Linux shell parser (Renci.SshNet.SshClient, MySqlConnector.NET, RSA encription, Console password, XDocument/XPath, Tuple, Regex, Buffer.BlockCopy, Stream, Base64String, UTF8.GetBytes, ToString("X2"))
This is example of my typical Linux console application in VB. Of course this is only first step in this program, but all main framework is present. Full code you can see in Github
Program processing KVM config, more about KVM KVM Handbook.
As any other my Linux program this program working with MySQL, for example:
- (2021) Setup MariaDB on Ubuntu server (remote access, user privileges, upload database)
- (2019) Informer - site colaboration with JS and simple NET Core ApiController.
- (2021) Linux console app (.NET Core, EF DB first, CamelCase file and dir rename, calc MD5, RegExpression, change and check link).
- (2020) Transform Database from MsSQL to MySQL (Net Core EF DbFirst, Scaffold-DbContext, Read Db Schema, Move Users and data, EF SQL trace)
- (2020) Deploy ASP.NET Core application from scratch (install and tune SSH/VNC/FTP/NGINX/Daemon/Db)
Program use XML parser. More detail see in page Топіки що стосуються специфічних технологій обробки JSON та XML., Parse HTML by HtmlAgilityPack (Xpath selector) and CsQuery (jQuery selector).
Program working with encoding and bytes, see more in page Робота з байтами у VB.NET - ChrW, BitConverter.ToInt32, Convert.ToInt32, Byte.Parse, ToString("X2") / AllowHexSpecifier, GetBytes/GetString, New Byte(N) {}, UInt32 = &H33.
Program use RSA-cryptography, please see more cryptographic example in my site:
- (2012) FlexStringObfuscator - Flame-преобразования во Flex.
- (2009) Установка ГОСТ-сертификата на клиентский компьютер
- (2014) Encrypt sensitive data in DB by Rijndael symmetric algorithm.
- (2010) SqlClr_IndexCryptoProtector - криптографическая защита индексов SQL-сервера с помощью SQL CRL сборки
- (2010) Remote SQL execute for PostgreSQL on GSM/GPRS channel with extreme compress and cryptography
- (2012) Формування безопасного токена для зміни паролю.
- (2017) How to parse JSON by Newtonsoft.Json (on example of FireFox Tab Session Manager and decrypted JwtSecurityToken)
- (2012) Story cryptographic key in special storage (My payment gateway for
- (2018) Encrypt Authentication cookie (How to add admin panel to ASP.NET MVC5 site and simple authentication without AspNetSqlMembershipProvider).
- (2015) Encrypt database index in Browser (Сховище графіки на SQL FileStream та канал браузеру multipart/form-data).
- (2009) NetStringObfuscatorHelper - OpenSource моей библиотеки симметричного шифрования.
- (2020) Create simple MD5 authentication (How Linux Net Core 3.1 daemon (in VB.NET) can read/write data from/to ancient MS SQL 2005)
- (2009) Create simple MD5 authentication (Шлюзы к платежным системам интернет-денег.)
- (2015) Create simple MD5 authentication (Складська прога на WCF-сервісах зі сканером.)
- (2014) Create simple MD5 authentication (Protect WCF service by password)
- (2012) RandomPaswordGenerator (Робота з байтами у VB.NET - ChrW, BitConverter.ToInt32, Convert.ToInt32, Byte.Parse, ToString("X2") / AllowHexSpecifier, GetBytes/GetString, New Byte(N) {}, UInt32 = &H33.)
- (2012) Этюды на ASP.NET. Пример сайта на СУБД PostgreSQL
What difference beetween this code and Encrypt sensitive data in DB by Rijndael symmetric algorithm.? "AES" and "Rijndael" use the same algorithm, but Rijndael supports block sizes of 128, 160, 192, 224, and 256 bits, however AES below use only 128 bit key.
1: Imports System.IO
2: Imports System.Security.Cryptography
3: Imports System.Text
4: Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
6: Partial Module Program
8: Public Function EncryptString(ByVal Text As String, ByVal KeyString As String) As String
9: Dim Key As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(KeyString)
10: ReDim Preserve Key(31)
11: Using AesAlg = Aes.Create()
12: Using Encryptor = AesAlg.CreateEncryptor(Key, AesAlg.IV)
13: Using MsEncrypt = New MemoryStream()
14: Using CsEncrypt = New CryptoStream(MsEncrypt, Encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write)
15: Using SwEncrypt = New StreamWriter(CsEncrypt)
16: SwEncrypt.Write(Text)
17: End Using
18: End Using
19: Dim IV = AesAlg.IV
20: Dim DecryptedContent = MsEncrypt.ToArray()
21: Dim Result = New Byte(IV.Length + DecryptedContent.Length - 1) {}
22: Buffer.BlockCopy(IV, 0, Result, 0, IV.Length)
23: Buffer.BlockCopy(DecryptedContent, 0, Result, IV.Length, DecryptedContent.Length)
24: Return Convert.ToBase64String(Result)
25: End Using
26: End Using
27: End Using
28: End Function
30: Public Function DecryptString(ByVal CipherText As String, ByVal KeyString As String) As String
31: Try
32: Dim FullCipher = Convert.FromBase64String(CipherText)
33: Dim IV = New Byte(15) {}
34: Dim Cipher = New Byte(15) {}
35: Buffer.BlockCopy(FullCipher, 0, IV, 0, IV.Length)
36: Buffer.BlockCopy(FullCipher, IV.Length, Cipher, 0, IV.Length)
37: Dim Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(KeyString)
38: ReDim Preserve Key(31)
39: Using AesAlg = Aes.Create()
40: Using Decryptor = AesAlg.CreateDecryptor(Key, IV)
41: Dim Result As String
42: Using MsDecrypt = New MemoryStream(Cipher)
43: Using CsDecrypt = New CryptoStream(MsDecrypt, Decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read)
44: Using SrDecrypt = New StreamReader(CsDecrypt)
45: Result = SrDecrypt.ReadToEnd()
46: End Using
47: End Using
48: End Using
49: Return Result
50: End Using
51: End Using
52: Catch ex As System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException
53: Return "Wrong password"
54: End Try
56: End Function
59: End Module
This console program don't show sensitive data to console, another way (in desktop application you can see in this page Protect program by password..
1: Imports System
2: Imports System.Security
3: Imports Renci.SshNet.SshClient
4: Imports MySqlConnector
5: Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
6: Imports System.Xml.XPath
8: '
10: Partial Module Program
11: Sub Main(args As String())
12: Dim Str1 As String = ""
13: Dim Pass1 As String = ""
14: Dim CN As MySqlConnection
15: Dim SshClient As Renci.SshNet.SshClient
16: Start:
17: Console.WriteLine()
18: Console.WriteLine("Select function:")
19: Console.WriteLine("1. Aes Encrypt string")
20: Console.WriteLine("2. Aes Decrypt string")
21: Console.WriteLine("3. Setup MySQL connection")
22: Console.WriteLine("4. Remote server SSH shell")
23: Console.WriteLine("5. Processing special function to parse KVM Virtual Machine information to remote database")
24: Console.Write(">")
25: Dim Func1 = Console.ReadLine()
26: If Not IsNumeric(Func1) Then GoTo Start
27: Select Case Func1
28: Case 1
29: Console.Write("Get string need to AES encript" & vbCrLf & ">")
30: Str1 = Console.ReadLine()
31: Console.Write("Get password string" & vbCrLf & ">")
32: Pass1 = ReadPassword()
33: Console.WriteLine(EncryptString(Str1, Pass1))
34: Case 2
35: Console.Write("Get string need to AES decript" & vbCrLf & ">")
36: Str1 = Console.ReadLine()
37: Console.Write("Get password string" & vbCrLf & ">")
38: Pass1 = ReadPassword()
39: Console.WriteLine(DecryptString(Str1, Pass1))
40: Case 3
41: Console.Write("Get password to encrypt MySQL connection" & vbCrLf & ">")
42: Pass1 = ReadPassword()
43: Dim EncryptedMySQLPass As String = ""
44: Dim ConnectionStringPart As String() = My.Resources.ConnectionString.Split(";")
45: For i As Integer = 0 To ConnectionStringPart.Length - 1
46: If ConnectionStringPart(i).StartsWith("password") Then
47: EncryptedMySQLPass = ConnectionStringPart(i).Replace("password=", "") 'password nned to last parm to avoid finishing char - ";"
48: Dim RealPass As String = DecryptString(EncryptedMySQLPass, Pass1)
49: ConnectionStringPart(i) = $"password={RealPass}"
50: End If
51: Next
52: Dim DecryptMySQLConnectionString = String.Join(";", ConnectionStringPart)
53: CN = New MySqlConnection(DecryptMySQLConnectionString)
54: Try
55: CN.Open()
56: Catch ex As Exception
57: Console.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbCrLf & DecryptMySQLConnectionString)
58: GoTo Start
59: End Try
60: Case 4
61: Dim Res1 As Tuple(Of Renci.SshNet.SshClient, String)
62: Try
63: Res1 = SSHConnect()
64: SshClient = Res1.Item1
65: Pass1 = Res1.Item2
66: Catch ex As Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException
67: Console.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbCrLf & My.Resources.SSHURL & vbCrLf & My.Resources.SSHLogin & vbCrLf & Pass1)
68: GoTo Start
69: End Try
70: If SshClient.IsConnected Then
71: While True
72: Console.Write("Get shell command" & vbCrLf & ">")
73: Str1 = Console.ReadLine()
74: Dim Out1 = SshClient.RunCommand(Str1)
75: Console.WriteLine(Out1.Result)
76: End While
77: End If
78: Case 5
79: Dim Res1 As Tuple(Of Renci.SshNet.SshClient, String)
80: Try
81: Res1 = SSHConnect()
82: SshClient = Res1.Item1
83: Pass1 = Res1.Item2
84: Catch ex As Renci.SshNet.Common.SshAuthenticationException
85: Console.WriteLine(ex.Message & vbCrLf & My.Resources.SSHURL & vbCrLf & My.Resources.SSHLogin & vbCrLf & Pass1)
86: GoTo Start
87: End Try
88: Dim SshVirshList = SshClient.RunCommand("virsh list --all")
89: Dim Out1 As List(Of String) = LineReader(SshVirshList.Result)
90: Dim VmList As New List(Of Tuple(Of String, String, String))
91: Out1.ForEach(Sub(x)
92: If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x) Then
93: If Not x.StartsWith("---") Then
94: Dim Arr1 = ReplaceWhitespace(x).Trim.Split(" ")
95: If Arr1.Length = 3 Then
96: If Arr1(0) <> "Id" Then
97: Dim OneVm = New Tuple(Of String, String, String)(Arr1(0).Trim, Arr1(1).Trim, Arr1(2).Trim)
98: VmList.Add(OneVm)
99: End If
100: End If
101: End If
102: End If
103: End Sub)
104: Console.WriteLine(String.Join(vbCrLf, VmList))
105: For Each One As Tuple(Of String, String, String) In VmList
106: Try
107: Dim XMLConfig = SshClient.RunCommand("virsh dumpxml " & One.Item2)
108: Dim XML As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(XMLConfig.Result)
109: Dim Uuid As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/uuid").Value
110: Dim Vcpu As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/vcpu").Value
111: Dim CpuSet As String
112: Try
113: CpuSet = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/vcpu")?.Attribute("cpuset").Value
114: Catch ex As Exception
115: CpuSet = "NO"
116: End Try
117: Dim Memory As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/memory").Value
118: Dim SpicePort As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/devices/graphics").Attribute("port").Value
119: Dim MacAdr As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/devices/interface/mac").Attribute("address").Value
120: Dim BidgeTargetNetworkName As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/devices/interface/target").Attribute("dev").Value
121: Dim KvmVolumeName As String = XML.XPathSelectElement("domain/devices/disk/source").Attribute("dev").Value
122: Dim CMD1 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM `cryptochestmax`.`VM` where Id={One.Item1};", CN)
123: Dim RDR1 As MySqlDataReader = CMD1.ExecuteReader
124: Dim CurVmListIndex As Integer = 0
125: If RDR1.Read Then
126: CurVmListIndex = CInt(RDR1("i"))
127: End If
128: RDR1.Close()
129: If CurVmListIndex = 0 Then
130: Console.WriteLine($"VM {One} is absent in database VM table")
131: Continue For
132: Else
133: Dim VMNetworkIndex As Integer = 0
134: Dim CMD2 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM cryptochestmax.VMNetwork where Name='{BidgeTargetNetworkName}';", CN)
135: Dim RDR2 As MySqlDataReader = CMD2.ExecuteReader
136: If RDR2.Read Then
137: VMNetworkIndex = CInt(RDR2("i"))
138: End If
139: RDR2.Close()
140: If VMNetworkIndex = 0 Then
141: Console.WriteLine($"VmNetworkName {BidgeTargetNetworkName} is absent in database VMNetwork table")
142: End If
143: Dim KvmVolumeIndex As Integer = 0
144: Dim CMD3 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand($"SELECT * FROM cryptochestmax.KvmVolume where Path='{KvmVolumeName}';", CN)
145: Dim RDR3 As MySqlDataReader = CMD3.ExecuteReader
146: If RDR3.Read Then
147: KvmVolumeIndex = CInt(RDR3("i"))
148: End If
149: RDR3.Close()
150: If KvmVolumeIndex = 0 Then
151: Console.WriteLine($"KvmVolumeName {KvmVolumeName} is absent in database KvmVolume table")
152: End If
153: Dim CMD4 As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand($"Update `cryptochestmax`.`VM` SET `ToKvmVolume` = '{KvmVolumeIndex}',`ToVmNetwork` = '{VMNetworkIndex}',`UUID` = '{Uuid}',`CpuSet` = '{CpuSet}',`Vcpu` = '{Vcpu}',`Memory` = '{Memory}',`SpicePort` = '{SpicePort}',`MacAdr` = '{MacAdr}',`LastUpdate` = Now() where i={CurVmListIndex};", CN)
154: CMD4.ExecuteNonQuery()
155: Console.WriteLine($"VM info {One} updated.")
156: End If
157: Catch ex As Exception
158: Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)
159: Continue For
160: End Try
161: Next
162: End Select
163: GoTo Start
164: End Sub
166: Function ReplaceWhitespace(Str1 As String) As String
167: Dim WhiteSpaceReg As Regex = New Regex("\s+")
168: Return WhiteSpaceReg.Replace(Str1, " ")
169: End Function
171: Function LineReader(Str1 As String) As List(Of String)
172: Dim Out1 As New System.IO.StringReader(Str1)
173: Dim Line As New List(Of String)
174: While Out1.Peek > -1
175: Line.Add(Out1.ReadLine)
176: End While
177: Return Line
178: End Function
180: Function SSHConnect() As Tuple(Of Renci.SshNet.SshClient, String)
181: Console.Write("Get password to encrypt SSH connection" & vbCrLf & ">")
182: Dim Pass1 As String = ReadPassword()
183: Dim RealPass As String = DecryptString(My.Resources.SSHPassword, Pass1)
184: Dim SshClient As New Renci.SshNet.SshClient(My.Resources.SSHURL, My.Resources.SSHLogin, RealPass)
185: AddHandler SshClient.HostKeyReceived, AddressOf SshClient_HostKeyReceived
186: SshClient.Connect()
187: Return New Tuple(Of Renci.SshNet.SshClient, String)(SshClient, RealPass)
188: End Function
190: Function ReadPassword() As String
191: Dim Pass1 As New Text.StringBuilder
192: While (True)
193: Dim OneKey As ConsoleKeyInfo = Console.ReadKey(True)
194: Select Case OneKey.Key
195: Case = ConsoleKey.Enter
196: Return Pass1.ToString
197: Case ConsoleKey.Backspace
198: Pass1.Remove(Pass1.Length - 1, 1)
199: Console.Write(vbBack)
200: Case Else
201: If Not Char.IsControl(OneKey.KeyChar) Then
202: Pass1.Append(OneKey.KeyChar)
203: Console.Write("*")
204: End If
205: End Select
206: End While
207: End Function
209: Sub SshClient_HostKeyReceived(sender As Object, e As Renci.SshNet.Common.HostKeyEventArgs)
210: Dim Sb As Text.StringBuilder = New System.Text.StringBuilder()
211: For i As Integer = 0 To e.HostKey.Length - 1
212: Sb.Append(e.HostKey(i).ToString("X2"))
213: Next
214: Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & "Hostkey: " & Sb.ToString())
215: End Sub
217: End Module
Similar program Linux console app (.NET Core, EF DB first, CamelCase file and dir rename, calc MD5, RegExpression, change and check link).