CefSharp.Winforms.ChromiumWebBrowser minimal example on VB.NET (with cookies collector and script executor).
This is cookie collector class
1: Imports CefSharp
3: Public Class CookieMonster
4: Implements CefSharp.ICookieVisitor
6: ReadOnly cookies As List(Of Tuple(Of String, String)) = New List(Of Tuple(Of String, String))()
7: ReadOnly gotAllCookies As Threading.ManualResetEvent = New Threading.ManualResetEvent(False)
9: Private Function ICookieVisitor_Visit(cookie As Cookie, count As Integer, total As Integer, ByRef deleteCookie As Boolean) As Boolean Implements ICookieVisitor.Visit
10: cookies.Add(New Tuple(Of String, String)(cookie.Name, cookie.Value))
11: If count = total - 1 Then gotAllCookies.[Set]()
12: Return True
13: End Function
15: Public Sub WaitForAllCookies()
16: gotAllCookies.WaitOne()
17: End Sub
19: Public ReadOnly Property NamesValues As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, String))
20: Get
21: Return cookies
22: End Get
23: End Property
25: #Region "IDisposable Support"
26: Private disposedValue As Boolean ' To detect redundant calls
28: ' IDisposable
29: Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
30: If Not disposedValue Then
31: If disposing Then
32: ' TODO: dispose managed state (managed objects).
33: End If
35: ' TODO: free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects) and override Finalize() below.
36: ' TODO: set large fields to null.
37: End If
38: disposedValue = True
39: End Sub
41: ' TODO: override Finalize() only if Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above has code to free unmanaged resources.
42: 'Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
43: ' ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above.
44: ' Dispose(False)
45: ' MyBase.Finalize()
46: 'End Sub
48: ' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable pattern.
49: Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
50: ' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(disposing As Boolean) above.
51: Dispose(True)
52: ' TODO: uncomment the following line if Finalize() is overridden above.
53: ' GC.SuppressFinalize(Me)
54: End Sub
55: #End Region
56: End Class
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