LibVirt Net Core wrapper test on production QEMU/KVM server.
What is This is public library related to QEMU/KVM. This additional opportunity to control QEMU/KVM server, main opportunity is VIRSH command. Look to this page please - Microservice with report of QEMU-KVM server (VirtualMachines, Storage, Network). Also demo of Linq, Lambda, Inheritance model. - this is way to control QEMU/KVM server programmatically by own code.
libvirt library installed as separate Linux package:
# sudo apt install libvirt-daemon-system
This library allow create external connection from VM Manager to QEMU/KVM server.
Also this library used for SPICE/VNC VirtViewer.
Main future of this library is:
- Read common QEMU-KVM information, read list of VM, read VM config (XML file like this).
- Create screenshot of VM console.
Read VM CPU utilization.
Raise event of each VM.
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