My challenge for learning new frontend technology
I'm not Frontend only developer, you can see main page of my blog what I usually doing, therefore I decided more learning about modern Frontend technology and take more and more Frontend only projects. This is my challenge - I need allocate free time and take this lectures:
1. Javascript
Maximilian Schwarzmüller Javascript lecture
Javascript interview question from Happy Rawat
2. CSS
CSS intermediate from Brad Traversy
Bootstrap lecture from Brad Traversy
3. Angular
Angular lecture from Maximilian Schwarzmüller
4. Typescript
Typescript Matt Pocock lectures
5. Firebase
Android Firebase Masterclass from Jason Fedin
Learning Bitcoin Telegram Bot with Firebase (Flutter & Dart)
6. AdMob
Android Masterclass lecture from Paulo Dictone
7. RxJs
8. Pwa
Complete Progressive Web App Bootcamp
9. Electron
Electron for Desktop Apps The Complete Developer's Guide
Learning Electron Build Desktop Apps using JS+HTML+CSS
Master Electron Framework And Build 5 Advanced Desktop Apps
10. Related pages