(NOTES) NOTES (2024)

Google Play Console workflow

There are a number of repositories from Android application can be installed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Android_app_stores:

So,working in Google play console is a separate skill, difficulties start from registration - Shit flow from Google. Than we need to pass a number of steps:

1. Various declarations.

Google required million various declarations, in my case all of them are empty:

2. Uploading application.

This is little bit quest, because as I mention PEPK tool is not workable. Require signed *.AAB application.

After uploading Google create first automatic report.

3. Then you need to pass 3 stage testing.

First stage is most strange - you always need to allow somebody to work with your application. Other Google Play account do not see your application.

Closed testing also very strange - you can not delete testing track.

Run your closed test with at least 20 testers, for at least 14 days - it's condition to going to Open test.

Currently I have no time to resolve this issue, but there are a couple of services to resolve this issue, for example https://www.testerscommunity.com/.

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/GooglePlayConsole/Index.htm