(FRONT) FRONT (2024)

My workable Google Drive project template

This is common Google API description https://developers.google.com/drive/api/reference/rest/v3/files/get and some examples https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/manage-downloads#node.js, but AU is unclear. There are cool post in Github with description of all Google AU method https://github.com/FredySandoval/google-drive-api-usage-examples.

I have my own workable project templates which I used in my projects https://github.com/Alex1998100/GoogleDriveApiTest. my API allow me download files and make list directories and I used my own API in my various projects, for example:

Any experiment with Google API you can made in Google API explorer, this will be reference like this https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials?project=vbnetfilelist, but of course, with your project name:

As usually, getting this page with API explorer is not a simple task in Google site. This journey start from create a new Google Cloud project.

Alternative way, if you have pass project initialization.

Next step is create your fist common credential to access this concrete API.

And this is example of my first experiment to working with various parameters in this API explorer with OAUT2.

Of course, main feature is receive anonymous key, this is possible in this way.

This key must be your secret, because if somebody will knows your key its possible to exceed your free plan in your Google Cloud project.

That's it for working with Google Drive API.

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/GoogleDriveAPI/Index.htm