Setup Angular proxy
1. What is Angular developer server and proxy config.
Full documentation of setup Angular proxy present in this page, but this is simplest notes for developers.
Firstly, Angular frontend has ordinary WebPack Developer server, therefore all format and parameters described in WebPack Dev Server.
You can observer all static files stored in developer server as http://localhost/webpack-dev-server.
So, Angular proxy configuration exactly is a WebPack Dev server configuration, and request to Backend API going through a WebPack proxy server, for example in my Cryptochest project is look as:
1: {
2: "*": {
3: "target": "http://localhost:7000",
4: "secure": false,
5: "logLevel": "debug",
6: "changeOrigin": true,
7: "headers": {
8: "Connection": "keep-alive"
9: }
10: }
11: }
Where http://localhost:7000 is place of my backend API.
2. Inject proxy config to Angular Developer server.
There are two way, a some project can not tuned angular.json file, for example RPAT project developed by a lot of developers at least 5 years, this is sophisticated and complex project, but still have no link to proxy config in angular.json.
Therefore start of this project is possible only as
# ng serve --open --proxy-config proxy.conf.json
However, in my project Cryptochest I have insert link to proxy at the same beginning.
Therefore start is possible as
# ng serve --open
3. Add environment dependency.
If you have simple url like "/MyController/MyMethod" without any prefix WebPack Developer Server transfer request to your Backend. However, you can create some variables in environment.ts and add this variables to any request. For example this is a way from any Angular learning books.
This is more sophisticated way from RPAT project with service base page and RxJs Observable future.