Transact-SQL Reference


The MSdistpublishers table contains one row for each remote Publisher supported by the local Distributor. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
name sysname Name of the Publisher Distributor.
distribution_db sysname Name of the distribution database.
working_directory nvarchar(255) Name of the working directory used to store data and schema files for the publication.
security_mode int Security mode implemented at the Distributor:

0 = SQL Server Authentication.
1 = Windows Authentication.

login sysname Login ID for SQL Server Authentication.
password nvarchar(524) Password for SQL Server Authentication.
active bit Indicates whether the local Distributor is in use by the remote Publisher.
trusted bit Whether the remote Publisher uses the same password as the local Distributor:

0 = A password is needed at the remote Publisher to connect to the Distributor.
1 = No password is needed.

third_party bit Whether the Publisher is an installation of Microsoft® SQL Server™:

0 = SQL Server installation.
1 = Heterogeneous data source.