Project management software overview - my own, Meistertask, Redmine, Jira, Miro, Azure and other.
First and main point - collective software development in team is evil and trash process, development performance reduced from 10-100 times to full zero. It depends of technology and personality of team manager. You will always thinking about what doing other developer, always will asking idiotic questions like this:
Time from time you will so many questions that development will stop completely. Therefore this discussion not applicable for RAPID and high quality software development at all, only for slow development of junk software for huge money in huge team.
However, time of time I doing the same trash as any other developers and working in huge team. Therefore I decide to tell what soft I use for that trash job.
1. My own software.
You can play someone else's game, be an object in someone else's game, or you can play own game and be an subject. This is you decision. This is reason why my first software from 2002 years was exactly development process. This was Windows Desktop program and Web site.
As you can see, my desktop program from 2002 years more advanced that any modern program for support development process, because I made this program quickly and by one hand and one mind, compare to huge trash software from huge team. I describe only one future of my own program - each task has end time, and before time is close and close - on desktop appear translucent reminder fro each task whose time is approaching. I don't see something similar software for last 20 years, because as usually software from huge team is ugly and junk.
Also on 2008 year I have created fast site (for one-two day) to support software development process and trash issues - Этюды на ASP2. Простейший баг-трекер.. This is Classic ASP program and Visual Basic. Therefore I don't spent more than 1-2 day for that software. Modern technology don't allow create the same software faster than week (or from month to year, if you use most stupid technology like Blazor of so on).
Pay attention that the same rules working in publishing repository. As usually, you can play own game and be an subject or be an object in someone else's game. You can pass OATH2 verification and try to fit to git, github, gitlab, bitbucket and other repository, but you always can said "fuck you, I don't want to fit to your requirement and will raise own GIT server." Many times I doing the same and publishing millions instructions for whole internet how to Up own git server - Up and runnig private GIT server with GUI
However, time from time you will need money and will forced to play for other people's rules. So,
2. Meistertask is simplest and cool solution.
3. Redmine is cool and workable solution.
4. Jira is spread and workable solution.
Advantage of JIRA is integrated to Confluence and Bitbucket. In some project I worked as developer, in some project as project administrator.
5. Miro is interesting free graphical solution.
I couple of times I'm faced with Miro and this is cool graphical tools for menage software.
6. MS Teams, Outlook and Azure.
A couple of times I'm faced to company fully based on Microsoft solution.
As usually, Microsoft is most ugly and stupid solution and always try to intrusion to your privacy, try to create your profile and always said "if you send us your phone number, you credit card number, your location and dating circles and if you permit us spying from you - this will be in your interests and this is only way you will be safe."
As usually, response of most peoples - fuck Microsoft. Because all peoples on whole world understanding what doing Microsoft - collection information about you and any so named "Microsoft service" is only small background activity with main activity - spying from you. BTW, the same applies to Google, Facebook and other company what require OAUTH2 and phone number from you. But Google in most case has not alternatives for their solution, yet Microsoft always has more smart, cheap and sophisticated solution.
Azure is most rare solution, usually its simple to discard job with fucking Microsoft project management, than endure suck humiliation from Microsoft like OAUTH2. With Microsoft you must pass OAUTH2 even for using simplest and cheapest software that you can write himself for one day!
Also software from Microsoft most aggressive for you, try to seek to impose on you his stupid idea, stupid pattern of working and what is right and what is wrong. This rogue company what even can not supported own proprietary language VB.NET Why Microsoft vilified Visual Basic ? - why this fucking company has right to lecture me what is right and what is wrong?
However time on time, for huge money, I working in MS Azure, maybe later I will found a couple screens with my working with Azure team, but not now.