Customizing the DataList’s Editing Interface (C#)
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In this tutorial we will create a richer editing interface for the DataList, one that includes DropDownLists and a CheckBox.
The markup and Web controls in the DataList s EditItemTemplate
define its editable interface. In all of the editable DataList examples we ve examined thus far, the editable interface has been composed of TextBox Web controls. In the preceding tutorial we improved the edit-time user experience by adding validation controls.
The EditItemTemplate
can be further expanded to include Web controls other than the TextBox, such as DropDownLists, RadioButtonLists, Calendars, and so on. As with TextBoxes, when customizing the editing interface to include other Web controls, employ the following steps:
- Add the Web control to the
. - Use databinding syntax to assign the corresponding data field value to the appropriate property.
- In the
event handler, programmatically access the Web control value and pass it into the appropriate BLL method.
In this tutorial we will create a richer editing interface for the DataList, one that includes DropDownLists and a CheckBox. In particular, we’ll create a DataList that lists product information and permits the product s name, supplier, category, and discontinued status to be updated (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: The Editing Interface Includes a TextBox, Two DropDownLists, and a CheckBox (Click to view full-size image)
Step 1: Displaying Product Information
Before we can create the DataList s editable interface, we first need to build the read-only interface. Start by opening the CustomizedUI.aspx
page from the EditDeleteDataList
folder and, from the Designer, add a DataList to the page, setting its ID
property to Products
. From the DataList s smart tag, create a new ObjectDataSource. Name this new ObjectDataSource ProductsDataSource
and configure it to retrieve data from the ProductsBLL
class s GetProducts
method. As with the previous editable DataList tutorials, we’ll update the edited product s information by going directly to the Business Logic Layer. Accordingly, set the drop-down lists in the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE tabs to (None).
Figure 2: Set the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE Tabs Drop-Down Lists to (None) (Click to view full-size image)
After configuring the ObjectDataSource, Visual Studio will create a default ItemTemplate
for the DataList that lists the name and value for each of the data fields returned. Modify the ItemTemplate
so that the template lists the product name in an <h4>
element along with the category name, supplier name, price, and discontinued status. Moreover, add an Edit button, making sure that its CommandName
property is set to Edit. The declarative markup for my ItemTemplate
1: <ItemTemplate>
2: <h4>
3: <asp:Label ID="ProductNameLabel" runat="server"
4: Text='<%# Eval("ProductName") %>' />
5: </h4>
6: <table border="0">
7: <tr>
8: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Category:</td>
9: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
10: <asp:Label ID="CategoryNameLabel" runat="server"
11: Text='<%# Eval("CategoryName") %>' />
12: </td>
13: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Supplier:</td>
14: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
15: <asp:Label ID="SupplierNameLabel" runat="server"
16: Text='<%# Eval("SupplierName") %>' />
17: </td>
18: </tr>
19: <tr>
20: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Discontinued:</td>
21: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
22: <asp:Label ID="DiscontinuedLabel" runat="server"
23: Text='<%# Eval("Discontinued") %>' />
24: </td>
25: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Price:</td>
26: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
27: <asp:Label ID="UnitPriceLabel" runat="server"
28: Text='<%# Eval("UnitPrice", "{0:C}") %>' />
29: </td>
30: </tr>
31: <tr>
32: <td colspan="4">
33: <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="EditButton"
34: Text="Edit" CommandName="Edit" />
35: </td>
36: </tr>
37: </table>
38: <br />
39: </ItemTemplate>
The above markup lays out the product information using an <h4> heading for the product s name and a four-column <table>
for the remaining fields. The ProductPropertyLabel
and ProductPropertyValue
CSS classes, defined in Styles.css
, have been discussed in previous tutorials. Figure 3 shows our progress when viewed through a browser.
Figure 3: The Name, Supplier, Category, Discontinued Status, and Price of Each Product is Displayed (Click to view full-size image)
Step 2: Adding the Web Controls to the Editing Interface
The first step in building the customized DataList editing interface is to add the needed Web controls to the EditItemTemplate
. In particular, we need a DropDownList for the category, another for the supplier, and a CheckBox for the discontinued state. Since the product s price is not editable in this example, we can continue displaying it using a Label Web control.
To customize the editing interface, click on the Edit Templates link from the DataList s smart tag and choose the EditItemTemplate
option from the drop-down list. Add a DropDownList to the EditItemTemplate
and set its ID
to Categories
Figure 4: Add a DropDownList for the Categories (Click to view full-size image)
Next, from the DropDownList s smart tag, select the Choose Data Source option and create a new ObjectDataSource named CategoriesDataSource
. Configure this ObjectDataSource to use the CategoriesBLL
class s GetCategories()
method (see Figure 5). Next, the DropDownList s Data Source Configuration Wizard prompts for the data fields to use for each ListItem
s Text
and Value
properties. Have the DropDownList display the CategoryName
data field and use the CategoryID
as the value, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5: Create a New ObjectDataSource Named CategoriesDataSource
(Click to view full-size image)
Figure 6: Configure the DropDownList s Display and Value Fields (Click to view full-size image)
Repeat this series of steps to create a DropDownList for the suppliers. Set the ID
for this DropDownList to Suppliers
and name its ObjectDataSource SuppliersDataSource
After adding the two DropDownLists, add a CheckBox for the discontinued state and a TextBox for the product s name. Set the ID
s for the CheckBox and TextBox to Discontinued
and ProductName
, respectively. Add a RequiredFieldValidator to ensure that the user provides a value for the product s name.
Lastly, add the Update and Cancel buttons. Remember that for these two buttons it is imperative that their CommandName
properties are set to Update and Cancel, respectively.
Feel free to lay out the editing interface however you like. I ve opted to use the same four-column <table>
layout from the read-only interface, as the following declarative syntax and screen shot illustrates:
1: <EditItemTemplate>
2: <h4>
3: <asp:Label ID="ProductNameLabel" runat="server"
4: Text='<%# Eval("ProductName") %>' />
5: </h4>
6: <table border="0">
7: <tr>
8: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Name:</td>
9: <td colspan="3" class="ProductPropertyValue">
10: <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="ProductName" Width="90%" />
11: <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1"
12: ControlToValidate="ProductName"
13: ErrorMessage="You must enter a name for the product."
14: runat="server">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
15: </td>
16: </tr>
17: <tr>
18: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Category:</td>
19: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
20: <asp:DropDownList ID="Categories" runat="server"
21: DataSourceID="CategoriesDataSource"
22: DataTextField="CategoryName" DataValueField="CategoryID" />
23: </td>
24: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Supplier:</td>
25: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
26: <asp:DropDownList ID="Suppliers" DataTextField="CompanyName"
27: DataSourceID="SuppliersDataSource"
28: DataValueField="SupplierID" runat="server" />
29: </td>
30: </tr>
31: <tr>
32: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Discontinued:</td>
33: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
34: <asp:CheckBox runat="server" id="Discontinued" />
35: </td>
36: <td class="ProductPropertyLabel">Price:</td>
37: <td class="ProductPropertyValue">
38: <asp:Label ID="UnitPriceLabel" runat="server"
39: Text='<%# Eval("UnitPrice", "{0:C}") %>' />
40: </td>
41: </tr>
42: <tr>
43: <td colspan="4">
44: <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="UpdateButton" CommandName="Update"
45: Text="Update" />
47: <asp:Button runat="Server" ID="CancelButton" CommandName="Cancel"
48: Text="Cancel" CausesValidation="False" />
49: </td>
50: </tr>
51: </table>
52: <br />
53: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="CategoriesDataSource" runat="server"
54: OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetCategories"
55: TypeName="CategoriesBLL">
56: </asp:ObjectDataSource>
57: <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="SuppliersDataSource" runat="server"
58: OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectMethod="GetSuppliers"
59: TypeName="SuppliersBLL">
60: </asp:ObjectDataSource>
61: </EditItemTemplate>
Figure 7: The Editing Interface is Laid Out like the Read-Only Interface (Click to view full-size image)
Step 3: Creating the EditCommand and CancelCommand Event Handlers
Currently, there is no databinding syntax in the EditItemTemplate
(except for the UnitPriceLabel
, which was copied over verbatim from the ItemTemplate
). We’ll add the databinding syntax momentarily, but first let s create the event handlers for the DataList s EditCommand
and CancelCommand
events. Recall that the responsibility of the EditCommand
event handler is to render the editing interface for the DataList item whose Edit button was clicked, whereas the CancelCommand
s job is to return the DataList to its pre-editing state.
Create these two event handlers and have them use the following code:
1: protected void Products_EditCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
2: {
3: // Set the DataList's EditItemIndex property and rebind the data
4: Products.EditItemIndex = e.Item.ItemIndex;
5: Products.DataBind();
6: }
7: protected void Products_CancelCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
8: {
9: // Return to DataList to its pre-editing state
10: Products.EditItemIndex = -1;
11: Products.DataBind();
12: }
With these two event handlers in place, clicking the Edit button displays the editing interface and clicking the Cancel button returns the edited item to its read-only mode. Figure 8 shows the DataList after the Edit button has been clicked for Chef Anton s Gumbo Mix. Since we ve yet to add any databinding syntax to the editing interface, the ProductName
TextBox is blank, the Discontinued
CheckBox unchecked, and the first items selected from the Categories
and Suppliers
Figure 8: Clicking the Edit Button Displays the Editing Interface (Click to view full-size image)
Step 4: Adding the DataBinding Syntax to the Editing Interface
To have the editing interface display the current product s values, we need to use databinding syntax to assign the data field values to the appropriate Web control values. The databinding syntax can be applied through the Designer by going to the Edit Templates screen and selecting the Edit DataBindings link from the Web controls smart tags. Alternatively, the databinding syntax can be added directly to the declarative markup.
Assign the ProductName
data field value to the ProductName
TextBox s Text
property, the CategoryID
and SupplierID
data field values to the Categories
and Suppliers
DropDownLists SelectedValue
properties, and the Discontinued
data field value to the Discontinued
CheckBox s Checked
property. After making these changes, either through the Designer or directly through the declarative markup, revisit the page through a browser and click the Edit button for Chef Anton s Gumbo Mix. As Figure 9 shows, the databinding syntax has added the current values into the TextBox, DropDownLists, and CheckBox.
Figure 9: Clicking the Edit Button Displays the Editing Interface (Click to view full-size image)
Step 5: Saving the User s Changes in the UpdateCommand Event Handler
When the user edits a product and clicks the Update button, a postback occurs and the DataList s UpdateCommand
event fires. In the event handler, we need to read the values from the Web controls in the EditItemTemplate
and interface with the BLL to update the product in the database. As we ve seen in previous tutorials, the ProductID
of the updated product is accessible through the DataKeys
collection. The user-entered fields are accessed by programmatically referencing the Web controls using FindControl("controlID")
, as the following code shows:
1: protected void Products_UpdateCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
2: {
3: // Make sure the page is valid...
4: if (!Page.IsValid)
5: return;
6: // Read in the ProductID from the DataKeys collection
7: int productID = Convert.ToInt32(Products.DataKeys[e.Item.ItemIndex]);
8: // Read in the product name and price values
9: TextBox productName = (TextBox)e.Item.FindControl("ProductName");
10: DropDownList categories = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("Categories");
11: DropDownList suppliers = (DropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("Suppliers");
12: CheckBox discontinued = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("Discontinued");
13: string productNameValue = null;
14: if (productName.Text.Trim().Length > 0)
15: productNameValue = productName.Text.Trim();
16: int categoryIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(categories.SelectedValue);
17: int supplierIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(suppliers.SelectedValue);
18: bool discontinuedValue = discontinued.Checked;
19: // Call the ProductsBLL's UpdateProduct method...
20: ProductsBLL productsAPI = new ProductsBLL();
21: productsAPI.UpdateProduct(productNameValue, categoryIDValue, supplierIDValue,
22: discontinuedValue, productID);
23: // Revert the DataList back to its pre-editing state
24: Products.EditItemIndex = -1;
25: Products.DataBind();
26: }
The code starts out by consulting the Page.IsValid
property to ensure that all the validation controls on the page are valid. If Page.IsValid
is True
, the edited product s ProductID
value is read from the DataKeys
collection and the data entry Web controls in the EditItemTemplate
are programmatically referenced. Next, the values from these Web controls are read into variables that are then passed into the appropriate UpdateProduct
overload. After updating the data, the DataList is returned to its pre-editing state.
[!NOTE] I ve omitted the exception handling logic added in the Handling BLL- and DAL-Level Exceptions tutorial in order to keep the code and this example focused. As an exercise, add this functionality after completing this tutorial.
Step 6: Handling NULL CategoryID and SupplierID Values
The Northwind database allows for NULL
values for the Products
table s CategoryID
and SupplierID
columns. However, our editing interface doesn t currently accommodate NULL
values. If we attempt to edit a product that has a NULL
value for either its CategoryID
or SupplierID
columns, we’ll get an ArgumentOutOfRangeException
with an error message similar to: ‘Categories’ has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Also, there s currently no way to change a product s category or supplier value from a non-NULL
value to a NULL
To support NULL
values for the category and supplier DropDownLists, we need to add an additional ListItem
. I ve chosen to use (None) as the Text
value for this ListItem
, but you can change it to something else (such as an empty string) if you d like. Finally, remember to set the DropDownLists AppendDataBoundItems
to True
; if you forget to do so, the categories and suppliers bound to the DropDownList will overwrite the statically-added ListItem
After making these changes, the DropDownLists markup in the DataList s EditItemTemplate
should look similar to the following:
1: <asp:DropDownList ID="Categories" DataSourceID="CategoriesDataSource"
2: DataTextField="CategoryName" DataValueField="CategoryID" runat="server"
3: SelectedValue='<%# Eval("CategoryID") %>' AppendDataBoundItems="True">
4: <asp:ListItem Value=" Selected="True">(None)</asp:ListItem>
5: </asp:DropDownList>
6: ...
7: <asp:DropDownList ID="Suppliers" DataSourceID="SuppliersDataSource"
8: DataTextField="CompanyName" DataValueField="SupplierID" runat="server"
9: SelectedValue='<%# Eval("SupplierID") %>' AppendDataBoundItems="True">
10: <asp:ListItem Value=" Selected="True">(None)</asp:ListItem>
11: </asp:DropDownList>
[!NOTE] Static
s can be added to a DropDownList through the Designer or directly through the declarative syntax. When adding a DropDownList item to represent a databaseNULL
value, be sure to add theListItem
through the declarative syntax. If you use theListItem
Collection Editor in the Designer, the generated declarative syntax will omit theValue
setting altogether when assigned a blank string, creating declarative markup like:<asp:ListItem>(None)</asp:ListItem>
. While this may look harmless, the missingValue
causes the DropDownList to use theText
property value in its place. That means that if thisNULL
is selected, the value (None) will be attempted to be assigned to the product data field (CategoryID
, in this tutorial), which will result in an exception. By explicitly settingValue=""
value will be assigned to the product data field when theNULL
is selected.
Take a moment to view our progress through a browser. When editing a product, note that the Categories
and Suppliers
DropDownLists both have a (None) option at the start of the DropDownList.
Figure 10: The Categories
and Suppliers
DropDownLists include a (None) Option (Click to view full-size image)
To save the (None) option as a database NULL
value, we need to return to the UpdateCommand
event handler. Change the categoryIDValue
and supplierIDValue
variables to be nullable integers and assign them a value other than Nothing
only if the DropDownList s SelectedValue
is not an empty string:
1: int? categoryIDValue = null;
2: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categories.SelectedValue))
3: categoryIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(categories.SelectedValue);
4: int? supplierIDValue = null;
5: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(suppliers.SelectedValue))
6: supplierIDValue = Convert.ToInt32(suppliers.SelectedValue);
With this change, a value of Nothing
will be passed into the UpdateProduct
BLL method if the user selected the (None) option from either of the drop-down lists, which corresponds to a NULL
database value.
In this tutorial we saw how to create a more complex DataList editing interface that included three different input Web controls a TextBox, two DropDownLists, and a CheckBox along with validation controls. When building the editing interface, the steps are the same regardless of the Web controls being used: start by adding the Web controls to the DataList s EditItemTemplate
; use databinding syntax to assign the corresponding data field values with the appropriate Web control properties; and, in the UpdateCommand
event handler, programmatically access the Web controls and their appropriate properties, passing their values into the BLL.
When creating an editing interface, whether it s composed of just TextBoxes or a collection of different Web controls, be sure to correctly handle database NULL
values. When accounting for NULL
s, it is imperative that you not only correctly display an existing NULL
value in the editing interface, but also that you offer a means for marking a value as NULL
. For DropDownLists in DataLists, that typically means adding a static ListItem
whose Value
property is explicitly set to an empty string (Value=""
), and adding a bit of code to the UpdateCommand
event handler to determine whether or not the NULL``ListItem
was selected.
Happy Programming!
About the Author
Scott Mitchell, author of seven ASP/ASP.NET books and founder of, has been working with Microsoft Web technologies since 1998. Scott works as an independent consultant, trainer, and writer. His latest book is Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET 2.0 in 24 Hours. He can be reached at or via his blog, which can be found at http://ScottOnWriting.NET.
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