | ArgumentException | ArgumentNullException