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(FRONT) FRONT (2023)

Telegram Bot Learning start point

I'm master of various bots, for example my bot project template has thousand of installation - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vb-net-com.VbNetCoreDiscrordBotProjectTemplate,. however I decide learning more about various bots technologies, for example about Telegram Mini Apps.

This is most impressive examples for me :

I take lecture from Tom Geller about server side telegram bot.

01 Master instant messaging with Telegram bots.mp4
02 What you should know.mp4
03 Your bot server's requirements.mp4
04 Course project A bot for your business.mp4
05 Introduction to Telegram.mp4
06 What is a Telegram bot.mp4
07 What's in the Bot API.mp4
08 Explore the world of Telegram bots.mp4
09 What bots can't do.mp4
10 Using bot development libraries.mp4
11 Register your bot with botfather.mp4
12 Send requests to Telegram's servers.mp4
13 Always-on connections with webhooks.mp4
14 As-needed connections with long polling.mp4
15 Create your first bot program.mp4
16 Challenge Create a Who am I bot.mp4
17 Solution Create a Who am I bot.mp4
18 Understand Telegram native data types.mp4
19 Control your bot with available methods.mp4
20 Recognize slash commands.mp4
21 Reply to messages.mp4
22 Forward messages to another user.mp4
23 Challenge Auto-reply to a customer's inquiry.mp4
24 Solution Auto-reply to a customer's inquiry.mp4
25 Present custom keyboards.mp4
26 Present action inline keyboards.mp4
27 Work with multimedia.mp4
28 Improve your code with Telegram standards.mp4
29 Challenge Welcome users with a logo and styled text.mp4
30 Solution Welcome users with a logo and styled text.mp4
31 Security and performance of Telegram bots.mp4
32 Private messages, groups, and channels.mp4
33 Bot debugging tips.mp4
34 Get help from the community.mp4
35 Extend your Telegram learning.mp4

And second lecture from Tim Buchalka - Learning Bitcoin Telegram Bot with Firebase (Flutter & Dart)

1. Introduction
     1. Introduction
2. Warm Up
     1. Simple Telegram Bot
3. Telegram Bitcoin Price Bot part 1
     1. Telegram Bitcoin Bot get start
     2. API Key
     3. Chat ID of our Telegram bot
     4. Complete code and test it
4. Telegram Bitcoin price Bot with Firebase
     1. Firebase setup
     2. Android Firebase Setup
     3. IOS Firebase Setup
     4. Final Firebase setup
     5. final code
5. Adobe XD
     1. What is Adobe XD
     2. Simple Project 1
     3. Simple project 2
     4. One More Thing

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/TelegramBotLearning/Index.htm