Transact-SQL Reference


Contains one row for each maintenance plan action performed. This table is stored in the msdb database.

Column name Data type Description
sequence_id int Sequence of history performed by maintenance plans.
plan_id uniqueidentifier Maintenance plan ID.
plan_name sysname Maintenance plan name.
database_name sysname Name of the database associated with the maintenance plan.
server_name sysname System name.
activity nvarchar(128) Activity performed by the maintenance plan (for example, Backup transaction log, and so on.).
succeeded bit 0 = Success
1 = Failure
end_time datetime Time at which action completed.
duration int Length of time required to complete maintenance plan action.
start_time datetime Time at which action began.
error_number int Error number reported on failure.
message nvarchar(512) Message generated by sqlmaint.