(NOTES) NOTES (2024)

Notes about RFID reader device

1. My experience to working with various special devices.

I like working with various special device, for example with Scanner, this is just a couple of examples with my project with Scanners:

Many times I worked with various special devices connected to COM-port, for example with special modems and special printers for ATM:

And many times I was worked with more special USB devices:

Also millions times I was working with various special devices connected by IP, for example:

2. RFID readers and RFID labels.

My current project I make with device is CF601 from company https://www.chafon.com/

This project included RFID printer and I can print any amount of UHF-compatible RFID label:

And I have UHF-compatible label what was printed in another device:

Also for testing RFID-reader device I can used RFID label what has frequency less than UHF bound :

And higher than UHF bound:

3. RFID standards.

In this point we make first remarks, RFID labels has a lot of AIR standards, look as start point to there https://rfid4u.com/rfid-standards-mandates/ and there https://www.iso.org/standard/78309.html. In reality China used a lot of more RFID frequency and standards than Europe, therefore not all Chinese RFID label can be read in Europe and not all Chinese device working properly with EU RFID label. This is first and main point experiment with any Chinese reader and Chinese label.

To be full correct there are special tools called "spectrometer" what can detect what bound used RFID label or, you need to buy expensive high-bound reader.

RFID reader can different - from a couple of Euro to thousands of Euro.

For example first device in screen below look as device in my project, but second device look as high-bound device for another label types. Printer in my current project can not print this label type.

4. Connecting RFID device.

How RFID reader can connected to computer? There are device what connected by IP, in this case we need to use special software like Zebra. I worked with this device in other projects.

5. Information about RFID device.

But in current project I have USB-connected device.Usually USB device working with Bridge to COM port. Computer management show me this info (COM1 this is my optical mouse and COM3 is bridge to USB-connected RFID reader):

Device recognized automatically, I don't use special USB driver from manufacturer.

As usually, Microsoft information is maximum unclear. I try to use MsInfo32

And again information is maximum unclear, I even can not understand what is my mouse and what is my RFID reader !

Btw, MsInfo32 can working in command line, but as usually this is usefulness information.

And finally I have understand how to see name of my device and how to possible separate my mouse from RFID-reader and how I can to see my device name. This was UsbView program from Windows SDK kit.

Fuck Microsoft again and again, because even to see device name I need to install huge additional packages, and Microsoft can hide useful user information is Windows standard interface. Nobody in standard embedded Windows information even allow me understand what is my mouse and what is my RFID device. This is Microsoft policy - to hide any information what this fucking company can to hide.

6. How USB-connected RFID-reader working.

My device working strange, if we place card to device - device send irregular packages to computer, sometimes with delay, sometimes software insert CRLF after number of packages, sometimes data sending interrupted and packages not send completely.

If we try to pass value from RFID reader directly to Excel cells, Excel unexpectedly inject MouseUP after each packages and cells with focus point going upper and upper with a lot of doubles.

I try to detect this issue with SPY++. Pay attention that old SPY++ don't working anymore, only 64-version working now.

I selected Virtual keyboard events, and my device really inject KeyUp messages !!! (Virtual-Key Codes)

In any case, additional software layer between accounting program and device driver (virtual keyboard layer) is absolutely need.

I try a number of program to capture RFID raw reader stream, directly on COM-port, but failed. No none show me raw stream what I expected. For example various Port Monitoring program and Wireshark show me nothing. Sysinternals PortMon also now not supported in X64 environment.

Therefore, for start point to debug USB-connected RFID reader I recommend to use this my software Simplest keylogger based on Win32 API SetWindowsHookExA, but of course, this is only start point. And this software ignore strange Key-UP characters what device injected. Because this Key-UP chars working only in Excel, in one Textbox this keyboard event ignored.

And, if we need to dive deeper, if we speaking about control what various device inject as Virtual keyboard stream, there are another ways to control that input, for example Raw Input, and please look to this resources how to use this API https://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/user32/GetRawInputDeviceInfo%20.html, but in my current software I solved this issue just by injecting virtual Key-DOWN after each packages what produced my RFID device.

Device context:

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