Test project with Nest.js and Sequelize ORM
I pass a number of projects with Angular (server side, client side and mobile development on Angular):
- this is project with Nest.JS and TypeORM, just a couple of screens Server Angular (NestJs) learning.
- a couple of years I have rebuild Blazor project to Angular, this is some page from that job [Angular mosaic 1] My fast style, Intercept routing events (router-outlet onActivate event, @Input, extends base page).
- a lot of small project, for example Simple AngularFirebaseUploader as Typescript console application - npx ts-node (function main).
- a couple of investigation about modal popup windows on Angular 5 way to create modal windows with Angular (Angular material, UIKit with toggle tag, UIKit with custom function, jQuery UI modal, Bootstrap modal).
- this is my Mobile application on Angular NativeScript and Angular form
I have created a couple of Node.JS projects without Angular, this is my top project:
- Node backend project (clone of bountycompetitions) My ticket lottery engine based on SQL CTE procedure.
- Node backend project to support this blog Node project for support this blog.
I made a lot of various project for WebWorker, for example:
- My Telegram bots Telegram bots and Telegram MiniApps.
- My Cloudflare proxy Cloudflare proxy with special CORS policy.
I made number of projects with Electron.
- My workable project template for Angular Electron.
- My Electron video player Electron video player with cashing and CSP policy.
I try to write lectures about Javascript, please look its to this page:
- My JS Lecture My lecture about Javascript (Ukrainian language).
However someone anonymous customer require me create to test project with Sequelize ORM, I spent about a hour and this is result published on Github:
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