(NET) NET (2008)

(back) Снова о делегатах (общие шаблоны VB/C#). (back)

   1:  Imports System
   3:  Public Delegate Sub MyEventHandler()                   'Delegate contains type safe reference to AddressOf
   4:  Module Program
   5:      Sub Main(args As String())
   7:          Dim TestClassInstance2 As New TestClass
   8:          '3 way dynamically add event
   9:          AddHandler TestClassInstance2.Xevent, AddressOf MyHandler2                     '1. AddressOff with implicit instance of delegate
  10:          AddHandler TestClassInstance2.Yevent, Sub() Console.WriteLine()                '2. Action/Func
  11:          AddHandler TestClassInstance2.Zevent, New MyEventHandler(AddressOf MyHandler2) '3. Create explicit instance of delegate with strong delegate signature
  13:          'Delegate reference
  14:          Dim MyDelegate1 As MyEventHandler = AddressOf MyHandler2                       '1
  15:          Dim MyDelegate2 As MyEventHandler = Sub() Console.WriteLine()                  '2
  16:          Dim MyDelegate3 As MyEventHandler = New MyEventHandler(AddressOf MyHandler2)   '3
  18:          'Delegate as parameter
  19:          TestSub(AddressOf MyHandler2)                                                  '1
  20:          TestSub(Sub() Console.WriteLine())                                             '2
  21:          TestSub(MyDelegate2)                                                           '3
  23:          'Invoke
  24:          MyDelegate1.Invoke()                                                                   'Invoke From other Thread
  25:          MyDelegate1.DynamicInvoke()                                                            'Invoke with lite-bound negotiate delegate type
  26:          Dim Res1 As AsyncCallback = MyDelegate1.BeginInvoke(AddressOf MyHandler2, New Object)  'Invoke asynchronously
  28:          'Generic Delegate with Action/Func
  29:          Dim MyAct As Action = AddressOf MyHandler2
  31:          'Action/Func
  32:          Task.Run(AddressOf MyHandler2)                                                 '1
  33:          Task.Run(Sub() Console.WriteLine())                                            '2
  34:          Task.Run(New Action(AddressOf MyHandler2))                                     '3
  36:          'Multicast delegate
  37:          Dim Multicast As MyEventHandler = AddressOf MyHandler2
  38:          Multicast = CType([Delegate].Combine(New MyEventHandler(AddressOf MyHandler1), New MyEventHandler(AddressOf MyHandler2)), MyEventHandler)
  39:          For Each One As MyEventHandler In Multicast.GetInvocationList
  40:              One.Invoke
  41:          Next
  42:      End Sub
  44:      Sub MyHandler2()
  45:      End Sub
  47:      Sub TestSub(X As MyEventHandler)
  48:      End Sub
  50:      'All about event
  51:      Dim WithEvents TestClassInstance1 As New TestClass 'Declare all events statically
  52:      Sub MyHandler1() Handles TestClassInstance1.Xevent, TestClassInstance1.Zevent  'This is static link eventHandler to class
  53:      End Sub
  54:      Friend Class TestClass
  55:          Public Event Xevent()                          'Simple declaration
  56:          Public Event Yevent()
  57:          Public Event Zevent As MyEventHandler          'Declaration with strong type delegatees signature
  58:          Sub FlashEvent()
  59:              RaiseEvent Xevent()                        'Simple raise event
  60:              RaiseEvent Zevent()
  61:              YeventEvent()                              'Raise event with suffix <Event>
  62:          End Sub
  63:      End Class
  65:  End Module

   1:  using System; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
   3:  namespace Test1
   4:  {
   5:      public delegate void MyEventHandler();                              // Delegate contains type safe reference to AddressOf
   6:      static class TestDelegate
   7:      {
   8:          static TestDelegate() => new TestClass();
   9:          public static void Main(string[] args)
  10:          {
  11:              TestClass TestClassInstance2 = new TestClass();
  12:              // 3 way dynamically add event
  13:              TestClassInstance2.Xevent += MyHandler2;                     // 1. AddressOff with implicit instance of delegate
  14:              TestClassInstance2.Yevent += () => Console.WriteLine();      // 2. Action/Func
  15:              TestClassInstance2.Zevent += new MyEventHandler(MyHandler2); // 3. Create explicit instance of delegate with strong delegate signature
  17:              // Delegate reference
  18:              MyEventHandler MyDelegate1 = MyHandler2;                     // 1
  19:              MyEventHandler MyDelegate2 = () => Console.WriteLine();      // 2
  20:              MyEventHandler MyDelegate3 = new MyEventHandler(MyHandler2); // 3
  22:              // Delegate as parameter
  23:              TestSub(MyHandler2);                                         // 1
  24:              TestSub(() => Console.WriteLine());                          // 2
  25:              TestSub(MyDelegate2);                                        // 3
  27:              // Invoke
  28:              MyDelegate1.Invoke();                                                   // Invoke From other Thread
  29:              MyDelegate1.DynamicInvoke();                                            // Invoke with lite-bound negotiate delegate type
  30:              IAsyncResult Res1 = MyDelegate1.BeginInvoke(MyHandler3, new object());  // Invoke asynchronously
  32:              // Generic Delegate with Action/Func
  33:              Action MyAct = MyHandler2;
  35:              // Action/Func
  36:              Task.Run(MyHandler2);                                        // 1
  37:              Task.Run(() => Console.WriteLine());                         // 2
  38:              Task.Run(new Action(MyHandler2));                            // 3
  40:              // Multicast delegate
  41:              MyEventHandler Multicast = MyHandler2;
  42:              Multicast = (MyEventHandler)System.Delegate.Combine(new MyEventHandler(MyHandler1), new MyEventHandler(MyHandler2));
  43:              foreach (MyEventHandler One in Multicast.GetInvocationList())
  44:                  One.Invoke();
  45:          }
  46:          private static void MyHandler3(IAsyncResult ar) { }
  47:          public static void MyHandler2() { }
  48:          public static void TestSub(MyEventHandler X) { }
  50:          // All about event
  51:          private static TestClass _TestClassInstance1;               // Declare all events statically
  52:          private static TestClass TestClassInstance1
  53:          {
  54:              [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
  55:              get
  56:              {
  57:                  return _TestClassInstance1;
  58:              }
  60:              [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)]
  61:              set
  62:              {
  63:                  if (_TestClassInstance1 != null)
  64:                  {
  65:                      _TestClassInstance1.Xevent -= MyHandler1;
  66:                      _TestClassInstance1.Zevent -= MyHandler1;
  67:                  }
  69:                  _TestClassInstance1 = value;
  70:                  if (_TestClassInstance1 != null)
  71:                  {
  72:                      _TestClassInstance1.Xevent += MyHandler1;
  73:                      _TestClassInstance1.Zevent += MyHandler1;
  74:                  }
  75:              }
  76:          }
  78:          public static void MyHandler1()                         // This is static link eventHandler to class
  79:          {
  80:          }
  81:          internal class TestClass
  82:          {
  83:              public delegate void XeventEventHandler();
  84:              public delegate void YeventEventHandler();
  85:              public event XeventEventHandler Xevent;            // Simple declaration
  86:              public event YeventEventHandler Yevent;
  87:              public event MyEventHandler Zevent;                // Declaration with strong type delegatees signature
  88:              public void FlashEvent()
  89:              {
  90:                  Xevent?.Invoke();                              // Simple raise event
  91:                  Zevent?.Invoke();
  92:                  Yevent();                                      // Raise event with suffix <Event>
  93:              }
  94:          }
  95:      }
  96:  }

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