Visual Basic Language Reference  

MonthName Function

Returns a String value containing the name of the specified month.

Public Function MonthName( _
   ByVal Month As Integer, _
   Optional ByVal Abbreviate As Boolean = False _
) As String


Required. Integer. The numeric designation of the month, from 1 through 13; 1 indicates January and 12 indicates December. You can use the value 13 with a 13-month calendar. If your system is using a 12-month calendar and Month is 13, MonthName returns an empty string.
Optional. Boolean value that indicates if the month name is to be abbreviated. If omitted, the default is False, which means the month name is not abbreviated.


Exception type Error number Condition
ArgumentException 5 Month is less than 1 or greater than 13.


The string returned by MonthName depends not only on the input arguments, but also on the Regional Options settings specified in the Windows Control Panel.

If Month is less than 1 or more than 13, an ArgumentException error occurs.

Note   MonthName uses the current calendar setting from the CurrentCulture property of the CultureInfo class in the System.Globalization namespace. The default CurrentCulture values are determined by Control Panel settings.


This example uses the MonthName function to determine the name of the month, by the integer given. The Boolean value will determine whether the full name (False) or the abbreviated name (True) will be displayed.

Dim MyMonth As Integer
Dim Name As String
MyMonth = 4
Name = MonthName(MyMonth, True)   ' "True" returns an abbreviated name.
Msgbox(Name)   ' Name contains "Apr".

See Also

WeekdayName Function | System Namespace | System.Globalization Namespace | DateTime Structure | ArgumentException Class | CultureInfo Class