Transact-SQL Reference


Obtains OLE Automation error information.


sp_OAGetErrorInfo [ objecttoken ]
    [ , source OUTPUT ]
    [ , description OUTPUT ]
    [ , helpfile OUTPUT ]
    [ , helpid OUTPUT ]



Is either the object token of an OLE object previously created by sp_OACreate or it is NULL. If objecttoken is specified, error information for that object is returned. If NULL is specified, the error information for the entire batch is returned.

source OUTPUT

Is the source of the error information. If specified, it must be a local char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar variable. The return value is truncated to fit the local variable if necessary.

description OUTPUT

Is the description of the error. If specified, it must be a local char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar variable. The return value is truncated to fit the local variable if necessary.

helpfile OUTPUT

Is the Help file for the OLE object. If specified, it must be a local char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar variable. The return value is truncated to fit the local variable if necessary.

helpid OUTPUT

Is the Help file context ID. If specified, it must be a local int variable.

Note  The parameters for this stored procedure are specified by position, not name.

Return Code Values

0 (success) or a nonzero number (failure) that is the integer value of the HRESULT returned by the OLE Automation object.

For more information about HRESULT Return Codes, see OLE Automation Return Codes and Error Information.

Result Sets

If no output parameters are specified, the error information is returned to the client as a result set.

Column names Data type Description
Error binary(4) Binary representation of the error number.
Source nvarchar(nn) Source of the error.
Description nvarchar(nn) Description of the error.
Helpfile nvarchar(nn) Help file for the source.
HelpID Int Help context ID in the Help source file.


Each call to an OLE Automation stored procedure (except sp_OAGetErrorInfo) resets the error information; therefore, sp_OAGetErrorInfo obtains error information only for the most recent OLE Automation stored procedure call. Note that because sp_OAGetErrorInfo does not reset the error information, it can be called multiple times to get the same error information.

This table lists OLE Automation errors and their common causes.

Error and HRESULT Common cause
Bad variable type (0x80020008) Data type of a Transact-SQL value passed as a method parameter did not match the Microsoft® Visual Basic® data type of the method parameter, or a NULL value was passed as a method parameter.
Unknown name (0x8002006) Specified property or method name was not found for the specified object.
Invalid class string (0x800401f3) Specified ProgID or CLSID is not registered as an OLE object on an instance of Microsoft® SQL Server™. Custom OLE automation servers need to be registered before they can be instantiated using sp_OACreate. This can be done using the regsvr32.exe utility for inprocess (.dll) servers, or the /REGSERVER command-line switch for local (.exe) servers.
Server execution failed (0x80080005) Specified OLE object is registered as a local OLE server (.exe file) but the .exe file could not be found or started.
The specified module could not be found (0x8007007e) Specified OLE object is registered as an in-process OLE server (.dll file), but the .dll file could not be found or loaded.
Type mismatch (0x80020005) Data type of a Transact-SQL local variable used to store a returned property value or a method return value did not match the Visual Basic data type of the property or method return value. Or, the return value of a property or a method was requested, but it does not return a value.
Datatype or value of the 'context' parameter of sp_OACreate is invalid. (0x8004275B) The value of the context parameter should be one of 1, 4, or 5.

For more information about processing HRESULT Return Codes, see OLE Automation Return Codes and Error Information.


Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can execute sp_OAGetErrorInfo.


This example displays OLE Automation error information.

DECLARE @output varchar(255)
DECLARE @hr int
DECLARE @source varchar(255)
DECLARE @description varchar(255)
PRINT 'OLE Automation Error Information'
EXEC @hr = sp_OAGetErrorInfo @object, @source OUT, @description OUT
IF @hr = 0
    SELECT @output = '  Source: ' + @source
    PRINT @output
    SELECT @output = '  Description: ' + @description
    PRINT @output
    PRINT '  sp_OAGetErrorInfo failed.'

See Also

Data Type Conversions Using OLE Automation Stored Procedures

How to create an OLE Automation object (Transact-SQL)

How to debug a custom OLE Automation server (Transact-SQL)

OLE Automation Sample Script