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3. TS Compiler options

1 - Module Introduction.mp4
2 - Using Watch Mode.mp4
3 - Compiling the Entire Project Multiple Files.mp4
4 - Including & Excluding Files.mp4
5 - Setting a Compilation Target.mp4
6 - Understanding TypeScript Core Libs.mp4
7 - More Configuration & Compilation Options.mp4
8 - Working with Source Maps.mp4
9 - rootDir and outDir.mp4
10 - Stop Emitting Files on Compilation Errors.mp4
11 - Strict Compilation.mp4
12 - Code Quality Options.mp4
13 - Debugging with Visual Studio Code.mp4
14 - Wrap Up.mp4

TSC compiler Watch mode

Npm init - create package.josn. Npm start configured as start Lite-server

link JS file to Html. Defer attribute https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_script_defer.asp

tsc --init - create Tsconfig.json and that mean we use one project with a lot of files on many folders and one config

Options after config end allow processing or filtering files

"Node_Modules" excluded by default

Possible type of produced target modules, ES2015 is new version after ES6

Library linked to TS Compiler

Library accessible to TS, ES6 module has default Library - DOM (Html)

If we disable Library, even string is undefined

Document is undefined without additional library

This 4 library accessible by default

Mao file is bridge between TS and JS file, this file is need to debugging TS

Usually we set .\Dist and .\Src folders

This option allow block producing any compilation errors, for example allow delete all exclamation mark

This options allow stop compilation if ANY TS file has error

Type script, details TS restriction one-by-one

For example we can avoid Any declaration on code

Variables can declare without Ant, but not Function parameter

StrictNullCheck - this is about exclamation mark

Alternative way for protection against needed HtmlElement not exist on Html

StrictBindCallApply this is about Binding pointer to This for function

Some usable extension

And about tuning VsCode

Debugging is final sign correct tuning

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/TsLecture/Compiler.htm