Transact-SQL Reference


Contains one row for each database maintenance plan. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
plan_id uniqueidentifier Maintenance plan ID.
plan_name sysname Maintenance plan name.
date_created datetime Date the maintenance plan was created.
owner sysname Owner of the maintenance plan.
max_history_rows int Maximum number of rows allotted for recording the history of the maintenance plan in the system table.
remote_history_server sysname Name of the remote server to which the history report could be written.
max_remote_history_rows int Maximum number of rows allotted in the system table on a remote server to which the history report could be written.
user_defined_1 int Default is NULL.
user_defined_2 nvarchar(100) Default is NULL.
user_defined_3 datetime Default is NULL.
user_defined_4 uniqueidentifier Default is NULL.
log_shipping bit Log shipping status:

0 = Disabled
1 = Enabled