(FRONT) FRONT (2023)

Node Learning

I like writing with Node API, for example with this code I make support my site by years, and finally I had time to publish it to Github https://github.com/Alex-1557/Node-FindReplace. And this is description of my first huge commercial project with Node and Express.

  1. Developer workflow. Developer workflow mean (1)install nodemon to automatic reload server, (2) setup correct launch.json on VS Code config and (3) setup script on package.json
  2. Common Express pipeline. (1) define various environment constant in .env with package dotenv, (2) define route endpoint in./routes/index.js, (3) define Express and function StartServer with all parameters for Express.USE(), (4) define Error handling middleware, (5) startServer.
  3. add API endpoint. To add endpoint need to do 3 point - (1) add endpoint to Index.js, (2) and method to API controller and (3) add DTO object, (4) ValidateDTO function.
  4. Strip gateway. Strip controller has 3 method:
  5.    1:  router.post('/webhook', async function(req, res) {
       2:      await stripeController.stripeWebhook(req, res);
       3:  });
       4:  router.get('/getbillinginfo', validate(false), async function(req, res) {
       5:      await stripeController.getSubscriptionInfo(req, res);
       6:  });
       8:  router.get('/cancelsubscription', validate(false), async function(req, res) {
       9:      await stripeController.cancelSubscription(req, res);
      10:  });
  6. MySQL Query. For working with SQL I simple add a query with "?" instead parameters and pass parameters to query. In this case I also used uid generator.
  7. Pack complex object (like firebase access object) with Node Buffer.From function
  8. Various additional protection. Define in config JWT secret key and Static protection key and check it.
  9. GraphQL request
  10. Various Axios request to 3-rd party API

And now I decide to improve my skills and take lecture online from Maximilian Schwarzmüller:

1. Node.JS and Express

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/NodeLearning/Index.htm