(FRONT) FRONT (2022)

My NativeScript learning conspectus.

Maximilian Schwarzmüller NativeScript Lecture

Key futures

(*) Also need to take EggHead lecture:

  1. Create Native Mobile Apps with NativeScript for AngularNathan Walker・43m・Course
  2. Create Angular iOS and Android AppsNathan Walker・1h 9m・Course

1. NativeScript project overview

3-rd party library (Dropdown, Firebase, Calendar and so on)

NS Clipboard component

NS Secure storage component, Android Hawk

NS repository (230 items)


NS Showcase - Project builded on NS


6 main NS template projects on Ts and Angular, Ts without Angular projects

Code for this lecture

2. Code sharing

tools - share code between mobile apps and Web

NativeScript library

3. Debug

'ns debug --bundle' compose all together

Start debugging

Chrome Debugger

Console log redirect to Chromw debugger

Look to TypeScript code on Debugger

Set Breakpoint

Debug inside Vs Code

Breakpoint inside Vs Code

4. Demo project overview


Required library

Compilation options - target and other


DevTools inspector

Router and main component

Item component and router link

Service to generate data


Detail component

Bind all component together

This is way to avoid Angular engine finding Html and checking it

5. NS Layout is position, Layout has no refletion to Android and IOS, its only absttaction.

Layout types

Plus Root laout in other version

More details how to use GridLayout, column property, try to insert two component to Grid

Return to Stack

6. NS Components

How components translative to Native

All UI components

Reflect NS component to Native (Android, IOS)

7. Common developmet workflow on NS Angular.

Create component without NG G, create 3 files - *.html, *.ts, *.css

Export class

Add component decorator

Bind code, template and CSS together

Add component to project module list

Add declaration

Start building Component from Layout

Add content to Layout

Include component to application logic, in this case this is root component

See result

8. Create your first NS component

Creare variable to receive text

NgModel (two way bining - '[()]') allow accept variables from Textbox

For working with user input and unlock NgModel need to import Forms module

See all attributes and description of UI controls

Also see description of properties of each UI controls

In this case we use Hint attribute

And check how control will working with attributes


Gestures Tap event, '()' - allow to bind code to event,

'[]' - property binding.

Pass value from Textbox to Label

Check result

9. Styling app

supported CSS properies

Supported CSS selectors (as static CSS property and dynamically on TS)

Font size use digital value without 'px', device mappping this digital value to pixels.

Style can adding as property and into Style property

Also we can add common UI style of component

Check style

Style can add globally to whole apps

Global styling appplied to global componen

Styling with class description

10. Communication between components - Event emitter



$event - automaitc parameters of each events

Pass event to property


Pass array between components

*NgFor repeater is a directive can render array in cyrcle


11. ScrollView UI component

Add component dynamically wit TS



Virtualisation of ScroolView

ListView component contains ng-tempate, ng-template provided by Angular, not NS

Difference between IOS and Android

'let-' - special variable for ng-template

Property binding to specail variable

Index of ListItem element

12. Manage state, Services

State lost when application refeshing

13. Service

Inject service, '{}' - JS object pass as parameter

Service start with @Injectable - set\rvice decorator

Lazy loading - Provide service on top level of application adn remove 'providedIn:root', than add service only to one component.

Service can not be added to top level component

14. RxJs component - BehaviorSubject (asObservable)

Has Generic future

Can raise event with empty object

Create class for using as event parameter

If we add add parameters to constructor it cann see on all class

Public parameters can accesible outside module

Interface with Enum

Import interface to Class

Currently we create a function for each day

Use Array.Find function for select a day characteristics

Return copy of array with spread syntax '...'

And noew BehaviorObject can emit types events

This is current code

Create external asObservable property

Result of show days characteristics

15. Special Navigation for Mobile Phone - Stack based, Tab based, Drawer based


Planning application navigation

Create new components by 'ng g c xxx'

RadSlideDrawler contains only Logout function

Add routing module manually

Import NS routing instead Angular Routing

Router-outlet can start app with empty path ''

'router-outlet' include SPA-page navigation to start component

We can inject router module to any component

And use Router.Navigate for go to needed page

Mobile phone app is not a SPA page, therefore we need replace normal Angular router to NS page wrapper to components 'page-router-outlet'

Nornally 'page-router-outlet' show '<back' button on IOS and nothing on Android

We can inject Routing as NS RouterExtension module, this module has mo method, for example - can we go back? (to prevent exit)

Also extension has animation property for navigation between page

Check routing

We can use in button nsRouterLink property

And ClearHistory property to prevent application exit

Currently we will use ActionBar UI component for top on all pages with page title

We can add custom navigation button on IOS

For Android we need to use special Android Icon

16. Platform depended future - we will create special navigation icon for Androis only and tune it style

Firstly need to import platform

Than use platform specific code

For receive access to any UI item we need to import page component

Now we have access to ActionBar

And access to NativeView

Import all Android variable

And Finally we can change style of Android Back button, (need add 'any' for android type)

And bind this code to 'loaded' event of ActionBar

Check it, button 'Back' has our custom color

17. Continue improve app navigation

Now we move platform depended ActionBar from page to separate component

Make input parameter 'title' to ActionBar component

And setup it for each page

This is final code for shared component

And with Drawler

18. TabView navigation

Access for routing parameters


This is Router array

And routing path on Button

Check Tb navigation

Add nested navigation inside tab

Add children navigation to Router array

With parameter Outlet, this is Angular Future

We can add Outlet parameters dymamically

And we need to inject ActivatedRoute class for access to router additional metadata

Check how navigation inside Tab working

Inject Page ooject and hide some UI component on page

Altarnate way - move tabItem to StackLayout

Read metadata from ActivateRoure

19. Styling

Various selectors

Global styling>

We can pass parameter to another global styleing

Platform specific CSS

Prefix supported in styling on CSS, event, text

Check IOS only style

20. Animation

Step one, define KeyFrames with tramsformation: from - to

Than define class referred to KeyFrames with other animation parametres - iteration count, duration, direction


21. Forms

Template-driven and Reactive forms, reactive means all configured in TS code. Template based not full supported on NS, because tag FORMS missing in NS.

In this project ChalengeEdit id Template-Driven form

Reacrive forms used in this project in Auth module

More details ...

22. Working with backend, This project use Firebase

Place to insert code


Firtly need import HttpClient from NS and Inject it

For writing to server we will use PUT method

Copy Firebase URL

For Firebase we always need to add JSON on the end

Second parameter Data, and we need to Subsribe in order to receive result

Or return Obsevable from this method

But currently we only see result on console

Try to see result of first test writing to Firebase

Try to first read

Read can be typed

We can pass JS object directly to this place to receive typed result

We can return result as Observable

23. Spiner

Inject service in right place and understand routing

Create IsLoading flag

Try Fitch result and check corret place to receive result

Change flag true/false before and after result received

Handle not answered server

Add Spiner on the form *ngIf

Add ActivityIndicator and tune it

Change place to going to needed URL after Fitch result, move code to subsribe branch, if server serpond correctly

Look to Spiner

24. Authentication

Firebase check login/pass and if it valid Firebase return JWT and we need append thaty JWT as header to each request.

Cuprently project has empty authentication


We will add FireBase AU

Various type of Firebase AU

We select simple eMail/Pass AU

We need create POST request with parameters

Currently we instantly after login redirect to /chalenge

We start to add AU from servie AuthService

Service need 2 base method - login and Signup

Service will based on standard Angular http client

Firstly copy ApiKey from FireBase

Second parameter of POST request is data

Pass JS object as parameters

Subscribe handles when POST request will finish, Farebase return JWT

First attempt to signUp, Firebase create new user and we receive JWT

Verify pass

Add application logic if AU service return correct token and processing error if no

Add spinner

Check spinner

Check bad SignUp branch

Import ThrowError and CatchError from RxJs

Import RxJs Pipe and CatchError, Pipe function let's you chain RxJS operators, Pipe function returns a new Observable each time https://rxjs.dev/guide/operators, https://thinkrx.io/rxjs/pipe/, interesting that Angular also has Pipe operator - https://angular.io/guide/pipes

And insert ThrowError and CatchError into Pipe

Handle error in separate function

Common Firebase error on Login and Signup

Handle that errors

25. NativeScrip Alert finction is working!

26. Start Authorization on Firebase, unlock databases for Users

Changing default databse rules to access databse only for Authenticated users

And check rules

Currently all users store own data only one place - one for all users

Create class to store User information

Import Tap from RxJs https://rxjs.dev/api/operators/tap

Create types post request

Tap is possible second argument of Post request, we create new User on Tap based on typed response

But problem with data, we need convert data to milliseconds and calculate experied date

And finally we create new User with correct token experied time

We have new user, but still don't use it, now we create BehaviorObject from RxJs allow to subscribe https://rxjs.dev/api/index/class/BehaviorSubject

Now User will return asObservable

Next method emit User event https://www.learnrxjs.io/learn-rxjs/subjects/behaviorsubject

Firebase response can emit additional extra field, we set up response with optional parameter

For add AU Header to any request we need to Inject Auth service to Chalenge service

But we need inject on observable result to another observable, in order to do this we need to use SwitchMap https://thinkrx.io/rxjs/switchMap/, https://rxjs.dev/api/index/function/switchMap

Build correct logic, firstly we receive User than inject User class Header to Autorized request to Firebase

Check how it working

27. Create persistent UserId

If we close app currnly, we need login again

Because logout emit null user

Firstly we need to check token status, is it experied?

!! = double exclamation convert token to boolean (novalue converted to false)

We will store to server only correct User Token

ApplicationSetting allow store simple KeyValue data to Application Setting storage

This four methods allow store, retrieve and delete string Key

We strinfy User object to Json string

Import OF from RxJs https://thinkrx.io/rxjs/of/

Create Observable from simple boolean value

Or Restore object from Application Setting

Create Typed data fron Json.Parse

And create Observable from srestored User object

Now for create AutoLogin we can only Subscribe to Auth Service

Change Route for Autologin, in this case defaul path '' redirect /change

28. Create Lazy loading AuthModule

We need to remove Lazy loading module from Root Module, and create separate module

Configure declaration

Configure Router path and loaded component

AuthGuard provided by Angular, need implement CanLoad method https://angular.io/api/router/CanLoad

Click CanLoad and copy interfaces to constructor

Interface require Promise wrapper of Boolean or observable wrapper of Boolean

Use Take from RxJs inside Pipe - https://rxjs.dev/api/index/function/take

Use SwithMap and Tap from RxJs

AuthGuard loaded as provider

Configure main route module

29. And finally made authorization on Firebase, each user has own chalenge in Firebase.

Firstly we need to add additional suffix to URL

And check this, each user has own key on Firebase

One chalenge to all user can be deleted now

Import Subscription from RxJs https://rxjs.dev/api/index/class/Subscription

Subscribe to store user info

Generate empty user by BehaviorSubject Next

And finally check how Authorization working in firebase

Change Firebase rules to firbid access for other user's token

This is full final code code of this service

30. Deploynment.

  • 1. Module Introduction
  • 2. The Publishing Process
  • 3. Testing our App on Different Devices
  • 4. Adding the App Icon & Splash Screen Icons
  • 5. Further Resources
  • 6. Publishing the iOS App
  • 7. Publishing the Android App

Iphone emulator.

Bundle APK.

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/NativeScriptLearning/Index.htm