Main internet companies what transformed internet to hell: Microsoft, Google, Payoneer, Paypal, Upwork, Freelancer, Linkedin, Huobi/HTX, Strip, Hetzner.
Internet is extremely aggressive environment, any company can cause you critical damage without any responsibility. In real life you always can going to the court, but there nothing court in internet. And most fraudulent companies are registered on remote island, where there is just only one judge, who always makes a decision in favor of the bandit's companies. Rogue company can destroy your life at all, because can ban you without any responsibility, can stole your money by requiring SMS for your old phone number, can destroy your life by refuse to support some technology in what your invested huge efforts during many-many years, can doing anything at all without any responsibility.
In clear secure internet companies from list below should be forbidden and banned. Without this simple protection users in whole world - internet will be a place of hell, aggressive, uncomfortable place of stress.
1. Microsoft is worst company in any internet rates.
Microsoft always thinking only about money of his owners and always ignored any user requirements. I write many times in my blog about this SCAM company, for example Why Microsoft vilified Visual Basic ?
This is suck a vile and distinguishing company that I don't even want to write about it again. Imagine just one fact - this company invent own proprietary language VB.NET, what became most usable and success language in world, about 50,000,000 inverst efforts, time and money to learn it - and unexpectedly in one morning Microsoft said - what is Visual Basic? We never invent it and don't know what it it at all !!!
And trillions dollars what programmers and customer invest to Microsoft technology instantly disappear !!! And Microsoft has no any responsibility for this decision !!! We just stole money from you - this was our joke !!!
Also fucking Microsoft can doing absolutely terrible things with account what critical to your life, for example ban unexpectedly what that fucking company want.
2. Google. I'm not a Google-country citizenship, and privacy from Google is my right!
Google is rogue company, what always create discrimination even in empty place. Really shit and scam company - look more details in this page - Shit flow from Google.
3. Payoneer is one of main the internet bandit's company.
This rogue company can block ANY absolutely clear payment and stole your money, can refuse you even in registration stage. Registered in remote island. You will never be able to bring these bandits to justify for the money they stole from you.
In the screen below this bandits refuse to accept my international passport as legal document, despite this is true document and I live with this passport in 15 countries, no one and never said me that my passport is illegal.
This rogue company refuse to create issue about this and refuse to any discussion and conversation why they thinking that my international passport is illegal.
Despite I bind to my account my local bank account, my phone and so on.
This rogue company just refuse all my legal documents and forbid me create tickets to complains.
4. Paypal - very strange service to make various peoples discrimination depends on country.
I was surprised how this company discriminate and humiliate peoples in different counties. For example, currently I live in Bulgaria - Paypal forbid me add money to my account in order to money transfer to various internet sites.
But when I login to Paypal from Ukraine - I get an opposite error message! Paypal forbid me receive money from my customer - from Fiver, Upwork and private US customer, bat allow me to send money from Ukraine to US and other countries. WTF?
If this trash depends from local country regulations - why Google spying not depends from local country regulations? Why Microsoft not guarantee safe of investment for MS technology for any local government? Why Payoneer can ignore any local regulations and just mark any international passport as false without responsibility?
Any internet movement going only one direction - stole money from end-users, stole investment, bun users without responsibility, made peoples more disenfranchised and allow for rogue scam company make more and more money.
5. Upwork - service with extremely aggressive users policy, service what always doing opposite what you ask.
I describe one of my conflict with this stupid service in this page
6. Freelancer - this fucking Australian company stole my money from 3 projects.
Idea of stole money in that fucking company is very simple - all operation they make only for phone number, if your phone number is changed by any reason - Freelancer said - "from now your money is my money".
Theoretically, potentially access to your account is possible to restore from other country and with outer phone, but I spent more then 3 month to do this. With every week nervous speaking and uploading new and new documents.
This company never allow you setup new phone number without SMS on your old number, and forbid any financial operations without SMS to your phone number. This means password/login no matters at all, only phone number. Also company usually ban you and stole your money ban you if you login from other country.
In fact this bandit's company invent any possibility to stole your money, constantly in searching any opportunity to stole your money.
7. Linkedin - relatively harmless and useless company, but provide extremely aggressive political policy - to be tolerant and take calmly the murders of Ukrainians by Russians.
I describe this Linkedin policy in this topic - Linkedin provide extremely aggressive political policy - to be tolerant and take calmly the murders of Ukrainians by Russians
8. Huobi/HTX
This company to stole your money used very simple trick - you send to your customer address from your crypto-wallet in your cabinet. And when transaction completed - Huobi/HTX just detach this crypto-address from your cabinet.
Potentially its possible to solve this issue.
But pay attention what documents and video must uploaded to HTX your sender! Even not you! Of course, 99,99% of money sender have no video prof how he login to his platform with his face than show his documents after faces than click-by-click record on video how he send money to you.
This means - your money now is HTX company money, no more.
9. Strip - the less malicious company from all the above.
Any my troubles with Strip was solved during a week. Compare, for examples with Freelancer, I try to solve my troubles during 3 month and troubles solves only when Freelancer company stole all my money.
10. Hetzner ban me and all my partners and friend.
I worked in Hetzner in many project, for example Notes about most interesting project in my life., but once I try to made project for one of my partners. That project was just only startup, my partners live in Poland, but has Ukrainian passport. Of course this is not a kind of criminal, half of peoples in whole planet has passport from one country and live in another country for various documents like permission to live. And of course, all documents was correct, but Hetzner said that documents was false, even when my partners paid money from their Poland debet card and upload permission to live and work in Poland.
I mean this project - 6. Android application for Truck broker.
In that project all from the same beginning going unsuccessfully, step-by-step. And finally project was closed.
But next attempt was register absolutely another project for myself. Of all documents was correct and has been uploaded to Hetzner, and before you receive right to uploaded document you need to bind your local bank card and Hetzner checked it.
Unexpectedly Hetzner answer me that I'm false virtual person with fake documents !!
But, sorry, How I can have my own property, registered exactly for me ??
And how I can millions various bank card exactly for my own name ??
How I can live and traveling in 14 country in world My traveling?? There are nothing border policy what said me that I'm fake person with fake passport !!
I try to dispute this strange decision of Hetzner company, but unsuccessfully, Hetzner already said me that Me and My documents just only fake !!
What does it means? This means that Hetzner, Payonner and other fucking companies listed in this page OPERATE COMPLETELY OUTSIDE THE LAW, ignoring any law regulation and nobody can punish and close this fucking companies !!!
Or this fucking companies don't interesting to real business, to provide real services to support real peoples, just have one interesting - spying about client, collection information about peoples, intrusion to peoples privacy AND if I am already included in their database - there is no longer any need to provide me any services.
It precisely this impunity and lack of right of peoples makes the internet an unprecedentedly aggressive environment.
So, all of these extremely aggressive bandit's companies should be forbidden and banned in clear secure internet. Or, if this companies create lawlessness and mayhem globally in whole world-wide-network - they should have strong responsibility in global internet court.