Optimize windows performance by Junction
My last Windows (in the central computer on foto) as usually has been dead and in New year holiday I'm forced to install new Windows. When I done, I have understand that my technic can be interesing for many peoples. What common idea of tune performance of Windows installation at home?
Before I start, all I/O operation was concentrated in one hard disk and I/O queue was been huge even in simplest operation. After tuning I/O operations were distributed to all my hard disk even in hardest operation to my developer computer.
But this simple idea need preparation hard disk.
- Firstly need to check curefully you disks. Look firstly to S.M.A.R.T data in disk controller.
- Than check your disk by chkdsk c: /r /f /v
- Than prepare space for needed disk
- Define new filesystem. Main point that Windows 10 has new filesystem ReFS. This is light and fast version of NTFS. But not all NTFS future is supported, read unsupoorted future for example in this page ReFS vs NTFS
So, if disk has been prepared than lets go ahead.
- Firstly define a Windows swap file. And after definition need to reboot.
- Than define TMP variable.
- Next point need Junction. This is most useful future in Windows, any windows has handreds of Junction pont. This is Windows implementation of hard link in file system.
- Main temporary folder for current user is C:\user\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp
- Also Firefox genrated high load I/O operation. In my case I place FF and temporary files in ReFS filesystem, as I mention above.
- Of course, for developers most I/O operation is generated by Visual Studio, need to install it to separate disk.
- But various packages and shared components generated huge I/O operation. In the screen above shared path is disabled during installation Visual Studio and gray. Before installation need to prepare endpoint with microsoft shared components.
- But this is not enough! I strongly recommend you also change location of shared component in registry.
- Other folder can be moved in the same way (registry+junction)
I have no time to full description of tuning, but I hope you understand how to do this task. Of course, there are other way, for example hardware raid or split file system Настройка производительности SQL-сервера, but this is simplest way to distribute I/O operation to whole disk subsystem.
If you want know more about Windows, read for example this my article The simplest way to reset windows password.