GraphQL learning
1. NestJS (GraphQL + MongoDB) by Ariel Weinberger
- 1. GraphQL + MongoDB Section Introduction
- 2. Project Overview School Management
- 4. Robo 3T - Connecting to the MongoDB Database
- 5. Ensure NestJS 7 Installation
- 6. Project setup
- 8. Installing GraphQL Dependencies
- 9. Creating the Lesson Module
- 10. Defining the Lesson GraphQL Type
- 11. Creating the Lesson Resolver
- 12. Using the GraphQL Playground
- 13. Persistence TypeORM, MongoDB and our Lesson Entity
- 14. LessonService and createLesson method
- 15. Create Lesson GraphQL Mutation
- 16. getLesson GraphQL Query with MongoDB
- 17. Validation Create Lesson Input
- 18. Challenge Get All Lessons GraphQL Query
- 19. Creating the Student Module
- 20. Challenge Defining the Student Entity
- 21. Challenge Create Student Mutation
- 22. Challenge Get All Students GraphQL Query
- 23. Challenge Get Student by ID Query
- 24. Assign Students To Lesson GraphQL Mutation
- 25. Improvement Assign Students Upon Lesson Creation
- 26. Resolve students Field in Lesson
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