(FRONT) FRONT (2023)

NativeScript and Android troubleshooting.

During development Android application I'm faced with a millions various troubles, this is only a small list of them, only if I have time to descripted them.

1. NS Demo example can not started.

I simple create new NS project and try to start it.

# ns create myProject --ng
# ns clean
# npm i

But project failed despite I have last version of all related software.

Solution is non-obvious - need to change Angular ngZone from 13 to 12 - https://angular.io/api/core/NgZone.

2. Platform tools don't working

In my Windows developer environment there are nothing any trouble with Platform-tools.

But in my Linux environment I have simple trouble. Its look strange, because all my old project working fine, and Android Studio don't require any updates, therefore I don't understand instantly what happens. But in reality this is complex trouble, because Android studio change directory with platform tools and JAVA is outdated.

So, I have update Android tools, but it still don't working.

Need to update JAVA.

Important point of OpenSuse is 3 place where we can set up JAVA_HOME variable.

This is main place.

And two this updates is solution to make Android tools workable.

3. Connect socket inspector.

... to be continue soon ...

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/AndroidTroubles/Index.htm