(NOTES) NOTES (2024)

Change Git account

I have a couple post about Github/Bit/Bitbucket features, for example.

What problem with Github? Problem that Microsoft fully ignored you Http-login:

and always wants invasion to your privacy and and always wants to spy from you.

If you don't kinds of idiot you may thinking only about protection himself from spying and any new project you must use brand new account. For understand Microsoft game you need to understand that MS used two different AU - by Http and by SSH.

But firstly you need to understand what Microsoft thinking about you currently.

# ssh -T [email protected]

You need to go to Github and delete you existing SSH-key.

Than you need to Generate new SSH-key

# ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "EMAIL-what-you-want-to-use-as-Github-login"

Only than you add new key to your new account

And than, as usually (in this case I read dev branch and create new branch dev-Array3:

# git remote add origin [email protected]:xxxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyy.git
# git clone -b dev ~/Documents/zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
# git add .
# git branch -M dev-Array3
# git commit -m "Array3"
# git push --force [email protected]:xxxxxxxxxx/yyyyyyyyyy.git

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/GitAccount/Index.htm