Up and running Android studio
Time on time I make some application on Java, for example 2011 year JAVA welcome, JAVA-клиенты Windows Communication Foundation and no I have some job in Java too. But in this time in Android studio.
Firstly need to install it, this is not simple process, please see Android Studio Requirements (vmx|sse|svm CPU flags). But if requirements is satisfy what is the next step?
- To prepare Android studio to working need to setup all needed SDK firstly, usually last is level 30, 29, 28 and if needed more ancient.
- Next step is preparation various tools. For my opinion its a good practice to install all tools (except NDK), if you have enough disk space, f course.
- Next step is install various useful addins and plugins, I select this one.
- Of course need to install some emulators. This is first one.
- Next important step is instal Gradle, this one is most useful build tool in Android platform.
- Next step is good understanding where is Java in your computer and what version it has.
- Next step is add variable to executing environment - /etc/environment, printenv, export.
- And next step is creating desktop shortcut to start Android Studio. Because prerequest for Android Studio in Linux is KVM, I have also add Shortcut to KVM. Of course GIT and other common development tools also is prerequest for programming.
- There are a lot of other useful command line tools, for example ADB, but this is more deep than first start.
- Good practice, for my opinion, for check all installation and all working environment is start AVD vartual machine from command line. This allow you show all errors and warning more clear.
And enjoy!
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