Transact-SQL Reference


The MSmerge_delete_conflicts table contains information for rows that were deleted because either they conflicted with an update and lost the conflict or the delete was undone to achieve data convergence. This table is stored in the database used for conflict logging, usually the publication database but can be the subscription database if there is decentralized conflict logging.

Column name Data type Description
tablenick int Nickname of the table.
rowguid uniqueidentifier Row identifier for the deleted row.
origin_datasource varchar(255) Subscription for which the delete of the row was undone or the delete lost the conflict.
conflict_type int Type of conflict:

1 = UpdateConflict: Conflict is detected at the row level.
2 = ColumnUpdateConflict: Conflict detected at the column level.
3 = UpdateDeleteWinsConflict: Delete wins the conflict.
4 = UpdateWinsDeleteConflict: The deleted rowguid that loses the conflict is recorded in this table.
5 = UploadInsertFailed: Insert from Subscriber could not be applied at the Publisher.
6 = DownloadInsertFailed: Insert from Publisher could not be applied at the Subscriber.
7 = UploadDeleteFailed: Delete at Subscriber could not be uploaded to the Publisher.
8 = DownloadDeleteFailed: Delete at Publisher could not be downloaded to the Subscriber..
9 = UploadUpdateFailed: Update at Subscriber could not be applied at the Publisher
10 = DownloadUpdateFailed: Update at Publisher could not be applied to the Subscriber.

reason_code int Error code. May be context-sensitive-based on conflict_type.
reason_text nvarchar(720) Description of the error code.
pubid uniqueidentifier Publication identifier.
create_time datetime The datetime value when the current conflict row was logged.