(Return) Список пакетов VS2010
PM> Get-Package -ListAvailable Id Version Description/Release Notes -- ------- ------------------------- 110 1.7 My package description. 32feet.NET 32feet.NET is a shared-source project to make personal area net... 51Degrees.mobi Detect mobile devices, get really accurate handset properties a... 51Degrees.mobi-WebMatrix Detect mobile devices, get really accurate handset properties a... abc 1.0.0 My package description. Abc.Client.Collector 1.1.2 This NuGet package helps you integrate Amazing Insights Collect... Abc.Client.dll 1.1.2 View data collected through www.agilebusinesscloud.com; where w... ABCFramework.Core 0.2 Light framework for study. ABCFramework.Wpf 0.12 ABCFrameworkWPF for study. ABCpdf ABCpdf .NET PDF generation library -- fast and easy to use ABCpdf.ABCGecko Required to use ABCpdf's built-in Gecko HTML engine AberrantSMPP An Short Message Service Protocol (SMS/SMPP) library. Abidar 1.0.0 Abidar is a task scheduling system for ASP.NET that uses XML... AboditNLP 1.0.127 Abodit Natural Language Engine AboditNLPWordnet 1.0.127 Abodit Natural Language Engine - Wordnet Addon AboditStateMachine 0.1.1355 Abodit State Machine - Source Code for a Statemachine AboditUnits 1.0.127 Abodit Units - used by Abodit Natural Language Engine abSee 0.3 An A/B Testing library for .NET abSee.Commands 0.1 NetBash Commands for abSee A/B Testing library Accord The core of the Accord.NET Framework. Contains basic classes su... Accord.Audio Process, transforms, filters and handle audio signals for machi... Accord.Controls Histograms, scatterplots and tabular data viewers for scientifi... Accord.Controls.Audio Windows Forms controls to display waveforms and audio-related i... Accord.Controls.Imaging Windows Forms controls to show and handle images. Contains a co... Accord.Controls.Vision Windows Forms components and controls to track head, face and h... Accord.Imaging Contains interest point detectors (SURF and FAST), image matchi... Accord.MachineLearning Contains Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Naive Bayesia... Accord.Math Contains a matrix extension library, along with a suite of nume... Accord.Neuro Contains neural learning algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt... Accord.Statistics Contains probability distributions, statistical models and meth... Accord.Vision Real-time face detection and tracking, as well as general metho... AccountNumberTools Classes to validate the formal correctness of national account ... ActionControllerExampleSource Example for creating single action controllers. ActionMailer 0.7.0 ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless wa... ActionMailer.Postmark 0.7.0 ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless wa... ActionMailer.Standalone 0.7.0 ActionMailer.Net aims to be an easy, and relatively painless wa... ActionParameterAlias 6.0.0 Adds ability to support aliases for model binding. Set action ... Activiz.NET.x64 5.8.0 64-bit .NET interface to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Activiz.NET.x86 5.8.0 32-bit .NET interface to the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Adam.JSGenerator Adam.JSGenerator helps produce snippets of JavaScript code from... AddClassLibraryToSolution 1.0.0 Adds a class library to a LightSwitch solution. Run this packag... AddConsoleExtension 1.0.1 Adds an "AddExtension" command to NuGet.exe.... Additionpackage 1.0.0 My package description. AddMvc3ToWebForms 0.9.2 A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support ... AddMvc3ToWebForms_ASPX 0.7 A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support ... AddMvc3ToWebForms_VB 0.7 A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support ... AddMvc3ToWebForms_VB_ASPX 0.7 A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support ... AddReference 1.2 Are you sick of Add Reference dialog box inside Visual Studio? ... AddThisForSanaCommerce 1.2.1 AddThis functionality for SanaCommerce 8.0... AddThisHelper 0.65 A problem has been corrected prventing it from installing prope... Adjunct.Build 0.8.1 Tasks and Targets for building Adjunct frameworks and NuGets. E... Adjunct.Generator 0.8.1 Generator for scaffolding Adjunct framework extensions and NuGets. adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logging 1.0.0 LogBase, Debug, and Trace loggers for CaliburnMicro adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logg... 1.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Logging adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Vali... 1.0.0 ValidatingScreen for CaliburnMicro adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Vali... 1.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-Caliburn.Micro.Validation adjunct-Guard 2.0.0 Guard validation methods adjunct-Guard.Tests 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-Guard adjunct-JetBrains.Annotatio... 1.0.0 MVC Annotation attributes for use with ReSharper, so you dont h... adjunct-JetBrains.Annotatio... 1.0.0 Annotation attributes for use with ReSharper, so you dont have ... adjunct-System.ComponentMod... 2.0.0 Service to provide DirectoryCatalogs for MEF. adjunct-System.ComponentMod... Simple 'IoC' container wrapper. adjunct-System.ComponentMod... 2.0.0 XElement ExportProvider for MEF. Supports exporting xml and con... adjunct-System.ComponentMod... 2.0.0 EventHandlerDictionary adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Self Balancing Binary Search Tree adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.AvlTree adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Binary Search Tree adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.BinarySearchTree adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Binary Tree Infrastructure adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Bit counting. adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.BitCounter adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 A Sparse Character Set adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Generic comparer wrapper for Func{T, T, int}. adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.FuncComparer adjunct-System.DataStructur... 1.0.0 Extension methods for System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Return)... adjunct-System.DataStructur... 1.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.IEnumerableExtens... adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 Ordered Set implemenetation. adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.OrderedSet adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.2.0 ISetEx and base class implementation, builds on ISet adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.2.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.SetBase adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.2.0 A PascalSet space optimized for having fewer elements over a la... adjunct-System.DataStructur... 2.2.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.DataStructures.SparsePascalSet adjunct-System.Disposable 2.0.0 A simple disposable object with disposal notification adjunct-System.Disposable.T... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Disposable adjunct-System.DisposableWi... 2.0.0 Disposable with EventHandlerDictionary adjunct-System.FluentCast 2.0.0 Fluent API for calling cast operators adjunct-System.FluentCast.T... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.FluentCast adjunct-System.GuidExtensions 2.0.0 System.Guid extensions. adjunct-System.IComparableE... 2.0.0 System.IComparable extensions. adjunct-System.IComparableE... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.IComparableExtensions adjunct-System.IO.Directory... 2.0.0 System.IO.DirectoryInfo extensions. adjunct-System.IO.FileInfoE... 2.0.0 System.IO.FileInfo Extensions adjunct-System.IO.StreamExt... 2.0.0 System.IO.Stream extensions adjunct-System.Linq.Traverse 2.0.0 Tree Traverse for Linq adjunct-System.Linq.Travers... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Linq.Traverse adjunct-System.Reflection.E... 2.0.0 Enumeration reflection utilities adjunct-System.Reflection.R... 2.0.0 Object reflection utilities adjunct-System.Resources 2.0.0 Simple packaged resource reader. adjunct-System.ResourcesXLinq 2.0.0 Basic packaged resource reader. adjunct-System.StringCompar... 1.0.0 System.StringComparison extensions. adjunct-System.StringExtens... 1.1.0 System.String extensions adjunct-System.Text.Delimit... 2.0.0 Delimited string builder adjunct-System.Text.StringB... 2.0.0 System.Text.StringBuilder extensions. adjunct-System.Text.Templat... 2.0.0 Simple text templating engine adjunct-System.Threading.Lock 2.1.0 Simple multithreading lock adjunct-System.Time.Clock 2.0.0 Clock adjunct-System.Time.Clock.T... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Time.Clock adjunct-System.Time.HighRes... 2.0.0 High resolution timer adjunct-System.Time.HighRes... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Time.HighResolutionTimer adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 Linq to Xml Extensions adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Extensions adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 Linq to Xml Extensions for Enumerations adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.ExtensionsForEnums adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 Linq to Xml Extensions for Guids adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.Ext... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-System.Xml.Linq.ExtensionsForGuids adjunct-XUnit.Should 1.1.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension compilation. adjunct-XUnit.Should.Boolea... 2.0.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for boolean. adjunct-XUnit.Should.Boolea... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.BooleanExtensions adjunct-XUnit.Should.ICompa... 2.0.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for IComparable. adjunct-XUnit.Should.ICompa... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.IComparableExtensions adjunct-XUnit.Should.IEnume... 2.0.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for IEnumerable. adjunct-XUnit.Should.IEnume... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.IEnumerableExtensions adjunct-XUnit.Should.Object... 2.0.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for Object. adjunct-XUnit.Should.Object... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.ObjectExtensions adjunct-XUnit.Should.String... 2.1.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for String. adjunct-XUnit.Should.String... 2.1.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.StringExtensions adjunct-XUnit.Should.XLinqE... 2.0.0 "Should..." XUnit Assertion extension methods for Linq to Xml. adjunct-XUnit.Should.XLinqE... 2.0.0 XUnit tests for adjunct-XUnit.Should.XLinqExtensions adotic 1.0.0 Uses conventions to map stored procedure parameters and return ... AdsClient 0.3.0 Ads .Net Client Library AdvancedWebClient 0.0.1 A better web client, cookie-aware, with support for GZIP and a ... AE.Net.Mail POP/IMap Client Library AeroWizard 1.2.1 Library for simple creation of Aero Wizards (new wizard format ... Affirma.ThreeSharp 2.0.50727 Affirma ThreeSharp assembly. AForge 2.2.4 The AForge library is a core library of AForge.NET framework, w... AForge.Controls 2.2.4 The AForge.Controls library contains some reusable UI classes u... AForge.Genetic 2.2.4 The AForge.Genetic library contains classes to run Genetic Algo... AForge.Imaging 2.2.4 The AForge.Imaging library contains interfaces and classes for ... AForge.Math 2.2.4 The AForge.Math library contains set of math utilities, which a... AForge.Neuro 2.2.4 The AForge.Neuro library contains classes for artificial neural... AForge.Video 2.2.4 The AForge.Video library contains interfaces and classes to acc... AForge.Video.DirectShow The AForge.Video.DirectShow library contains classes, which all... AForge.Vision 2.2.4 The AForge.Vision library contains some computer vision classes... Afterthought 1.0.8 Afterthought allows developers to post-process .NET assemblies ... Agatha-Common-Castle-Windsor 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Castle Wind... Agatha-Common-Ninject 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Ninject. Do... Agatha-Common-Spring 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Spring. Don... Agatha-Common-StructureMap 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for StructureMa... Agatha-Common-Unity 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Common, for Unity. Don'... Agatha-rrsl 1.2.0 Request/Response Service Layer for .NET Agatha-ServiceLayer-Castle-... 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for C... Agatha-ServiceLayer-Ninject 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for N... Agatha-ServiceLayer-Spring 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for S... Agatha-ServiceLayer-Structu... 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for S... Agatha-ServiceLayer-Unity 1.3 Agatha Request/Response Service Layer - Server-side bits, for U... Agdur 0.6 Agdur is a simple benchmarking library for the .NET framework. AgFx AgFx is a data caching framework that makes it easy to build da... agilex.json.client Collection of classes supporting the consuming of json services agilex.logging.openrasta Collection of classes supporting log4net in openrasta agilex.persistence Collection of classes supporting the repository pattern and usa... agilex.persistence.openrasta Collection of classes supporting usage of agilex.persistence wi... AGoGo 1.0 AGoGo converts DateTime values into relative time text. Compar... AGoGo.Web.Helpers 1.2 Friendly, easy to use html goodies to make adding relative time... agsXMPP XMPP client AISNuGetDemo Package description AISParser.Net Parser AIS's binary messages to strings that people can underst... AjaxControlToolkit 4.1.51116 The Ajax Control Toolkit contains a rich set of controls that y... AjaxGridScaffolder 0.1 A scaffolder has many similarities to the built-in "Controller ... AjaxMin 4.48.4489.28432 JavaScript and CSS minification Library Akismet.NET 1.0 .NET Library for Akismet integration. Akismet filters out your ... AlexFTPS AlexFTPS is a free FTP/FTPS client and class library available ... Algorim.CreoleWiki 1.0.4335.37128 Library for translating Creole 1.0 wiki markup into html. Note ... Alhambra Alhambra helps open/close DB connections, mapping types between... ALite 4.1.2 Lightweight library for creating SQL-backed objects. Altairis.DynamicData.WebApp... 1.0.0 Simplified and cleaned up templates for ASP.NET Dynamic Data to... Altairis.MailToolkit 1.7.4465.38749 Library for sending templated and localized e-mail messages fro... Altairis.Sewen Simple wiki engine, based on WikiPlex, designed to be easily em... Altairis.Web.Management 2.0.0 Library for general management of running web site. Contains mo... Altairis.Web.Security 2.4.3 Simple security package for ASP.NET, including the basic authen... Altairis.Web.UI Set of simple and clean, yet very useful components for develop... AmarsNewGetSample This is a sample created LIVE!! AmarsNuGetSample Simple demo to show how to create a NuPack AmazedSaint.ElasticObject 1.2.0 An fluid, dynamic way to work with data types like XML Amazon2Html 1.1.0 Grab the HTML code from Amazon's goods page url. AmazonSearchHelper 1.0.0 This helper for WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages allows you to e... amazonsqs 0.4 A higher-level interface for Amazon SQS for .NET. It features a... amChartsQuickCharts 1.1 Easy to use, fast, lightweight charting controls for WPF, Silve... AMF ASP.NET Mobile Framework (AMF) is a framework for making web ap... AmplifyJS 1.0.0 AmplifyJS solves the following problems: ... AMPSharp 2.0.4 A client/server implementation of AMP, the Asynchronous Messagi... Analects 1.0.2 A selection of small useful code files. Analects.DialogService 1.0 A standard dialog abstraction for use in a presentation pattern. Analects.Loader 1.0.2 An embedded loader system for .NET applications. Analects.SettingsService 1.0 A simple settings service to persist user settings. Analects.XAMLConverters 1.1 A set of useful XAML converters. AnglicanGeek.Crypto A library with simple methods for cryptographic hashing, as wel... AnglicanGeek.DbExecutor 0.1.2 A simple abstraction atop the Dapper extension methods for test... AnglicanGeek.MarkdownMailer 1.2 A simple library for sending email message with Markdown bodies... AnglicanGeek.Mvc A library that has the stuff I use with *every* ASP.NET MVC app... AnglicanGeek.Mvc.Js 0.2.0 A collection of the JavaScript files I used with my MVC apps. AnglicanGeek.SimpleContainer A simple, minimal, and barely useful dependency container and o... AnglicanGeek.WindowsAzure.S... 1.6 This is not an official Microsoft distribution. Use at your own... AngularJsSeed 1.0.4 Installs the Angular.js seed project (RC1) into an asp.net MVC ... AnkitPackage 1.5.04 My package description. AnkurPackage 1.0.8 Ankur Experiment Anna 1.0.1004 Event-driven http library powered by Reactive Extensions. High ... AnonymousComparer create anonymous IComparer/IEqualityComparer by lambda expressi... AnotherTestForNuget 1.0 Description Ansl 0.0.1 A simple text search library for .NET AntiVirusScanner 1.0.0 This library allows you to virus-scanning a file powerd by the ... antix-nibbler 1.0.0 Compress JS, CSS and optimise PNG files in your Web project on ... AntiXSS 4.2.1 AntiXSS is an encoding library which uses a safe list approach ... Antlr ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a language tool that ... Antlr.Unofficial This is an unofficial packaging of the latest ANTLR runtime. Co... Antlr3.StringTemplate StringTemplate (or ST) is a template engine library used for ge... Antlr4.StringTemplate StringTemplate (or ST) is a template engine library used for ge... Aocsoft 1.0.1 Aocsoft Base Library Aocsoft.Infrastructure 1.0.1 My package description. Aocsoft.Infrastructure.NHPr... 1.1.1 My package description. Aocsoft.Infrastructure.Repo... 1.0.1 My package description. Aole.Helper.Sina 1.0 ????SDKC#???? Apache.NMS 1.5.0 Allows you to build .NET applications in C#, VB, or any other .... Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ 1.5.1 The ActiveMQ NMS client is a .NET client that communicates with... Aperea.Bootstrap Aperea.Bootstrap is a small opinionated bootstrapper for Applic... Aperea.Bootstrap.Mvc Aperea.Bootstrap.MVC is a small opinionated bootstrapper for MV... Aperea.Identity Aperea.Identity is a small utility library for the Windows Iden... ApiApprover 1.1.0 Simply add this package to add a test which generates a string ... ApiKeys 0.1.1 Adds support for creating, enforcing, tracking, and managing de... apns-sharp A 100% managed code, free, open source, independent and mono co... App_BrowsersUpdate 1.0 Two updated *.browser files for >IE10 and >FF5 on ASP.NET 4 App_BrowsersUpdate.net20 1.0 Updated *.browser file for >IE10 on ASP.NET 2.0 AppBarUtils 1.2 AppBarUtils provides out-of-box application bar behaviors/trigg... AppBus 1.2 An application bus, for sending messages that fire relevant han... AppEvents 0.1 .NET Event Client for the Windows Phone 7 AppHarbor.NET 1.1.0 Managed .NET client for the AppHarbor API AppLimit.CloudComputing.Sha... Almost all applications on your server, desktop, laptop or mobi... AppMetrics.Client 1.0.159 .NET client library for the AppMetrics application runtime inte... ApprovalTests 1.8 A picture's worth a 1000 tests.... AppServer 1.0 A Socket/SerialPort App Server. AppServices 1.1 AppServices is an open source Service Container with IoC and De... aQuery 1.1.1 Change the way as you work with actions. Arachnophile 1.0 Web scripting extension methods. Arachnophobia 1.0 A library that includes a HttpHandler and HttpModule to let spi... ArcGISExtensions 1.1.0 Contains a number of extension methods to make working with Arc... Ardent.DataGrid 0.1.2338 Lightweight Generic Data Grid used for shop.dreamworld.com.au a... ArgGuard Arguments validation library. ... Argotic.Common 2008.0.2.0 A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framewor... Argotic.Core 2008.0.2.0 A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framewor... Argotic.Extensions 2008.0.2.0 A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framewor... Argotic.Web 2008.0.2.0 A powerful and extensible .NET web content syndication framewor... Args 1.0.4 Command line parser for .NET. Parses command line parameters in... AristojQueryUITheme 1.2 The Aristo theme for Cappuccino ported to a jQuery UI Theme, wi... AroLibraries Contains a lot of extension methods Arpc.RulesEngine 1.0 Basic rules engine Arpc.RulesEngine.Tests Unit tests for basic rules engine library. Arraybracket.DateNavigation 1.0 DateNavigation provides extension methods to easily calculate k... ARSoft.Tools.Net 1.6.0 ARSoft.Tools.Net contains a complete managed .Net SPF validatio... Artem.XmlProviders 2.5 Implementation of XML ASP.NET Providers (XmlRoleProvider, XmlMe... Artem.XmlProviders40 4.0 Artem ASP.NET XML membership providers for .NET 4.0. ARVFToolkit 1.0.0 The Augmented Reality ViewFinder Toolkit allows you to "augment... AsciiImportExport 0.7.0 A .NET library providing fast and easy de/serialization of arbi... AsfMojo AsfMojo is an open source .NET ASF parsing library, providing s... AshMind.Extensions 1.0.4 Extension methods that could have been written by BCL authors. ... asp.net.mvvm 1.0.1 ASP.NET MVVM provides a framework to implement the Model-View-V... ASP.NET_MVVM_Excalibur ASP.NET MVVM Excalibur Project.this is Web Form base, has a new... Aspectus 1.1 Aspectus is a simple AOP library. Aspirator.MVC3 0.2 Easy to use paginator for ASP.NET MVC aspnet.permission.management 1.0 http://www.michaelalbaladejo.com/post/2010/03/30/ASP-Net-Permis... aspnet.suppressformsredirect Module that prevents ASP.NET Forms Authentication to redirect t... AspNetAssets Asset manager for Asp.NET AspNetClientBlocker 2.0.0 This is an ASP.NET HTTP module written in C# to block the acces... AspNetHaack 0.0.1 A collection of extensions to core ASP.NET including a way to s... AspNetMvc 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET MVC. A... AspNetMvc4.RecipeSdk 0.1 Updates a Class Library project with the necessary files and as... AspNetMvcInlineValidation 1.0 A jQuery plugin to make validation messages displayed in inline... AspNetPager 7.3.2 ASP.NET custom paging control AspNetPager_CN 7.3.2 ASP.NET???? AspNetRazor.Core 2.0.20126.16343 This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pa... AspNetSprites-Core 0.4 The ASP.NET Sprite core works with the ASP.NET Sprites Web Form... AspNetSprites-MvcAndRazorHe... 0.4 The ASP.NET Sprite Helper allows you to use sprites and image i... AspNetSprites-WebFormsControl 0.4 The ASP.NET Sprite Web Forms control allows you to use sprites ... AspNetWebApi 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web A... AspNetWebApi.Conneg 0.7.20120220 AspNetWebApi.Conneg makes the Content Negotiation mechanism of ... AspNetWebApi.Core 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains the core runtime assemblies for ASP.NET W... AspNetWebApi.Data 4.0.20221.15125 Description AspNetWebApi.SelfHost 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains everything you need to host ASP.NET Web A... AspNetWebPages 2.0.20126.16343 This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pa... AspNetWebPages.Core 2.0.20126.16343 This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between AS... AspNetWebPagesCore 2.0.10906.0 This package contains core runtime assemblies shared between AS... Aspose.BarCode 4.7.0 Aspose.BarCode for .NET is a robust and reliable barcode genera... Aspose.Cells 7.2.0 Aspose.Cells for .NET is a spreadsheet programming component th... Aspose.Diagram 2.1.0 Aspose.Diagram is a class library for working with Microsoft Vi... Aspose.Email 1.6.0 Aspose.Email for .NET is a collection of components for working... Aspose.Imaging 1.4.0 Aspose.Imaging for .NET is an imaging library that lets develop... Aspose.OCR Aspose.OCR for .NET is a character recognition component built ... Aspose.Pdf 6.9.0 Aspose.Pdf for .NET is a PDF document creation and manipulation... Aspose.Slides.NET 6.1.0 Aspose.Slides is a PowerPoint management library for working wi... Aspose.Tasks 4.2.1 Aspose.Tasks for .NET is a .NET Project management component th... Aspose.Words 11.2.0 Aspose.Words for .NET class library supports DOC, DOCX, RTF, HT... AssemblyVerifier An assembly to check other assemblies to see if they are verifi... AssetsOptimizer Library for combining, minification and compressing assets Assman.Core 2.0.8 A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP... Assman.dotLess 2.0.2 Integrates dotLess with Assman. This allows you to automatical... Assman.Mvc2 2.0.1 A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP... Assman.Mvc3 2.0.1 A full featured web resource/asset management framework for ASP... Assman.YuiCompressor 2.0.0 Integrates the YUI Css and Javascript Compressor with Assman. ... Async_MessageBox 1.0 An Asynchronous Message AsyncAwaitCTP 1.0 Quick Installer for the Async Await Library for .net 4.0 projec... AsyncBridge 0.1.2 Adds the new C#5 async features for .NET 4 projects AsyncBridge.Net35 0.1.2 Adds the new C#5 async features for .NET 3.5 projects AsyncCTP 0.3 AsyncCtpLibrary.dll from Visual Studio Async CTP Samples folder AsyncFunc 0.2 Easy way to implement Event-based Asynchronous Pattern in .NET. AsyncTaskFactory 1.5.2 ???????Silverlight????????????????,?????????????????????,??????... AsyncUnitTests-MSTest 1.0.1 "[TestMethod] async void MyTest()" actually works correctly. AsyncWcfLib 3.0.3 Communication library for asynchronous, actor based, distribute... Atlas 1.0.1353.2240 Application and Service Host Atlassian.SDK 1.6 Utilities to interact with Atlassian products. Contains LinqToJ... AtomicMVVM 3.0.0 The goal of AtomicMVVM is to allow developers to work with MVVM... AtomicPhoneMVVM 1.0.0 The goal of AtomicPhoneMVVM is to allow developers to work with... AtomicStorage 1.0.0 The goal of AtomicStorage is to allow developers to easily cach... AttributeBuilder 1.0.1 Use the Attribute Builder to build an attribute from a lambda e... AttributeRouting AttributeRouting for ASP.NET MVC lets you specify routes using ... AttributeRouting.WebApi AttributeRouting for ASP.NET Web API lets you specify routes us... AttributeRouting.WebApi.Hosted AttributeRouting for self-hosted Web API lets you specify route... AuthenticationModule 0.1 Siple Data Store For User Authentication Data AuthenticationTest 1.0 AuthenticationTest is the test one created AuthorizeNet 1.7.1 The official .NET binaries for Authorize.Net. Contains Authoriz... AutoBinder Automatically register model binders with ASP.NET MVC AutoBox 1.1.2 The tool dynamically injects dependencies and let you cache rep... AutoCompleteComboBox 1.0 AutoCompleteComboBox AutoConfig 0.3 AutoConfig removes the drudgery of creating repetitive configur... AutoDiff 1.0 High-performance and high-accuracy automatic function-different... AutoF5 1.3 Auto refresh ASP.NET pages when live editing source code Autofac Base assemblies for the Autofac Inversion of Control Container Autofac.CommonServiceLocato... Provides an Autofac-specific implementation of the Common Servi... Autofac.Mef Managed Extensibility Framework integration for Autofac Autofac.Mvc2 ASP.NET MVC2 Integration for Autofac Autofac.Mvc3 ASP.NET MVC3 Integration for Autofac Autofac.Mvc4 ASP.NET MVC4 (Beta) Integration for Autofac Autofac.Settings 0.1 Convention Based Application Settings via Autofac Autofac.Wcf Windows Communication Foundation integration for Autofac Autofac.Web ASP.NET WebForms integration for Autofac Autofac.WebApi ASP.NET Web API (Beta) Integration for Autofac Autofac.Wp7 New version has been rolled into Official Autofac nuget: http:/... AutofacContrib.DynamicProxy2 Autofac DynamicProxy2 AutofacContrib.NSubstitute AutoMock Container for NSubstitute AutoFixture 2.10.0 AutoFixture makes it easier for developers to do Test-Driven De... AutoFixture.AutoFakeItEasy 2.10.0 This extension turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container... AutoFixture.AutoMoq 2.10.0 This extension turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container... AutoFixture.AutoRhinoMocks 2.10.0 This extension turns AutoFixture into an Auto-Mocking Container... AutoFixture.Idioms 2.10.0 Ubiquitous use of AutoFixture for unit testing has given rise t... AutoFixture.Xunit 2.10.0 By leveraging the data theory feature of xUnit.net, this extens... AutoMapper 2.1.267 A convention-based object-object mapper. AutoMapper uses a flue... AutoMapperAssist 2.0 Uses AutoMapper to create a single mapper from one type to anot... AutoMapperPagedList 0.6 Adds an implementation of PagedList that uses AutoMapper to emi... Automatonymous Automatonymous is a state machine library for .NET Automatonymous.MassTransit Integration assembly to support Automatonymous sagas, a state m... AutoMoq 1.6.1 An auto-mocking container for Moq. AutoObjectBuilder AutoObjectBuilder.Net is an open source project designed to ass... AutoPoco AutoPoco is a convention-based and fluent test-object generatio... AutoPocoBeta 1.2.0 This is the BETA version of AutoPoco vNext, it is mostly featur... AutoPocoDataSources This package contains additional Datasources for the AutoPoco l... AutoSol.Data 1.0 This is a very usefull data repository wrapper. AutoUpdate 0.2.1 A package that helps to build self-updating web applications us... AV.Database 0.0.2 Part of AV.Web framework. Database layer through repositary pat... AV.Models 0.0.2 Part of AV.Web framework. Library to help define models and vie... AV.Web 0.1.0 A set of libraries to speed up building web apps using MVC deve... AvalonDock.Unofficial 1.3.1 This is an unofficial packaging of AvalonDock. Couldn't find on... AvalonEdit AvalonEdit is the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop. T... AvalonEdit.Sample Sample code for AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor used in Sh... AweSome Package description AWSSDK Build applications that tap into the cost-effective, scalable, ... AWSUtilityFunctions 1.3 My package description. Axiom 0.8.3101.12095 Installs the core assemblies needed for creating applications a... Axiom.Framework 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Framework Axiom.Platforms.OpenTK 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Platforms.OpenTK Axiom.Platforms.Win32 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Platforms.Win32 Axiom.Plugins.CgProgramManager 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.CgProgramManager Axiom.Plugins.DevILCodecs 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.DevILCodecs Axiom.Plugins.FreeImageCodecs 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.FreeImageCodecs Axiom.Plugins.OctreeZone 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.OctreeZone Axiom.Plugins.ParticleFX 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.ParticleFX Axiom.Plugins.SystemDrawing... 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.Plugins.SystemDrawingCodecs Axiom.RenderSystems.DirectX9 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.RenderSystems.DirectX9 Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna.Con... 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.RenderSystems.Xna.Content Axiom.SceneManagers.Bsp 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.SceneManagers.Bsp Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.SceneManagers.Octree Axiom.SceneManagers.PortalC... 0.8.3101.12095 Axiom.SceneManagers.PortalConnected Azon.Helpers A set of fairly small and simple but often required helper clas... Azure.ACS.LoginControls 0.9.2 A port of the SL.Phone.Federation library from the Windows Azur... AzureCheckMonitorAgent 1.0.5 AzureCheck Agent to monitor Azure applications. Account must be... AzureContrib AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widows Azure ... AzureStoreXRay 1.5 Azure Store XRay is a thin wrapper on Azure Storage Analytics f... AzureToolkit 2.4.9 This toolkit is built by Thuzi to give the community a reusable... Babylon.Toolkit 1.0.4 Babylon Toolkit provides a complete toolbox for Silverlight 5 3... Backbone.js 0.9.2 Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by... Bakery.Template 1.1 This is the ASP.NET Web Pages Bakery template from Microsoft th... Bakery.Template.VB 1.1 This is the VB version of the ASP.NET Web Pages Bakery template... bar 1.0.0 Route Debugger is a little utility I wrote to help debug issues... BarcodeImaging 1.0.0 BarcodeImaging is an open source library for decoding Code39, E... baretail 3.50 Baretail - A free real-time log file monitoring tool BareWeb.FluentAzureDiagnost... 2.0 A helper library that allows configuration of Windows Azure Dia... BatchFlow 0.5.1 BatchFlow is a .NET library that takes care of all the plumbing... BatteCode.Fx 1.2012.95.544 The BatteCode Utility Belt BattleDotNet 1.0.0 A Battle.NET Api Wrapper BBCode 0.3.0 BBCodeHelper is a helper based on an excellent BBCode parser av... bbv.Common 7.1.12089.2010 Provides shared types needed by other bbv.Common projects:... bbv.Common.Async 7.1.12089.2010 AsyncWorker (simplified API for BackgroundWorker), ... bbv.Common.Async.Log4Net 7.0.12089.2010 Provides logging with log4net for bbv.Common.Async.... bbv.Common.AsyncModule 7.2.12089.2010 AsyncModules provide a simple way to built active objects (obje... bbv.Common.AsyncModule.Log4Net 7.0.12089.2010 log4net log extension for AsyncModules.... bbv.Common.Bootstrapper 7.1.12089.2010 Bootstrapper provides a simple and flexible way to make your ap... bbv.Common.Data 7.1.12089.2010 Provides CSV parser and writer, helper functionality for datase... bbv.Common.DistributedEvent... 7.1.12089.2010 With this extension, the event broker can be used to fire event... bbv.Common.DistributedEvent... 7.2.12089.2010 Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed commun... bbv.Common.DistributedEvent... 7.2.12089.2010 Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed commun... bbv.Common.DistributedEvent... 7.2.12089.2010 Adapter for using event broker extension for distributed commun... bbv.Common.EvaluationEngine 7.0.12089.2010 The evaluation engine provides an infrastructure for decoupled ... bbv.Common.EvaluationEngine... 7.0.12089.2010 log4net logging extension for bbv.Common.EvaluationEngine.... bbv.Common.EventBroker 7.1.12089.2010 Notification component for synchronous and asynchronous loosly ... bbv.Common.EventBroker.Log4Net 7.1.12089.2010 Log4Net logging extension for bbv.Common.EventBroker... bbv.Common.IO 7.1.12089.2010 Provides functionality for simplified IO operations:... bbv.Common.IO.Log4Net 7.0.12089.2010 Provides logging functionality with log4net for bbv.Common.IO.... bbv.Common.MappingEventBroker 7.4.12089.2010 With this extension, the event broker can be used to map source... bbv.Common.MappingEventBrok... 7.3.12089.2010 Adapter for using event broker extension for mapping source eve... bbv.Common.StateMachine 7.4.12089.2010 Hierarchical state machine with fluent definition syntax... bbv.Common.StateMachine.Log... 7.1.12089.2010 log4net logging extension for bbv.Common.StateMachine.... bbv.Common.StateMachine.YEd 7.0.12089.2010 yEd graphml file generator for bbv.Common.StateMachine. You can... bbv.Common.TestUtilities 7.1.12089.2010 Provides functionality to simplify unit testing and TDD:... bbv.Common.TestUtilities.Lo... 7.1.12089.2010 Functionality to test log4net log messages.... bbv.Common.Threading 7.1.12089.2010 Provides... bbv.Common.Threading.Log4Net 7.1.12089.2010 log4net logging extension for bbv.Common.Threading.... bbv.Common.Windows 7.1.12089.2010 Provides helper functionality for interaction with Windows: ... Bcd 1.0 Bcd Core Library BclContrib-Abstract 0.1.6 This package contains abstractions to provide standard Interfac... BclContrib-Abstract.Applica... 0.1.6 This package contains an Application ServiceBus implementation ... BclContrib-Abstract.Autofac 0.1.6 This package contains an Autofac implementation of the abstract... BclContrib-Abstract.CastleW... 0.1.6 This package contains a Castle Windsor implementation of the ab... BclContrib-Abstract.Hiro 0.1.6 This package contains a Hiro implementation of the abstract Ser... BclContrib-Abstract.Log4Net 0.1.6 This package contains a Log4Net implementation of the abstract ... BclContrib-Abstract.Memcached 0.1.6 This package contains a Memcached implementation of the abstrac... BclContrib-Abstract.MvcTurbine 0.1.6 This package contains a MvcTurbine Abstractor to use a service ... BclContrib-Abstract.Ninject 0.1.6 This package contains a Ninject implementation of the abstract ... BclContrib-Abstract.NLog 0.1.6 This package contains a Log4Net implementation of the abstract ... BclContrib-Abstract.ServerA... 0.1.6 This package contains a Server AppFabric implementation of the ... BclContrib-Abstract.Spring 0.1.6 This package contains a Spring.Net implementation of the abstra... BclContrib-Abstract.Sql 0.1.6 This package contains Microsoft SQL Server implementations of t... BclContrib-Abstract.Structu... 0.1.6 This package contains a StructureMap implementation of the abst... BclContrib-Abstract.TypeSer... 0.1.6 This package contains TypeSerializer implementations of the abs... BclContrib-Abstract.Unity 0.1.6 This package contains a Unity implementation of the abstract Se... BclContrib-Abstract.Web 0.1.6 This package contains implementations of abstract Services for ... BclContrib-Abstract.Web.Mvc 0.1.6 This package contains integrations for use with ASP.NET MVC 2 o... BclContrib-Extend 0.1.2 This package contains system extensions to the core BCL. BclContrib-ParseFormat 0.0.6 This package contains parse and format extentions to system pri... BclContrib-Web 0.0.5 This package contains System.Web extentions. BCrypt bcrypt is an encryption utility implementing the Blowfish cipher. BCrypt.Net 0.1.0 Port of jBCrypt library to C# BCrypt-Official 0.1.107 A .Net port of jBCrypt implemented in C#. It uses a variant of ... BDDify 1.20 Bddify is a simple to use and extend BDD framework for .Net dev... Bddify.Samples.Atm 1.20 Bddify.Samples.Atm package is a small sample that implements Da... Bddify.Samples.TicTacToe 1.16 Bddify.Samples.TicTacToe package is a small sample that shows h... BDDish Package description BeaconpushSharp 0.1.1 BeaconspushSharp is a C# wrapper for the Beaconpush REST API. BeginCollectionItem 1.0 This Html Helper leverages the default model binder in ASP.NET ... Behavioral A BDD-style library for organizing unit tests. Benchy 1.0 Benchy is an open source .net tool for benchmarking the executi... BetterWpfControls 0.12 This library enhances existing and adds some new WPF controls. BewisePhoneControls 2.1 Controls, components and utilities for your next WP7 Application BFsharp 0.6.4 BFsharp is a library which helps build business application. It... BigRationalLibrary BigRational builds on the BigInteger introduced in .NET Framewo... BinbinCdnMvc 2011-08-24... BinbinCollections ???????? BinbinComponentModelDataAnn... mvc validate dataanotation BinbinDomain 1.1.0 Domain Interfaces BinbinDomainImpl 1.1.0 Domain Implement for linqtosql BinbinLinq linq extension BinbinLinqMaxOrDefaultExten... BinbinLinqMaxOrDefaultExtension BinbinLinqSumOrDefaultExten... BinbinLinqSumOrDefaultExtension BinbinMemberShipEntityFrame... 2011-08-15:???... BinbinMvcRazorTemplates mvc razor templates BinbinMvcUnityApplication mvc4 unity2 entlib5 BinbinMvcValidations ccc BinbinNugetPackageUploader Package description BinbinNugetPackageUploadSer... Package description BinbinPager pager for linq BinbinPager.Common BinbinPager.Common BinbinSerialization serialize helper BinbinServiceModel servicemodels BinbinSystem some system extension BinbinUnitOfWork UnitOfWork Partten's Implementation for LinqToSql BinbinWpfUnityApplication wpf unity application BindableApplicationBar 1.0.0 A bindable ApplicationBar control wrapper for Windows Phone tha... BingGeocodingHelper 1.1 Bing Geocoding Helper. A wrapper for the Bing Geocoding API. Ge... BingMapAppSDK 1.0.1011.1716 With the Bing Map App SDK, you can now create your own map apps... BingMapJS 1.1.0 BingMaps.js is a jQuery plugin to show Bing map on your web pag... BingMapsIntellisense_6 6.3.81310.1036 Enables JavaScript Intellisense for the Bing Maps v6.3 Ajax Map... BingMapsWpfControl 1.0.0 This software development kit (SDK) provides the binaries and p... BitCoinSharp BitCoinSharp is a direct port of the excellent BitCoinJ library... BizArkToolkit 2.0.1 A set of utility classes to help with data type conversions, co... Bjma.Utility.DataAccess 1.0.4314.28127 Utility data access types. Blackbird 1.3 Blackbird offers a dead-simple way to log messages in JavaScrip... BlackBirdPie 1.5 Quotes a tweet on Twitter. blackbox 1.0.2 A logging library inspired by log4net, targeting .NET Framework... BlammoNet 1.1 Blammo.Net is a simple logging library that is easily configura... Blitz.CSharp A C# client library for Blitz.io Blocks Small application framework. In alpha stage and still under hea... Blocks.Mvvm Small application framework. In alpha stage and still under hea... Blocks.Web Small application framework. In alpha stage and still under hea... BlogEngine.GooglePlusOne 1.0 Adds Google Plus One Button To Your BlogEngine.Net Posts. BlogEngineBackend 0.2 Back end services for a common blog, more to come soon... blogml 2.2.0 BlogML is an open format derived from XML to store and restore ... BLToolkit 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit is a set of components to simplify .NET ... BLToolkit.DB2 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit DB2 Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.Firebird 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit Firebird Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.Informix 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit Informix Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.MySql 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit MySql Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.Oracle 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit Oracle Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.PostgreSql 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit PostgreSql Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.SqlCe 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit SqlCe Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.SQLite 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit SQLite Data Provider for .NET BLToolkit.Sybase 4.1.9 Business Logic Toolkit Sybase Data Provider for .NET BlueprintCSS 1.0 Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your de... Blueprinting 1.0.0 Blueprinting is a library designed to assist in the creation of... BoC BoC needs some documentation, but contains lots of usefull stuf... BoC.Sitecore.Mvc Brings MVC actions to Sitecore BoC.Sitecore.MvcApp Starter app to easily get started with BoC.Sitecore.Mvc Boo 0.9.4 This is the Boo language extension assembly for working with th... Boo-Compiler 0.9.4 This is the Boo compiler and language assemblies for when you'r... Boo-Interpreter 0.9.4 This is the Boo interpreter. BookSleeve Fully asynchronous Redis client, capable of pipelined operation... Bootstrap.ConfirmModal 1.0.1 There is a situation that we need user to confirm before they p... Bootstrapper bootstrapper.codeplex.com uses a convention over configuration ... Bootstrapper.Autofac Autofac extension for Bootstrapper. Bootstrapper.AutoMapper Automapper extension for Bootstrapper Bootstrapper.Ninject Ninject extension for Bootstrapper. Bootstrapper.ServiceLocator Common Service Locator extension for Bootstrapper Bootstrapper.StructureMap StructureMap extension for Bootstrapper. Bootstrapper.Unity Unity extension for Bootstrapper Bootstrapper.Windsor Windsor extension for Bootstrapper BootstrapTwitter 2.1 Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart devel... Bottles Shared libraries for runtime and deployment packaging of .Net a... Bottles.Deployers.IIS Tools for deploying IIS web applications built on top of the Bo... Bottles.Deployers.TopShelf Tools for deploying TopShelf applications built on top of the B... Bottles.Deployment Tools for deploying applications built on top of the Bottles fr... Bottles.Host.Packaging Support for creating services via Bottles Bottles.Tools Tool support for applications that use Bottles Bounce-CI 0.4.4430.17934 A new build framework for C# projects. bouncer 2010.1007 Bouncer (http://bouncer.codeplex.com) is a library to validate ... BouncyCastle 1.7.0 BouncyCastle.Crypto is a cryptography API providing:... BouncyCastle1.7 1.7 Release includes the full lightweight API, as well as APIs for ... BoxCarDotNet 1.0.2 BoxCar is a service that delivers instant notifications to your... Brecham.Obex 1.7 The library provides very broad client-side OBEX support, provi... Brevity 2.7 Be brief! BrickPile BrickPile offers a flexible and easy to understand way of creat... BrickPile-Sample Sample template package for BrickPile using MVC3/Razor. Bricks.Toolkit 1.0.0 vs2010 + nuget port of http://code.google.com/p/bricks-toolkit/ BrowserStack 1.0.0 A .NET API for BrowserStacks automated testing API BruTile 0.6.0 BruTile is a C# library for GIS tile services such as those of ... BugSense.WP7 BugSense is a tool that collects and analyzes crash reports fro... Bugsense.WPF 1.0.0 Adds support for sending crash reports to bugsense from Windows... Build.Mvc3 2012.4.5 Build.Mvc is a helper extensions method library that turns the ... BuiltToRoam.Controls Helper controls for Windows Phone applications BuiltToRoam.Controls.QR Helper controls for Windows Phone applications BuiltToRoam.Core Core library for Windows Phone development to assist with navig... BuiltToRoam.Core.Agent Helper library for Windows Phone applications, limited by the n... BuiltToRoam.GeoWatcher GeoWatcher library for Windows Phone development to assist with... BuiltToRoam.Social Integration with multiple social networks for Windows Phone app... BulkCopyListReader An IDataReader implementation for IEnumerable for use in Sql... Bundler 1.0.1 Extremely fast and simple pure node.js/javascript solution to s... buran.mvcgrid 1.0.3 Grid component for ASP.NET MVC. Paging, sorting and filtering a... Buran.MvcLibrary 1.0.7 General Library for ASP.NET. Generic repository for code first.... Burden A durable job queue library based on Reactive extensions Burden.Redis An implementation of a persistent job queue in Redis Burro 0.11.4 Build pipeline parser, named for its grunt like ability to pars... Burrow.Extras 1.0.3 Burrow.Extras provide DependencyInjection TunnelFactory, JsonSe... Burrow.NET 1.0.4 Burrow.NET is a simple library created based on some EasyNetQ i... BusinessFramework 0.2 BusinessFrameowrk is a library which helps build business appli... BuzzIO Windows interface to Sony PS2/3 Buzz controllers BXF Basic Xaml Framework is a simple, streamlined set of UI compone... ByteLibrary 1.4.4 Useful .NET code. C2.Facilities.NH Simple NHibernate integration facility for Castle C2DMNet C2dm library to send messages to Android phones. C2DMNet.Contracts C2dm library to send messages to Android phones. C2DMNet.Http C2dm library to send messages to Android phones. HttpClient ver... C5 2.0.4398.25000 The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI is a comprehen... CacheEnumerable 0.2 CacheEnumerable is a class that encapsulate IEnumerable collect... CacheManagement Cache management is an assembly which relies on memcached. Very... CalaReport 1.3 Silvetlight Reports Builder on templates with grouping and aggr... Calendar.Template 1.0 This is the ASP.NET Web Pages Calendar template from Microsoft ... Calendar.Template.VB 1.0 This is the VB version of the ASP.NET Web Pages Calendar templa... Caliburn 2.0 A framework designed for WPF and Silverlight which implements a... Caliburn.Micro 1.3.1 A small, yet powerful framework designed for Xaml platforms, Ca... Caliburn.Micro.Autofac 1.3.0 Provides an Autofac enabled bootstrapper for Caliburn.Micro. Caliburn.Micro.Container 1.3.1 A simple IoC Container for .NET, SL, WP7, WinRT, Mono and Unity3d. Caliburn.Micro.EventAggregator 1.3.1 A small, simple event aggregator implementation for .NET, SL, W... Caliburn.Micro.INPC 1.3.1 A standalone version of Caliburn.Micro's INPC implementation, B... Caliburn.Micro.Logging 1.2.1 Provides core logging functionality for Caliburn.Micro Caliburn.Micro.Logging.log4net 1.2.1 Caliburn.Micro integration with log4net Caliburn.Micro.Logging.NLog 1.2.1 Caliburn.Micro integration with nlog Caliburn.Micro.Scaffolding 0.1.3 A poc for creating Views and ViewsModel for caliburn using T4Sc... Caliburn.Micro.Telerik 1.3.5 Integration of Caliburn.Micro with Telerik's Silverlight contro... Caliburn.Micro-Contrib 1.0.2 Extensions for the Caliburn.Micro Framework Caliburn.ScaffoldingPoc 0.1 A poc for creating Views and ViewsModel for caliburn using T4Sc... Caliburn.Windsor 2.0 A framework designed for WPF and Silverlight which implements a... Caliper.ComponentModel.Data... 1.1.0 Simple dataAnnotation validators Caliper.Sentia Simple UnitOfWork Caliper.Sentia.NHibernate Description cambium 1.0.8 Dynamic models for .Net applications (data access, associations... Camlex.NET.dll Camlex.NET simplifies creating of CAML queries for SharePoint b... campaignmonitor-api 1.1.0 A .NET library for v3 of the Campaign Monitor API Canonicalize 1.1 URL canonicalization with ASP.NET (MVC) routing canopy 0.2.5 A simple framework in f# on top of selenium for writing UI auto... Caramel Caramel Caramel.Castle.ActiveRecord Caramel Castle ActiveRecord Caramel.Castle.ActiveRecord... Caramel Castle ActiveRecord StructureMap Caramel.Cqrs Caramel Cqrs Caramel.Entities Caramel Entities Caramel.Entities.Testing Caramel Entities Testing Caramel.FluentNHibernate Caramel FluentNHibernate Caramel.NDesk.Options Caramel NDesk.Options Caramel.NHibernate Caramel NHibernate Caramel.NHibernate.Castle Caramel NHibernate Castle Caramel.NHibernate.Structur... Caramel NHibernate StructureMap Caramel.Quartz Caramel Quartz Caramel.Quartz.Castle Caramel Quartz Castle Caramel.ServiceModel Caramel Service Model Caramel.ServiceModel.Castle Caramel ServiceModel Castle Caramel.ServiceModel.Struct... Caramel Service Model StructureMap Caramel.Web Caramel Web Caramel.Web.Mvc Caramel Web Mvc Caramel.Web.Mvc.Castle Caramel Web Mvc Castle Caramel.Web.Mvc.Metadata Caramel Web Mvc Metadata CardsaveDotNet 1.0 A .net library for working with Cardsave's payment gateway. Cashbox 0.9 An in process NoSQL database / document store for when you need... Cassandraemon 1.0.6 Cassandraemon is LINQ Provider for Apache Cassandra. cassandra-sharp cassandra-sharp is a .NET client for Apache Cassandra Cassette 1.2.1 Important: This is just the core library for Cassette. You prob... Cassette.MSBuild 1.2.1 Contains an MSBuild task that will generate Cassette bundles fo... Cassette.Nancy Cassette integration into the Nancy web framework Cassette.Views 1.2.1 ASP.NET view helpers for Cassette. Cassette automatically build... Cassette.Web 1.2.1 ASP.NET support for Cassette. Cassette automatically builds Jav... Cassette.Web.Jasmine 1.2.1 Jasmine specification runner support for Cassette. Cassia Cassia is a .NET library for accessing the native Windows Termi... CassiniDev 4.0 CassiniDev is packaged as a standalone WinForms GUI application... CastAs 4.0 Provides CastAs and CastTo generic extension method, for left-t... Castle.Activerecord 3.0 Beta of Castle Activerecord Castle.Components.Validator 2.5.0 The Validator component is used to validate your objects. It us... Castle.Core Castle Project Core, including DynamicProxy, Logging Abstractio... Castle.Core-log4net Castle logging services integration with log4net Castle.Core-NLog Castle logging services integration with NLog Castle.DynamicProxy 2.2.0 **Obsolete**... Castle.EventWiringFacility Castle Windsor event wiring facility provides ability to wire u... Castle.Facilities.AutoTx This facility enables ambient easy-to-use declarative transacti... Castle.Facilities.NHibernate Easy NHibernate integration with declarative transactions using... Castle.Facilities.NHibernat... 1.1.0 The NHibernate Facility enables the usage of NHibernate O/R fra... Castle.FactorySupportFacility Provides ability for the components to be created by factory ob... Castle.LoggingFacility Castle Windsor logging facility lets you easily inject loggers ... Castle.NVelocity 1.1.1 NVelocity is a port of the excellent Apache Jakarta Velocity pr... Castle.RemotingFacility Provides ability to expose or consume components from another A... Castle.Services.Transaction The Castle Transaction Services enables a common interface to b... Castle.SynchronizeFacility Integrates with synchronization elements of .NET framework (lik... Castle.WcfIntegrationFacility Castle Windsor WCF Integration facility enables integration wit... Castle.Windsor Castle Windsor is best of breed, mature Inversion of Control co... Castle.Windsor-log4net Castle Windsor integration package for logging facility via log... Castle.Windsor-NLog Castle Windsor integration package for logging facility via NLog. Catel.Core 3.0.1 Catel.Core library which includes the DataObjectBase class. Catel.Extensions.Controls 3.0.1 Catel.Extensions.Controls library which contains user controls,... Catel.Extensions.FluentVali... 3.0.1 Catel.Extensions.FluentValidation library which contains fluent... Catel.Extensions.Prism 3.0.1 Catel.Extensions.Prism library which contains helper classes fo... Catel.MVVM 3.0.1 Catel.MVVM library which includes the MVVM Framework for WPF an... Catel.MVVM.WP7.Services.Com... 3.0 Compass service for Catel to use the compass as a service in MV... Catel.MVVM.WP7.Services.Gyr... 3.0 Gyroscope service for Catel to use the gyroscope as a service i... Catnap A basic lightweight object relational mapper (ORM) for .NET. CavemanTools Straight forward generic toolkit for faster asp.net development... CavemanToolsMvc Asp.Net Mvc 3 toolkit for faster development with less code. Fe... Cavity.Commands Provides an XML serializable implementation of the Command desi... Cavity.Commands.FileSystem Contains various file system command types. Cavity.Configuration Provides application configuration support. Cavity.Core The core Cavity library. Cavity.Data.Ace Provides data access using the Microsoft Access Database Engine. Cavity.Data.Csv Provides data access for comma separated (CSV) files. Cavity.Data.Csv.Xunit Provides xUnit extensions for comma separated (CSV) files. Cavity.Data.Json.Xunit Provides xUnit extensions for JSON files or data. Cavity.Data.Xml.Xunit Provides xUnit extensions for XML files or data. Cavity.Diagnostics.Log4Net.... A trace listener for log4net, allowing provider-agnostic tracin... Cavity.Diagnostics.Log4Net.Web A trace listener for log4net, allowing provider-agnostic tracin... Cavity.Domain Provides domain models and supporting types. Cavity.Domain.RoyalMail Provides Royal Mail domain models. Cavity.Http.Generalizations Provides general HTTP types. Cavity.Http.Testing Fluent API for asserting HTTP message exchanges (currently unde... Cavity.Repository Describes the abstractions of a data repository. Cavity.Repository.FileSyste... Provides an XML file-based Cavity Repository implementation. Cavity.ServiceLocation Provides a shared interface and handler to support XML configur... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Auto... Provides an Autofac XML configuration of the common service loc... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Auto... Provides an Autofac XML configuration of the common service loc... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Cast... Provides a Castle Windsor XML configuration of the common servi... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Cast... Provides a Castle Windsor XML configuration of the common servi... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Stru... Provides a StructureMap XML configuration of the common service... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Stru... Provides a StructureMap XML configuration of the common service... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Unit... Provides a Unity XML configuration of the common service locato... Cavity.ServiceLocation.Unit... Provides a Unity XML configuration of the common service locato... Cavity.TaskManagement Provides concrete task management types. Cavity.TaskManagement.Abstr... Describes the basic abstractions for Cavity Task Management. Cavity.TestController.Abstr... Describes the basic abstractions for the Cavity Test Controller. Cavity.Testing.Repository Provides a standard test suite to verify the behaviour of Cavit... Cavity.Testing.Unit Fluent API for asserting types and properties. Cavity.Transactions.Commands Provides durable file-based transaction scope enlistment for us... Cavity.Web Provides various web application types. Cavity.Web.Mvc3 Provides various extensions to ASP.NET MVC3. CBAPI 1.0.0 A fluent style wrapper for the careerbuilder.com API cbc 1.2.0 A JavaScript library with function argument assertions,... CBOExtender 1.2 A component-based object extensibility framework for .NET. CCI 1.0.7 Microsoft Research Common Compiler Infrastructure (CCI) is a se... CdnJs A Web Helper for retrieving JavaScript files from CdnJs Cgag 1.1 Google Annotation Gallery library rewritten in C# CGEncodingLibrary 1.0.0 This is a simple Encoding Library created for demonstrating how... CGNuGetDemoLibrary 1.0.0 Simple NuGet Deployment Package! CH.Bson 1.0 Some handy bson extention methods. CH.Compressor.Huffman This is a simple Huffman Compressor. It is not nearly as fast a... CH.Crc32 1.0 Very simple table driven CRC32 impementation. Not fancy or fast... CH.Encode 1.0 Really simple Binary to Text encoders. CH.Snapshot 1.0 Library for creating a sharable read-only snapshot of string to... CH.Spawner 1.0 Helper for spawning and tracking output of other programs CH.StopWatch 1.0 Razor thin wrapper around QueryPerformanceTimer ChainingAssertion Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic ... ChainingAssertion-MbUnit Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic ... ChainingAssertion-NUnit Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic ... ChainingAssertion-SL Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods for Silverli... ChainingAssertion-WP7 Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods for Silverli... ChainingAssertion-xUnit Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic ... Chambills.NuGet.BuildTasks 1.0 A collection of MsBuild Tasks for use with Automating NuGet. Cu... chargify Chargify.NET is a comprehensive C# API wrapper library for acce... Check_My_Box_Packages This Package uses MvcScaffolding, EntityFramework and Glimpse. CheezBDSM Cheezburger Better Database Schema Manager (BDSM) Chewie 0.0.6 Giving Nuget some of the awesomeness of Bundler for ruby gems Chico-UI 0.10.4 Chico is a free and open source collection of easy-to-use web ... ChirpyDllOnly Mashes, minifies (Google Closure Tools, YUI Compressor for .Net... ChirpyVSI Mashes, minifies (Google Closure Tools, YUI Compressor for .Net... chocolatey Chocolatey - think executables/application packages (like apt-g... chosen 0.9.8 Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select ... chosen.jquery 0.9.8 Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select ... Chronic 0.2.1 A natural language date parser for .Net. A port of Ruby's chronic. chucknorris 0.5 The ChuckNorrisFramework is a collection of developer productiv... Chunks Extension method to Chunk your IEnumerables. It's the opposite ... Chutzpah 1.4.1 Chutzpah is an open source JavaScript test runner which helps y... CIAPI 4.1.0 .NET client library for CityIndex Trading API CIAPI.CS 4.0.0 .NET client library for CityIndex Trading API Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Camera 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Dev... 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Loc... 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Pho... 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cimbalino.Phone.Toolkit.Use... 1.2.2 Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful... Cinch 2.0.1 Cinch is a MVVM framework that exposes a number of helper class... Cirrostrata-Abstractions 1.1 Provides common abstractions for the file system and network CiscoConfigParser Cisco and Huawei config file parser CitrixNetScalerSDK 9.2 NITRO SDK .NET wrapper for the Netscaler appliance API. CitrixWebInterfaceSDK 5.0 This Citrix Web Interface SDK is for developers who want to enh... CitrixXenApp65PowershellSDK 6.5 The Citrix XenApp 6.5 PowerShell SDK enables you to build appli... CitrixXenApp6PowershellSDK 6.1.2 The Citrix XenApp 6 PowerShell SDK enables you to build applica... CitrixXenAppMFCOMSDK 5.0 .NET wrapper for MFCOM communication to the Citrix XenApp Infra... CitrixXenServerSDK 5.6 .NET wrapper for the XenServer API. XenServer includes a XML-RP... CityIndex.JsonClient 1.0.0 CityIndex.JsonClient CKEditor 3.6.2 CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a W... ClaimsDiagnostics 1.0.0 ClaimsDiagnostics is a simple page displaying all claims, nice ... CLAP 4.0 Command-Line Auto Parser ClassicDalHelpers Classic data access layer is nothing but querying data from dat... ClassifiedCabinet 1.0 The Silverlight Classified Cabinet is a component that makes it... Clay 1.0 Clay is a dynamic C# type that will enable you to sculpt object... Clay.Sample 1.0 This package contains samples that demonstrate the use of the C... Clearer 1.0.0 See and clears any Application / Cache / Session /Cookies store... Clearfix 1.0 A CSS clearfix to deal with those fun floating bugs CLEditor 1.3.0 CLEditor is an open source jQuery plugin which provides a light... ClewareWrapper 1.2 A .NET wrapper of Cleware usb devices, including their USB Traf... ClewareWrapper.Sample 1.2 Samples for a .NET wrapper of Cleware usb devices, including th... clientaccesspolicy 1.0 clientaccesspolicy file template ClientDependency ClientDependency is a framework for simplifying colaborative de... ClientDependency-Mvc An extension for the ClientDependency framework to support ASP.... ClientProxy 1.0.1 Use in place of generated proxy classes for WCF. ClientResourceManager 0.6.0 Script and Stylesheet manager for ASP.NET applications ClientResourceManager.Mvc 0.6.0 ASP.NET MVC extensions for the ASP.NET Client Resource Manager cli-ide Clide is a CLI IDE for .NET cljclr.tools.cli 1.0.0 cljclr.tools.cli is a command line argument parser for ClojureC... Cloak Cloak is a set of functionality cultivated over the years. Cloak.Autofac Build Autofac containers without a builder variable Cloak.NUnit Write NUnit tests in the Given-When-Then style Cloak.Web.Autofac 0.3.3 Never set up IContainerProviderAccessor and AutofacHostFactory ... Cloak.Work.NHibernate 0.3.3 NHibernate-specific elements of the unit of work pattern Cloak.Work.NHibernate.Autofac 0.3.3 Compose NHibernate-specific elements of the unit of work patter... Cloak.Wpf 0.3.4 Includes WPF-specific ViewModel and ICommand implementations as... Cloney Cloney console application. ClosedXML 0.64.0 ClosedXML makes it easier for developers to create Excel 2007/2... Cloud4Net.AWS 1.0.13 cloud4net is a framework to abstract cloud storage implementati... Cloud4Net.Core 1.0.13 cloud4net is a framework to abstract cloud storage implementati... Cloud4Net.WindowsAzure 1.0.13 cloud4net is a framework to abstract cloud storage implementati... CloudCacheClient CloudCache is a Windows Azure wrapper around Memcached. This e... CloudCacheServer CloudCache is a Windows Azure wrapper around Memcached. This e... CloudServices.Identity.Memb... 1.0.1 This NuGet package has been deprecated for WindowsAzure.Identit... CloudServices.Notifications 1.0.3 This package has been deprecated for WindowsAzure.Notifications. CloudServices.Notifications... 1.0.2 This package has been deprecated for WindowsAzure.Notifications... CloudServices.Notifications... 1.0.1 This package has been deprecated for WindowsAzure.Notifications... CloudServices.Notifications... 1.0.2 This NuGet package has been deprecated for WindowsAzure.Notific... clrzmq 2.2.3 The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for OMQ (ZeroMQ), an ... clrzmq2 CLR binding for OMQ (ZeroMQ). WARNING: This package is DEPRECAT... clrzmq2-x64 CLR binding for OMQ (ZeroMQ). WARNING: This package is DEPRECAT... clrzmq-x64 2.2.3 The clrzmq project contains .NET bindings for OMQ (ZeroMQ), an ... CmdLine Command line parser with support for tokenizing, switches and a... Coaching.Package.Publishing 1.1 Trying to demo package management as a concept and showing off ... CocktailContrib 1.0.0 CocktailContrib is a collection of extensions to Cocktail prope... CocktailCTP 0.5.0 Cocktail leverages established patterns and approaches, such as... Codalicious.TDDUtilities 1.0.4477.37351 Utility classes to make it easier to test first. Codaxy.CodeReports 0.1.6 Codaxy.CodeReports Library provides helpers for report generation Codaxy.CodeReports.Exporter... 0.1.3 Codaxy.CodeReports Library provides helpers for report generation Codaxy.CodeReports.Exporter... 0.1.5 Codaxy.CodeReports Library provides helpers for report generation Codaxy.CodeReports.Exporter... 0.1.3 Codaxy.CodeReports Library provides helpers for report generation Codaxy.Common 0.5.13 Codaxy.Common Library provides set of commonly used tools and u... Codaxy.Common.Localization 0.5.8 Codaxy.Common.Localization Library provides helpers for applica... Codaxy.Common.SqlServer 0.5.7 Codaxy.Common.SqlServer Library provides helpers for programati... Codaxy.Dextop Dextop Rich Internet Application Framework (Full) Codaxy.Dextop.Core Dextop Rich Internet Application Framework (Libraries) Codaxy.Dextop.Preprocessor Generate JS, concenate, minify Dextop resources Codaxy.WkHtmlToPdf 0.5.3 Convert HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf and C# Codaxy.Xlio 0.9.2 Codaxy Excel IO library provides useful tool for rading/writing... Code2Xml Code2Xml is a parser library that interconverts source code and... Code52.i18n.MVC3 0.2.5 A core package to create an internationalization-ready web appl... Code52.i18n.MVC3.Sample.Razor 0.2.5 Sample implementation of i18n package Code52.i18n.MVC4 0.2.5 A core package to create an internationalization-ready web appl... Code52.i18n.MVC4.Sample.Razor 0.2.5 Sample implementation of i18n package Code52.i18n.Tools 0.2.5 Part of a package to making i18n easy for ASP.NET devs CodeAssassin.ConfigTransform 1.1 Transforms all *.config files at build time instead of the defa... CodeAssassin.WixWebProjectR... 1.0 Enables a WiX project to harvest the content files and all file... CodeAssassin.ZoneIdentifier Use the IZoneIdentifer API to unblock downloaded files CodeBinding Create bindings directly from lambda expressions using CodeBinding CodeBinding.Rx Create IObservable objects directly from lambda expressions usi... CodeCaml 0.2 Provides simplier way to write SharePoint CAML queries using C#... CodeCarvings.Piczard Piczard is a .NET Image Manipulation Library.... CodeDomUtilities CodeDom Utilities is a project that brings functionality and ex... CodedUI.CodeFirst 1.0.2 Code First API Library, Scaffolding and Guidance for Coded UI T... CodeFirstMembershipProvider 0.9.1 Visual Basic.NET version of Custom Membership Provider built wi... CodeFirstMembershipProvider... 0.9.1 C# version of Custom Membership Provider built with Entity Fram... CodeFirstSeeder Entity Framework Code First Seeder populates newly created data... CodeFirstStoredProcs 2.2 Access Stored Procedures with Code First. Includes support for ... Codeflows Codeflows is a free, open source, lightweight .NET class librar... CodeFluentRuntime A library of utilities usable across all types of .NET applicat... CodeForceLib 2.0.5 Contains numerous utilities, helper classes, custom web control... CodeForceLib.Barcodes 2.0 C# wrapper that works with different barcode types. Updated fro... CodeForceLib.Blogger 2.0 Easily connect and manage your google blogger data from C# CodeForceLib.Controls.Web 2.0 Set of custom web controls not found in the microsoft library:... CodeForceLib.Controls.Windo... 2.0 Custom set of windows form controls that extend or replace the ... CodeForceLib.DataContext 2.0 Provides a generic extended class to the ObjectContext of the M... CodeForceLib.Extensions.Con... 2.0 Provides C# extension methods commonly used in web development CodeForceLib.Extensions.Con... 2.0 Provides a collection of extenstion methods to be used with win... CodeForceLib.Linq.Utilities 2.1 Provides additional query methods against Micorsofts Dynamic Li... CodeForceLib.Logging 2.0 Provides different logging providers.... CodeForceLib.Paypal 2.3 Provides a C# wrapper around sending and recieving Paypal trans... CodeForceLib.Paypal.Lib 2.4 Provides a C# wrapper around sending and recieving Paypal trans... CodeForceLib.Picasa 2.0 Provides a C# wrapper to connect manage and update Google Picas... CodeForceLib.TransformEngine 3.1 An XSLT/XML utility that can cache manage transform usage in an... CodeForceLib.Twitter 2.0 Provides a C# wrapper to accessing an managing Twitter CodeForceLib.Utilities 2.0 Provides a set of common utility functions:... CodeForceLib.Utilities.Web 2.2 Provides a common set of utilities used in web development:... CodeGen An xslt based code generation tool CodeMetricsReportProcessor A command line tool that generates a templated (HTML by default... CodeMirror 2.23.1 CodeMirror is a JavaScript library that can be used to create a... CodePlanner 1.4 Will provide you with a 3 layer architecture. Core, Data and Se... CodePlanner.MVC3 1.4.2 Provides a frontend in ASP.NET MVC3 and will use CodePlanner. K... CoderMike.Autofac.EasySettings 1.0 Constructing settings classes that get read out of AppSettings ... CodeSlice.Web.Baler 0.4 Baler is a .NET Web Resource Bunlder. Capable to concatenating... CodeSlice.Web.Baler.Extensi... 0.2 Baler Extension that adds Microsoft Ajax Minifer Support to bales CodeSlice.Web.Baler.Extensi... 0.2 Extension adds CoffeeScript support to bales CodeSlice.Web.Baler.Extensi... 0.2 Extension adds the ability to specify the media type for a CSS ... CodeSlice.Web.Baler.Extensi... 0.2 Adds .LESS support to Baler CodeSlice.Web.Baler.Extensi... 0.3 Extension adds ability to Name Bundles to reuse across your app CodicePlastico CodicePlastico's core library CodicePlastico.Commands 1.0 My package description. Coding4Fun.Kinect.KinectSer... 1.1.0 Service listeners to stream kinect color, depth, skeleton, and ... Coding4Fun.Kinect.KinectSer... 1.1.0 Windows Phone client for the Coding4Fun Kinect Service. Coding4Fun.Kinect.KinectSer... 1.1.0 WPF Client for the Coding4Fun Kinect Service. Coding4Fun.Kinect.WinForm 1.5.0 A toolkit for WinForm for the Kinect for Windows SDK Coding4Fun.Kinect.Wpf 1.5.0 A toolkit for WPF for the Kinect for Windows SDK Coding4Fun.Obd.ObdManager 1.0.0 OBD-II Library to parse data coming from an ELM323/327-compatib... Coding4Fun.Phone.Controls 1.5.6 A toolkit with multiple controls and useful items for Windows P... Coding4Fun.Phone.Controls.C... 1.5.6 A toolkit with multiple controls and useful items for Windows P... Coding4Fun.Phone.Controls.T... 1.5.6 A timespan selector control and other items that extends the Si... CoffeeBundler 0.1 Uses the new bundlers in ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta to compile CoffeeSc... CoffeeScriptCompiler 1.2.0 This is the original Javascript compiler written in Javascript.... CoffeeSharp 0.4 CoffeeScript compiler for Windows.... colorbox 1.3.19 A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery 1.3+ ColorCode 1.0.1 ColorCode is a library for colorizing source code (also known a... ColorPickr 1.0.0 Color Picker control for Silverlight ColorWheel.Controls Components for color editing such as color wheel, brightness-sa... ColorWheel.Core Components for color manipulation functions, such as convertion... CombinationStream 2.1.2 Single stream representing multiple streams CombineAndMinify Reduces load times of CSS, JavaScrip and image files. Combines ... combres .NET library which minifies, compresses, combines, and caches J... combres.mvc Include extension methods for Combres to integrate more nicer w... CommandLineParser Remove from each application the code specific for command line... common.eventing 1.0.0 A very simple, no-frills API for publishing and subscribing to ... Common.Logging 2.0.0 Common.Logging library introduces a simple abstraction to allow... Common.Logging.Elmah 1.1 Common.Logging library bindings for Elmah logging framework. Common.Logging.EntLib 2.0.0 Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library logging ... Common.Logging.EntLib41 2.0.0 Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 4.1 logg... Common.Logging.EntLib50 2.0.0 Common.Logging library bindings for Enterprise Library 5.0 logg... Common.Logging.Log4Net 2.0.1 Common.Logging library bindings for Log4Net logging framework. Common.Logging.Log4Net129 2.0.0 Common Logging Common.Logging.NLog 2.0.0 Common.Logging library bindings for NLog logging framework. CommonContracts-CommonFaults 1.0.4171.25270 Extension of the Common Contracts implementation of BaseFaults ... CommonContracts-Globalization 1.0.4087.18466 The v1 release of ws-il8n specification WCF serialization libra... CommonContractsPackage 1.0 This package installs the WCF BaseFaults and Internationalizati... CommonContracts-WSBaseFaults 1.0.4171.25265 The v1 release of the WS-ResourceFramework BaseFaults 1.2 speci... CommonDomain 1.4.0 A domain project for quickly implementing CQRS functionality in... CommonFramework 0.6.0 Abstraction layer for common framework components like IoC, log... CommonFramework.Ninject 0.5.0 Ninject adapter for CommonFramework. CommonInteractive 1.0 My package description. CommonLibrary.NET An unofficial release of the CommonLibrary.NET library. CommonLogger "This is Sample Logger" CommonServiceFactory 0.2.1 Provides service factory implementations built on top of the Co... CommonServiceLocator 1.0 The Common Service Locator library contains a shared interface ... CommonServiceLocator.MefAda... 1.0 Implementation of adapter of MEF to Common Service Locator, by ... CommonServiceLocator.Ninjec... An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Ninject CommonServiceLocator.Silver... 1.0 Will install and register the Silverlight version of the Micros... CommonServiceLocator.Simple... An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of the Simp... CommonServiceLocator.Simple... An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator for Silverlight on... CommonServiceLocator.Spring... 1.0.1 CommonServiceLocator.SpringAdapter CommonServiceLocator.Struct... An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Structur... CommonServiceLocator.UnityA... An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Unity CommonServiceLocator.Windso... 1.0 An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Castle W... CommonServiceManager 1.0.0 Common Service Manager is an abstraction over locating and conf... Communalizer.Common.MongoSe... Communalizer MongoSession with FluentValidation support. For us... Communalizer.Common.Windsor... An implementation of System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver targeti... CommunityEFProviderWrappers... 1.0.0 A toolkit for writing Entity Framework provider wrappers. CommunityEFProviderWrappers... 1.0.0 A provider that allows tracing Entity Framework queries and upd... CompareNETObjects What you have been waiting for. Perform a deep compare of any t... CompiledExperience.Build 0.1 Opionated toolkit for building Windows Phone 7 apps CompiledExperience.Phone.To... 0.1 Opionated toolkit for building Windows Phone 7 apps CompiledExperience.Phone.To... 0.1 Opionated toolkit for building Windows Phone 7 apps CompiledValidators 1.0 Compiled LINQ Expressions that validate objects. CompiledValidators.DataAnno... 1.0 DataAnnotations plugin for CompiledValidators. ComponentFactory_lib 1.0.0 My package description. CompositeC1 3.1 Composite C1 CMS is a fully featured free open source web conte... CompositeC1.MasterPage 1.4 Enables MasterPages to be used for rendering side-by-side with ... CompositeC1.Razor 1.2 Enables C1 functions to be written using Razor. CompositeC1.SiteMapProvider 1.5 Asp.Net SiteMap Provider for Composite C1 based on the page str... CompositeC1MVCSample 1.0 Composite C1 MVC Sample. Add this to a Composite C1 project and... Conductor.NET 1.0.1 Conductor.NET is a lightweight OR/M which provides a framework ... ConfigHelper 2.0.0 Use your own class object to easily load and save configuration... configoo 1.0.9 API for retreiving values from app/web.config with support for ... ConfigReader 1.2 Type-safe, convention-over-configuration access to the .Net app... ConfigTransform 1.0.2 Utilizes .NET 4 TransformConfig to integrate merging of config ... ConfigTransformationTool XDT transformation tool ConfigurableAppSettings 1.0 ConfigurableAppSettings allows drop-in support for strongly-typ... ConfigurableAppSettings.Str... 1.0 ConfigurableAppSettings.StructureMap extends ConfigurableAppSet... ConfOrm ConfORM is a powerfull tool to integrate your domain with NHibe... ConnectedProperties 1.3.1 Connected Properties is an API to "attach" properties to (most)... Console_Read_Stuff 1.1 This small collection of code snippets add the following featur... Console2 2.0 Console2 Please install with chocolatey (http://nuget.org/List/... ConsoleEx 1.0.4 This class is a helper class that provides supplemental functio... ConsoleExtensions 1.0 A Collection of Extension Methods for the Console. ConsoleExtensions.Example 1.0 Example Usage of ConsoleExtensions ConsoleMirror Simple output mirroring and capturing for console apps ConstructorTester 1.0.6 Tests constructors in a given assembly or class for ArgumentNul... ContainerIdeas Container com todas as funcionalidades basicas para criacao de ... ContentSecurityPolicy.Net 1.0.6 Support for Content Security Policy for ASP.NET applications.... Continuum Continuum is a binary file format designed to capture changes i... Conventional Conventional adds convention based type-scanning to your projec... ConvertApi 1.2 Convert various files like MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Images a... CookieRestrictions By adding the queryparameter allowCookies=on or disallowCookies... CoolCode.Core Ease&Easy ASP.NET MVC Framework CoolCode.ServiceModel Ease&Easy ASP.NET MVC Framework CoolCode.Web.Mvc Ease&Easy ASP.NET MVC Framework CoolStuff 1.0 DEMO ONLY! DO NOT DOWNLOAD! CoreLogicHtmlSecurityLibrary 1.0.0 This is a simple NuGet Package for encoding and decoding Html s... CorLib CorLib is a class-library containing many useful types missing ... Cornerstone.T363 1.0.0 The nuget package for Cornerstone Swedens course T363 in HTML5,... Cornerstone.T363.Sogeti 1.0.0 The nuget package for Cornerstone Swedens course T363 in HTML5,... Correspondence Persistence and synchronization for occasionally connected Wind... Correspondence.Desktop.AllI... Add to a WPF application project. Puts everything in one projec... Correspondence.Desktop.App Add to a WPF application project. Sets up isolated storage and ... Correspondence.Desktop.Unit... Add to a unit test application. Adds a multiple-client test suite. Correspondence.Model Add to a class library. Creates a model.fact file and a T4 temp... Correspondence.Silverlight.... Add to a Silverlight application project. Puts everything in on... Correspondence.Silverlight.App Add to a Silverlight application project. Sets up isolated stor... Correspondence.Silverlight.... Add to a Silverlight application. Turns it into a multiple-clie... Correspondence.Web.AllInOne Add to an MVC 3 application project. Puts everything in one pro... Correspondence.Web.App Add to an MVC 3 application project. Sets up SQL storage and HT... Correspondence.Web.UnitTest Add to an MVC 3 unit test application. Adds a multiple-client t... Correspondence.WindowsPhone... Add to a Windows Phone 7 application project. Puts everything i... Correspondence.WindowsPhone... Add to a Windows Phone 7 application project. Sets up isolated ... Correspondence.WindowsPhone... Add to a Windows Phone 7 application. Turns it into a multiple-... CorrugatedIron CorrugatedIron - a .NET client for Riak.... Costura Merges the dependencies of a project. CouchbaseNetClient 1.0.1 The official .NET Client Library for Couchbase Server CountryPicker.Umbraco.Prope... 1.0.0 A Country Picker Property Editor for Umbraco 5 Courier 2.0.0 A simple framework for sending messages between objects. Useful... Coypu 0.8.6 Intuitive, robust browser automation for .Net Coypu.Watin 0.7.0 WatiN driver for Coypu Crack Crack == Console Rack. Rack-like interface for CLI application... CraigsUtilityLibrary 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-AI 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Caching 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Cisco 2.2 The Cisco namespace of the CUL library. CraigsUtilityLibrary-Classi... 2.2 The Classifier namespace in the CUL library. CraigsUtilityLibrary-CodeGen 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Compre... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Config... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-DataMa... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-DataTypes 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Encryp... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Enviro... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Error 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Events 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Exchange 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-FileFo... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-IO 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-IoC 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-LDAP 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Math 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Media 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Multit... 2.2 The Multithreading namespace in the CUL library. CraigsUtilityLibrary-ORM 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Profiler 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Random 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Reflec... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-SQL 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Valida... 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CraigsUtilityLibrary-Web 3.0.0017 Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of ut... CredentialManagement 1.0.1 Credential Management package is a wrapper for the Windows Cred... crm2011.plugins 1.0.7 This package contains a sample plugin that will allow you to qu... Crm2011JsVsDoc 1.0.3 A VsDoc file for use with the CRM 2011 Client side SDK.... crockford-base32 1.1.0 A .NET implementation of Crockford's Base32 encoding that works... CroMagVersion An MSBuild project integration that makes it easy to keep versi... CronTaskManager Features... Cropper 0.1.1 Simple image cropper and resizer CrudLinq Provides a basic Crud repository for use with Linq to Sql data ... CrystalQuartz.Remote 1.0 Installs CrystalQuartz panel (pluggable Qurtz.NET viewer) using... CrystalQuartz.Simple 1.0 Installs CrystalQuartz panel (pluggable Qurtz.NET viewer) using... csharp-cloudfiles C# .NET API for Rackspace Cloud Files Cloud Storage CSharpcommon CSharpcommon csharp-swift 1.0.2 A light http wrapper for the swift API implemented in C# CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree 1.11.924.348 ==CSharpTest.Net.BPlusTree==... CSharpTest.Net.Library 1.11.924.348 ==CSharpTest.Net.Library==... CSharpTest.Net.Logging 1.11.924.348 ==CSharpTest.Net.Logging==... CSharpTest.Net.RpcLibrary 1.11.924.348 ==CSharpTest.Net.RpcLibrary==... CSLA-ASP.NET Supports the creation of ASP.NET Web Forms applications, and is... CSLA-ASP.NET-MVC Supports the creation of ASP.NET MVC applications.... CSLA-Core Supports the creation of Class Library projects containing busi... CSLA-Silverlight Supports the creation of Silverlight applications.... CSLA-WindowsForms Supports the creation of Windows Forms applications.... CSLA-WindowsPhone Supports the creation of Windows Phone 7 (WP7) applications.... CSLA-WPF Supports the creation of WPF applications.... csmic 1.1.3 CS-MIC is a .NET library written in C# designed to give develop... CSS_Media_Query_Debugger 1.0.0 Adds a simple CSS file used to debug media queries. CS-Script Class Library assembly for the CS-Script engine. CS-Script is a... CSSFriendly 1.0 The CSS Friendly Control Adapters kit (for ASP.Net 2.0) provide... CssSpriteGenerator 1.1 Reduce bandwidth costs and page load times by compressing large... CSUtilities The purpose of CSUtilities is to provide a number of artifacts/... CSUtilities.Website-4.0-Cla... 1.1 Installs a basic Commerce Server 2009 ASP.NET 4.0 website suppo... CSUtilities.Website-4.0-Int... 1.1 Installs a basic Commerce Server 2009 ASP.NET 4.0 website suppo... CsvHelper 1.4.0 A library for reading and writing CSV files. Extremely fast, fl... CsvTools 1.0.4 Open source libary for easy reading, writing, and manipulation ... Csx.Core 0.1.4357.1191 Csx is a tiny build engine that allows you to pass data in the ... CUDAfy.NET 1.8.4427.36820 CUDAfy is an SDK that permits general purpose programming of NV... Cuemon 1.0.2012.930 If you like the structure of the .NET platform, then the Cuemon... Curiosity.Common 1.7.63 Common class library for Curiosity Software. Curiosity.Common.Mvc 1.8.19 Common MVC class library for Curiosity Software, LLC. CustomAppLog 1.1 .Net app logging... CustomCodeAnalysisRuleSet 1.0.0 This is my Custom Code Analysis RuleSet for In-House Projects CustomEventLog 1.6 Simple .Net MVC Logging Framework CuttingEdge.Conditions CuttingEdge.Conditions is a library that helps developers to wr... Cyan Cyan is a .NET dynamic client for the Azure Table Storage REST ... d3 2.4.4 D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model... DAF The DevForce Application Framework makes it easy to get started... danliutestpackage 6.0.0 Added logging Dapper 1.8 A high performance Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server, MySQL, Sqli... Dapper.Rainbow 0.1.2 Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD hel... Dapper.Rainbow.MySql 0.3.1 Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD hel... Dapper.Rainbow.SQLite 0.1.2 Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD hel... DapperExtensions 1.3.1 A small library that complements Dapper by adding basic CRUD op... DataAnnotationsExtensions Validation attributes that can be used in any .NET 4.0 project ... DataAnnotationsExtensions.MVC3 Validation attributes that extend Data Annotations and provide ... DataConnectionDialog 1.2 The data connection dialog is a database tool component release... DataDuctus.MongoDb.Embedding 0.2.1 This packages makes it possible to 'embed' mongod.exe into an a... DataDuctus.MongoDb.Serializ... 0.3.2 This packages registers DataContract mapped files in order to b... DataExtractingSDK 1.0.1 Library allows you to extract different data from text or web s... DataGenerators 1.0.5 Generadores de datos para utilizar en los Data Generation Plans... DataGridExtensions 1.0.1 This package contains useful extensions for the MS DataGrid (Sy... DataGridThemes 1.0.0 Collection of WPF themes for DataGrid control plus some additio... datajs 1.0.2 datajs is a new cross-browser JavaScript library that enables d... DataObjectsExtensions 1.3.4 Adds server-side batch DML operations. Current limitations: MS ... DataTables-ASP.NET-MVC 0.9.0 This projects supplies C# classes for ASP.NET MVC 3 if jQuery D... DataValidationFramework 1.0.65068.0 A generic validation framework supporting cross-entity data val... DataValidationFramework.EF 1.0.66724.1 A generic validation framework supporting cross-entity data val... DataValidationFramework.Sil... 1.0.68614.0 A generic validation framework supporting cross-entity data val... DateApi Working with dates and time in .NET works great, but I feel it ... dateformat.js 1.2.3 Accepts a date, a mask, or a date and a mask. Returns a formatt... Dates 1.0.0 The missing .NET date types; DatePeriod and DateSpan. DateTimeExtensions This project is a merge of several common DateTime operations o... DateTimeRoutines 1.0.16 C# Date Time Parser, http://www.codeproject.com/KB/datetime/dat... DateTimeSupport 1.2 Extends "DateTime" class. DAValidation 1.0.4 DAValidation makes it easier to develop and maintain ASP.NET We... db4o-cs-devel Adds Client-Server features to db4o, allowing you to host or co... db4o-devel db4o is an .NET embedded object oriented database aimed to simp... db4o-nq-devel Adds support for using Native Queries to your db4o-based project. DbEntry 4.0.4360.24751 DbEntry.Net (Lephone Framework) is a lightweight, high performa... DbExecutor Simple and Lightweight Database Executor for .NET 4 Client Prof... DbExtensions 3.8.0 DbExtensions consists of basically 3 components that can be use... dbup 2.0.67 DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases. dbup.sqlce 0.5.4 DbUp.SqlCe is a port of the DbUp Project for SQL Server Compact... dbup-sqlce 2.0.67 DbUp makes it easy to deploy and upgrade SQL Server databases. ... DbUtility 1.0.0 DbUtility is a light utility for SQL Server DBVC 0.0.896 An minimal stored procedure based orm using xml. DCCreative.DNOA4Glimpse 0.9.4 This package is a plugin for Glimpse that provides you a detail... DCT.ClassLibrary1 ?? DDay.iCal 1.0.1 DDay.iCal is an iCal (RFC 5545) class library for .NET 2.0 and ... Decidir.SPS.Helper 1.0.1 Web Helper para la integracion del Sistema de Pago Seguro Decidir declcmdparser This package contains a powerful, declarative command-line pars... Delay.Web.Helpers 1.1.1 Delay.Web.Helpers is an ASP.NET web helper assembly that includ... Delay.Web.Helpers.SampleWeb... 1.1.1 Sample web site for the Delay.Web.Helpers package. Deleporter Deleporter Core (use Deleporter.Server/Deleporter.Client for ea... Deleporter.Client Deleporter - Simple Cross Process Stubbing. Facilitates stubbin... Deleporter.Client.SeleniumS... Adds the current SeleniumServer.jar (27MB) to the project (requ... Deleporter.Server Deleporter - Simple Cross Process Stubbing. Facilitates stubbin... DemiCode.Logging Additional appenders, filters and type converters for use with ... DemiCode.Mvvm MVVM implementation for WPF 4.0. NOTE: this is an initial relea... Demo.SNY.1 1.0 MyStatusCheck DependencyInjector 1.0.1 Tiny (500 lines) dependency injection library that will build y... DependencySort 1.0 Allows you to topologically sort a list of objects by defining ... Depot 1.0.1 A common caching interface with support for graphing dependencies. DesignerPages 1.1.1 Allows views to be added to one directory without the need to c... Detergent Detergent is a C# library providing a simple interface-based ab... devconnection2012 THIS IS A DEMO. DO NOT INSTALL. DevDefined.OAuth 0.1 The DevDefined.OAuth project is a library for creating both OAu... DeveloperFramework 2.3 ???????? developwithpassion.specific... Testing Extensions developwithpassion.specific... Testing Extensions developwithpassion.specific... Testing Extensions developwithpassion.specific... Testing Extensions DevFx 1.0.85788 DevFx, HTB Develop Framework For .NET, IoC, Data Access.... DevFx.Data 1.0.85576 DevFx Data, HTB Develop Framework For .NET, Data Access Module DevFx.Extensions 1.0.85576 DevFx Extensions, HTB Develop Framework For .NET, Service Runne... DevFx.Lite 1.0.85788 DevFx Lite, HTB Develop Framework For .NET DeviceManagementPackage 0.1.0 This project is an easy to use wrapper for native Windows devic... DevMagicFake Retrieve and save any object from your domain model without wri... Devme.Diagnostics 1.1.0 Diagnostics tools collection for .NET Devme.MSBuildTasks 0.3.1 Tasks collection for MSBuild devtm 1.0 devtm core devtm.Aop 1.0.0 Aop in build time and runtime using Mono cecil devtm.Cecil 1.0.1 helpers for mono cecil. devtm.Verbatim.CustomConver... 1.0 interface implementing IConverter for the project Verbatim Auto... DevTrends.DynamicWcfProxy 1.0 Dynamically generates client proxies for internal WCF services ... DevUI 0.87 MVVM basic framework focused on testing viewmodels DevUI.Policy 0.92 Tools for policytesting MVVM (DevUI) projects DH.Scrypt.dll 1.0.3 The Scrypt (Silverlight Cryptography) library adds RSA Encrypti... Dhgms.DataManager 0.1204.8.0 A base library for performing Data orientated tasks. Designed t... Dhgms.DataManager.Extended 0.1203.26.0 A base library for performing Data orientated tasks. This is a... Dhgms.TplHelper 0.1204.15.0 TPLHelper is a helper library for standardising program behavio... DIC_Challenge_LCSeq 1.0 Challenge: Write a generic function to return the longest conse... DIC_Challenge_Rings_Interface 1.1 The challenge is to implement the required two functions. differ This package contains a generic, static class that can diff two... difflib A diff implementation class library for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 writte... DiffPlex 1.2.0 DiffPlex is a diffing library that allows you to programaticall... DigitalLiberationFront.Mong... 1.0 MongoDB ASP.NET Providers including Membership, Role, Profile a... DillPickle DillPickle is a simple BDD framework that understands the Gherk... DimMock 1.0.2 DimMock allows you to quickly mock data for objects that you ar... DIModelBinder Asp.Net MVC Model Binder with Dependency Injection Dino 1.0 Dino Core Dino.EntityFramework 1.0 Dino extension for EntityFramework Directus.Core 1.0.1 Core extension methods for native types Directus.Extensions.Core 1.0.1 Core extension methods for native types Directus.Extensions.MVC 1.0.1 Extension methods for usage in ASP.NET MVC appliations Directus.Log4Net.MVC 1.0.1 Log4net additions for ASP.NET MVC projects Directus.Metrics 1.0.2 Tools to measure your application Directus.Metrics.AWS 1.0.1 Tools to measure your application using AWS as a data store Directus.SimpleDb 1.0.2 Simple provider for persisting C# POCOs to Amazon SimpleDB DiscogsConnect 0.7 DiscogsConnect is a .NET client library for the V2 REST API of ... Disqus.Helper 1.1 The Disqus Helper for Web Pages provides an easy way to integra... disqussharp 0.8.2 C# wrapper for the Disqus API. Disruptor 1.1.0 Port of LMAX Disruptor to .NET DisWpToolkit 1.1.1 A combination of controls and helper classes used to make Windo... DiUnityLib 1.0.7 Provides a ControllerFactory to work with ASP.NET MVC 3 + Unity... dkApp 1.0.0 dkApp description Dna.DJME 2.0.3 The jQuery extensions for ASP.NET MVC is a lightweight framewor... dnpextensions 2011.6.0.0 The .NET Extensions project provides the missing piece that you... DNSimple 0.4.1 DNSimple REST API helper library Dnum 1.1.4252.35574 Type-safe .NET Enum class replacement DocumentFormat.OpenXml 1.0 Microsoft OpenXML SDK 2.0 DocX DocX is a .NET library that allows developers to manipulate Wor... DoddleReport 1.2.2 DoddleReport adds tabular reporting over any LINQ Query, IEnume... DoddleReport.AbcPdf 1.2.1 Adds ABCpdf support to DoddleReport. Requires an ABCpdf license... DoddleReport.Dynamic 1.2 Adds a DynamicReportSource to DoddleReport, allowing ExpandoObj... DoddleReport.iTextSharp 1.2.1 Adds iTextSharp PDF support to DoddleReport. iTextSharp is an o... DoddleReport.OpenXml 1.2.1 Adds OpenXML support to DoddleReport. The currently supported f... DoddleReport.Sample.Mvc 1.2 Sample usage of DoddleReport in an MVC application DoddleReport.Web 1.2.1 Adds Web Reporting support to DoddleReport. MVC apps can use th... dojo 1.7.2 This is the basic dojo.js and minified dojo for just the dojo c... dojo.source 1.6.1 This is the complete dojo dijit dojox and util folders. This is... DomainDeveloperFramework ??ORM????????? DomainEventsToolkit 1.0.0 Light and straightforward .net 4 library to implement the Domai... DotCache 1.1 A simple caching framework. dotConnect.Express.for.MySQL 6.80.341 dotConnect Express for MySQL is a free of charge enhanced datab... dotConnect.Express.for.Oracle 6.80.341 dotConnect Express for Oracle is a free of charge enhanced data... dotConnect.Express.for.Post... 5.80.341 dotConnect Express for PostgreSQL is a free of charge enhanced ... dotConnect.Express.for.SQLite 3.80.341 dotConnect Express for SQLite is a free of charge enhanced data... DotExtension 1.1 DotExtension is a simple extension/plugin finder. DoTheMario 1.0.0 Plays the Mario Bros theme song in PowerShell. DotJson.Source 1.0.1 A tiny set of classes (in C#) that provide methods for JSON web... dotLastFm Simple .NET wrapper for Last.fm API dotless This is a project to port the hugely useful Less libary to the ... DotLessMinification 0.42.1 Enables DotLess, Minification (via AjaxMin) and bundling of you... DotLiquid DotLiquid is a templating system ported to the .NET framework f... DotNet.DevOps.Tasks Powershell and MSBuild tasks for standard devops tasks in C#. T... DotNet.Highcharts 1.2 DotNet.Highcharts offers Highcharts integration with ASP.NET ap... DotNet37signals 0.9.8 C# WCF API to access the REST based 37signals services includin... DotNetCasClient 1.0.1 .NET client for the Jasig Central Authentication Service (CAS) DotNetCommonLibrary This library contains common utility classes and methods that c... dotnetdbf 3.0.3 This is a basic file parser for reading and writing xBase DBF f... dotnetdbf.enumerable 4.0.7 For dotnetdbf projects using .net 4.0 projects this is an enume... DotNetDesign.EntityFramework 0.4.8 Framework that facilitates a rich entity model with repositorie... DotNetDesign.EntityFramewor... 0.4.8 Tools to help generate entities and their supporting classes. DotNetDesign.EntityFramewor... 0.4.8 Library built on top of DotNetDesign.EntityFramework that expos... dotnetext 1.1.0 An extension method library for the .NET Framework 4.0 (or high... DotNetExtensions-Base 1.1.4389.28096 Additions to the .net framework DotNetExtensions-HtmlTags 0.4.6 Additions to base fubu HtmlTags project DotNetExtensions-UiConventions 2.1.4199.41827 Convention extensions to HtmlTags and other UI components DotNetMigrations 0.85.0 DotNetMigrations is a database migration framework that assists... DotNetNuke.Extensions.dll 0.3 The DotNetNuke.Extensions library makes writing your DotNetNuke... DotNetNuke.Extensions.Glimp... 1.0 A DotNetNuke plugin for the Glimpse application. Displays DotNe... DotNetOpenAuth Add OpenID 1.1/2.0, OAuth 1.0(a), & InfoCard authentication and... DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet Enables web site visitors to log into an ASP.NET web applicatio... DotNetOpenAuth.InfoCard Adds an InfoCard button to your web application's login page.... DotNetOpenAuth.InfoCard.UI Adds an InfoCard button to your ASP.NET web application's login... DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Common This package contains shared code for other NuGet packages, and... DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Consumer Improve usability, reliability, conversion rates and security s... DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth.Servic... Protect your users' data while allowing them to programmaticall... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Provider Allow your customers to take their identities from your site wi... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Provi... Allow your customers to take their identities from your site wi... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Relyi... Increase conversion rates to your web site by lowering the bar ... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenId.Relyi... Increase conversion rates to your web site by lowering the bar ... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenIdInfoCa... Adds an InfoCard button to an OpenID relying party's login butt... DotNetOpenAuth.OpenIdOAuth As an OpenID 2.0 relying party or provider, include an OAuth 1.... DotNetOpenAuth.Ultimate A single assembly that adds OpenID 1.1/2.0, OAuth 1.0(a)/2.0, &... dotNetRDF 0.6.2 dotNetRDF is a RDF, SPARQL and Semantic Web API for .Net. It p... dotNetRDF.Data.Sql 0.6.2 dotNetRDF.Data.Sql provides an simple SQL based triplestore for... dotNetRDF.Data.Virtuoso 0.6.2 dotNetRDF.Data.Virtuoso provides support for using OpenLink Vir... dotNetRDF.Query.FullText 0.3.2 dotNetRDF.Query.FullText provides Full Text SPARQL support as a... DotNetRocks.QUnit4SharePoint 1.0.1 QUnit is one of the most famous testing frameworks for JavaScri... DotNetRoo 0.0.25 Source Generator inspired by Spring Roo. Do not use this librar... DotNetWise.Utilities Helpful utilities for your code. DotNetXmlHttpRequest Calls httprequest request and returns the HttpResponse in a way... DotNetZip DotNetZip is an easy-to-use, FAST, FREE class library and tools... DotNetZip.Reduced DotNetZip is an easy-to-use, FAST, FREE class library and tools... DotSpatial.Analysis 1.1 Analysis and manipulation classes, such as Clip raster with pol... DotSpatial.Compatibility 1.1 MapWindow 4 compatibility DotSpatial.Controls 1.1 Windows Forms controls, including a map control. DotSpatial.Data 1.1 GIS Data objects for DotSpatial DotSpatial.Data.Forms 1.1 Windows Forms controls for working with DotSpatial GIS objects. DotSpatial.Extensions 1.1 Interfaces which allow DotSpatial to be extended. DotSpatial.Modeling.Forms 1.1 Windows Forms elements for tools and the modeler. DotSpatial.Positioning 1.1 This assembly provides objects used to design geographic applic... DotSpatial.Positioning.Forms 1.1 Global Positioning System Framework for Visual Studio.NET DotSpatial.Projections 1.1 For working with Projections and coordinate systems. A port of ... DotSpatial.Projections.Forms 1.1 Windows Forms elements for working with Projections and coordin... DotSpatial.Serialization 1.1 Helps save DotSpatial objects to file. DotSpatial.Symbology 1.1 Customize map cartographic symbols. DotSpatial.Symbology.Forms 1.1 Windows forms elements related to customizing map cartographic ... DotSpatial.Topology 1.1 Topology functions and geometry objects for DotSpatial. This is... DotWarp 1.2.1 DotWarp is an easy-to-use 3D software rasterization library, wh... DozensAPIClient 1.1.0 This library provide you to easily access way to API of "Dozens... DPLServiceHelpers Service Helpers simplifies using WCF in a service oriented soft... Dragon 1.0.1 The Database Class has methods Open, Execute QueryValue and Que... DreamInCode.Net 1.0 A .NET library built using C# used to easily access DreamInCode... DRO.Package 1.3 Note that the .NET platform is 3.5 DroidPimp 1.1 API for sending push messages to Android devices using the Goog... Drools.Net 1.0 All dependencies for Drools .net dropkick DropkicK is a fluent deployment framework that allows you to de... dropkick.core DropkicK is a fluent deployment framework that allows you to de... dropkick.settings.templates DropkicK is a fluent deployment framework that allows you to de... DropNet 1.9.3 .NET Client for the Dropbox API (.NET 3.5 and Windows Phone) DslConfig 0.9.9 This project is intended to give .NET Developers a simple and s... duhking 0.1.0 A psudo-duck typing library for .Net. DumpToText 0.1 Provides a bit of ASCII trace logging of an in memory object in... dvp-net 0.5 Librairie de classes diverses pour le developpement d'applicati... dvp-net-drawing 0.5 Librairie de classes .NET pour l'utilisation de GDI+, creee a p... dvp-net-system 0.5 Librairie de classes .NET pour les operations systeme, creee a ... dvp-net-winforms 0.5 Librairie de classes diverses pour le developpement d'applicati... dvp-net-wpf 0.5 Librairie de classes pour le developpement d'applications WPF, ... DW.Interactivity.Unofficial This is an unofficial packaging of David Wendland's DW.Interact... DW.SharpTools.Unofficial This is an unofficial packaging of David Wendland's DW.SharpToo... DW.WPFToolkit.Unofficial This is an unofficial packaging of David Wendland's DW.WPFToolk... DynaCache 1.01 DynaCache is a small C# library that allows you to automaticall... DynamicData.EFCodeFirstProv... Supports using Dynamic Data with EF Code First models DynamicData.Extensions 1.2 NotAClue Dynamic Data Extensions, Includes: HideColumnIn, ShowO... DynamicData.ImageFieldTemplate 1.2.2 Dynamic Data embedded database image field template and http ha... DynamicDataTemplatesCS 1.0 DynamicData Field and Entity templates which can be used to cus... DynamicDataTemplatesVB 1.0 DynamicData Field and Entity templates which can be used to cus... DynamicHeader 1.0.1 [THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION]... DynamicImage 2.1.1 DynamicImage is a high-performance image manipulation library f... DynamicImage.Extensions.Con... 2.0.1 Content Aware Resizing filter for DynamicImage. DynamicImage.Extensions.Pdf 2.0.0 PDF layer for DynamicImage that is capable of rendering a speci... DynamicImage.Extensions.Ren... 2.0.1 3D layer for DynamicImage, capable of rendering 3D meshes loade... DynamicImage.Extensions.Web... 2.0.0 Website screenshot layer for DynamicImage that can generate a s... DynamicImage.Mvc 2.1.1 Extensions for DynamicImage providing integration with ASP.NET ... DynamicJson dynamic json structure for C# 4.0. This provides only single .c... DynamicJsonForDotNET 0.9.6 json library for .net 4.0 that preserves the dynamicity of json DynamicLanguageRuntime.Net2... 2.6.1003.1 This is an unofficial NuGet package of the .NET 2.0 compatable ... DynamicLanguageRuntime.Net4... 2.6.1003.1 This is an unofficial NuGet package of the .NET 4.0 compatable ... DynamicLINQ 1.0 An evolution of the dynamic linq library based on C# 4 dynamic. DynamicLocalhost 1.3 DynamicLocalhost will add a single .cs file to your project tha... DynamicMVVM The DynamicMVVM is a set of classes which help developer to get... DynamicOrientationChanges 1.0.0 Simple library for enabling orientation changes animation for W... DynamicProperties This project allows you easily add dynamic properties to any ex... DynamicQuery 1.0 The Dynamic Expression API extends the core LINQ API and provid... DynamicSugar The Dynamic Sugar Library provides methods, functions and class... DynamicViewModel Implement the Model View ViewModel (MVVM) architectural pattern... DynamicViewState 1.1.0 A Library which allows to access ViewState with dynamic propert... DynamicXaml Fluent dynamic API for creating XAML Object trees, inspired by ... Dynamo.Ioc 1.0 Dynamo.Ioc 1.0 Beta - Dynamo IOC is a super fast and lightweigh... Dynamo.Ioc.Web 1.0 Dynamo.Ioc.Web 1.0 Beta - Dynamo IOC Web Extensions provides We... Dyno.Net A dynamic json library Eagle 1.0.4472.20308 An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. EasyCache EasyCache is a thin wrapper over .NET cache API to simplify the... EasyHttp An Http Client for .NET with support for Dynamic Types/Json/Xml EasyMVC 0.9.0 An MVC Library to make ReST and Conneg and other things easy EasyNetQ 0.2 EasyNetQ is a simple, opinionated .NET API for RabbitMQ EasyObjects.NET.EL3 2.0.2 An object relational mapper library that uses the Data Access A... EasyObjects.NET.EL4 2.0.2 An object relational mapper library that uses the Data Access A... EasySec 1.0 A assembly to make it easier to encrypt and hash. eazfuscator.net 3.3 Eazfuscator.NET is a free obfuscator for .NET platform. The mai... EC.NugetTestLib.dll 1.0.3 My Description EchoNet 1.1 Echo.Net is a library designed to handle background tasks withi... ECM7Migrator Database migrations for .NET. Supported DBMS: MySQL 5.0 and lat... EcmaScript.Net This is a custom modified version of the EcmaScript code, mainl... ECX.Library 0.0 Description EdgeRunner 1.0.3 Provides the ability to host an application inside of a console... EdtterTemplate 1.0 This is the Edtter Template based on HappyForest template. (Edt... EF4Templates EF4 Templates uses T4toolbox to generate Repositories, Unit of ... EFCodeFirst.CreateTablesOnly 1.0.2 Adds a IDatabaseInitializer implementation for EF Code First CT... EFConventions 1.0.0 Adds ability to use custom conventions with Entity Framework Co... EFCTP4 1.0 This CTP is a an early preview of the Code First Programming Mo... EFCTP4.SampleBlogModel 0.5 This sample blog model demonstrates the use of the Entity Frame... EffectDocument_2011v 0.1 My package description. EfficientlyLazy.Crypto 0.9.2 .Net library to simplify cryptography in so developers will act... EfficientlyLazy.IdentityGen... 0.9.4 .Net library create random identities that include Name, Addres... EFHooks 1.0.2 EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First'... Efmap 1.1.2415.0 EF map provides easy additional helpers to work with Entity Fra... EFMembership 2.0 Entity Framework Membership Provider... EFRepository 0.0.1 A library to aid in implementing a good Entity Framework-based ... efsession 1.0.5 unit of work session api for EF to eliminate the need to creat ... Eggado 0.9.14320 ADO.NET Modernizer eidias.jquery.expanding 1.0.2 a jQuery plugin for creating expanding text areas Eila 0.1.0 HttpHandler for showing analysed IIS logs summary as a web page... EJS 1.0 Embedded JavaScript - An open source JavaScript Template librar... Elastacloud.AzureManagement... 0.3 A library to manage all facets of Windows Azure. Currently in B... Elastic Elastic is a framework that helps to simplify the "wiring" phas... Elastic.Routing 1.0.1 A package with powerful routing features. Elastic.Routing.Sample 1.0.1 A sample MVC 3 application which demonstrates the features and ... Elasticss 2.0.3 A simple css framework to layout web-based interfaces, based on... elevate 0.1.0 An easy to pick up library containing things you wish were in t... elfar 1.0.9 Error Logging Filter and Route (ELFAR) for ASP.NET MVC was insp... elfar.access 1.0.8 Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elfar.in-memory 1.0.4 In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elfar.mail 1.0.3 Mail module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider pa... elfar.sqlclient 1.0.8 SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elfar.sqlite 1.0.2 SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elfar.sqlserverce 1.0.3 SQL Server CE ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elfar.twitter 1.0.4 Twitter module for ELFAR. Requires one of the ErrorLog Provider... elfar.xml 1.0.8 XML ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR. elmah 1.2.2 ELMAH with initial configuration for getting started quickly. E... Elmah.Contrib.Mvc 1.0 Elmah.Contrib.Mvc was designed to add ease-of-use to Elmah insi... elmah.corelibrary 1.2.2 Core library for ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) wit... Elmah.Everywhere Elmah Everywhere is an exception logging library for .NET, Silv... elmah.filtering.sample 1.2.2 Sample configuration supplying common filtering for ELMAH. elmah.mongodb 1.3.1 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Mongo... elmah.msaccess 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Micro... Elmah.MVC 1.3.2 Painless integration of ELMAH functionality into ASP.NET MVC Ap... elmah.mysql 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an MySQ... elmah.oracle 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an Orac... elmah.postgresql 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Postg... elmah.sqlserver 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Micro... elmah.sqlservercompact 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on a Micro... elmah.xml 1.2 ELMAH with configuration for getting started quickly on an erro... EloqueraDB 4.51 Eloquera Database is native object database for .NET environmen... Elysium.Theme 1.3 Elysium Theme is a library that implements Metro style for Wind... EmailNotification 0.1.1298.29 The Email Notification wrapper makes it easier for .NET develop... EmbeddedMail Integration testing against e-mail almost always sucks. Embedde... EmbeddedResourceVirtualPath... 1.1.8 Enables ASP to read content files (e.g. .css, .js, .aspx) store... EmbeddedTaskScheduler 0.3.7 Allows tasks to be run on a schedule within a host application embedly 0.6 At it's core, embedly is an oEmbed provider. oEmbed is a format... embedly-mongodb 0.6 MongoDB Cache provider for Embedly Client for .NET EmitMapper 1.0.0 Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other. ... EmitMapperSigned 1.0.0 Powerful customisable tool for mapping entities to each other encog-dotnet-core 3.0.0 Encog is an advanced neural network and machine learning framew... EngageNet A wrapper library for the JanRain Engage (formerly RPX) authent... EngageNet.Mvc Asp.Net MVC helpers and example impelmentation for the EngageNe... EnhancedViewLocations 1.0 Enhanced View Locations for MVC allows ASP.NET MVC developers m... EnjoyDialogs.Core 1.7.40 Core functionalities Enkoni Changes in version Enkoni.Entities Changes in version Enkoni.Entities.Database Changes in version Enkoni.Entities.File Changes in version Enkoni.Entities.Service Changes in version Enkoni.Logging Contains functionality to add logging to an application using t... Enkoni.ServiceModel Contains a number of helper-classes that can be utilized in com... Enkoni.Testing Contains a number of classes that can aid in the execution of t... Enkoni.Validation Contains functionality that extends the functionality that is o... Ensure 0.2.2 Provides declarative way for checking conditions. Ensure.That 0.7.0 Yet another guard clause project helping you with validation an... Ensure.That.Source 0.7.0 Yet another guard clause project helping you with validation an... EnterpriseLibrary.Caching 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Caching Application Block lets developer... EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.C... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets devel... EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.D... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Caching Database Backing Store lets deve... EnterpriseLibrary.Common 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Common assembly contains elements that a... EnterpriseLibrary.Data 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block simplifies... EnterpriseLibrary.Data.SqlCe 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block SQL CE Dat... EnterpriseLibrary.Exception... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block hel... EnterpriseLibrary.Exception... 5.0.505.0 This exception handler lets you log formatted exception informa... EnterpriseLibrary.Exception... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block WCF... EnterpriseLibrary.Logging 5.0.505.1 The Enterprise Library Logging Application Block simplifies log... EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.D... 5.0.505.0 This logging provider lets developer use the Data Access Applic... EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.S... 5.0.505.0 A WCF logging service implementation that uses the Logging Appl... EnterpriseLibrary.PolicyInj... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Policy Injection Application Block can b... EnterpriseLibrary.Security 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Security Application Block provide a com... EnterpriseLibrary.Security.... 5.0.505.0 The AzMan authorization provider allows the use of Windows Auth... EnterpriseLibrary.Security.... 5.0.505.0 This caching store provides an ISecurityCacheProvider implement... EnterpriseLibrary.Security.... 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifie... EnterpriseLibrary.Source 5.0.505.0 This is a source package for Microsoft Enterprise Library for y... EnterpriseLibrary.Source.Si... 5.0.505.0 This is a source package for Microsoft Enterprise Library Silve... EnterpriseLibrary.Source.Wi... 5.0.1118.2 The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a set of reusable applicati... EnterpriseLibrary.Validation 5.0.505.0 The Enterprise Library Validation Application Block provides us... EnterpriseLibrary.Validatio... 5.0.505.0 This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Applica... EnterpriseLibrary.Validatio... 5.0.505.0 This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Applica... EnterpriseLibrary.Validatio... 5.0.505.0 This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Applica... EnterpriseLibrary.Validatio... 5.0.505.0 This component allows the Enterprise Library Validation Applica... EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAz... 5.0.1118.2 The Microsoft Enterprise Library Autoscaling Application Block ... EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAz... 5.0.1007.1 This package has been deprecated. Install package with ID 'Ente... EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAz... 5.0.1118.2 The Windows Azure Configuration Extensions enhance the Enterpri... EnterpriseLibrary.WindowsAz... 5.0.1118.2 The Transient Fault Handling Application Block for Windows Azur... entile-client 0.1.0 The Entile Notification Framework helps you when doing Live Til... entile-server 0.1.2 The Entile Notification Framework helps you when doing Live Til... EntityFramework 4.3.1 Entity Framework is Microsoft’s recommended data access technol... EntityFramework.CodeFirst.T... 0.1.3 This package aims to make testing Entity Framework Code First p... EntityFramework.Extended Entity Framework extensions library. EntityFramework.Extensions 0.0.2 A couple useful extensions for creating DB creation scripts fro... EntityFramework.Extras This package contains extensions for entity framework code firs... EntityFramework.OT 0.1.0 Entity Framework - Operation Tracking allows changes to be reco... EntityFramework.Patterns 0.6 EntityFramework.Patterns provides different patterns to be used... EntityFramework.Sample 4.1 This sample blog model demonstrates the use of the Entity Frame... EntityFramework.SqlServerCo... 4.3.2 Allows SQL Server Compact 4.0 to be used with Entity Framework. EntityFrameworkProfiler EntityFramework Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowin... EntityGraph 1.0.68613.0 A technology to separate generic operations (such as cloning, i... EntitySpaces.Mvc3.Configura... An easy configuration for EntitySpaces projects in ASP.NET MVC ... EntLib3.DAAB 3.1.0 The necessary signed files for running the Data Access Applicat... EntLib4.DAAB 4.1.0 The necessary signed files for running the Data Access Applicat... EntLibContrib.Common 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Common Extensions extends the Microsoft Enter... EntLibContrib.Common.Config... 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Autofac Configurator is an implementation of ... EntLibContrib.Common.Config... 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Castle Windsor Configurator is an implementat... EntLibContrib.Data.MySql 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib MySql Data Provider allow to use the MySql .N... EntLibContrib.Data.OdpNet 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Oracle ODP.NET Data Provider allow to use the... EntLibContrib.ExceptionHand... 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Exception Handling Application Block Extensio... EntLibContrib.Logging 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Logging Application Block Extensions extends ... EntLibContrib.PolicyInjection 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Policy Injection Application Block Extensions... EntLibContrib.Query 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Query Application Block provides a common int... EntLibContrib.Query.Database 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Query Application Block Database Extensions a... EntLibContrib.Source 5.0.505.0 This package includes a zip file with the source code of the ex... EntLibContrib.Validation 5.0.505.0 The EntLibContrib Validation Application Block Extensions exten... EntLibWcfLogging 1.0.0 Adds Enterprise Library 5 Logging Block settings to your WCF pr... enumerablejs 1.0.0 enumerablejs brings the .NET linq api to javascript. Enumeration 1.0.4 A utility class. Common uses include Java-like enumerations, di... EnumMetadata.Core 1.12 This package provides extension and static methods to enable cu... EnumMetadata.Samples 1.12 This package provides sample code exercising and unit tests val... EnyimMemcached 2.11 Memcached client library for .NET based languages. EnyimMemcached-log4net 2.11 log4net based logging adapter for the Enyim Memcached library. EnyimMemcached-NLog 2.11 NLog based logging adapter for the Enyim Memcached library. epnet-http-client 0.1.10 HTTP Client Sample for http://www.easyprojects.net/ RESTfull API EPPlus A library to manage Excel spreadsheets, using OOXML. EPubSharp 0.4.2 EPubSharp provides the ability to generate ePub documents with ... EQATEC.Analytics.Monitor 2.2.106 EQATEC Analytics enables easy application analytics and this pa... EqualityComparer A set of Expression tree based object instance comparers ErikEJ.SqlCeBulkCopy .NET Library for loading data fast (doing bulk inserts) into a ... ErikEJ.SqlCeMembership ASP.NET Membership and Role Provider that uses SQL Server Compa... Erlang.NET 0.9.6 Erlang.NET is an implementation of an Erlang node in C# which w... ErpStudio Contains build version of "Domain.Seedwork" project from Micros... Errlusion 1.5 Easy, non-configuration based, http error handling for Asp.Net ... ES5 0.1 Adds support for many of the new functions in ECMAScript 5 to d... Essential.Diagnostics 1.1.20103.0 Essential.Diagnostics contains additional trace listeners, filt... eswat 0.0.4 A simple, yet flexible acceptance Testing framework eswat.Automation.Web 0.0.4 Extends ESWAT with web automation capabilities using WebDriver eswat.Automation.Web.Razor 0.0.4 Extends ESWAT with web automation capabilities for Razor eswat.IronPython 0.0.4 Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written... eswat.IronRuby 0.0.4 Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written... eswat.PowerShell 0.0.4 Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written... eswat.Razor 0.0.4 Extends the ESWAT framework to allow test scripts to be written... EvaDemoHelper 1.0.0 My package description. EventAggregator.Net 0.8 A .Net class and some interfaces to provide a lightweight, conv... EventAggregator.Net.Extensions 0.2 A .Net class that extends the EventAggregator.Net package. eventbriteNET 1.0.4 Wraps the eventbrite.com developer API in some nice statically-... EventStore 3.0.11326.44 The purpose of the EventStore is to represent a series of event... EventStore.Logging.Log4Net 3.0.11326.44 Additional logging provider for EventStore using Log4Net. EventStore.Logging.NLog 3.0.11326.44 Additional logging provider for EventStore using NLog. EventStore.Persistence.Mong... 3.0.11326.44 Additional persistence provider for EventStore using MongoDB. EventStore.Persistence.Rave... 3.0.11326.44 Additional persistence provider for EventStore using RavenDB. EventStore.Serialization.Json 3.0.11326.44 Additional serialization provider for EventStore based on the N... EventStore.Serialization.Se... 3.0.11326.44 Additional serialization provider for EventStore based on Servi... everisTest 1.0.0 My package description. Evernote.Core 0.5.0 A wrapper for the core api of Evernote EvoPDF EVO HTML to PDF Converter for .NET is a library that can be eas... Ewk.Extensions 1.0.4432.42840 Contains some extensions I like to try. Ewk.Math.Algebra 1.0.4461.39916 Contains a matrix and a vector with methods for algebraic opera... Ewk.Math.ComputationTypes 1.0.4461.39915 Contains types that can be computed with. Ewk.Math.Numerics 1.0.4461.39914 Contains classes that represent complex numeric values. EWS.x64 1.2 The Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API 1.2 provi... EWS.x86 1.2 The Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) Managed API 1.2 provi... Exader.Core 2.5.1 Exader utility library Exader.Dynamic 1.0.8 The Exader Dynamics enables attach dynamic evaluation behavior ... Exader.ServiceModel 1.0.0 WCF services utility. Exader.Windows.Mvvm 1.0.2 Exader MVVM for WPF. ExceedClientTestClientAPI My package description. ExcelDataReader 2.1 Lightweight and fast library written in C# for reading Microsof... Excel-DNA 0.29 Excel-DNA eases the development of Excel add-ins using .NET. ... ExcelGenerator 1.2 A C#/.Net library for creating reports in Excel spreadsheet fil... ExcelHandler 1.0.0 This project exposes solid interfaces that contains basic opera... ExcelIO 0.6 Make it easier to read/write Excel files ExcelLibrary 1.2011.7.30 The aim of this project is provide a native .NET solution to cr... ExceptionTail 1.1.0 A library that helps you gather exception information from the ... Exceptiontail.Log4NetAppend... 1.1 A Log4Net appender for the Exceptiontail library. This appender... Exceptiontail.Log4NetAppend... 1.1 A Log4Net appender for the Exceptiontail library. This appender... ExchangeWebServices 1.1 Microsoft Exchange Web Services ExCSS 1.0.10 ExCSS reads and parses stylesheets using CSS 3 and CSS 2 select... Execom.IOG 0.7.1 Immutable Object Graph database for .NET has following goals: ... ExifLib 1.2.4436.20486 Reads JPEG Exif data without the heavyweight and unnecessary in... ExIOrderedQueryable 1.0.0 My package description. ExpandablePanel 2.0.0 Panel with ability to expand and collapse eXpandAdditionalViewControl... AdditionalViewControlsProvider Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandAdditionalViewControl... AdditionalViewControlsProvider Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandConditionalDetailView... ConditionalDetailViews Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandConditionalDetailView... ConditionalDetailViews Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandExceptionHandlingWeb ExceptionHandling Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandExceptionHandlingWin ExceptionHandling Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandFilterDatastoreWeb FilterDatastore Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandFilterDatastoreWin FilterDatastore Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandImportWizardWin2 ImportWizard Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandIOWeb IO Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandIOWin IO Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandJobShedulerWeb JobSheduler Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandJobShedulerWin JobSheduler Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandMasterDetailWin MasterDetail Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandMemberLevelSecurityWin MemberLevelSecurity Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandModelArtifactWeb ModelArtifact Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandModelArtifactWin ModelArtifact Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandModelDifferenceWeb Extends XAF by adding great new features for example;... eXpandModelDifferenceWin Extends XAF by adding great new features for example;... eXpandNCarouselWeb NCarousel Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandPivotChartWeb PivotChart Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandPivotChartWin PivotChart Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandSqlDbMapperWeb SqlDbMapper Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandSqlDbMapperWin SqlDbMapper Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandThumbnailWeb Thumbnail Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandTreelistViewWeb TreelistView Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandTreelistViewWin TreelistView Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandViewVariantsWeb ViewVariants Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandViewVariantsWin ViewVariants Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandWizardWin Wizard Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandWorkFlowrWin WorkFlow Module (Win) / eXpand Framework eXpandWorkFlowWeb WorkFlow Module (Web) / eXpand Framework eXpandWorldCreatorWeb Creates dynamic persistent assemblies. The XAF user interface a... eXpandWorldCreatorWin Creates dynamic persistent assemblies. The XAF user interface a... Expansive 1.5.3 A powerful string expansion library for .NET you never knew you... ExpectedObjects Testing library for creating Expected Objects. ExpectThat.Jasmine ExpectThat for Jasmine is an expressive, self-documenting asser... ExpectThat.Mocha ExpectThat for Mocha is an expressive, self-documenting asserti... ExpectThat.Pavlov ExpectThat for Pavlov is an expressive, self-documenting assert... ExpectThat.QUnit ExpectThat for QUnit is an expressive, self-documenting asserti... ExpressCss 0.1 Automatically reload stylesheets in all web browsers as soon as... Expressions Expression parser for C#, Flee and Visual Basic. ExpressionTools Represents a set of extension methods that adds search/replace ... Expressive 0.6 Expressive is a library that converts compiled methods into exp... Ext.NET 1.3.0 Ext.NET is an open source ASP.NET (WebForm + MVC) component fra... Ext.NET.Utilities 2.0.0 A .NET Utility Class Library ExtConsole 0.2.3 An easy to use and flexible command line argument handler, whic... ExtDirectHandler 0.8.12 Ext Direct router implementation for ASP.NET Extended.Wpf.Toolkit 1.6.0 The Extended WPF Toolkit is a collection of WPF controls, compo... ExtensionsMadeEasy.ClientAPI 1.2 (ExtensionsMadeEasy Nuget Package)... ExtJsExtenderControls 2.0 A wrapper around the ExtJs Library. The package will add the ne... ExtraLINQ 1.0.2 ExtraLINQ provides a bunch of additional extension methods for ... Exts 1.2 A Collection of Extension Methods I find useful. EyeOpen.DataAnnotations.Nhi... Allow to use DataAnnotations with NHibernate so is easy to swit... EyeOpen.System 1.3000.0.1 LINQ extensions and IOC generic container. EzAuth A tool to make customizing authentication and authorization eas... EZLibrary.WindowsPhone 1.0.0 A library for small helpful classes I use across multiple Windo... EzValidation 1.0.2 Custom validation extensions for ASP.NET MVC 3. Includes server... fabricate.net Quick and repeatable fabrication of .Net objects. Useful in tes... Fabricator Fabricator makes it easy to generate sample data during develop... Facadebook Facadebook C# SDK is a facade and abstraction layer for the Fac... Facadebook.Web Facadebook.Web C# SDK is a facade and abstraction layer for the... Facebook 6.0.14 The Facebook C# SDK helps .Net developers build web, desktop, p... Facebook.channel This package contains the channel file for Facebook which addre... Facebook.Helper 1.0 The Facebook Helper for WebMatrix make it easy to add social wi... Facebook.Moq Moq helpers for Facebook C# SDK. Facebook-Chat 1.0 XMPP library that supports X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM SASL mechanism Facebook-WP7-Login-Button 1.0.1 Facebook login button control for WP7 that pops up a page to pr... FaceSharp 3.0.5 Get started with Facebook Development quickly with FaceSharp! FactoryMan Simple .NET Factories for focused and readable tests FactsViewer 0.5 Interesting facts about everything in Russian. This package bas... FaJs 1.0.8 FaJs?? FAKE 1.64.6 FAKE - F# Make - is a build automation tool for .NET. Tasks and... FakeDbSet 1.3 A ready to use FakeDbSet for faking Entity Framework code. FakeItEasy 1.7.4257.42 It's faking amazing! The easy mocking framework for .Net that w... FakeN.Web 1.0.4208.11274 Fake implementation of HttpContextBase for terse and expressive... FakeO 1.0.4447.26941 Fake Object data generation and population, like Ruby's Faker g... Faker 1.2 Simple library for creating fake data Faker.Net 1.0.3 C# port of the Ruby Faker gem (http://faker.rubyforge.org/) and... Fancybox 2.0.4 FancyBox is a tool that offers a nice and elegant way to add zo... FarseerPhysicsXNAWP7 Farseer Physics Engine for WP7 XNA, based on the popular box2d ... Fart 1.0.1 Easy to use fart utility. FastActivator 1.1 A faster alternative to Activator.CreateInstance, to be used wh... FastColoredTextBox 1.0.0 Fast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting... fasteractivator This high performance alternative to Activator uses System.Refl... fasterflect 2.1.0 .NET library that improves your productivity and application pe... fastJSON 1.9.6 fastJSON FastMember In .NET reflection is slow... well, kinda slow. If you need acc... FbConnectAuth 0.9 Facebook Connect Authentication for ASP.NET is a component that... FeatureSwitcher 0.5 FeatureSwitcher is little framework build to support you when y... FeatureSwitcher.Configuration 0.5 FeatureSwitcher is little framework build to support you when y... FeatureToggle 1.1.0 An antidote to source control branching sickness for .Net devel... FeatureToggle.WPFExtensions 1.1.0 An antidote to source control branching sickness for .Net devel... Felix A small, easy to configure container Felix.Mvc A small, easy to configure container Fielder.Fody Converts public fields to properties. FileBound.dll 6.0.3 FileBound DLL Assembly for building in .NET with the FileBound API FileBoundEnterpriseServices... 6.0 Construct a Custom Module for FileBound Importer or Enterprise ... FileBoundWFAction 6.0 Construct a Custom Workflow Action for FileBound 6 FileBoundWFTerm 6.0 Construct a Custom Workflow Term for FileBound 6 FileByter 0.4 Basic convention based file export. FileDB 1.0.1 FileDB is a free, fast, lightweight C# (v3.5) DLL project to st... FileHelpers A simple to use file library for .NET that supports automatic f... FileHelpers-Stable 2.9.9 A simple to use file library for .NET that supports automatic f... FileSize 1.0.0 A simple object to represent the size of a file. This is super... FilterFramework 1.0.1 FilterFramework helps your filter out a list of objects based o... FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdCl... 2.7.5 Firebird ADO.NET Data provider Firefly 0.4 Firefly is a .NET HTTP Server in an assembly. Firefox 3.6.6 Portable Firefox Firestarter.Template.Github... 0.1.10 Firestarter template based on NAnt, Github, NUnit and a class l... FireWeaver Rather than AOP interception techniques, FireWeaver allows for ... FixFarsiCharsModule FixFarsiChars for ASP.NET FizzBuzz 1.0 An implementation of the classic FizzBuzz puzzle. fizzylogic.attributedrouting 1.0.0 Allows you to use attributes instead of handcoding the routing ... FlagConsole 1.1.2 FlagConsole is a library for .NET, written in C#, which helps t... FlagFtp 0.1.2 A FTP library for .NET which supports various operations, such ... Flashado.Framework 1.0.0 My package description. Flashado.Framework.MVC 1.0.0 My package description. Flashado.Framework.NBaer 1.0.0 My package description. FlashMessages 0.4 Mimick the flash messages functionality found in Ruby on Rails.... Fleck C# WebSocket Implementation FleetsMapTrackingWithSignalR 0.9.2 Fleets map tracking sample using SignalR and Google Maps/Street... Flickr2Html 1.5.1 Grab the HTML code from Flickr's photo page url. FlickrNet 3.4.0 The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the ... FlickrNet.CF 3.4.0 The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the ... FlickrNet.Silverlight 3.4.0 The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the ... FlickrNet.WP7 3.4.0 The Flickr.Net API Library is a .Net Library for accessing the ... FlipIt A feature flipper. FlipIt provides a simple and flexible way to... FlowControls.algos-sl 1.0.0 Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls FlowControls.algos-wp7 1.0.0 Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls FlowControls.algos-wpf 1.0.0 Additional layout algorithms for FlowControls FlowControls-sl 1.0.0 ItemsControl providing 2d / 3d cover flows and other flow layou... FlowControls-wp7 1.0.0 ItemsControl providing 2d / 3d cover flows and other flow layou... FlowControls-wpf 1.0.0 ItemsControl providing 2d / 3d cover flows and other flow layou... Flubu A C# library for building projects and executing deployment scr... Fluency 1.0 Fluency is designed to simplify the way you set up tests. Fluen... FluentACS 1.0.0 Fluent API for setting up Windows Azure Access Control Service ... FluentACS.Samples 1.0.0 Samples showing how to use the FluentACS API FluentAssertions A very extensive set of extension methods for .NET 3.5, 4.0 and... FluentAssertions.Mvc ASP.NET MVC extension methods for FluentAssertions FluentAsserts 1.0 Allow assertions to be written using a fluent API. FluentAutomation.SeleniumWe... Fluent Automation is a simplified API for automated testing of ... FluentAutomation.WatiN Fluent Automation is a simplified API for automated testing of ... FluentCassandra 1.0.0 FluentCassandra is a .NET library for accessing Cassandra, whic... FluentData 2.0.0 FluentData is a Micro ORM that makes it simple to select, inser... FluentDateTime A set of (Ruby inspired) C# Extension Methods for easier and mo... fluent-email 1.0.1 A Fluent Wrapper for System.Net.Mail FluentFilters 0.2 Library for ASP.NET MVC 3 to add support for criteria for globa... FluentHttp .NET rest client helper for http web requests. FluentIL 1.0.1 .NET Emitting Helper FluentIL.Cecil 0.1.1 FluentIL helper to Mono.Cecil. FluentJdf Fluent JDF contains everything you need to quickly... fluentjson.net 0.2.2 A Fluent JSON library for building Knockout view models (or any... FluentLog4Net 0.5 A fluent interface for configuring log4net FluentMetadata 0.1.68614.0 A fluent API for defining metadata for WCF RIA services entities. FluentMigrator The basic idea is that you can create migrations which are simp... FluentMigrator.Legacy.Migra... Use FluentMigrator with old Migrator.NET migrations FluentMigrator.Tools This package adds support for running migrations from the comma... FluentMongo Provides a fluent interface on top of the 10gen driver includin... FluentMvc 2.0 ASP.NET MVC Fluent Validation Framework FluentNHibernate Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based map... FluentNHibernate-hazzik Fluent, XML-less, compile safe, automated, convention-based map... FluentNLog 1.0.0 NLog is a powerful sophisticated Logger for wht whole CLR famil... FluentPath 1.0.0 FluentPath is a fluent wrapper around System.IO.... FluentPS 2.1 FluentPS is an open source library to simplify development and ... FluentReflection Makes .NET reflection eminently easy through a usable, readable... FluentScheduler 1.0.7 A task scheduler that uses fluent interface to configure schedu... FluentSecurity 1.4.0 Fluent security configuration for ASP.NET MVC FluentSecurity.Glimpse 1.1 Glimpse plugin for Fluent Security. FluentSecurity.TestHelper 1.4.0 Test helpers for FluentSecurity FluentSharp.BCL FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .... FluentSharp.CoreLib FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .... FluentSharp_O2 1.0 FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .... FluentSP 2.1 FluentPS is an open source library to simplify development and ... FluentSpring.Net 1.2.4 Fluent Spring configuration for Spring.Net FluentSqlQuery 1.0.2 It's easy-to-use fluent interface for building SQL queries. Cre... FluentStringParser 1.0.2 A fast, narrowly scoped, string parser generator. FluentTests 1.1.1 Framework for writing tests fluently. By using Fluent Tests you... FluentTests.MSTest 1.1.3 Support for Microsoft Tests (MSTest) FluentTests.NUnit 1.1.2 Support for NUnit Tests FluentTime A fluent interface in .NET for working with dates and times, in... FluentUnity 1.0.3 Library for configuring the Unity IoC container using conventio... FluentValidation A validation library for .NET, Silverlight and WP7 that uses a ... FluentValidation.MVC2 ASP.NET MVC 2 integration for FluentValidation FluentValidation.MVC3 ASP.NET MVC 3 integration for FluentValidation FluentValidation.MVC4 ASP.NET MVC 4 integration for FluentValidation fluentworkflow FluentWorkflow is a workflow/saga dsl and runtime component FluentXml Tiny set of XmlDocument extension methods for making it easier ... FluidKit 1.0 This is a WPF library containing a powerhouse of controls, fram... fluorinefx 1.2.3 Nuno Costa fluorinefx.sample 0.0.5 This is a sample service using FluorineFx Fluqi 0.1.6 Ease jQuery UI development with the Fluqi fluent interface libr... FnSharp.Bcl FnSharp - A compliment to F#. This package contains usefull enh... FnSharp.Fundamental.Command... 0.1.2 FnSharp - A compliment to F#. This package contains a command l... Focco 0.1.111003 Focco is a quick-and-dirty, literate-programming-style document... Fonet 1.0 XSL-FO to PDF Rendering Engine foolproof 0.9.4048 MVC Foolproof Validation aims to extend the Data Annotation val... Formalize.Me 1.0.0 Formalize CSS endeavors to bring sanity to form styling. FormatProviders 1.0 A few new Format Providers.... FormFactory 1.1.85 Description FormsAuthenticationExtensions 1.2.0 Helper methods to make it easier to work with user data embedde... Forrst.NET 1.1 Forrst.com wrapper for the V2 API Forse.EPiLang 0.2.2 Strongly typed admin-overrideable static strings for EPiServer ... FourOne.Memes 1.0 Need to add more memes to your site? Get MemeHelpers for ASP.Ne... Foxby Fluent OpenXml Generator is .NET library which provides a fluen... FParsec FParsec is a parser combinator library for F#. Fracture 0.1.3 Fracture is an F# based socket implementation for high-speed, h... Frank 0.6.120122 A functional web application hosting and routing domain-specifi... Freshbooks.Library freshbooks-api provides a single assembly wrapper library aroun... front 0.0.3 front is a library for resolving commonjs modules with dependen... Fs30Unit.MsTest FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax t... fs4net 0.5.0 An encapsulation of the file system. Makes it easy to fake the ... FsCheck 0.7.1 FsCheck is a tool for testing .NET programs automatically. The ... FSharp.Core 4.0.0 FSharp.Core.dll FSharp.Core.dll 4.0.0 FSharp.Core.dll FSharp.Testing Some extensions which help to make F# code testable from C# tes... FSharpEnt.RavenDB 0.1.4 Functional wrapper around the RavenDB client API FSharpx.Core 1.5.49 FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general... FSharpx.Http 1.5.49 FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general... FSharpx.Observable 1.5.49 FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general... FSharpx.TypeProviders 1.5.49 FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general... FSharpx.TypeProviders.DslSa... 1.4.111006 FSharpx.TypeProviders is a library for the .NET platform implem... FSharpx.TypeProviders.Sample 1.4.111006 This package provides an example of how to use the type provide... FsLab Matlab/NumPy/SciPy functionality for F# FsLinqFixed 2.1.1 This is the F# PowerPack.Linq library, based on the F# PowerPac... FSPowerPack.Community The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use... FSPowerPack.Community.Sample This package includes the entire F# PowerPack plus a simple sam... FSPowerPack.Core.Community This package includes just the FSPowerPack libraries. The F# Po... FSPowerPack.Linq.Community This package includes FSPowerPack.Core.Community as well as the... FSPowerPack.Metadata.Community This package includes FSPowerPack.Core.Community as well as the... FSPowerPack.Parallel.Seq.Co... This package includes FSPowerPack.Core.Community as well as the... FsRavenDbTools 0.5.4 Help using RavenDB from F# (and Newtonsoft.Json) FSRepository FSRepository provides a quick way of creating a repository in a... FsSql 0.1.0 Functional ADO.NET for F# FsUnit FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax t... FsUnit.MbUnit FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax t... FsUnit.MvcSample FsUnit.MvcSample provides a sample test for an MVC controller u... FsUnit.xUnit FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax t... FsWpf F# helpers for WPF fszmq 2.1.11 Apache Licenced. F# binding for OMQ. Ftp.dll 2.0.1238.1604 Ftp.dll is a .NET FTP client library. ftplib This library wraps the wininet.dll functions for FTP to create ... FTTK.Core 1.1.1 FT Toolkit Core library to access Fotolia Services FTTK.Rest 1.1 FT Toolkit Rest library to access Fotolia REST Services FTTK.XmlRpc 1.1 FT Toolkit to access Fotolia XmlRpc services. FubuCore A foundational library for .Net frameworks including model bind... FubucoreWithInputArgumentBu... 0.1 Use this to add user prompts for the Fubu Command Line. FubuKayak Run FubuMVC applications using the Kayak/OWIN stack FubuLocalization Localization utilities FubuMVC A compositional, convention-based framework for complex web app... FubuMVC.Coffee CoffeeScript support for FubuMVC. FubuMVC.Diagnostics Advanced Diagnostics for FubuMVC. FubuMVC.FastPack Additional functionality useful for FubuMVC applications that u... FubuMVC.Less Less support for FubuMVC. FubuMVC.Razor Support for using the Razor view engine within a FubuMVC applic... FubuMVC.References Minimal assembly references needed for a FubuMVC application. F... FubuMVC.Spark Support for using the Spark view engine within a FubuMVC applic... FubuMVC.Swagger FubuMVC Convention enabling your web application to emit Swagge... FubuMVC.TestRunner Conventional test runner for Jasmine and Fubu. FubuMVC.Tools Tool support for FubuMVC applications. FubuMVC.Validation A FubuMVC implementation of FubuValidation FubuMVC.WebForms Support for using the ASP.NET WebForms view engine within a Fub... FubuTestingSupport Specification extensions and automocking utilities for interact... FubuValidation FubuValidation - have validation your way, whatever way that ha... FugueIconsCSSSprites 1.1 Contains the Fugue icons as css image sprites. The Fugue icons ... FullerHelpers 1.0 This is a package that I created to help me in some different p... FuncUnit Web application testing framework Funkshun.Core A small and simple library which provides a simple implementati... FwixClient 1.0 A Fwix Places API client FwixPlaces 1.0.3 A Fwix Places API Client (replaces previous Nuget package FwixC... Gallio 3.3.1 Gallio is a test automation platform. GarifzyanovWP7Toolkit 1.0.0 Toolkir for Windows Phone 7 Gate 0.3.4 Gate is a utility library for locating, manufacturing, and host... Gate.Adapters.AspNetWebApi 0.3.4 Gate.Adapters.AspNetWebApi provides OWIN adapter support for As... Gate.Adapters.Nancy 0.3.4 Gate.Adapters.Nuspec provides OWIN adapter support for Nancy. Gate.AspNet 0.1.4 Gate.AspNet provides OWIN hosting support for ASP.NET. Gate.Builder 0.3.4 Gate is a utility library for locating, manufacturing, and host... Gate.Helpers 0.3.4 Gate is a utility library for locating, manufacturing, and host... Gate.Hosts.AspNet 0.3.4 Gate.Hosts.AspNet provides OWIN hosting support for ASP.NET. Gate.Hosts.Firefly 0.3.4 Gate.Hosts.Firefly provides Ghost.exe support for Firefly. Gate.Hosts.HttpListener 0.3.4 Gate.Hosts.HttpListener provides OWIN hosting support for HttpL... Gate.Hosts.Kayak 0.3.4 Gate.Hosts.Kayak provides Ghost.exe support for Kayak. Gate.Hosts.Manos 0.3.4 Gate.Hosts.Manos provides OWIN hosting support for Manos. Gate.Middleware 0.3.4 Gate is a utility library for locating, manufacturing, and host... Gate.Owin 0.3.2 Obsolete package. Forwarding dependency to Owin. Gate.Quickstart.All 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project for all Quickstart examples. Gate.Quickstart.AspNetWebApi 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project for AspNetWebApi. Gate.Quickstart.Core 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project. Gate.Quickstart.Direct 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project for direct output. Gate.Quickstart.Nancy 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project for Nancy. Gate.Quickstart.SignalR 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project for SignalR. Gate.Quickstart.Wilson 0.3.4 Adds an OWIN web stack to a project to use Wilson test page. Gate.Stack.HttpListener.Nancy 0.3.2 Adds OWIN web stack to a project for HttpListener and Nancy. Gate.Stack.Kayak.Nancy 0.3.2 Adds OWIN web stack to a project for Kayak and Nancy. Gate.Wcf 0.1.4 Gate.Wcf provides OWIN hosting support for WCF. gcConsole 1.0.16 Library to wrap NDesk.Options, and make the API easier to use. gcCqrsLite 0.6 Basic cqrs library gcDataServices 1.0.28 Lightweight classes that help to encapsulate data access calls gcDynamicDuck 1.1.15 Library for ducking objects at runtime against an interface usi... gcExtensions 1.0.4 Library containing helpful extensions gcFactories 1.0.27 Blend of IOC, DI, and Factory Pattern gcRavenDbSupportLibs 1.0.13 Helpers Classes for RavenDb gcRazor 1.0.8 Generate any text / .cs files using C# Razor, with full Intelli... gcRelayVisitor 1.1.18 Vistor class that allows for delegates to be assigned for simpl... gcXtraReports 1.0.24 Libaray designed for seperating designers from develoers when i... gcXtraReports.Core 1.0.11 Core library containing interfaces for plugins gcXtraReports.Runtime 1.0.49 Libaray designed for seperating designers from develoers when i... GDataDB A database-like interface to Google Spreadsheets for .Net GDataDB.Linq Linq for GDataDB - A database-like interface to Google Spreadsh... gemini 1.0.5 Gemini is a core dynamic construct that will make your C# code ... Gemini.CommandLine Gemini.CommandLine let's you create commandline apps quickly. gemini-edge 0.0.7 Gemini is a core dynamic construct that will make your C# code ... GenerateNugetPackageSample 1.0 GenerateNugetPackageSample GenericDbContextAndIDbContext EntityFramework Generic DbContext, both generic base class and ... genericfactory A generic, flexible, static factory written in C# contained in ... GenericMemoryCacheWrapper This library contains a generic wrapper for System.Runtime.Cach... GenericRepository Generic Repository Insrastructure For .NET Applications GenericRepository.EF Generic Repository DbContext Implementation GeoAPI 1.6.0 GeoAPI.NET project provides a common framework based on OGC/ISO... GeoConvert.NET 1.0.0 Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to... GeoConvertSilverlight 1.0.0 Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to... GeoConvertWP7 1.0.0 Lets you perform Helmert (7 - parameter) Transforms, convert to... GeodanTest 1.0 Geodan NuGet test package GeoJSON.Net .Net library for GeoJSON types and corresponding Json.Net (de)s... GeoTwitterSearch 1.0 Sample is an example package that exists only to show a sample ... Gestalt 1.1 Gestalt.Net is a simple library for application configuration t... Get A tool for managing application level dependencies using NuGet. GetAClue 1.0 First Wrox MVC 3 Book giveaway. Adds Get-Clue command for the f... GetDev.DemoPi Description GetRssFeed 0.9.3 A simple package that gets and parses an rss feed. Supports bas... gherkin 2.9.3 A fast lexer and parser for the Gherkin language based on Ragel GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide Glide is a graphical library for .NET Micro Framework (NETMF). ... GHIElectronics.NETMF.Glide.... Glide is a graphical library for .NET Micro Framework (NETMF). ... Ghost 0.3.4 Ghost Gibraltar.Agent The core Gibraltar Agent - a black box for recording diagnostic... Gibraltar.Agent.Log4Net A Log4Net Appender that connects it to the Gibraltar Agent - a ... Gibraltar.Agent.NLog2 NLog is a powerful, flexible logging system available for all .... Gibraltar.Agent.PostSharp Easily inject logging, profiling, and feature usage monitoring ... Gibraltar.Agent.Silverlight... 0.1 An early and *unsupported* sample of Gibraltar.Agent support fo... Gibraltar.Agent.Silverlight... 0.1 An early and *unsupported* sample of Gibraltar.Agent support fo... Gibraltar.Agent.Web Records diagnostic information about your ASP.NET web site in t... GIFDecoder Library that assists with the decoding of GIF images for Window... Giles Giles - continuous test runner for .NET applications. Gimme Gimme is a ECMAScript (or Javascript if you prefer) library des... Gist4u2 0.3.0 Gist4u2 helps you quickly add Gists from gist.github.com. You ... Git-Got 0.0.1 Git commandlets, using libgitsharp GithubSharp C# integration with Githubs v2 apis - Complete Module GithubSharp.Core C# integration with Githubs v2 apis - Core Module GithubSharp.Plugins.All C# integration with Githubs v2 apis - Complete Plugins Module GitSharp 0.3 GitSharp is an implementation of Git for the Dot.Net Framework ... GitWebAccess 0.5.3 Git Web Access provides Git Smart-HTTP protocol supports on IIS... Glass.Sitecore.Mapper Glass Sitecore Mapper is an object mapping framework for mappin... Glass.Sitecore.Mapper.Razor Integration for Glass.Sitecore.Mapper and Razor. Allows a devel... Glav.CacheAdapter 2.4.3 A generic cache mechanism that provides config switching betwee... Glimpse 0.87 Glimpse is a web debugging and diagnostics tool used to gain a ... Glimpse.Ef 0.87 EntityFramework plugin for Glimpse. This package adds a tab dis... Glimpse.Elmah 0.9.7 Plugin for Glimpse to view exceptions recorded by Elmah. Glimpse.Log4Net 0.86.2 Plugin for Glimpse to view log4net log entries. Glimpse.MEF 0.0.1 Provides a Glimpse plugin that supports interrogating the conta... Glimpse.Mvc3 0.87 ASP.NET MVC3 plugins for Glimpse. This package adds tabs for Ro... Glimpse.RavenDb 1.6 Adds a RavenDb tab to your Glimpse console that contains profil... glimpse-dependencies 1.3 Glimpse Plugin to view MVC dependency resolution. GlimpseIntoNinjectPlugin 0.6 Adds Ninject v2 tab to Glimpse. Allows viewing all bound interf... GlimpsePlugins.WindowsEventLog A Glimpse plugin that displays Windows Event Log entries from t... Global 1.0 As the name suggests, it's a dll containing some helper classes... glue 0.9 Glue is a general purpose, bidirectional automatic mapping for ... GM.CsvToObj.Lib 1.0.1 GM.CsvToObj.Lib is an easy to use library allowing the parsing ... GMAP3 4.1 A jQuery plugin to create google maps with advanced features (o... go.transliterator 1.0.1 Transliterator is a tool for converting text from latin script ... GoCardless 1.0.0 Get paid directly from your customers’ bank accounts. No mercha... GoCommando 0.3 GoCommando is a small command line utility helper that does the... GoDiscover.Web 1.0.0 GoDiscover Web provides a framework for creating self-organizin... Gofer A simple domain driven data access library. Gofer.Sample A simple domain driven data access library. Sample template an... Gofer.Silverlight Silverlight client library to consume the Gofer service. GoFigure 2.0 GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Window... GoFigure.FSharp 2.0 GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Window... GoFigure.jQuery 2.0 GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Window... GoFigure.Services 2.0 GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Window... GoFigure.Services.FSharp 2.0 GoFigure provides unified .NET, Silverlight, jQuery, and Window... GoGrid 0.4.0 The GoGrid API SDK is a managed wrapper around GoGrid's REST API. Goodstuff.Core 1.1 A Microsoft.Net library with common utility classes for web, ma... Google.DiffMatchPatch.Js 1.0.103 The Diff Match and Patch libraries offer robust algorithms to p... Google.GData.AccessControl Google Data API Access Control Library Google.GData.Analytics Google Data API Analytics Library Google.GData.Apps Google Data API Apps Library Google.GData.Blogger Google Data API Blogger Library Google.GData.Calendar Google Data API Calendar Library Google.GData.Client Google Data API Client Library Google.GData.Contacts Google Data API Contacts Library Google.GData.ContentForShop... Google Data API Content For Shopping Library Google.GData.Documents Google Data API Documents Library Google.GData.Extensions Google Data API Extensions Library Google.GData.Spreadsheets Google Data API Spreadsheets Library Google.GData.YouTube Google Data API YouTube Library Google.ProtocolBuffers Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technolog... Google.ProtocolBuffers.Rpc 1.11.1016.3 Google.ProtocolBuffers.Rpc uses the Win32 RPC Interop library, ... Google.ProtocolBuffersLite Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technolog... Google.Translate.api 0.3.1 based on : http://code.google.com/p/google-api-for-dotnet/ GoogleAnalyticsTracker GoogleAnalyticsTracker was created to have a means of tracking ... GoogleClosure 1.2 Port of closurebuilder.py and depswriter.py to .NET. Includes M... GoogleMapControl 6.0 Wraps Google Maps API as ASP.NET custom control. GoogleMaps.LocationServices 0.9.5 A simple library for performing the a reverse geolocation looku... GooglePlusButton 1.1 Helper for adding a Google Plus One Button. As simple as callin... GooglePlusOne 0.1.4 GooglePlusOne is a WebMatrix/Razor helper to add Google +1 func... GoogleQRGenerator 1.0 Google Charts QR Code wrapper for .NET. QRify any data. Option... GoogleSearchApi 1.0.1 Google Custom Search API for MVC. Please check project site for... Gopi 1.0.0 Gopi is a .NET library for working with emails through SMTP usi... Gosu.Commons 1.0.6 Lots of useful stuff for doing all kinds of things in .NET GotFour.Windsor 1.1.4311.30130 Fluent registration and conventions for windsor GpgAPI 1.3.0 GpgAPI is a C# API for Gpg.... Graffiti-Plugin-Dev 0.1.0 This package contains the DLLs needed to build a new plugin for... Granada 0.0.1 Granada helps accessing values in Session and Redirecting to pa... Granite.Commons 1.4.1 Shared library for all Granite projects. Includes new types of ... Granite.Data 0.1.0 A thin layer over System.Data. The purpose is to simplify datab... Granite.Modeling 1.2.11 A library for building models that support MVC and MVVM framewo... Granite.Xaml 1.4.0 A library of XAML Behaviors, Converters, and utilities for WPF ... Grape 1.0.6 Fluent Finite State Machine library for CLR gRaphael 0.5 gRaphael's goal is to help you create stunning charts on your w... GrapheNet A node graph library with a simple fluent api. Graphite.NET 1.1 .NET client library for Graphite GravatarHelper 3.1.0 A simple ASP.NET MVC helper for Gravatar providing extension me... graze 3.1 Graze is a static site generator. It takes a template and a con... grazewp7 3.0 GrazeWP7 is a Windows Phone 7 app marketing site generator. It ... GreatLib 1.0 Great Things GreatSuperFarter 1.0.0 Hello Gang!!! testing grensesnitt.Framework What it does is allows you to specify tests that act upon an in... gribble Gribble is a simple, Linq enabled ORM designed to work with dyn... gribble.nhibernate Gribble NHibernate integration. Griddle 1.1.7 A fluent grid-helper for ASP.NET MVC. GridView4WP7 1.0 Simple implementation of GridView for Windows Phone 7 that deve... Griffin.Logging 1.0 A logging framework for .NET which is easy to use and extend. W... griffin.mvccontrib 1.0.0 * Zero code localization. You don't even have to use the [Displ... Griffin.MvcContrib.Admin 1.0.8 Adds an administration area used to handle localization of view... Griffin.MvcContrib.RavenDb 1.0.2 Contains an implementation of the membership provider and the l... Griffin.MvcContrib.SqlServer 1.0.5 SqlServer integration package for Griffin.MvcContrib Griffin.Table 1.0.5 A well-documented table plugin for jQuery which uses Ajax/JSON ... Griffin.Table.Mvc3 1.0.3 ASP.NET MVC3 integration package for the jQuery table plugin Gr... GroupControls 1.3.3 RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList for WinForms GrouponNet 2011.8.8.1 A .NET Client Library for the Groupon API. Growl 0.6 Includes libraries for sending growl notifications from your ap... Gsiot.Server 0.9.2 This is the Gsiot.Server project used in the "Getting Started w... GSMComm 1.15 GSMComm is package for GSM phones, mainly for performing SMS-re... guard_claws 0.0.8 'DRY Guard Clauses for c#. Guard_claws provides DRY guard claus... GuessWho 1.0 GuessWho is a library for generating realistic sample identity ... GuessWho.Top1000 1.0 GuessWho is a library for generating realistic sample identity ... Guider 1.0 If you want to create instructions for your users inside WPF ap... GuiLabs.Undo A simple Undo/Redo framework Hal.NET 1.0.10 Contains classes for manipulating HAL documents Hammock 1.3.0 Hammock is an HTTP API library for .NET that greatly simplifies... Hand 2.0.0 My package description. Handlebars.js 1.0.7 Handlebars.js is an extension to the Mustache templating langua... HappyForestTemplate 1.1 This is the HappyForest site template for WebMatrix and ASP.NET... Hardcodet.Wpf.TaskbarNotifi... It does not just rely on the Windows Forms NotifyIcon component... Harden 1.1.10 Wraps your classes with a proxy which automatically carries out... HashFoo.Core.Portable 0.2.4484.32803 Core function library that runs on all .NET platforms HashFoo.DotSpatial.Data GIS Data objects for DotSpatial (unofficial version) HashFoo.DotSpatial.Serializ... Helps save DotSpatial objects to file. (This is not yet an "of... HashFoo.DotSpatial.Topology Topology functions and objects for DotSpatial (unofficial) HashFoo.MigratorFoo 0.5.4310.28973 Migration generator based on NHiberante. HashFoo.Nhib 0.5.4311.31087 Extensions of Nhibernate and FluentNhiberate (#foo never uses o... HashFoo.Nhib.Spatial 0.5.4311.30820 NHibernate spatial extensions. HashFoo.Rest.Common 0.1.4491.15197 Message based REST layer on top of ASP.NET MVC. Common compone... HashFoo.Rest.Serializers.Js... 0.1.4491.15200 Newtonsoft JSON.NET based serialization components for message ... HashFoo.Rest.Server 0.2.4491.15194 Server components for message based services build on top of AS... HashFoo.SqlServer 0.1.4310.19955 Extensions of SqlServer HashFoo.SqlServer.Spatial 0.1.4311.19224 #foo SQL Server Spatial provides useful functions and objects f... HashFoo.SqlServer.SpatialTypes Microsoft.SqlServer.Types dependency. Includes the unmanaged d... HashFoo.XapLoader 1.0.4413.15121 Remote Silverlight XAP loading functionality. Use the extensio... HashFoo.XapLoader.Caliburn 1.0.4413.15130 Remote Silverlight XAP loading extensions for Caliburn Micro ba... HashFoo.XapLoader.Ninject 1.0.4413.15138 Remote Silverlight XAP loading extensions for Ninject based pro... HastyAPI HastyAPI makes it easy to write code to interact with web APIs.... HastyAPI.Nexmo Send SMS messages with the Nexmo API. HastyFreshBooks Provides low-level, dynamic functions for operating with the Fr... Hatena.Helper 1.5 The Hatena Web Services (Auth, Bookmark, Haiku, Profile, Star) ... HaterAide 1.7 HaterAide is a simple ORM that contains a number of features in... Hazware.Core 2.0 Utility and core classes frequently used in my projects. Hazware.Core.Autofac 2.0 Container abstraction integrated with Autofac. Hazware.Logging.log4net 2.0 log4net Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction. Hazware.Logging.NLog 2.0 NLog Integration with the Hazware Container Abstraction. Hazware.Unity.TypeTracking 2.1.0 Addition of Type Tracking functionality, and some helper extens... hbase-sharp 1.0 C# binding for HBase.... HealthVaultSDK HealthVault SDK enables application to build client and web app... HelixToolkit 2012.2.1.52 Helix 3D Toolkit is a collection of custom controls and helper ... HelloWorld test package. not real. HelloWorld.Toolkit This is a test package. This is not intended for use. It will b... Helps 1.0.6 Helps.ps1 provides functions for building PowerShell XML help f... HereSay HereSay is a Content Management System, or CMS, with three obje... HgIgnore 1.4 A basic .hgignore file for .NET projects. HgIgnore.For.UmbracoCMS 1.0.2 A simple Mercurial ignore file for Umbraco projects, feel free ... hidlibrary This library enables you to enumerate and communicate with Hid ... Higgs This package is core library of the Higgs RIA Framework. It pro... Higgs.MVC This is a Main part of Higgs RIA Framework for ASP.NET MVC 3. T... Higgs.MVC.JqGrid It’s JqGrid extension that helps you to dynamically create Java... Highcharts.Net Highcharts.Net provides a way to create easy dynamic charts usi... HighslideJS.NET 4.1.12 An ASP.NET server control to encapsulate the functionality of T... Hinshlabs.CommandLineParser 3.2 This is a nice little command line parser based on Ray Hayes co... HipChat.Net 1.1.3 HipChat API library for .NET Hiro 1.0.3 This package contains Hiro, an ultra-lightweight, inversion of ... history.js 1.7.0 History.js gracefully supports the HTML5 History/State APIs (pu... Hive.Sharp.Lib 1.0 Apache Hive client implemented using Thrift interface Holyprin.Web.Security Code-First Membership implementation using reflection and abstr... hoppio 1.0.5 Hoppio is a different of hosting solution for your mobile apps.... HSTS 1.0.1 HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) describes a method for a ... Html2Xhtml Html2Xhtml is a .NET 4.0 library for converting HTML to XHTML l... HTML5.Setup 0.8 HTML5 Setup adds support for video, audio and font file types u... HTML5.Template 2.0 A Template for HTML5 in VS2010 Html5Boilerplate.Mvc2 0.9.1 Add a rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome into an ASP.NET MVC ... Html5Boilerplate.Mvc3.Razor 0.9.2 Add a rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome into an ASP.NET MVC ... Html5Boilerplate.WebForm 0.9.2 Add a rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome into an ASP.NET Web ... Html5EditorFor 1.4 Adds Html5EditorFor (it's safe to just replace EditorFor withHt... Html5EditorTemplates 1.0.2 HTML 5 EditorTemplates for MVC 3 in Razor. A fork of skirkland... HTML5MVCInputTags 0.3 A number of extensions to the existing HtmlHelper class, which ... HTML5Reset 1.6.1 A reset stylesheet including HTML5 elements HtmlAgilityPack 1.4.3 This is an agile HTML parser that builds a read/write DOM and s... HtmlLaundry Cleans html with a whitelist for tags and attributes. Filters a... HtmlTags Package description HttpAuthentication 1.1.0 Implements basic HTTP authentication in ASP.NET. HttpAuthenticationModule 1.1 This module allows you to add ability of HTTP authentiocation (... HTTPContentCompressor 1.0.0 This is simple drop-and-forget, configuration-less (optional) h... HttpGhost Simplify integrationtesting via http. HttpHelper 0.8.0 Mockable HTTP Helper for.NET2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WinRT (supports Task ... HttpInterfaces 1.1.0 Proxy classes for HttpContext and related objects, based on Phi... HttpMachine An HTTP parser built with Ragel. HttpModuleMagic 0.1 Enables registering http modules using your favorite DI container. HttpSimulator HttpContext simulator for integration tests based on http://cod... Humpback Command Tool for generating, managing, and running database mig... HydraMF.Hardware 0.2 Currently supported: Nunchuck and Classic Controller. HydraMF.Hardware.Netduino 0.2 Currently supported: Servo, SparkFun Ardumoto. HydraMF.Math 0.2.1 A math library for .NET Micro Framework. Contains definitions f... Hydrate 1.1.0 Fills a new object from string properties... I18N 1.0.5 Smart internationalization for .NET web apps;... IbAsyncTest 1.0.1 A nice little toolkit to ease the writing of asynchronous unit ... ICanHaz.js 0.9 A simple/powerful approach for doing client-side templating wit... icrawl Crawls websites: Console application and NUnit test project tha... ICSharpCode.NRefactory NRefactory supports analysis of C# source code: it includes a p... ICSharpCode.TextEditor Text editor used in SharpDevelop 3. ICSharpCode.TextEditor.Sample Sample code for the Text editor used in SharpDevelop 3. Idbo Idbo fast and quick database helper class for db4o , .net, C# IdealPayment 1.0 My package description. IdenticonHandler 1.1.0 An Identicon is a small, anonymized visual glyph that represent... Idle.js Tiny javascript library to tell activity of user in browser (a... IE9.Helper 1.0.0 The IE9 Helper is an ASP.NET WebPages helper which easily adds ... IE9PodcastPlayer 0.8 This simple jQuery Plugin creates jumplists for your Podcast Ep... Iesi.Collections The System.Collections namespace in the .NET Framework provides... IExtendFramework 1.0.4413.24123 Collection of various useful tools Ifa ASP NET MVC 3 paginator Ignite Minify your JavaScript, CSS, LESS and JavaScript templates with... Ignorance 1.12 A little Persistence Ignorance framework that features those Un... Ignorance.EntityFramework 1.12 Implements the basic ins and outs of Entity Framework functiona... Ignorance.LinqToSql 1.13 Implements the basic ins and outs of LINQ to SQL functionality ... IIdentifiable 1.0 Interface for enabling a class to expose his unique identity. G... IKVM 7.0.4335.0 With IKVM.NET you can run compiled Java code (bytecode) directl... IKVM.NET 7.0.4335.1 IKVM.NET is an implementation of Java for Mono and the Microsof... ILabs.Web 0.4.5 Utils and helper classes for ASP.NET MVC Platform using with EF... ImageResizer 3.1.5 Lightweight HttpModule and API for server-side image resizing a... ImageResizer.Mvc 3.1.5 Provides MVC-friendly helper methods and the MvcRoutingShim plu... ImageResizer.MvcWebConfig 3.1.5 Installs the ImageResizer module by (carefully) modifying Web.C... ImageResizer.Plugins.Advanc... 3.1.5 Apply gaussian blur and sharpening via the URL. Gaussian blur w... ImageResizer.Plugins.Animat... 3.1.5 Replaces the .NET GIF encoding for animated gifs so that the an... ImageResizer.Plugins.AzureR... 3.1.5 You can now process images from the Azure Blobstore. ... ImageResizer.Plugins.BatchZ... 3.1.5 API for Resizing and combining multiple images (and files) into... ImageResizer.Plugins.CloudF... 3.1.5 Amazon CloudFront can now cache images processed by the ImageRe... ImageResizer.Plugins.DiskCache 3.1.5 Adds disk caching to the ImageResizer core. Fast, multithreaded... ImageResizer.Plugins.Friend... 3.0.13 This plugin has been renamed to FolderResizeSyntax and merged i... ImageResizer.Plugins.Logging 3.1.5 Get NLog-based logging support for your image requests. ... ImageResizer.Plugins.PdfRen... 3.1.5 Dynamically render PDF files (page-by-page) to any size, then (... ImageResizer.Plugins.Pretty... 3.1.5 Replaces .NET's default GIF and 8-bit PNG encoding with high-qu... ImageResizer.Plugins.PsdCom... 3.1.5 Hide or show layers, change text layer contents, apply layer ef... ImageResizer.Plugins.PsdReader 3.1.5 Adds instant support for .PSD source files, as if they were PNG... ImageResizer.Plugins.Remote... 3.1.5 The RemoteReader plugin allows the ImageResizer to resize and d... ImageResizer.Plugins.S3Reader 3.1.5 Visit http://imageresizing.net for details, documenation, and f... ImageResizer.Plugins.SeamCa... 3.1.5 Resize images using content-aware image resizing (seam carving)... ImageResizer.Plugins.Simple... 3.1.5 Apply grayscale, sepia, alpha, or brightness filters via the UR... ImageResizer.Plugins.SqlReader 3.1.5 Visit http://imageresizing.net for details, documenation, and f... ImageResizer.Plugins.Watermark 3.1.5 Allows dynamic watermarking of images.... ImageResizer.Plugins.Whites... 3.1.5 Automatically trims off whitespace from product images, leaving... ImageResizer.Plugins.Wic 3.1.5 While WIC requires full trust, it can be 2-4x faster than GDI f... ImageResizer.Samples.Jcrop 3.1.5 Cropping and resizing made simple with this easy, packaged demo... ImageResizer.WebConfig 3.1.5 Installs the ImageResizer module by (carefully) modifying Web.C... ImageResizer4DotNet 2.5.0 This is a .NET library written in C# to resize images at differ... ImageTools 0.3.1 ImageTools for Silverlight is a library, which provides additio... ImapX ImapX is an modern .NET 2.0 library for management of IMAP fold... IMML The IMML library supports reading and writing the IMML specific... ImplicitQueryString Easy way to parse QueryString and Forms variable or all other N... ImportPSModule 1.0.5 Manage PowerShell module is now so easy by using NuGet package.... ImpreZZ BE Theme for 2.5: 3 Column based design with a third dimension ... ImpreZZ.2 1.0.0 A 3 column based design with a third dimension for the second c... ImpromptuInterface 5.6.7 A Lightweight Duck Casting Framework for dynamic C# 4.0 (.net4 ... ImpromptuInterface.FSharp 1.1.0 A complete dlr based dynamic operator implementation for F# ImpromptuInterface.MVVM 3.6.2 A Lightweight Dynamic MVVM View Model(.net4 & silverlight4). Re... ImtModelsStarter 0.5.9 .Net models starter project that sets up the basic project stru... ImtMvcStarter 0.5.7 Basic mvc starter project that sets up the basic project struct... IndependentIQueryableInclude 1.0.0 Enables using "Include" on generic IQueryables without a depend... indexable This simple abstraction allows you to expose properties that lo... indextank.net 1.0.1 A REST client to connect to the IndexTank service, which is a c... IndexTankDotNet IndexTank is a free, cloud-based, real-time indexing SaaS (soft... Inedo.BuildMaster.SDK 3.2 BuildMaster is a build-deploy-release automation and management... Inedo.Iconator 1.0.3 A simple Windows icon manipulation library which allows 32-bit ... Infer.Net 2.4 Infer.NET is a .NET framework for machine learning. It provides... inflector_extension 0.0.7 Extension Methods for Inflector in C# Informedica.EntityRepository A Generic Repository Pattern infuser 0.2.1 Lightweight JavaScript library to be used for pulling external ... ini-parser 1.7.0 This library allows to read or create INI data programmatically... init 1.1 Obsolete: use SolutionScripts... InMemoryCache 0.1.1 Simple in memory cache. Innovatian.Configuration 1.1.2 Configuration library supporting INI, XML, Isolated Storage, Re... InsideSalesApiClient 1.1.4455.19895 InsideSales.com API client. Login and AddLead operations only. Insight.Database A lightweight, fast, convenient micro-ORM that allows you to ge... Insight.Database.Schema A database installer engine that automatically handles most ins... InSimDotNet 2.0.14 .NET InSim library for the online racing simulator Live for Speed InstaSharp A C# Wrapper For The Instagram API IntelliTraceContrib 1.0.2 A tiny set of attributes + regutil exe to programmatically upda... Intervals 1.0.4488.20183 A library for working with intervals and sets. Includes a gene... Interviewing.CSharp 3.0 We currently have two questions: Fibonacci and FizzBuzz. Interviewing.Fibonacci.CSharp 1.0 This interview question is the Fibonacci Sequence. The user is ... Interviewing.FizzBuzz.CSharp 1.1 This interview question is the well known Fizz Buzz question. T... IntX IntX is an arbitrary precision integers class written in pure C... Inverted.Software.Utilities... 2.0.0 PLogger is a light, fast file appender and database logger buil... Invoke-Build 1.2.8 Invoke-Build.ps1 (engine) and Invoke-Builds.ps1 (parallel engin... IO.Interfaces Make your .NET class act like a File (or Directory) IocSlim 1.0.1 Fast, lightweight and flexible dependency injection container. IocSlim.Mvc 1.0.0 Fast, lightweight and flexible dependency injection container f... IPPDotNetDevKit The IPP .NET DevKit is a set of .NET classes that make it easie... IrcDotNet 0.4.1 IRC.NET is a complete IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client library ... IrcDotNet.Sample 0.4.1 These sample projects demonstrate how the IRC.NET library can b... IronCow IronCow is a library wrapping the Remember The Milk REST API in... IronJS IronJS is an ECMAScript 3.0 implementation built on top of the ... IronJS.Core IronJS is an ECMAScript 3.0 implementation built on top of the ... IronPython 2.7.2 IronPython is an open-source implementation of the Python progr... IronPython.StdLib 2.7.2 The Python Standard Library, for use with IronPython. IronRuby 1.1.3 the Ruby programming language for the .NET Framework IronRuby.WindowsPhone7 1.1.3 the Ruby programming language for the .NET Framework IrrlichtLime 0.9.1 The Irrlicht Lime is a .NET wrapper for the Irrlicht Engine. It... Isg.Collections This package adds useful extension methods to .NET Framework ty... Isg.EntityFramework 0.4.2 This package provides a means of intercepting entities before t... Isg.EntityFramework.Interce... 0.2.1 This package provides a means of intercepting entities before t... Isg.EntityFramework.Interce... 0.4.2 This package provides a soft delete interceptor for EntityFrame... Isg.Enums This package adds friendly text output for System.Enum types. U... Isg.Extensions This package adds useful extension methods to .NET Framework ty... Isg.Range The Range class provides a .NET implementation of Range as desc... Isg.Specification 0.1 This package provides some classes and extension methods to sup... Isg.Time Use Clock.Now in place of DateTime.Now in your production code.... isis 0.27 Isis is a control panel for ASP.NET applications that allows ea... IslandUnit IslandUnit helps you isolate the dependencies of your system wi... iSynaptic.Commons 0.4.8 Library of common functionality in functional programming style. iSynaptic.Commons.Data 0.2.1 Obsolete: Use iSynaptic.Commons package. iTextSharp 5.2.0 iText# (iTextSharp) is a port of the iText open source java lib... iTextSharp-LGPL 4.1.6 iTextSharp is a port of the iText open source java library for ... itzben 1.0.1 A collection of universally useful XAML value converters, behav... IVisualiser 1.0 Provide a convenient way of encapsulating the functionality of ... Ix_Experimental-Async 1.1.10823 Interactive Extensions Async Library used to express queries ov... Ix_Experimental-Main 1.1.10823 Interactive Extensions Main Library used to express queries ove... Ix_Experimental-Providers 1.1.10823 Interactive Extensions Providers Library used to build query pr... Jang 1.0.1 The client's Jang to the server's Jin. Jang.Jazz 1.0.0 Jazz view engine for the Jang MVC Engine. Jang.JsRender 1.0.0 jsRender view engine for the Jang MVC Engine. Jang.Mustache 1.0.0 Mustache view engine for the Jang MVC Engine. Jang.Underscore 1.0.0 Underscore view engine for the Jang MVC Engine. Japanese.JpTextBox 1.1 TextBox control with Japanese FEP for Windows Phone 7 JavaScriptInfoVisToolkit 2.0.0 The JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit provides tools for creating Inte... jayrock 0.9.12915 Jayrock is a modest implementation of JSON, JsonML and JSON-RPC... jayrock-json 0.9.12915 Jayrock JSON is a versatile JSON parser, formatter and converte... JaySmith.RealSimpleDiscovery 1.1 A configuration based handler for providing Real Simple Discove... JB.Tfs.Common A helper library that provides extensions, helper methods and n... JeffFerguson.Gepsio Gepsio is a .NET-based document object model for XBRL documents... JeffWilcox.Maps 1.1 The JeffWilcox.Maps class library provides a static map control... Jessica 0.9.5 A micro web framework written out of curiosity in .NET, inspire... Jessica-Factory-Ninject 0.9.5 Ninject based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework. Jessica-Factory-StructureMap 0.9.5 StructureMap based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework. Jessica-ViewEngine-DotLiquid 0.9.5 DotLiquid based view engine for Jessica, a micro web framework.. jessica-viewengine-markdown 1.0.0 A Markdown view engine that works with the Jessica micro web fr... Jessica-ViewEngine-Razor 0.9.5 Razor based view engine for Jessica, a micro web framework.. Jessica-ViewEngine-Spark 0.9.5 Spark based view engine for Jessica, a micro web framework.. jessica-viewengine-textile 1.0.0 A Textile view engine that works with the Jessica micro web fra... JetBrains.Annotations 6.1 Standard ReSharper code annotation attributes implementation JetToObjects 1.1.1 JetToObjects makes querying a Microsoft Jet database easier by ... JiraRestClient 0.1 Very basic JIRA REST support in .NET jish 0.0.2 jish - JavaScript Interactive Shell... jLight 1.0 Interop between Silverlight and the javascript based on jQuery.... Jmaxxz.Console.Options 1.1.0 Makes developing command line tools easier in windows. (.Net) b... jMoney.js 1.0.1 jMoney.js is a light weight pure JavaScript spec(test) framewor... jonnyzzz.nuget.teamcity.tes... 1.310.50360.51804 This is a test package for TeamCity-NuGet integration Jose.DataAccessObjects.NHib... 1.0.0 Light implementation of the data access object pattern for NHib... Jose.MVC.Windsor 1.0.0 Asp.Net MVC2 sample artifacts for IoC integration with Castle.W... Jose.SessionPerRequest.NHib... 1.0.2 Light implementation of the session-per-request pattern for NHi... JoshNugget 1.0 Descriptiondfadffd JoshSymbolSourceTest 1.0 Josh's little test package to demostarte easy package creation Jounce 2.0.3 Jounce is a reference framework for Silverlight intended to pro... JQeury.Numeric 1.0.2 Allows only valid characters (i.e. numbers) to be typed into a ... JqGrid 1.4.3 null JQGridMvc 1.325 This plugin is used to help integrate jqGrid into ASP.NET MVC a... jqPlot 1.0.0 This package contains the jqPlot jQuery plotting plugin version... JQStart 1.0.4 This NuGet package contains: jquery-1.6.2-vsdoc.js, start.debug... jQTouch a jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, iPod ... jQuery 1.7.2 jQuery is a new kind of JavaScript Library.... jQuery.Ajax.Unobtrusive 2.0.20126.16343 jQuery plugin that lets you unobtrusively setup jQuery Ajax. jQuery.ba-throttle-debounce 1.1.0 jQuery throttle / debounce allows you to rate-limit your functi... jquery.bgiframe The bgiframe plugin is chainable and applies the iframe hack to... jquery.captureDocumentWrite 1.0 Allows getting the content written by script files which use th... jQuery.CEP 1.0 O jQuery CEP e um plugin que traz grande facilidade para o dese... jQuery.Color 1.0 A jQuery plugin that adds the ability to do color animations to... jquery.cookie 1.0 A simple, lightweight utility plugin for reading, writing and d... jQuery.CRUD 1.0 jQuery CRUD is an extension that adds Create, Read, Update, and... jQuery.DataLink 0.1 The link API allows you to very quickly and easily link fields ... jquery.datatables 1.9.0 DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It i... jquery.dataTables.columnFilter 1.4.1 Adds advanced filter capabilities to DataTables. JS file jQuery.Easing A jQuery plugin from GSGD to give advanced easing options. jQuery.fb 1.0.0 jQuery plugin for initializing the Facebook Javascript SDK jquery.hoppio 1.0.0 Hoppio is a different of hosting solution for your mobile apps.... jQuery.HrefQueryString 1.0.2 Easily add additional query string parameters to HTML anchor el... jQuery.ie9ify 1.3 jquery.pinify (formerly known as ie9ify) - A jQuery Plugin for ... jQuery.ifixpng.MVC 2.1.2 Works around the lack of PNG transparency support in versions o... jQuery.InfiniteScroll 2.120312 Infinite scroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endle... jQuery.jqGrid 4.2.0 jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solu... jQuery.KeyTips 1.0.6 The KeyTips plugin for jQuery (formerly the Access Key Highligh... jquery.kinetic 1.3 Adds kinetic scrolling to a div container jQuery.lightBox 0.5.1 A jQuery plug-in jQuery lightBox plugin is simple, elegant, uno... jQuery.LiveQuery 1.3 Live Query utilizes the power of jQuery selectors by firing cal... jQuery.MaskedInput A jQuery plugin which applies a mask to input boxes to provide ... jQuery.Meow 1.0.1 A Growl work-a-like plugin for jQuery jquery.mobile 1.1.0 A unified user interface system across all popular mobile devic... jQuery.Mobile.Message 1.6.9 A simple jQuery plugin that uses jQuery Mobile themes to displa... jQuery.Mobile.MVC 0.0.2 Helpers for jQuery Mobile in ASP.NET MVC 4 jquery.mousewheel 3.0.4 Adds mouse wheel support for your application! Just call mousew... jQuery.Pjax 0.1.3 pushState + ajax = pjax... jQuery.RateIt A rating plugin for jQuery. ... jQuery.remainingCharacters 2.1.7 A really simple plugin that limits an INPUT or TEXTAREA element... jquery.simpleJSlide 1.1.1 An awesome and super simple jQuery slide show plugin. This plug... jquery.simpleJSlide.Sample 1.1.11 An awesome and super simple jQuery slide show plugin Sample. Th... jquery.simulate 1.0.0 jQuery Simulate is a plugin to simulate browser mouse and keybo... jquery.slidinglabels 3.2 Sliding Labels is a great plugin for jQuery that allow yours (t... jQuery.Templates 0.1 jQuery templates contain markup with binding expressions. Templ... jquery.trackdirty 1.0 The TrackDirty plugin for jQuery tracks changes to form fields.... jQuery.UI.All 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Combined 1.8.19 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Core 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Core.All 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Core.Mouse 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Core.Position 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Core.Widget 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.All 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Blind 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Bounce 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Clip 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Core 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Drop 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Explode 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Fade 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Highlight 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Pulsate 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Scale 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Shake 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Slide 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Effects.Transfer 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.i18n 1.8.14 Internationalization and localization file for jQuery UI. jQuer... jQuery.UI.Interactions.All 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Interactions.Drag... 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Interactions.Drop... 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Interactions.Resi... 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Interactions.Sele... 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Interactions.Sort... 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Message 1.6.38 A simple jQuery plugin that uses the jQuery UI highlight and er... jQuery.UI.Themes.base 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Themes.lightness 1.8.21 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components ? i... jQuery.UI.Themes.redmond 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Themes.smoothness 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jquery.ui.unobtrusive 0.1103.2101 http://rodolfograve.blogspot.com/2011/03/unobtrusive-jquery-ui.... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Accordion 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.All 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Autocomplete 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Button 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Datepicker 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Dialog 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Progressbar 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Slider 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.UI.Widgets.Tabs 1.8.9 jQuery UI is an open source library of interface components — i... jQuery.Uniform Sexy form elements with jQuery jQuery.Validation 1.9 This jQuery plugin makes simple clientside form validation triv... jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive 2.0.20126.16343 jQuery plugin that unobtrusively setups jQuery.Validation. jQuery.vsdoc 1.6 vsdoc files for Visual Studio IntelliSense are now included in ... jQuery.Wijmo.Complete 2.0.5 Wijmo Complete is a commercial kit of jQuery UI widgets for bui... jQuery.Wijmo.Open 2.0.5 Wijmo Open is open source and is free to use under either the M... jQuery-1.7.1-Vsdoc 1.7.1 jQuery 1.7.1 Vsdoc JQueryDateRangePicker 2.0 Filament Group Lab Example From Page from: Date Range Picker us... jQueryDropDownSelect 1.0.3 Creates a "selected" function that you can use with a ... jQueryExtensions jQuery extensions is a set of over 20 new functions added to th... jquery-globalize 0.1.0 DOM-less simple JavaScript testing framework. jquery-hashchange 1.3 This jQuery plugin enables very basic bookmarkable #hash histor... jquery-timepicker 1.0.0 A simple jQuery plug-in that allows users to enter a time of da... jquery-tmpl.net 0.6 A .NET rendering engine for jquery-tmpl templates jquery-tokeninput 1.6.0 A jQuery Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry jQueryUIHelpers.Mvc3 0.4.0 Speed up your work by using these HTML helpers to integrate jQu... jQueryUIHelpers.Mvc4 0.4.0 Speed up your work by using these HTML helpers to integrate jQu... jQueryUI-Message 1.0.8 [Moved to jQuery.UI.Message]... jquery-ui-unobtrusive 0.5 Unobtrusive jQuery UI allows you to use attributes on your HTML... js.net 0.0.2 js.net provides several tools for working with JavaScript in a ... js.net.dll 0.0.1 js.net provides several tools for working with JavaScript in a ... JsAction 0.5 JsAction is a simple and lightweight RouteHandler for ASP.NET M... JsAction.WebApi 0.5 JsAction is a simple and lightweight RouteHandler for ASP.NET M... JSAndCSSBundling 1.0.1 Packaging and configuration for the Microsoft.Web.Optimization ... JsAndCssCombiner 1.0.7 Combine and Compress JavaScript and CSS files on any WebForms o... jsEvents 1.2 Custom events for Javascript. Is an implementation of the obser... jsNext 0.3.2 jsNext bring ECMAScript5 to your old broswer. Allows your to us... jsNext.sample 0.3.2 jsNext bring ECMAScript5 to your old bowser. Allows you to use ... JSON 1.0.1 A JSON parser in C#, supporting dynamic deserialization in .NET... json2 1.0.2 JSON is a light-weight, language independent, data interchange ... JsonFx 2.0.1106.2610 JsonFx serialization framework JsonRpcHandler 0.3.1 JSON-RPC 2.0 router implementation for ASP.NET jsonToFormUrlencoded 1.2 This package add a function that convert application/json data ... JsPubSub 1.0 JavaScript publish/subscribe implementation JSTest.Integration.Xunit 1.0.0 JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows ... JSTest.NET 1.0.6 JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows ... JsTrace 1.3 JsTrace allows you to heavily instrument your JavaScript code w... JsTrace.MVC 1.3 Sets up an ASP.NET Area with a JsTraceController in order to fa... JsValidator 0.52.4 Google closure based javascript compiler that integrates tightl... ju.ju 0.5 ju.ju. is a continuous testing tool with a difference; it will ... Juanagui.Repositories.Entit... 1.0 Implementation of the repository pattern for the Entity Framework Juanagui.Validation 1.0.6 Implementation of the Notification pattern (http://www.martinfo... JuiceUI Juice UI – Supercharge ASP.NET Web Forms with jQuery UI Jumony Jumony JumonyCore 2.0.1 Jumony gives you the ability to manipulate the HTML JumonyForMVC Jumony for MVC JumpListHelpers 1.0.0 Jump List Helpers is a library that allows to add Jump List to ... Jurassic 2.1.1 Jurassic is an implementation of the ECMAScript language and ru... jurassic-coffee 0.25 coffee-script compiler implementation in .NET. With HttpHandler... justgiving-sdk 1.5.6 A client for the JustGiving API available at https://api.justgi... JustMock 2012.1.321.0 Unit testing made easy JustWareApiCodeTables 0.3.0 Library for accesing the JustWare API code tables, with caching. Jv.Json 1.1.1 Json serializer and deserializer for .net JWS.SecurEntityLib 1.0 A .NET data protection library for selected database fields usi... JWT 1.1.1 JWT (JSON Web Token) Implementation for .NET (Public Domain) jwysiwyg 0.97.2 A JQuery plugin to allow in-place visual editing of simple HTM... Kayak 0.7.2 Kayak is an event-base IO libary for .NET. Kayak allows you to ... kdiff3 0.9.95 kdiff3 Please install with chocolatey (http://nuget.org/List/Pa... KendoGridBinder 1.4 This is a ModelBinder designed to painlessly consume an http re... KendoUIWeb 2012.1.322 Kendo UI Web is a set of HTML5 widgets built on jQuery Kent.Boogaart.Converters WPF Converters provides a number of generic binding converters ... Kent.Boogaart.HelperTrinity The Helper Trinity is a set of helper classes applicable to mos... Kent.Boogaart.KBCsv KBCsv is an efficient, easy to use .NET parsing and writing lib... Ketchup.Mvc.Testing Testing helpers Ketchup.Web 1.0.3 For make better with asp.net codes Khronos 0.2 Job scheduling library for .NET Khrussk.Extras 0.0.3 Khrussk is a network library for games. Khrussk.Interfaces 0.0.3 Khrussk is a network library for games. Khrussk.NetworkRealm 0.0.17 Khrussk is a network library for games. Khrussk.NetworkRealm.Silver... 0.0.8 Khrussk is a network library for games. Khrussk.Peers 0.0.4 Khrussk is a network library for games. Kiln.NET This is Microsoft .NET library that provides ability to interac... KinectContribTemplates 2.0.0 KinectContrib Templates integrates default Kinect dev templates... KinectToolbox Kinect Toolbox is a set of useful tools for developing with Kin... KineticJS 3.9.1 KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript library that extends th... KinkumaFramework KinkumaFramework support to your MVVM application use Prism and... KinkumaFramework.FSharp 0.2 Prism based F# MVVM Framework. KISSProject 3.5.1 KISS Project Kiwi.Json Json library for .NET Kiwi.Markdown 0.8.2 Kiwi.Markdown helps you embed your GitHub wiki locally by trans... Kiwi.Mvc3 0.8.2 This Content package sets up the necessary parts for using Kiwi... KiwiDb Embedded document database for .NET KMA Keep Me Alive (KMA) assists web application developers by provi... Knapsack 0.4.3 Automatically build JavaScript and CSS modules based on the dep... Knockout.ChangeTracker 1.0.4 To Setup change tracking, add this tracker property to your vie... Knockout.js_External_Templa... 2.0.3 The Knockout.js External Template Engine extends Knockout.js to... Knockout.Mapping 2.1.0 The mapping plugin gives you a straightforward way to map plain... KnockoutCS Dependency tracking for Silverlight in the spirit of KnockoutJS. knockoutjs A JavaScript MVVM library to help you create rich, dynamic user... Kogir.Logging 1.1 Common Logging Functionality Kogir.Logging.Ninject 1.1 Ninject integration for Kogir.Logging. Korean.Text.Encoding 1.0 Korean EUC-KR encoding for Windows Phone 7. Krempel.WP7 1.0.0 This package contains several handy controls that Matthijs Krem... Krypton Fast 2D Lighting Engine for the XNA Framework. KryptonPaletteSelectors 1.2.1 A small C# control library that allows for simplified palette s... Kuick 1.0.2 Kuick Application Framework. Kuick.Console 1.0.7 Use Kuick to build Console Application. LABjs 2.0.3 The defining characteristic of LABjs is the ability to load all... Lambda3.ConvertAspxToRazor 0.1 Converts aspx views to razor views. LangExt This library supports functional programming using C#. Lasy A lightweight CRUD abstraction layer for data storage. Lazcad 1.1 My package description Test LCI.FoodTruck.MVC4 1.0.9 This tasty recipe will quench your MVC hunger quickly. If you ... LCSK 1.5.1 Lightweight LiveChat / Live Support for ASP.NET MVC. le_log4net 1.5.4 le_log4net is a plugin library for Log4Net to enable logging to... le_nlog 1.5.3 le_nlog is a plugin library for NLog to enable logging to Logen... LeanNH 1.0 Simple assembly to suppress logging for NHibernate which helps ... LedApi 0.1.2 API for the B1248 LED name badge Lesk 0.3 A small and easy to use .NET library for building lexical analy... Less 3.0 Less Core services: Config, Log, Data... Less.js 1.2.2 LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixin... Less.Web 3.0 Web classes of LessFramework LessCoffee HTTP handlers that transform *.less and *.coffee files into CSS... lessmsi 1.0.8 LessMSI is a utility with a graphical user interface and a comm... Lextm.SharpSnmpLib 7.0 #SNMP (SharpSNMP) Suite is a set of free SNMP tools based on an... LghClassLibrary1 Description Lib A simple, minimal, and barely useful dependency container and o... Lib.Web.Mvc 5.0.2 Lib.Web.Mvc is a library which contains some helper classes for... LibGit2Sharp 0.8 LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a nativ... libphonenumber-csharp C# port of Google's common Java, C++ and Javascript library for... librets-dotnet 1.5.2 A RETS client library, originally writting in cross platform C+... libxs 1.0.1 Crossroads I/O (libxs) is an open source, high performance tran... LicensarioSDK In-app licensing and billing solution for Windows Forms. Licens... Lidgren.Network 2012.2.15.2 Lidgren.Network is a networking library for .net framework whic... LIFTI 1.0 LIFTI provides a simple API that allows you to build a searchab... LightCore 1.4.1 LightCore is a lightweight dependency injection container which... LightCore.WebIntegration 1.4.1 LightCore is a lightweight dependency injection container which... LightFactory 1.2 LightFactory is one of the simplest in use, fastest and most fl... LightInject A single file Ioc container LightScriptEngine 1.0.0 Light Script Engine is a library that allows to dynamically com... LightSwitchMetroTheme 2.2.3 (ExtensionsMadeEasy Nuget Package)... LikeSearch Fluent sql query builder for WebMatrix.data with paging support. LinFu.Core A framework that adds mixins, inversion of control, DbC, and ot... LinFu.DynamicProxy.Official... 1.0.5 A small, lightweight dynamic proxy library for the .NET framework. LinkedIn.OAuth 0.6.1 A library that simplifies the "Login with Linked-In" process in... linq.js Linq to Objects for JavaScript. linq.js-Bindings linq.js binding for jQuery and RxJS. linq.js-jQuery Linq to Objects for JavaScript. This version is plugin integrat... Linq.PropertyTranslator Translates computed properties in LINQ queries into their imple... Linq2Rest Parses OData system query parameters to create a LINQ query tha... Linq2Rest.Mvc ASP.NET MVC extensions for Linq2Rest to support binding a Linq2... LinqExt 0.1.2 Some helpfull extensions for LINQ LinqExtender 3.0.1 A toolkit for building custom LINQ providers. LinqExtLibrary The LINQ extension library is a collection of extensions writte... linqimageprocessing A single-file, easy to include set of extension methods on the ... LinqInJavaScript 1.0 Using the power of LINQ but from JavaScript! Uses standard Java... LinqKit 1.0 LINQKit is a free set of extensions for LINQ to SQL and Entity ... LinqSpecs 1.0 LinqSpecs is a framework that will help you to create specifica... LinqToBBYOpen 0.9.5 C# Linq Provider to access the REST based BBYOpen (previously R... LinqToCsv Popular, easy to use library to read and write CSV and tab deli... LinqToExcel 1.6.2 Easily retrieve data from spreadsheets and csv files by using LINQ LinqToExcel_x64 1.6.2 Easily retrieve data from spreadsheets and csv files by using LINQ linqtohtml 1.0 My package description. LinqToLdap 2.5 LINQ provider built on top of System.DirectoryServices.Protocol... LinqToOdbc LinqToOdbc seeks to simplify access to Odbc-based datasources v... LinqToSqlProfiler LinqToSql Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a de... LinqToSqlScaffolding 0.3.1 Scaffolders for LINQ to SQL repositories and data contexts linqtotwitter 2.0.24 LINQ to Twitter is a 3rd party LINQ Provider for the Twitter mi... LINQtoVFP LINQ to VFP is an Object Relation Mapper for Visual FoxPro data. LinqToWindows 1.0.2 LinqToWindows provides a bunch of ways to access and change ope... LinqToXsd 2.0.2 Microsoft developed open source tool for generating strongly ty... LiteCQRS 0.7.0 LiteCQRS is a small convention-based CQRS framework that differ... LiteFx A framework that helps the use of DDD patterns. LiteFx.NHibernate A framework that helps the use of DDD patterns and implementing... LiteMediaAlive 0.2.1 ASP.NET Live performance counter dashboard LiteStore 1.1.0 Ultra light-weight NoSQL storage for CLR (.NET) Lithium Lightweight SQL object mapper based on dapper-dot-net by Sam Sa... LitS3 1.0.1 LitS3 is a library written in C# that provides comprehensive an... little-dotnet 0.5 .NET library for little.io LiveDomain.Core 0.4.0 Build faster systems faster with #liveDB, an in-memory native .... LLBLGenProfiler LLBLGen Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a deve... load.js 1.0.0 A JavaScript load wrapper. A DI approach to script loading. Localization.i18N.ASP.NET 0.0.343.874 Real world i18N localization for ASP.NET MVC (3/4) and ASP.NET ... log4f 0.4 A thin veneer of F#ness arround log4net log4mongo-net log4net appender to MongoDB database log4net 2.0.0 NOTE: This package contains the Log4Net 1.2.11 assembly. log4ne... log4net.Azure Azure Diagnostics interop with log4net log4net.NLogAppender 1.1.0 Its a bridge between NLog and log4net. It hands all log4net log... log4net.RabbitMQAppender 0.1.4 Log4net appender for RabbitMQ log4net.Raven 0.888 A log4net appender implementation using RavenDB. log4net.samples.rollingfile... 1.0.1 Using log4net with RollingFileAppender log4net.samples.smtpappender 1.0.0 Using log4net with SmtpAppender Log4NetAOP 1.0.7 Adds data annotation logging using log4net and PostSharp loggly-csharp 2.1 A .NET driver for loggly.com loggr-dotnet 1.0.7 Microsoft .NET logging agent for Loggr, the cloud-based event l... loggr-log4net 1.0.4 Log4net logging appender that logs to Loggr, the cloud-based ev... LogicaToolbox 1.0.1 CRM Javascript toolbox. LoginRadiusBlogEngine Get social logins such as Facebook, Google, Twitter etc on your... LoginRadiusSDK.NET Get social logins such as Facebook, Google, Twitter etc on your... Logira 1.8 A C# library on top of the JIRA SOAP service, including a JIRA ... LogOnWithACSLibrary 0.5.4 A package to set up Windows Azure Access Control Service into t... Lokad.Cloud.AppHost 0.9.2 Lokad.Cloud AppHost Prototype - Host Lokad.Cloud.AppHost.Framework 0.9.2 Lokad.Cloud AppHost Prototype - Framework Lokad.Cloud.Provisioning 2.0.2 Azure Service Instance Provisioning (auto scaling). Leverage Wi... Lokad.Cloud.Storage 2.3.4 Azure Storage O/C mapper (Object to Cloud). Leverage Windows Az... Lokad.Cloud.Storage.Autofac 2.3.4 Optional Autofac modules for Lokad.Cloud.Storage. You do NOT ne... Lokad.CQRS Lokad.CQRS is a .NET framework and a set of guidance materials ... Lokad.Shared Lokad.Shared.dll is a single lightweight .NET library that incl... Longbow 1.0.0 Longbow Component 2005 Release Version LongscaleWIF2010 1.2 This will add WIF configuration required for AppStore identity ... LongWorkflows 1.0 Small library with framework to build long-running or persistab... LoopbackConnection 1.0.0 This module will help lot of SharePoint developer to manage exc... Loremipsum.Security.Permiss... 1.0 Configure your declarative principal permissions authorization ... Lost.FSharp 0.1.1 This package provides additional operators, and core module ext... LoveSeat 1.0.1 Love Seat is a simply architected CouchDB C# client with the in... LowercaseRoutesMVC 1.0.3 Easily map ASP.NET MVC routes to lowercase URLs! Does not affec... LowercaseRoutesMVC4 0.4.1 Easily map ASP.NET MVC routes to lowercase URLs! Does not affec... LpcThang 0.1.0 LivePerson Chat ASP.NET MVC Helper methods Lpfm.LastFmScrobbler.dll 1.2 LPFM Last.fm Scrobbler is a simple .NET API library for scrobbl... LSDA Logic Data Access is a IQueryable Repository pattern implementa... LSDA-Unity Unity integration for Logic Data Access ltaf 2.0.0 Lightweight Test Automation Framework (LTAF) for ASP.NET runtim... Lucene DEPRECATED - Please use the package named Lucene.Net instead Lucene.Contrib DEPRECATED - Please use the package named Lucene.Net.Contrib in... Lucene.Net Lucene.Net is a port of the Lucene search engine library, writt... Lucene.Net.Analysis.Hunspell 1.0.1 Port of lucene-hunspell; using hunspell dictionaries for stemming. Lucene.Net.Contrib Lucene.Net Contrib adds a set of advanced functionalites to Luc... Lucene.Net.Store.Azure This project allows you to create a search index on Windows Azu... Lucene.Steroids Lucene Steroids replicates the Lucene.NET database between seve... Lucene2Objects 1.0.1 Provides a simple API to use Lucene.NET with objects without ha... LucifureStash 1.1.0 Runtime dll... Lucky.Cassandra 0.10.0 An implementation of .net 4.0's ObjectCache that saves to an in... LuckyAssetManager 1.10.3 A css and javascript manager that will dynamically combine and ... LuckyAssetManagerContrib 1.0.7 This project was designed to add new functionality to LuckyAsse... Luminescence.Xiph A full managed C# assembly for reading and writing Vorbis Comme... Lydian.Unity.Automapper Unity Automapper provides, as the name suggests, easy-to-use au... MaaSive 0.2 A framework to facilitate cloud development.... machine 0.5.0 This library is designed to assist in the use of common Machine... Machine.Fakes 0.3.5 Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks... Machine.Fakes.FakeItEasy 0.3.5 Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks... Machine.Fakes.Moq 0.3.5 Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks... Machine.Fakes.NSubstitute 0.3.5 Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks... Machine.Fakes.RhinoMocks 0.3.5 Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks... Machine.Specifications Machine.Specifications is a Context/Specification framework gea... Machine.Specifications.Auto... Machine.Specifications.AutoMocking attempts to reduce noise in ... Machine.Specifications.Mvc Machine.Specifications.Mvc is a set of extensions for testing A... Machine.Specifications-Signed Machine.Specifications is a Context/Specification framework gea... madam 1.0.1 MADAM is an HTTP module for ASP.NET (1.1 or later) that allows ... MadProps.AppArgs 1.0 A class that parses command-line/ClickOnce activation URI param... MadProps.MvvmLight 2.0.1 A contrib project for MVVM Light, adding support for coroutines... Magelia.Webstore.Client 0.3 Description magellan 2.2.95 Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Fou... magellan-ex 2.2.95 Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Fou... MagicalUnicornMvcApiJsonToo... 1.0.6 Look at your MVC app. ... MagicalUnicornMvcErrorToolkit 1.0 Would you like your ASP.NET MVC web application to handle both ... MagicalUnicornMvcRequestHea... 1.0.0 Me: Sons of Djorks, I am Magical Unicorn - Mvc Request Header A... MagicEightBall 1.1 My package description. MagicSauce 1.0.1 My package description. Magnum Magnum is a library for the larger than average developer MahApps.Metro The goal of MahApps.Metro is to allow devs to quickly and easil... MahApps.Metro.Resources "loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's MahApps.Metro.Resources.Sta... "loose" file XAML Resource for Metro UI's... MahApps.Twitter.Bootstrap 2.0.2 ## When prompted to "OK" or "Cancel" the running of the templat... Mai 1.0.0 My package description. Mail.dll 3.0.12089.2241 Mail.dll is a .NET IMAP, POP3 and SMTP client library and email... MailChimpAmazonSES 1.2 A .NET 4 wrapper for MailChimp's Amazon Simple Email Service. M... Majestic13 3.2.0 A convenient API to Majestic-12 html parser. Works on .NET fram... MakeMeAsync Helps with async declaration. Async.For(your_method_here).Subsc... Managed.Adb A managed library for communicating with the Android Debug Brid... ManagedEsent 1.6 ManagedEsent provides managed access to ESENT, the embeddable... ManagedFusion 1.0.31 Managed Fusion contains a bunch of useful extensions and a ligh... ManagedFusion.Rewriter 3.5.36 Managed Fusion URL Rewriter and Reverse Proxy is a powerful URL... ManagedFusion.Rewriter.Contrib 1.0.24 Managed Fusion URL Rewriter and Reverse Proxy is a powerful URL... ManagedFusion.Testing 1.0.3 Managed Fusion Testing Framework contains common mocking senari... ManagedFusion.Web 1.0.25 Managed Fusion Web contains a bunch of useful extensions for MV... ManagedWinapi 0.3 A collection of .NET components that wrap PInvoke calls to acce... ManagePackageSource 0.0.2 Manage NuGet package sources from the NuGet PowerShell Console Manifold.autofac Manifold enables function composition along with integration in... Manwe.Core Core library for Manwe Manwe.Web ASP.NET Web Framework for Manwe Manwe.Web.Ext Ext.NET Controls for Manwe Manwe.Web.WebControls ASP.NET Web Controls for Manwe ManyConsole A library for writing console applications. Extends NDesk.Opti... MappedObjectLibrary 1.2 Initializes AutoMapper Mapper.CreateMap statements. Mara Automated Web Application Testing in .NET Mara.SpecFlow SpecFlow extensions for Mara MarkdownDeep.Full 1.4 MarkdownDeep is a high performance .NET Markdown engine along w... MarkdownDeep.Full.Sample 1.4 This is a sample package for MarkdownDeep that demonstrates bot... MarkdownDeep.NET 1.4 MarkdownDeep is a high performance .NET Markdown processor. ... MarkdownHelper 1.3 HTML helpers to allow easier rendering of Markdown in an ASP.NE... MarkdownPages 0.6 MarkdownPages allows a site to serve text files written in mark... MarkdownSharp Open source C# implementation of Markdown processor, as feature... MarkHeath.StarRating 1.0.6 Star Rating Control for Silverlight 4 MarkNicTestPackage Package description Markov A Markov chain library, made to support scenarios anywhere from... MarkupInjector 0.1 Let's you inject markup before certain tags in asp.net webforms... MarkupSanitizer Takes untrusted (X)HTML and massages it into real, trusted XHTM... MarrDataMapper 3.14.4476.37307 Marr DataMapper is a Linq enabled ORM that allows you to projec... Massive 1.0 A data access wrapper based on System.Dynamic. 400 lines of hap... Massive.MySql 1.0 Modified version of Massive (by @robconery) for MySql. Massive ... MassTransit 2.1.1 MassTransit is a distributed application framework for .NET, in... MassTransit.Autofac 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for Autofac to MassTransi... MassTransit.CastleWindsor 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for Castle Windsor to Mas... MassTransit.Log4Net 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for Log4Net to MassTransi... MassTransit.NHibernate 2.1.1 An integration library for NHibernate support in MassTransit, a... MassTransit.Ninject 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for Ninject to MassTransi... MassTransit.NLog 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for NLog to MassTransit, ... MassTransit.RabbitMQ 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for RabbitMQ to MassTrans... MassTransit.StructureMap 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for StructureMap to MassT... MassTransit.TestFramework 2.1.1 This library contains testing helpers for use with MassTransit. MassTransit.Unity 2.1.1 This integration library adds support for Unity to MassTransit,... Matches.NET 1.0.2 An open source library for interacting with Campfire. MathLib Description MathNet.Numerics 2.1.2 Math.NET Numerics is the numerical foundation of the Math.NET p... MathNet.Numerics.FSharp 2.1.2 F# Modules for Math.NET Numerics, the numerical foundation of t... MathNet.Numerics.FSharp.Sample 2.1.2 This package contains samples that demonstrate the use of the F... MathNet.Numerics.Sample 2.1.2 This package contains samples that demonstrate the use of the M... MathTool_2011 1.0 My package description. MattDavey.Common 1.0.4490.17187 A small collection of useful extension methods, utilities & hel... maventhought.commons 0.9.5 Common utilities and extension classes used by MavenThought pro... maventhought.commons.wpf 0.9.5 Common utilities and extension classes used by MavenThought pro... maventhought.testing 0.3.8 Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When... maventhought.testing.mstest 0.3.8 Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When... maventhought.testing.nunit 0.3.8 Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When... maventhought.testing.xunit 0.3.8 Framework to provide base classes to test enforcing Given, When... MavenThought.Units 0.3.2 Unit library to facilitate the modeling and manipulation of dis... Maybe Maybe is monads implementation for .NET MayMart.Wiki Regex-based Wiki library. mbunit 3.3.454.0 Gallio & MbUnit dlls Mc.ORM.NHib.Util This library allows developers to Create, Update, and Delete da... McDonaldConsulting.Utility 0.1.4468.34942 Basic .NET 4.0 Extension Methods Mdbc 1.0.7 Mdbc is the Windows PowerShell module built on top of the offic... MDXClientAdapter 4.0.4268.27894 The v4 release of the MDX Client Adapter library. This system a... Mediator 1.0.2123.0 Mediator is a simple to use and to learn framwork to do real ti... Meek 0.90.0 An unobtrusive CMS system designed to bolt on to an existing MV... Meek.MvcTurbine 0.90.0 MvcTurbine Blade for Meek, an unobtrusive CMS system designed t... MeetingRequest Generate a meeting request MefContrib MEF Contrib is a community-developed library of extensions to t... MefContrib.Integration.Autofac Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Autofac integration. MefContrib.Integration.Unity Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Unity integration. MefContrib.Interception.Castle Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support usin... MefContrib.Interception.LinFu Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support usin... MefContrib.Interception.Unity Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support usin... MefContrib.MVC3 An MVC3 IDependencyResolver wrapper for the Managed Extensibili... MEFedMVVM 1.4 Library to help to quickly and easily create applications using... MEFedMVVM.ValidationExtensions 1.2 Validation extensions for MEF and MVVM. MEFX.Core.Unofficial 0.4 The Composition Analysis Tool (Mefx) is a command-line applicat... Meleze.Web 1.4.1 Meleze.Web is a toolbox to optimize ASP.NET MVC 3.0 and MVC 4.0... Membase 2.14 Membase client library for .NET based languages. MembershipClient.JavaScript 0.2 JavaScript library for accessing the Membership, Roles, and Pro... MembershipClient.WP7 0.1 WP7-compatible service class for reading Membership, Roles, and... MembershipService.Mvc 0.1 MVC controller for exposing Membership, Roles, and Profiles dat... MembershipService.WebForms 0.1 WebForms generic handler for exposing Membership, Roles, and Pr... MemBus 1.5.0 In-memory publish-subscribe bus with pluggable subscription and... Memcached.ClientLibrary 1.0 My package description. MemoryDiagnosticsHelper 1.0.3 The MemoryDiagnosticsHelper made by Peter Torr! MercadoPago 1.0.4477.31589 This is an unofficial port of MercadoPago's PHP SDK. The same e... MerchantTribe.Web MerchantTribe.Web is a utility library for building .NET web ap... Mercurial.Net Mercurial command line client wrapper assembly for .NET 3.5 and... MergeXml 1.0.1 Merge-XmlFile takes two input, source and target. The source ca... Meshellator 3D asset import library for .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4. Support... MessagingToolkit.QRCode 1.3.0 QRCode Library is a .NET component that can be used to encode a... Meta.Numerics 2.0.0 A library for numeric computing with support for statistics, ma... MetaObject Adds DynamicObject support to your .NET classes without having ... metasharp Meta# is a pattern matching library for .net, which includes a ... MethodCall 1.0.0 Utility for accessing private methods, properties and fields. H... Metrics 1.0.5 Capturing CLR and application-level metrics. So you know what's... Metrics.Mvc 1.0.2 ASP.NET MVC support for the Metrics library MetroGridHelper 1.11 Provides a debug-time helper for designers to overlay a Metro-f... MetroPimp 1.1 API for sending push messages to Windows Phone devices using MPNS. Mext 0.1.0 Common and useful extension methods for .NET. Mext.Json 0.1.01 .NET Extension Methods for serializing and deserializing JSON. ... MFUnit 0.2 .Net Micro Framework Unit Testing Library MGR.CommandLineParser MGR.CommandLineParser is a multi-command line parser. It uses S... MicroDal 1.3.4490.34950 ADO.NET wrapper for easy data access MicroDal.SQLiteProvider 1.1.4315.31165 MicroDal provider for SQLite MicroHeap A generic heap datastructure, that satisfies the "heapify" algo... microioc 1.0 A tiny IoC container for WP7 MicroLinq 0.4.0 MicroLinq is an implementation of the basic LINQ extensions wri... MicroRest MicroRest is a tiny REST framework - it allows you to add REST ... MicrOrm Database access without the ORM MicroSliver MicroSliver is a micro, non-bloat, non-intimidating and speedy ... Microsoft.Activities Provides useful extension methods, alternate Task based API and... Microsoft.Activities.Extens... Provides useful extension methods, alternate Task based API and... Microsoft.Activities.UnitTe... Provides unit testing helpers, in memory persistence, mocking s... Microsoft.Data.Edm Classes to represent, construct, parse, serialize and validate ... Microsoft.Data.OData Classes to serialize, deserialize and validate OData payloads. ... Microsoft.Data.Services Fully-featured server API for responding to OData queries and c... Microsoft.Data.Services.Client LINQ-enabled client API for issuing OData queries and consuming... Microsoft.Experience.CloudFx The Cloud Application Framework & Extensions (CloudFx) is a Swi... Microsoft.Experimental.IO This library provides functionality to make it easier to work w... Microsoft.Linq.Translations 1.0.1 Provides a LINQ provider independent way of translating compute... Microsoft.Practices.Phone.A... 1.0.0 The project contains interfaces, and adapter and facade impleme... Microsoft.Samples.Debugging... CLR Managed Debugger (mdbg) Sample 4.0 (http://www.microsoft.co... Microsoft.Samples.Debugging... CLR Managed Debugger (mdbg) Sample 4.0 (http://www.microsoft.co... Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQuery 1.7.1 This package contains the Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQuery assemb... Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQu... This package contains the Microsoft.ScriptManager.jQuery.UI.Com... Microsoft.SharePoint.Client 14.0.4762.1000 This NuGet package includes assemblies needed to use the Micros... Microsoft.SharePoint.Client... 14.0.4762.1000 This NuGet package includes assemblies needed to use the Micros... Microsoft.SilverlightMediaF... 2.2011.410.1 Microsoft's open source media player framework - a component of... Microsoft.SqlServer.Types 10.50.1600.1 Sql Server Spatial Types Assembly.... Microsoft.VisualStudio.Sour... Visual Source Safe Interop Microsoft.Web.Administration The Microsoft.Web.Administration namespace contains classes tha... Microsoft.Web.DynamicData.H... 1.1 Asp.Net image handler for rendering images from database, see D... Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure This package contains the Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure assembly... Microsoft.Web.Optimization 0.1 ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize cs... Microsoft.Web.Services2 Web Services Enhancements 2.0 for Microsoft .NET (WSE) is a .NE... Microsoft.Web.Services3 WSE 3.0 simplifies the development and deployment of secure Web... Microsoft.WebSockets 0.2.1 This preview package provides functionality for writing WebSock... microsoft-web-helpers 1.15 This package contains web helpers to easily add functionality t... MicrosoftWebMvc 2.0 ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures includes unsupported prototype features f... MicroTweet 0.4.0 MicroTweet is a native Twitter OAuth API library for the .NET M... MigrationScriptGenerator 1.1.10 Tool for automatically diffing two databases and creating migra... Migrator 1.1 Migrator for database scripts MigratorDotNet Database migrations for .NET. Based on the idea of Rails Active... MigSharp 2.0.0 Write database migrations in your favorite .NET language and le... Milkman Tools for deploying applications built on top of the Bottles fr... Milkman.Deployers.IIS Tools for deploying IIS web applications built on top of the Bo... Milkman.Deployers.TopShelf Tools for deploying TopShelf applications built on top of the B... MimeHelper 1.0 Provides application of Mime types to the Response headers that... Mimeo A templating library for creating your own templating language,... MinCat Provides support for the minimization and concatenation of Java... MinCatMVC Provides support for the minimization and concatenation of Java... minddemocold 1.0 My Demo Package description mindmydemolibrary MIND NuGet Demo MiniApi Extensions for Asp.Net Web Api MiniBuss Micro Service Bus on top of MSMQ. Installs one source file only... Minifier.Core 1.3 A small library for minifying html and extending the ASP.NET Op... Minifier.Mvc 1.3 A small library for minifying html and extending the ASP.NET Op... MiniMe Tool for dynamic minification, bundling and versioning of JavaS... Minimod.Continuation 0.0.1 A minimod for easy to use continuation pattern in CSharp. Minimod.ExpressionExtensions A minimod for converting LINQ MemberExpressions into strings re... Minimod.Flattener 0.0.1 Extends System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable?1 with a hierarc... Minimod.FluentGenerics 0.9.0 A minimod for fluently interacting with genric types. Minimod.FluentNullOrEmpty 0.9.0 A minimod for fluently checking if strings or collections are e... Minimod.HttpMessageStream 0.0.6 Small embedded web server based on Rx and working like node.js. Minimod.Impersonator 0.0.1 A minimod for impersonation with network share support. Minimod.JoinStrings 0.9.1 A minimod for fluently joining Enumerables using String.Join; A... Minimod.Linq2Dictionary 0.9.0 Extends System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary?2 with Union. Minimod.MessageProcessor 0.0.6 CEP based on Rx. Minimod.MVVM 0.0.1 A small reactive message based MVVM. Minimod.NestedDictionary 0.9.0 Extends System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary?1 by following m... Minimod.NotificationObject A minimod that provides a base class that implements the INotif... Minimod.PatternMatching 0.0.1 A minimod for easy to use pattern matching in CSharp. Minimod.PrettyDateAndTime 0.8.1 Extends DateTime, DateTimeOffset and Timespan by a method calle... Minimod.PrettyPrint 0.8.8 Creates nice textual representations of any objects. Mostly mea... Minimod.PrettyText 1.0.0 Extends System.String/IEnumerable by following methods:... Minimod.PrettyTypeSignatures 0.9.1 Extends System.Type, System.Reflection.MethodBase and System.Di... Minimod.RxEventRepository 0.0.1 A minimod for persisting event messages using Rx. Minimod.RxEventSourcing 0.0.3 A minimod for persisting event messages using Rx. Minimod.RxMessageBroker 0.0.1 An Event-/Message broker by using the Rx. Minimod.String2Enum 0.9.2 A minimod for parsing Strings as Enums. Minimod.ThreadVariable 0.9 Typesafe thread-static variables. Minimod.WebSocketMessageStream 0.0.5 A minimod for messaging using HTML5 WebSockets. HTML5 WebSocket... MiniProfiler 2.0.1 Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET M... MiniProfiler.Contrib.NHiber... 1.0.4289.24845 Enable NHibernate logging in MiniProfiler - to add to your NH c... MiniProfiler.EF 2.0.2 MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework MiniProfiler.MVC3 2.0.1 ASP.NET MVC3 specific package for the Lightweight mini-profiler... MiniProfiler.RavenDb 2.0 Adds entries for each RavenDb query to the MiniProfiler results... ministate 0.2.3 MiniState simplifies managing cookie information or other strin... Mistral.Framework 1.0.0 Mistral is utility library mite.net 1.2.2 A .NET library for interacting with the RESTful API of mite, a ... Mixpanel.NET 0.1.4 Provides API hooks for the Mixpanel API Miyagi Miyagi is a .NET library for creating GUIs in Mogre and Axiom. MMDB.Shared MMDB Shared Library MMDB.UITest.Core A library of .NET components to assist in testing .NET web appl... mnailgun 0.2.1 Provides simple access to Mailgun's REST API from .Net applicat... MobileViewEngines 1.0.1 ASP.NET MVC 3 Mobile Capable View Engines MobileViewEngines.Razor.Sample 1.0 ASP.NET MVC 3 Mobile Capable View Engines Sample Razor Application MobileViewEngines.WebForms.... 1.0 ASP.NET MVC 3 Mobile Capable View Engines Sample WebForms Appli... MobilityFrameworkAuthentica... 1.0 My package description. Mobiscroll 1.0.2 A wheel scroller user control optimized for touchscreens to eas... MockableWebSecurity Many components of the System.Web.Security namespace are static... Model.IsValid Little MVC extension for asking your models if they're valid Model2Form 1.0 An ASP.NET Control similar to GridView but it auto builds a Web... ModelFuu Automatic property generation in ViewModels from Model classes. ModelMetadataExtensions 0.1.1 Extension to Model Metadata that provide convention based resou... ModelMetadataExtensionsWith... 0.1.2 Extension to Model Metadata that provide convention based resou... ModelScaffolding 0.9.2 A fast and customizable way to add Model (with optional Control... Modernizr 2.5.3 Modernizr adds classes to the element which allow you to... Modernizr.full 2.5.3 I created this nuget package so that there would be a version a... ModuleInit.Fody Adds a module initializer to an assembly. mogade-csharp 0.7 csharp library for mogade.com mogade-windowsphone 0.7 Windows Phone Platform Driver for Mogade Mogre MOGRE (Managed OGRE) is a C++/CLI wrapper for the Ogre 3D engin... MogreNewt Newton wrapper for Mogre. Moment.js 1.4.0 A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating... MomentApp 0.0.2 Schedule MomentApp jobs easily and simply with this library.... Monads Monads for .NET is helpers for C# which makes easier every day ... Monads.NET 1.0 A simple little library that makes null safe accessing of prope... Monastry.ActiveRecord-NHibe... An ActiveRecord pattern implementation for POCOs using NHiberna... mondo-mvcboost 0.1.11 A collection of tools and conventions we like to use for ASP.NE... Money 1.0.0 Painless currency management in .NET MoneyToWords 2.2.2 Метод расширение для System.String. Позволяет получить сумму пр... mongo4log4net 1.0.4178.18314 A mongo appender for log4net. mongocsharpdriver 1.4 Official 10gen supported C# driver for MongoDB MongoDB.Driver 1.0.3744.30075 mongodb-net (MongoDB.Driver.dll) is a .Net driver for MongoDB. ... MongoDB.Lucene 0.3 A Lucene.Net directory implementation using MongoDB's GridFS. MongoDB.Runner 1.0.0 MongoDB runner helper for running integration tests MongoDB.Web 1.2 MongoDB.Web is a collection of ASP.NET providers (caching, memb... MongoGridfs 1.0.3 Mongo driver for CSharp. ... MongoJsonActiveMQ 1.0.2 Mongo driver for CSharp. ... Mongol 0.13.1 Mongol is a wrapper for the MongoDB Official C# Driver which ma... MongoMigrations 0.1.4364.30916 Mongo migrations for dot net developers MongoRepository 1.2.4 An easy to use library to use MongoDB with .NET. (Implements Re... MongoWSAT 1.0.4 A pre-configured user administration section for ASP.NET websit... MonitorAspNetApplication 1.5 An easy way to monitor your ASP.NET 4.0 application's cpu and m... MonitorWang.HealthCheck onitorWang is an extensible .Net windows service based framewor... MonitorWang.Publisher MonitorWang is an extensible .Net windows service based framewo... Mono.Addins 0.6.2 Mono.Addins is a generic framework for creating extensible appl... Mono.Addins.Setup 0.6.2 Mono.Addins is a framework for creating extensible applications... Mono.Cecil Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect ... Mono.CSharp 4.0 Mono CSharp compiler Mono.Linq.Expressions Complement for System.Linq.Expressions, including a C# writer, ... Mono.Options 1.0 A callback-based program option parser for C#. See the documena... Mono.Reflection Complement for System.Reflection, including an IL disassembler. Mono.Zeroconf Mono.Zeroconf is a cross platform Zero Configuration Networking... Monocle A simple ORM for SQL Server databases. MonoTorrent 0.9.0 MonoTorrent is a cross platform and open source implementation ... Moo 0.7.1 MOO is an object-to-object multimapper. It allows you to combin... MoodSwings 1.1 Set-Mood Presentation Moolah 0.3.5 Easy payment processing for .NET (DataCash, PayPal) MooTools 1.4.5 MooTools is a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript fram... Moq 4.0.10827 The simplest mocking library for .NET 3.5/4.0 and Silverlight w... Moq.Contrib 0.3 Contributed features and third-party integration for Moq. Moq.Contrib.Indy 0.1.4406.31744 An independent implementation of the Moq.Contrib project, with ... Moq.Sequences Supports checking that Moq setups are executed in sequence. MoqaLate 0.1.1 Mocking framework for Windows Phone 7 MoqBot 1.3 An Ninject-based automocker for Moq. MoqObject 0.5.0 MoqObject simplifies Moq morelinq 1.0 IMPORTANT: This project is BETA quality. The author "definitely... Moth 1.0.5 It's Steve Souders in a package! Moth is an ASP.NET MVC extensi... MPM.IO 1.0.4472.26382 Currently provides a file system abstraction layer only. Future... MpnsRecipe 1.0.1 Class library to communicate with the Microsoft Push Notificati... mpost.slmfu 5.0 The Silverlight Multi File Uploader is a free Silverlight 5 app... mpost.slmfu.examples 5.0 Example usage of the Silverlight Multi File Uploader. The Silve... MSADC.Workflow 1.1.5 This package includes a bunch of helper classes for exposing wo... MSBuild.Extension.Pack 1.0.0 The MSBuild Extension Pack provides a collection of over 435 MS... MSBuildTasks The MSBuild Community Tasks project is a collection of open sou... MSChartWrapper MSChartWrapper is a wrapper around Microsoft chart control for ... MSDN.FSharpChart.dll 0.60 FSharpChart contains F#-friendly wrappers for the types in the ... MsgPack MessagePack: Extremely efficient object serialization library f... MSMSpec 0.1 MSMSpec autogenerates MSTest tests corresponding to MSpec tests... MSPToolkit MSP Toolkit provides some helpers and utilites for WP7 maded by... MSTestContrib 1.1.1 MSTestContrib augments the capabilities of the MSTest framework... MSTestContrib.UITesting MSTestContrib.UITesting encourgages you to write your CodedUI t... MSTestContrib.UITesting.Qui... Sets your project up with Guidance and the structure that will ... MSTestExtensions 1.0.1 An extendible implementation of the Assert class in MSTest. All... mtiks A comprehensive analytics platform for Windows Phone 7 app deve... muccu 1.2.4419.26771 Muccu is a JSON-RPC framework for c# MUF 1.1 Monitored Undo is an Undo / Redo framework that makes it simple... MugenInjection 1.3.3 A lightweight and fast managed IoC (Inversion of Control) and D... MugenInjection.MVC2 1.2.0 Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NE... MugenInjection.MVC3 1.2.0 Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NE... MugenInjection.Wcf 1.2.0 Mugen Injection extension to add ioc for WCF services. MultipleSubmitButton 0.3.1 Provides solution for posting html form to various actions. Multiplication 1.0.0 My package description. MultiplicationPackage 1.0.0 My package description. MultiplyPackage 1.0.0 To Multiply two numbers Munizoft.Utility 1.0 My package description. Munq.CommonServiceLocator 3.1.3 An implementation of the Common Service Locator interface using... Munq.IocContainer 3.1.4 Munq IOC Container - A very fast Dependency Injection container... Munq.MVC3 3.1.2 An implementation of the DependencyResolver for ASP.NET MVC3. ... must.common 0.7.4 This project contains several of Nohros' core .NET libraries th... must.desktop 0.6.6 This project contains several of Nohros' core .NET libraries th... must.resources 0.2.4 This project contains several of Nohros' core .NET libraries th... mustache.js 0.4.1 Logic-less templates in JavaScript. muster 0.5.1 Muster is a .NET (4.0) project aimed at simplifying most aspect... MutableObject 1.2 Track state of CLR-objects MVC.ApiExplorer MVC.ApiExplorer is a portable, independent component designed t... Mvc.JQuery.Datatables 1.1.72 Strongly type html helpers for rendering jquery.datatables tabl... Mvc.Jsonp JSONP for ASP.NET MVC Mvc.RespondTo Provides RoR like respond_to functionality to your ASP.NET MVC ... MVC.ResumingActionResults 1.0.4195.42129 Resuming Action Results brings support for HTTP Byte Range requ... Mvc.Routing Register routes using attributes on your controller actions for... MVC2ControlsToolkit 2.1.0 MVC 2 Controls Toolkit is a complete set of advanced server con... Mvc2Futures 2.0.50217.0 ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures includes unsupported prototype features f... MVC3.HTML5Boilerplate.YUI 1.2.7 HTML5 Boilerplate 3.0 for the MVC3 Razor View Engine. Includes... Mvc3.ResourceLoader 0.4.4426.23454 A resource loader that manages concatination, minification, cac... MVC32012 1.0 My package description. Mvc3Assemblies 0.1.0 The MVC3 assmblies, incase you don't have them installed in you... Mvc3CodeTemplatesCSharp 3.0.11214.0 Adds the C# ASP.NET MVC Code Templates for use in customizing A... Mvc3CodeTemplatesVB 3.0.11214.0 Adds the VB ASP.NET MVC Code Templates for use in customizing A... MVC3ControlsToolkit 2.1.0 MVC 3 Controls Toolkit is a complete set of advanced server con... Mvc3Futures 3.0.20105.0 ASP.NET MVC Futures includes unsupported prototype features for... MVC3HTML5EDITORTEMPLATES 0.9.2 Adds HTML5 Editor Templates (to use new input types) with HTML.... Mvc3ValidationGroups 1.0.12082.0 Implements Unobtrusive Server and Client side Validation Groups MvcAccount 0.8.2 Authentication and account management plugin for ASP.NET MVC.... MvcAjaxTable 1.3 A simple table which allows paging, sorting and filtering using... MvcAssets Asset manager for Asp.NET MVC 3 MvcBaseViewModels 0.3 A basic viewmodel built on a base viewmodel, giving access to a... MvcBlanket.Ioc MvcBlanket integration to Castle Windsor MvcBlanket.Security MvcBlanket security implementation MvcBlanketLib Small but powerfull library for ASP.NET MVC Web Application dev... MvcBudgetBar 1.2 Harvest inspired simple weighted bar graph MvcCheckBoxList An extension for MVC HtmlHelper class to create POSTable checkb... MvcCodeRouting 0.9.6 MvcCodeRouting for ASP.NET MVC analyzes your controllers and ac... MvcConfirmationEmail 1.1 Require email confirmation in ASP.NET MVC3 registration. Update... MvcContrib MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to... MvcContrib.FluentHtml MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-type... MvcContrib.Mvc3.FluentHtml-ci MvcContrib.FluentHtml is a library of extensible, strongly-type... MvcContrib.Mvc3.Styles.Rounded This is a style for asp.net mvc applicaitons MvcContrib.Mvc3.Styles.unem... This is a style for asp.net mvc applicaitons MvcContrib.Mvc3.TestHelper-ci MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to... MvcContrib.Mvc3.WatiN-ci MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to... MvcContrib.Mvc3-ci MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to... MvcContrib.Shp UI Extensions to the MvcContrib Project - Themed Grid & Menu MvcContrib.WatiN MvcContrib was designed to add functionality and ease-of-use to... MvcDiagnostics 3.0.10714.0 A simple ASP.NET page used to diagnose issues with an ASP.NET M... MvcDisplayTemplates 1.0.0 Adds Razor DisplayTemplates that match the default templates em... MvcDonutCaching 1.2.0 MvcDonutCaching provides extensible donut output caching for AS... MvcEncryptionExtensions 0.0.1 This package contains ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelper extensions (Encryp... MvcExt.Tpl 0.1 TPL ( Task based asynchronous action ) support for ASP.NET MVC3 MvcExtensions ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.Autofac ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.Foolproof ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.Ninject ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.StructureMap ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.Unity ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcExtensions.Windsor ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET... MvcFlash 1.0.0 There are times where you would like to pass a message up to th... MvcHaack.Ajax 1.1 A libary for easily calling ASP.NET MVC Action methods from Jav... MvcHaack.ControllerInspector Adds the ability to inspect metadata about a controller by addi... MvcHaack.ViewMobilizer Creates mobile versions of existing views MvcHtml5Templates Adds EditorTemplates for the new html5 input types (including e... MVCHtml5Toolkit 1.2.0 The ASP.net MVC HTML5 Helpers Toolkit contains a rich set of co... MvcInstaller ASP.NET MVC Installer - the easy way to install your database-d... MvcInstaller.MVC2 ASP.NET MVC Installer - install your database schema and the AS... MvcInstaller.MVC3 ASP.NET MVC Installer - install your database schema and the AS... MvcInterception 0.6.3 Add-on for MvcExtensions - abstraction layer for method call in... MvcInterception.Unity 0.6.2 Add-on for MvcExtensions - abstraction layer for method call in... mvcinterop Zeus is an MVC Interop Helper for sites that are partially in W... MVC-JoinedFilter 1.1.4177.31311 Global filters for ASP.Net MVC2+ MVC-JoinedFilter.Windsor 1.1.4177.31549 Global filters for ASP.Net MVC2+ Windsor Adapter MvcJqGrid 1.0.4 A fluent html helper which eases the the implementation of jqGr... MvcMailer 1.1 MvcMailer lets you use your MVC Views to produce stunning email... MvcMegaForms Additional components to make awesome forms in ASP.NET MVC. It... MvcMembership 3.6.0 The starter kit provides the Asp.Net MVC controllers, models, a... MvcMembership.Mvc 3.6.0 The starter kit provides the Asp.Net MVC controllers, models, a... MvcMocks 1.0.2 Mock objects for ASP.NET MVC classes MvcOptimizationPack 1.0.6 A library that provides various optimization feature for ASP.NE... MvcPager 1.0.0 MvcPager is a class library of Paging MVC3 web site code that c... MvcPager2 1.5 ASP.NET MVC Paging Control for ASP.NET MVC 2.0 MvcPager2CN 1.5 ASP.NET MVC ???? for ASP.NET MVC 2.0 MvcPager3 1.5 ASP.NET MVC Paging Control for ASP.NET MVC 3.0 MvcPager3CN 1.5 ASP.NET MVC ???? for ASP.NET MVC 3.0 MvcPaging 1.0.3 A Paging library for ASP.NET MVC. MvcPortableArea 1.0 Portable Areas add instant functionality to your MVC Application. MvcProjectAwesome 1.9 contains a rich set of helpers (controls) that you can use to b... MVCRaven 1.0.2 MVC Raven is a NoSQL SQL hybrid project that uses Facebook Conn... MvcRazorThemeableViewEngine 0.4 A quick way to theme an MVC Razor website MvcRouteUnitTester MVC Route Unit Tester provides convenient, easy to use methods ... MvcScaffolding 1.0.6 A fast and customizable way to add controllers, views, and othe... MvcScaffolding.EntityMetadata 0.9 This package gives you extra scaffolders to create metadata 'b... MvcScaffolding.Obsidian 0.3 Provides additional MVC3 scaffolders.... MvcShortRoute 1.0 MvcShortRoute makes it easy to map short urls like, /about or /... MvcSiteMapProvider MvcSiteMapProvider is a SiteMapProvider implementation for the ... MVCTestsEx s MvcTools 1.3.0 Extensions for ASP.NET MVC3 (razor) site project with htmlhelpe... MvcTreeView 1.4 [MVC3 Only] This fluent MVC TreeView helper makes it easy to bu... MvcTreeView.Sample 1.4 [MVC3 Only] A Sample package for MvcTreeView to demonstrate its... MVCTurbine 3.4 MVC Turbine is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that has IoC baked in a... MvcTurbine.AppBus 3.0 An application bus auto-wired into your MVC application. MvcTurbine.Diagnostic 1.0.0 Just create classes that implement Diagnostic, go to /Diagnosti... MvcTurbine.FluentValidation 3.0 Plugs FluentValidation.MVC3 directly into your MVC Turbine appl... MvcTurbine.GoogleSiteMap 3.0 Adds a google sitemap to your application, filled with data fro... MvcTurbine.Hiro 3.2.1 The Hiro service locator for MVC Turbine. MvcTurbine.log4net 1.0 Blade that enables log4net within MVC Turbine applications. MvcTurbine.MembershipProvider 3.0 A simple way to use FormsAuthentication in your MVC Turbine app... MvcTurbine.MetadataProvider 1.0 Makes creating custom metadata easy. Just create a MetadataAttr... MvcTurbine.Ninject 3.4 The Ninject service locator for MVC Turbine. MvcTurbine.NServiceBus 1.0 MVC Turbine blade for NServiceBus. Allows the easy integration... MvcTurbine.StructureMap 3.4 The StructureMap service locator for MVC Turbine. MvcTurbine.Unity 3.4 The Unity service locator for MVC Turbine. MvcTurbine.Windsor 3.4 The Windsor service locator for MVC Turbine. MvcUtil 1.1.1 Commonly used utilities for ASP.NET MVC applications. MvcUtil.Unity 1.0.0 Commonly used utilities for ASP.NET MVC applications that use t... mvc-utilities 1.06 Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC; deals with encryption... mvc-utilities-azure 1.12 Utility classes designed for ASP.NET MVC running on Windows Azu... mvc-utilities-bcrypt 1.10 BCrypt drivers for MVC.Utilities. MvcWebLib 1.1.0 Web library for building composite MVC Web Applications. This l... MvcWithStyle 0.0.46 Helping style challenged developers blunder into awesomeness. A... MVCWizard.Web.Example 1.1 Simple example of WizardController that use partial view for re... MVCWizard.Wizard 1.2 Simple MVC3 Wizard Controller and Wizard Helper.... MvcXaml 1.0 A custom View Engine for ASP.NET MVC (2.0, 3.0 or newer) that a... MVVM_ModelEntity_t4_Template 1.1 The t4 template for Model generation in MVVM.... MVVMHelpers 4.9.0 MVVM Helpers is a library of helpers for WPF to implement the M... MvvmLight 3.1.1 The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to... MvvmLightLibs 3.1.1 The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to... MvvmLightLibsPreview 4.1.0 The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to... MvvmLightPreview 4.1.0 The MVVM Light Toolkit is a set of components helping people to... MVVMS 3.2 Easy MVVM Implementation for SL, RIA Services, or WP7 MVVMT4 T4 Templates for generating view models, and views for WPF, Sil... MvvmValidation 1.0.1 A lightweight framework that saves you from all the boilerplate... My.first.Nuget.package 0.1 This is a test project. MyCo.Test 1.0.10 This is only a sample package published by ficticious company c... MyCommons Common utilities for .Net. MyCommons.NHibernate Common utilities for NHibernate. MyCommons.Windsor Common utilities for Windsor. MyFirstSamplePackage 1.0.0 My package description. MyFlickr 0.8.5 MyFlickr API is a library for developers allows them to call Fl... mylib 1.1 This is the library for nuget MyLibrary 1.0 This is my awesome library MyMultiplyPackage 1.0.0 Multiplying of 2 numbers. MyNuGetPackage 2.0.1 This is sample NuGet package MyPackage 1.0 My package description. MyPackagedsfdsfsd 1.0 My package description. MyPackagerahul 1.0 My package description. MysamplePackage 2.0 My package description. MyScaffolding 1.1 Just a test MySql.Data 6.5.4 Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL. MySQL.Data.Entities Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL. Ent... MySQL.Data.Web Connector/Net is a fully-managed ADO.NET driver for MySQL. ASP... MySql.Web 6.5.4 MySQL providers for ASP.NET. MySubtraction 1.0.0 My package description. MySymbolSource Simple test assembly to demonstrate symbol server integration a... MyToolkit.Phone 1.0.0 MyToolkit MyToolkit.Phone.Light 1.0.0 MyToolkit MZCachetastic A simple mechanism for Caching into a Concurrent Dictionary. MZExtensions A collection of handy .net Extension Methods. MZTraceProfiler Trace Profiler for .net N2CMS 2.2.6 This package contains the management interface and web config t... N2CMS.Dinamico 2.2.6 Dinamico is a template pack for N2 CMS using MVC3/razor. This i... N2CMS.Library 2.2.6 This is the library component of N2 CMS. It's a dependency cont... N2CMS.Razor 2.2.6 Adds the razor view engine integration to an N2 CMS/MVC. N2CMS.SQLite.x86 2.2.6 Configures SQLite database connection string on an N2 CMS site. nAcl nAcl helps you handle scenarios for a matrix of rights easily. ... NAct NAct is an Actors framework for the .NET platform. It's type-sa... NakedObjects.Framework 4.0.306.0 Implementation of the 'naked objects' pattern for .NET. (Typic... NakedObjects.Ide 4.0.306.0 Installs Code Snippets and Item Templates, for both C# and VB, ... NakedObjects.Mvc 4.0.306.0 Add to an Empty C# MVC 3 project to auto-create a generic web U... NakedObjects.Mvc.Selenium 4.0.306.0 Add to a Test project to write Selenium tests against a NakedOb... NakedObjects.ProgrammingModel 4.0.306.0 Add to a Model project (a C# or VB class library) for useful At... NakedObjects.Sample.AW.Model 4.0.306.0 Rich domain model derived from Microsoft AdventureWorks databas... NakedObjects.Sample.AW.RunMVC 4.0.306.0 Creates a complete web UI for the Sample.AW.Model project. Add... NakedObjects.Sample.Icons 4.0.306.0 A set of useful icons for NakedObjects projects. Add to an MVC ... NakedObjects.Xat 4.0.306.0 Add to an MS Test project to create eXecutable Application Test... Nalarium 3.0 A .NET-based platform which provides .NET developer with seamle... Nalarium.Data.Common 3.0 Localizable Common Data for Nalarium Nalarium.ServiceModel 3.0 WCF Components for Nalarium Nalarium.Web 3.0 Extensive web components for Nalarium Nancy 0.10.0 Nancy is a lightweight web framework for the .Net platform, ins... Nancy.Authentication.Basic 0.10.0 A basic HTTP authentication provider for Nancy. Nancy.Authentication.Forms 0.10.0 A forms authentication provider for Nancy. Nancy.Bootstrappers.Autofac 0.10.0 An Autofac bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.Bootstrappers.Ninject 0.10.0 An Ninject bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.BootStrappers.Structu... 0.10.0 An StructureMap bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.Bootstrappers.Unity 0.10.0 A Unity bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.Bootstrappers.Windsor 0.10.0 A Windsor bootstrapper for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.Hosting.Aspnet 0.10.0 Enables hosting Nancy on ASP.NET Nancy.Hosting.Owin 0.10.0 Enables hosting Nancy on OWIN. Nancy.Hosting.Self 0.10.0 Enables hosting Nancy in any application. Nancy.Hosting.Wcf 0.10.0 Enables hosting Nancy on WCF. Nancy.SassAndCoffee 0.10.0 Enables Nancy to process Sass and CoffeeScript files. Nancy.Serialization.ProtoBuf 0.10.0 A protocol buffers (de)serializer for the Nancy web framework. Nancy.Serialization.Service... 0.10.0 Provides JSON (de)serialization support using ServiceStack.Text. Nancy.Stitch 0.0.1 Stitch pipeline extension for Nancy (A Sinatra inspired web fra... Nancy.Testing 0.10.0 Test harness for Nancy applications. Nancy.Validation.DataAnnota... 0.10.0 Adds Data Annotation validation support to Nancy. Nancy.Validation.FluentVali... 0.10.0 Adds Fluent Validation support to Nancy. Nancy.Viewengines.DotLiquid 0.10.0 Enables using the DotLiquid view engine with nancy Nancy.Viewengines.NDjango 0.10.0 Enables using the NDjango view engine with nancy Nancy.Viewengines.Nustache 0.10.0 Enables using the Nustache view engine with Nancy Nancy.Viewengines.Razor 0.10.0 Enables using the Razor view engine with nancy Nancy.Viewengines.Spark 0.10.0 Enables using the Spark view engine with nancy NanoMessageBus 2.0.13 A fast and ultra-lightweight (sub-100K) general messaging libra... NanoMessageBus.Autofac 2.0.13 Additional wireup provider for NanoMessageBus using Autofac. NanoMessageBus.Json.NET 2.0.13 Additional serialization provider for NanoMessageBus based on t... NanoMessageBus.Log4Net 2.0.13 Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using Log4Net v1... NanoMessageBus.Log4Net2 2.0.13 Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using Log4Net v1... NanoMessageBus.NLog 2.0.13 Additional logging provider for NanoMessageBus using NLog. NanoMessageBus.RabbitMQ 2.0.13 Additional messaging provider for NanoMessageBus using RabbitMQ... NanoTube Provides a simple API for sending statistics information to a G... NaomisTestPackage 1.0 NaomisTestPack Napper Napper is a fast lightweight ORM for .Net. Nardax 1.1 A simple collection of reusable code. Nardax.Azure 1.2 Helpers to assist with Windows Azure Queue integration and unit... Nardax.Data A simple ADO wrapper for Microsoft Sql Server Nardax.ServiceModel 1.1 Generic WCF client NareshScaler Naresh Scaler provides a simple framework to run your Selenium ... NArms.AutoMapper A pack of extension methods which improves your coding experien... Naspinski.Utilities 1.0.4 Utilities class for .Net including Dynamic property getters/set... NaturalSpec NaturalSpec is a .NET UnitTest framework which provides automat... Nauck.PostgresSQLProvider 1.4.0 PostgreSQL implementation of the ASP.NET 2.0+ Membership, Role,... NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider NauckIT.PostgreSQLProvider is a PostgreSQL implementation of th... NAudio 1.5 NAudio, an audio library for .NET Navigation 1.4 Navigation for ASP.NET Web Forms manages movement and data pass... NBasicExtensionMethod 1.0.4292.32667 A deliberately-small collection of useful extension methods wit... nbehave Simple approach to Behaviour Driven Development for .NET projects. nbehave.spec.mbunit Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert.... nbehave.spec.mstest Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert.... nbehave.spec.nunit Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert.... nbehave.spec.xunit Extension methods for asserts for a more readable assert.... NBootstrap 1.0.4409.4992 A simple, flexible application bootstrapper. NBroadcast 0.2 A .NET framework that makes it dead simple to broadcast a messa... NBrowserID A library for integrating BrowserID based authentication into y... NBug 1.1.1 NBug is a .NET library created to automate the bug reporting pr... NBuilder Through a fluent, extensible interface, NBuilder allows you to ... ncalc 1.3.8 NCalc is a mathematical expressions evaluator in .NET. NCalc ca... NChurn NChurn is a utility that helps asses the churn level of your fi... nClam nClam is a library which helps you scan files or directories us... NCommon 1.2 A light weight framework that provides implementations of commo... NCommon.ContainerAdapter.Au... 1.2 A NCommon container adapter for Autofac NCommon.ContainerAdapter.Ca... 1.2 A NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor NCommon.ContainerAdapter.Ni... 1.2 A NCommon container adapter for Ninject NCommon.ContainerAdapter.St... 1.2 A NCommon container adapter for StructureMap NCommon.ContainerAdapter.Unity 1.2 A NCommon container adapter for Unity NCommon.Db4o 1.2 NCommon data adapter for Db4o NCommon.EntityFramework 1.2 NCommon data adapter for Entity Framework NCommon.LinqToSql 1.2 NCommon data adapter for Linq To Sql NCommon.Mvc 1.2 NCommon extensions for ASP.Net MVC NCommon.NHibernate 1.2 NCommon data adapter for NHibernate NConfig 1.0.12 NConfig is a small library that allows using multi-file, host-b... NConfigStitch 1.0.0 A more maintainable way to organize your .config files.... NConsoler Small library for parsing command line arguments in .net applic... NContext 1.7.1 NContext is an extensible, composable application framework for... NContext.Common 1.7.0 Common dependency for NContext libraries. Includes NContext.App... NContext.EnterpriseLibrary 1.7.0 Enterprise Library add-on for NContext. NContext.Extensions.ValueIn... 1.7.0 ValueInjecter extensions for NContext. Gives extended support f... NContext.Persistence.Entity... 1.7.2 Entity Framework 4.2+ persistence support for NContext. NContext.Services 1.7.0 Distributed services addons for NContext via WCF WebApi (REST) ... NContext.Unity 1.7.0 Unity dependency injection add-on for NContext. NCore 0.28.0 Contains helpers, utils and extensions to simplify some of the ... ncqrs Ncqrs is a framework for .NET helps build scalable, extensible ... NCron 2.2 .NET Scheduling Framework ncrontab 1.0.0 NCrontab is crontab for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and above.... NDBGen Use a concise syntax to define your database schema, then use i... NDBGen.Plugins.DataAccess.D... A LINQ-to-SQL code generator for NDBGen. Includes the Visual St... NDBGen.Plugins.Database.Sql... An SQL script code generator for NDBGen for use with SQL Server. NDBGen.Shared This package contains types that are shared by the core NDBGen ... NDbUnit.Core NDbUnit Core Services; not intended to be consumed by itself NDbUnit.MySql NDbUnit for MySql targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing ... NDbUnit.OracleClient NDbUnit for Oracle targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing... NDbUnit.Postgresql NDbUnit for Postgresql targets; NDbUnit is a framework for mana... NDbUnit.SqlClient NDbUnit for Sql Server targets; NDbUnit is a framework for mana... NDbUnit.SqlLite NDbUnit for SqlLite targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managin... NDbUnit.SqlServerCe NDbUnit for SqlServer CE targets; NDbUnit is a framework for ma... NDecision NDecision is a Fluent rules engine written with Behavior Driven... NDecision.Aspects NDecision.Aspects provides AOP-driven business logic execution.... NDecorate 1.0.4452.796 Simple functionality to assist in compositional decoration. NDesk.Options 0.2.1 NDesk.Options is a callback-based program option parser for C#. ndjango NDjango is an implementation of the Django Template Language on... nDumbster 1.0 nDumbster is a simple fake SMTP based on the original Dumbster ... NeatUpload 1.3.26 ??????? NecroNetToolkit NecroNetToolkit is a set of tools that simplify and help with d... NeedleContainer 0.1 The Needle Container is a lightweight dependency injection cont... Neo4jClient A .NET client for the neo4j REST API. neo4j is an open sourced,... Neo4jD 1.0.6 .NET client for Neo4j Graph Database NeptuneMVVMPackage 1.0 Neptune is a light framework for building WPF apps based on the... Neptuo.Web.Localization Localization by Neptuo Neptuo.Web.Localization.Mvc3 Mvc3 plugin from localization by Neptuo NES 3.0.1 NES (.NET Event Sourcing) is a lightweight framework that helps... NetBash Drop in console interface for running commands in web applications NetBash.Cache 0.1 Cache manager command for NetBash NetBash.Database 1.0.1 Simple commands to query your database with NetBash. NetBash.Membership 1.0.0 A membership management tool using NetBash. This package allows... NetBash-DotNetPro 1.1 NetBash is a drop in (think mvc mini profiler) command line for... NETBio .NET Bio is an open source bioinformatics/genomics library for ... netDumbster netDumbster is a .Net Fake SMTP Server clone of the popular Dum... netDumbster.Sample netDumbster.Sample contains a runnable unit test for evaluate p... netfx-Assertions Use code snippet 'assertion' to get the declaration at the top ... netfx-Guard The only argument validation file you need, with full refactori... netfx-Guard.Tests.xUnit xUnit Tests for netfx-Guard netfx-IpsumGenerator Generates Lorem Ipsum words for use in tests. netfx-Microsoft.IdentityMod... Adds the required source code and Web.config changes to support... netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands Provides a command registry that executes commands with registe... netfx-Patterns.DomainComman... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainCommands netfx-Patterns.DomainContext Provides the core interfaces to implement a domain context, whi... netfx-Patterns.DomainContex... Provides the core interfaces to implement a domain context, whi... netfx-Patterns.DomainContex... Implements the Domain Context pattern for EntityFramework 4.1, ... netfx-Patterns.DomainContex... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainContext.EF netfx-Patterns.DomainContex... Implements the event sourcing pattern for entities persisted vi... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing Provides the core APIs to implement the event sourcing pattern ... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Provides additional behavior to the Event Sourcing package Doma... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.AutoWire netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Implements an event store using Entity Framework, with event pa... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.EF netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Useful for testing domains that leverage event sourcing netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.InMemory netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Provides reusable extensions that make implementing an event st... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.Queryable netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Simple example of a domain object with logic that leverages eve... netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... Implements a very simple unoptimized store for the file system. netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.SampleFileSystem netfx-Patterns.EventSourcin... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing netfx-Patterns.LinqSpecs Provides the primitives for centralizing and reusing Linq queri... netfx-Patterns.LinqSpecs.Tests Tests for netfx-Patterns.QuerySpecs netfx-Patterns.MessageStore Provides the core APIs to implement a message store. netfx-Patterns.MessageStore.EF Provides an implementation of the message store pattern using E... netfx-Patterns.MessageStore... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore.EF netfx-Patterns.MessageStore... xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.MessageStore netfx-Reflector Strong-typed static reflection via Reflect:... netfx-System.AmbientSingleton Provides an easy way to implement the singleton (anti?) pattern... netfx-System.AmbientSinglet... xUnit tests for netfx-System.AmbientSingleton netfx-System.AppDomainData Provides strong-typed persistence of data in an AppDomain, whic... netfx-System.AppDomainData.... Tests for netfx-System.AppDomainData.Tests netfx-System.AppDomainData.... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.AppDomainData.Tests netfx-System.BinarySerializer Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using the .NET ... netfx-System.BinarySerializ... xUnit tests for netfx-System.BinarySerializer netfx-System.BsonSerializer Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using Json.NET ... netfx-System.BsonSerializer... xUnit tests for netfx-System.BsonSerializer netfx-System.Clock An IClock interface and default implementation SystemClock to m... netfx-System.Clock.Tests.xUnit xUnit tests for netfx-System.Clock netfx-System.Collections.Ge... AddRange extension method for ICollection netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.CollectionAddR... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Provides extension methods that allow to treat collections, enu... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.CovariantExten... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Converts a date time to a readable natural time (i.e. '10 hours... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.DateTimeToNatu... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Finds a value by key in the dictionary, or returns the default ... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.DictionaryFind netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Provides the GetOrAdd extension method for generic dictionaries... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.DictionaryGetOrAdd. netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Hate checking for nulls in Linq queries? Turn any null enumerab... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Em... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Traverse an enumerable tree, depth or breadth first. ... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.Tr... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... Provides the missing KeyValuePair.Create static method, followi... netfx-System.Collections.Ge... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair netfx-System.ComponentModel... Provides strong typed access to ComponentModel attributes by us... netfx-System.ComponentModel... xUnit tests for netfx-System.ComponentModel.Attributes netfx-System.ComponentModel... Provides dinamic filtering of parts and exports from an underly... netfx-System.ComponentModel... DescriptionResourceAttribute, DisplayNameAttribute, CategoryRes... netfx-System.Componentmodel... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Componentmodel.LocalizableAttributes netfx-System.DateTimeEpochE... Provides conversion of DateTime and DateTimeOffset into an epoc... netfx-System.DateTimeEpochE... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.DateTimeEpochExtensions netfx-System.Diagnostics.Tr... Enhances the built-in System.Diagnostics capabilities by adding... netfx-System.Diagnostics.Tr... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Diagnostics.Tracer netfx-System.Dynamic.Reflec... Provides full reflection capabilities using C# 4.0 dynamic synt... netfx-System.Dynamic.Reflec... xUnit tests for netfx-System.Dynamic.Reflection. netfx-System.GzipSerializer An implementation of the core NETFx ISerializer interface that ... netfx-System.GzipSerializer... xUnit tests for netfx-System.GzipSerializer netfx-System.IO.Packaging.S... Allows easy unpacking of contents from an Open Packaging Conven... netfx-System.IO.Packaging.S... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.IO.Packaging.StreamUnpack netfx-System.IO.StreamClone Clones a stream into an in-memory stream. netfx-System.IO.StreamClone... xUnit tests for netfx-System.IO.StreamClone netfx-System.IO.StreamGetBytes Easily get all bytes that make up an arbitrary stream. netfx-System.IO.StreamGetBy... Tests for netfx-System.IO.StreamGetBytes netfx-System.IO.StreamWriteTo Copies an arbitrary stream to another stream or an output file ... netfx-System.IO.StreamWrite... Tests for netfx-System.IO.StreamWriteTo netfx-System.ISerializer Core interface that serializers can implement to serialize and ... netfx-System.ISerializer.Te... xUnit tests for netfx-System.ISerializer, to be used by impleme... netfx-System.ITimestamped Provides an interface that can be implemented by objects that h... netfx-System.JsonSerializer Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using a Json.NE... netfx-System.JsonSerializer... xUnit tests for netfx-System.JsonNetSerializer netfx-System.Linq.Expressio... Allows combining linq expressions using logic operators And, An... netfx-System.Linq.Expressio... xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionCombiner netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpC... Allows querying WCF Web Api endpoints that expose IQueryable ... netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpC... Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpClientQuery netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpE... Strong-typed Linq to Web API. Builds on top of HttpClient and p... netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpE... Strong-typed Linq to Web API with resource names conventions. B... netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpE... Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpEntityConventionClient netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpN... A simpler NameValueCollection-derived class that uses HTTP quer... netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpN... Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpNameValueCollection netfx-System.Net.Http.JsonC... A Json.NET-based HttpContent class for content serialization. netfx-System.Net.Http.JsonC... Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.JsonContent netfx-System.Reactive.Event Provides a covariant enhanced version of the EventPattern on top of official mongo driver using fluentmongo ProNuGet 1.0.0 Pro NuGet offers you a solid architectural understanding of how... ProNuGetStringExtensions 1.0 Some useful string extensions for everyday use. PropertyChanged.Fody Fody add-in for injecting INotifyPropertyChanged code into prop... PropertyChanging.Fody Fody add-in for injecting INotifyPropertyChanging code into pro... PropertyTools.Wpf 2012.2.1.54 Library of property/reflection based custom controls for WPF. T... ProSpec 1.9 Library to run executable specifications using SpecFlow and the... protobuf-net Protocol Buffers is the name of the binary serialization format... protobuf-net-data A library for serializing ADO.NET DataTables and DataReaders in... Prototyping_MVC 1.0 Prototyping is a collection of helpers for MVC to assist with w... Prowl.NET 1.0 This library allows you to access the Prowl API from within a .... Prowlin 0.9.4456.26422 A .Net library to send notifications to iPhones using Prowl. ProxyFinder 1.0 ProxyFinder library that enables the automated discovery of the... ProxySwitcher.Action 3.2 A package to create your own Proxy Switcher Action AddIn.... psake 4.1.0 psake is a build automation tool written in PowerShell. It avoi... PS-CmdInterop 1.0 Commands for PowerShell-CMD Interop psen Psen provides convention-based and out-of-the-box builds, tests... PServiceBus The goal of pServiceBus(Phoenix Service Bus) is to provide an A... PseudoRandomTextGenerator 1.0 Utility to generate pseudo random text from a source document. PS-Get NuGet-based system for deploying PowerShell Modules PSHostsFile 3.0.3 Change your window's hosts file from C# or Powershell. PsIso 2.1.4317.28039 Library for managing ISO 2709 files PS-VsVars 1.0 Commands for PowerShell-CMD Interop PsWinControls 1.1.4210.30190 Advanced Windows Forms controls Publicize.Fody Fody add-in for converting non-public members to public hidden ... PublicSuffix A .NET domain name parser of the PublicSuffix.org list maintain... PublishedApplications This gives your non web project the ability to be put into a pu... PublishSettingsGenerator 1.0 Create .publishSettings files for publishing sites with WebMatrix. Pubnub 3.0 PubNub allows you to securely connect mobile phones, tablets, l... punchy 1.2.6 Punchy is a .NET library for web applications that minifies and... pUnit 1.0.0 A simple C# benchmarking framework. See https://github.com/bbra... Pure.Routes 0.1.4429.19748 ASP.NET MVC Route generator PusherRESTDotNet The Pusher (http://pusher.com) REST library provides a simple w... Pushqa.Client The .Net Client component for Pushqa - providing Linq queryable... Pushqa.Server The server side component for Pushqa - providing queryable even... pvc 0.0.6 A pipes library for .NET, enabling flexible configuration of pr... pvc-rabbmitmq 0.0.6 A RabbitMQ adapter for the PVC library Pyxis.Toolkit.Windows Pyxis tollkit for windows applications. QConnectSDK 1.0.0 ????????(http://opensns.qq.com/).NET SDK!?SDK???????New BSD ??,... qdfeed 1.0.2 A lightweight .NET library designed to give developers an agnos... Qi4net Most time we need quick but not flexible... Qi4net.nhibernateExtender support multi session factory and mvc3. Qi4net.web Web helper class. QNH.Beers 1.0 Description QNH.Test.BestBeers 1.0 Gets the description that suits the beer. This is a test NuGet ... QRCodeHelper 1.0.3 This helper for WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages allows you to e... Quartz 2.0.0 Quartz.NET Scheduling Framework for .NET Platform quartz.impl.mongodb 1.0.1 Quartz.NET with configuration for getting started quickly on a ... Quartz.Windsor 0.1.3 Quartz.Net integration for Castle Windsor QuartzNetWebConsole 0.1.1 Embedded web Quartz.NET console/manager querite 1.0.1 Create a query class by inherting AbstractQuery that allows... QuickEdit.Helper 1.0 The QuickEdit helper is designed to make your WebMatrix sites e... QuickFix 1.13.3 Quickfix is an engine for running FIX servers of clients QuickGraph 3.6.61119.7 QuickGraph provides generic directed/undirected graph datastruc... quickstart.ef.repository 1.0 Includes Generic Repository for EF. Part of the Quickstart Series. quickstart.ef.repository.si... 1.0 Includes Generic Repository for EF for use in Singleton scenari... quickstart.ef.sample 1.0.1 Quickstart sample for using Entity Framework Code First. Includ... quickstart.mvc.unity.ef.hol... 0.3 Easy way to add OpenId and OAuth login support to your MVC proj... quickstart.mvc3.unity 1.0 Quickstart sample for using Unity in MVC 3. Part of the Quickst... quickstart.mvc3.unity.ef 1.0 Quickstart sample for using Entity Framework and Unity in MVC 3... quickstart.mvc3.unity.ef.al... 1.0.1 Quickstart sample for using Altairis Web Security, Entity Frame... quickstart.mvc3.unity.ef.ho... 0.5 Quickstart sample for using HolyPrin Web Security, Entity Frame... quickstart.mvc3.unity.ef.sa... 1.0.1 Quickstart sample for using Entity Framework and Unity in MVC 3... quickstart.mvc3.unity.ef.si... 1.0 Quickstart sample for using Entity Framework and Unity in MVC 3... quickstart.mvc3.unity.linq2sql 1.0 Quickstart sample for using Linq to SQL and Unity in MVC 3. Par... QUnit.Razor 0.2 Adds QUnit js/css to ASP.NET MVC Razor projects and Cshtml Test... QUnit-MVC This QUnit support for ASP.NET MVC. You may also use it for ASP... QUnitTeamCityDriver 1.0.0 Allows TeamCity to execute QUnit JavaScript unit tests using Ph... QvxLib 1.0.3 This library give you an easy way to generate Qlikview Qvx File... QvxLib.Connector This library give you an easy way to generate Qlikview Qvx File... Rabbit 0.6.5 A lightweight framework for ASP.NET Web Pages. RabbitMQ.Client 2.8.1 The RabbitMQ .NET client is an implementation of an AMQP client... RabbitMQ.ServiceModel 2.8.1 A WCF Binding for RabbitMQ. The RabbitMQ .NET client is an impl... RadaCode.SwissKnife SwissKnife is a RadaCode's collection of C# classes that facili... Radiator.Core A light weight framework for the writing part of the CQRS patte... Radical Radical Framework Radical.Design 0.9.1 Radical Framework for WPF Design Time Data Radical.Extensions.Aspects Radical AOP Radical.Extensions.CastleWi... 1.3.0 Radical Extensions for Castle Windsor Radical.Extensions.EmitMapper 1.4.0 Radical Extensions for EmitMapper Radical.ServiceModel 1.3.0 Radical Framework Radical.Win32 1.3.0 Radical Framework Radical.Windows Radical Framework Radical.Windows.Presentation Radical Framework for M-V-VM and UI Composition RadiusWP 0.0.4 Library for Radius service rake-dot-net 1.2.5 RakeDotNet is a set of rake tasks that help wean yourself of th... rambase 0.0 RAM-based barely-transactional C# database which lets you forge... Random.Org 0.1 My package description. RandomStringGenerator4DotNet 1.0.0 This is a .NET library for generating random strings with fully... Rangoric 0.2.8 A basic (for me) shell of a library that makes building a websi... RaphaelJS 2.0.2 Raphael is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your... RapidMEF.Diagnostics A collection of tools to help developers debug applications tha... Rareform 1.1.3 A collection of useful classes and helpers. Raven.AspNet.SessionState 1.5 An ASP.NET session-state store-provider implementation using Ra... RavenDB 1.0.888 Raven is a document database for the .NET/Windows platform, off... RavenDB.Bundles.Revisions 1.0.888.0 Revisions automatically stores previous versions of revisionabl... RavenDB.Client 1.0.888 This package includes the client API of RavenDB. RavenDB is a d... RavenDB.Client.Debug 1.0.888 RavenDB client debugger visualizer RavenDB.Client.FSharp 1.0.888 This package includes the client API of RavenDB to use in FShar... RavenDB.Client.MvcIntegration 1.0.888 RavenDB Client MvcIntegration let you include a visual profiler... RavenDB.Client.Revisions 1.0.888.0 RavenDB Revisions bundle client extends the RavenDB client to a... RavenDB.Database 1.0.888 Use this package if you want to run RavenDB binaries in your ap... RavenDB.Embedded 1.0.888 This package let you include RavenDB embedded in-process with y... RavenDB-Client 1.0.888 Raven is a document database for the .NET/Windows platform, off... RavenDB-Embedded 1.0.888 Raven is a document database for the .NET/Windows platform, off... RaviPackage 1.0.0 My package description. RayKwon 0.3 RayKwon's First Package in Nuget RazorClientTemplates 0.7.0 The Razor Client Templates library allows you to reuse your Par... RazorDebugger 0.2 A simple web based debugger for Razor pages. RazorEmail A razor email templating library. The library uses the Razor en... RazorEngine 3.0.8 A templating engine built upon Microsoft's Razor parsing techno... RazorEngine.Web 2.1 Adds support for using RazorEngine in medium trust ASP.NET envi... RazorEngineFromXml This library was built to be used as an alternative to XSLT. U... RazorGenerator.MsBuild MsBuild tasks for RazorGenerator RazorGenerator.Mvc MVC View engine that supports precompiled Razor views RazorGenerator.Templating 1.2.1 Runtime support for Razor generated code RazorGenerator.Testing Helpers to allow unit testing precompiled Razor views RazorJS 0.4.3 Write Razor-Style C# or VB.NET insde your Javascript Files. Als... RazorMail 2.2 RazorMail allows sending of email using the razor template engi... RazorScriptManager 0.7 Simple Razor ScriptManager, including combining, caching and mi... REA.DSML 1.1.4 REA Policy Model DSL generator. First Install VSIX extension ->... ReactiveOAuth OAuth Library based on Reactive Extensions for .NET Framework 4... ReactiveOAuth-WP7 OAuth Library based on Reactive Extensions for Windows Phone 7. ReactivePinboard 1.0.0 Pinboard SDK for .NET, Silverlight 5 and Windows Phone 7.1 ReactiveProperty ReactiveProperty is MVVM and Asynchronous Extensions for Reacti... ReactiveProperty-Experimental ReactiveProperty is MVVM and Asynchronous Extensions for Reacti... ReactiveProperty-WP7 ReactiveProperty is MVVM and Asynchronous Extensions for Reacti... reactiveui An MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrat... reactiveui-core An MVVM library for .NET that is deeply integrated with the Rea... reactiveui-testing A library to aid in writing unit tests for ReactiveUI projects reactiveui-wp7 An MVVM library for WP7 that is deeply integrated with the Reac... reactiveui-xaml WPF and Silverlight specific extensions to ReactiveUI reactivexaml A MVVM library for WPF and Silverlight that is deeply integrate... reactivexaml-wp7 A MVVM library for WP7 that is deeply integrated with the React... RealTimeTracing 0.1.0 Real time tracing allows you to pipe out all out traces to a we... ReaOneLibrary 1.0.4 The Rui network commonly used class library. recaptcha reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize book... reCaptchaMvcExtensions 1.0.1 Adds Request.ValidateCaptcha() extension method for MVC Request... RecipeDemo 1.1 A demo how to write a Recipe for ASP.NET MVC VS11 RedBadger.Web.ScriptDepende... 1.0.1 Resolves dependencies between JavaScript files based on declare... RedBranch.Hammock Package description Redis.Client.Core 1.0.0 Basic client for Redis RedisIntegration Provides a simple .NET library and the win32 / win64 Redis bina... Ree7.WPTileToolkit 1.0.1 A flexible library aiming to help Windows Phone developers to h... ReevooMark Provides access to ReevooMark data for registered ReevooMark cl... ReflectionMagic 1.1 Framework to drastically simplify your private reflection code ... Reflective Reflection extension and utility methods. Regalo.Core A basic implementation of Greg Young's CQRS/ES pattern. Regalo.EventSourcing.Raven A RavenDB-based event store implementation for Regalo. Reimers.Core Core interfaces for Reimers.dk Libraries Reimers.Google.Map Google Maps control for ASP.NET Rejuicer 1.2.8 Minify your CSS/JS. Simple fluent configuration. Wildcard file ... relativetime 1.1.0 Render a TimeSpan object as something that's consumable by huma... ReliabilityPatterns A set of useful tools for building high reliability application... RemoteStsAdm 1.0.1 The STSADM.exe is command-line tool for administration of Offic... Remotion.Linq 1.13.111 With re-linq, it's now easier than ever to create full-featured... Repoman 1.0.1 A light weight repo for Entity Framework. ReportGenerator ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by PartCover, Op... Repository A generic implementation for the repository pattern. Repository.EntityFramework An entity framework implementation of the generic repository pa... Repository.RavenDB A RavenDB implementation of the generic repository pattern. RepositoryController An ASP.NET Web API controller that provides automatic CRUD func... Requestor Easily consume or test RESTful web applications in .NET RequestReduce 1.8.13 RequestReduce allows any IIS based website to automaticaly spri... RequestReduce.SassLessCoffee 1.8.13 RequestReduce.SassLessCoffee is an add-on to RequestReduce whic... RequestReduce.SqlServer 1.8.13 RequestReduce.SqlServer is an add-on to RequestReduce allowing ... RequestStrap 0.2 Use RequestStrap Class- and Method-level Attributes when unit t... RequireJS 1.0.6 RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimiz... Reset.css 2.0 The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsisten... ResourceHelper 1.0.3 Resource html helper that makes it easy to bundle and minify Ja... Response.MVVM 1.0.0 Blend Behaviors to help designer-developer collaboration for WP... Response.MVVM.Sample 1.0.0 Usage sample for the Response.MVVM package. RESTAgent 1.0.17 RESTAgent! RESTController RESTController provides the common functionality for supporting... restful-client 1.0.6 Code that gives you a simple starting point communicating with ... restfulie.net Extend ASP.NET MVC to enable the creation of RESTFul api and hy... restful-mvc 1.4.6 Code that gives you a simple starting point for hypermedia usag... RestfulRouting 1.3.0 RestfulRouting is a routing library for ASP.NET MVC based on th... restful-sl 1.2.7 Library that allows you to fluently call restful services from ... RESTful-Webservice-Schema RESTful-Webservice-Schema generates SMD and Jschema webservice ... restful-wp7 1.2.7 Library that allows you to fluently call restful services from ... RestPoint 1.2 - Automatic detection and processing of content-type and accept... RestSharp 103.0.0 Simple REST and HTTP API Client RestSharp.Net2 1.1.11 Simple REST and HTTP API Client retlang Retlang is a high performance C# threading library (see Jetlang... ReviewBugger 1.0.3 ReviewBugger is a class that can be added to Windows Phone proj... RFC2396URL 1.0.1 This is a .NET library for dealing with RFC2396 URLs: http://ww... RFC3394 1.0 This package contains a C# implementation of the RFC3394 key-wr... Rhino.PersistentHashTable Persistent Hash Table using Esent for .NET Rhino.Queues HTTP based reliable async queueing system Rhino.Security 1.3 Security Library for NHibernate... Rhino.ServiceBus A developer friendly service bus for .NET Rhino.ServiceBus.Autofac Autofac integration with Rhino.ServiceBus Rhino.ServiceBus.Castle Castle Windsor integration with Rhino.ServiceBus Rhino.ServiceBus.Host Host for Rhino.ServiceBus Rhino.ServiceBus.References Referenced libs for Rhino.ServiceBus and related assemblies. Rhino.ServiceBus.Spring Spring integration with Rhino.ServiceBus Rhino.ServiceBus.StructureMap StructureMap integration with Rhino.ServiceBus Rhino.ServiceBus.Unity Unity integration with Rhino.ServiceBus RhinoDSL 1.0.0 The Rhino DSL project is a set of components that turned out to... Rhino-Etl Rhino Etl is a developer friendly Extract, transform and load (... Rhino-Etl-Cmd Rhino Etl is a developer friendly Extract, transform and load (... RhinoMocks 3.6.1 Rhino Mocks is using Castle Dynamic Proxy (http://www.castlepro... RiaLightSwitch 1.0.14 Updates a class library inside a LightSwitch solution to a full... RiaServices.Authorization Silverlight Authorization Library for WCF RIA Services. RIAServices.Endpoints 4.1.60730.0 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - SOAP and JSON Endpoints RIAServices.EntityFramework 4.1.60730.0 WCF RIA Services Toolkit- WCF RIA Services EntityFramework 4.1 ... RiaServices.EntityFramework... 0.1 Scaffolds a WCF RIA DbDomainService for your Code-First Model... RIAServices.jQuery 4.1.60914.2 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - jQuery Client RIAServices.jQuery.Sample 4.1.60914.1 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - JavaScript Sample Application RIAServices.T4 4.1.60730.0 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - T4 Code Generation RIAServices.Toolkit.All 4.1.60730.1 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - All NuGet Packages.... RIAServices.UnitTesting 4.1.60815.0 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Domain Service Unit Test Host RIAServices.ViewModel 4.1.60730.1 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Silverlight ViewModel (MVVM) features RIAServices.WindowsAzure 4.1.60730.0 WCF RIA Services Toolkit - Windows Azure Table Storage Domain S... RiaServicesContrib.ComboBox... 0.9 Extensions for Silverlight comboboxes to implement loading Comb... RiaServicesContrib.EntityFr... 0.2 Scaffolds a WCF RIA DbDomainService for your Code-First Model RiaServicesContrib.EntityTools 0.9.1 Community contributed tools for WCF RIA Services Richter.WebPurify.Wrapper 1.002 WebPurify? is an accurate and efficient profanity filter web se... riggit 0.1 Package description rkTempTestPackage 1.1.9 temporary package to try our nuget capabilities rkttu.com 1.1.11 English Description: This library contains everyday common rout... Roadkill 1.11 Roadkill .NET wiki engine is a lightweight but powerful Wiki en... Roads.SDK.Net 1.0.6 The ROADS SDK consists of client libraries for interacting with... RobTennyson.Common 1.2.4488.11965 The utility classes and extension methods I tend to pull along ... Rolcore Utilities & extensions to make programming in .NET easier. Rolstad.Data 1.0.1 Tools for persisting to different data providers Rolstad.DependencyInjection 1.0.1 Dependency Injection wrapper using Ninject Rolstad.Extensions 1.0.1 Common extension methods Rolstad.Logging 1.1.0 Logging tools utilizing log4net Rolstad.MVC 1.0.2 Common classes and routines for ASP.NET MVC projects Rolstad.System 1.0.1 Common classes and routines ROM Resources Over MVC (ROM) provides a set of attributes and exten... Roslyn 1.0.11014.5 Traditionally, compilers are black boxes -- source code goes in... Rotativa 1.2.2 Extremely easy way to print Pdf in Aspnet Mvc roundhouse RoundhousE is a Professional Database Change and Versioning Man... roundhouse.lib RoundhousE is a Professional Database Change and Versioning Man... roundhouse.msbuild RoundhousE is a Professional Database Change and Versioning Man... roundhouse.refreshdatabase This package has been deprecated. Please use roundhouse.refresh... roundhouse.refreshdatabase.fnh RoundhousE is a Professional Database Change and Versioning Man... RouteAttribute The route attribute helps you localize all route information at... routedebugger 2.1.3 Route Debugger is a little utility I wrote to help debug issues... RouteMagic 1.2 RouteMagic is a library of useful Routing helpers. See http://h... RouteMagic.Mvc 1.2 RouteMagic.Mvc is a library of useful Routing helpers specific ... RoutingConfiguration 1.0.1 A library that makes it easy to register routes through the .NE... RPXLib The RPX OpenID authentication service is a public API to simpli... rubicon-package-test 1.3 Package description Rug.Cmd 1.2.2 Rugland Console Framework is a collection of classes to enable ... Run00.Compare 0.0.2 Run00.Compare is a comparison utility used to compare to classe... Run00.Core 0.1.0 Run00.Core is the core framework assembly for Run00. It include... Run00.Fixture 0.0.1 Run00.Test provides a fixture for MSTest that writes output usi... Run00.Genesis 0.0.5 Run00.Genesis creates and populates objects using the provided ... RW-Component 2.0.0 Sample NuGet package for RW Components Rx_Experimental-Main 1.1.11111 Reactive Extensions Main Library used to express complex event ... Rx_Experimental-Providers 1.1.11111 Reactive Extensions Providers Library used to build query provi... Rx_Experimental-Silverlight 1.1.11111 Silverlight extensions library for Rx. Contains scheduler funct... Rx_Experimental-Testing 1.1.11111 Testing library for Rx. Contains code to help test Rx operators. Rx_Experimental-WinForms 1.1.11111 Windows Forms extensions library for Rx. Contains scheduler fun... Rx_Experimental-WinRT 1.1.11111 Windows Runtime extensions library for Rx. Contains scheduler f... Rx_Experimental-WPF 1.1.11111 Windows Presentation Foundation extensions library for Rx. Cont... Rx_Experimental-Xaml 1.1.11111 Unofficial combination of Rx_Experimental-WPF and Rx_Experiment... RxCloud 0.0.2 RxCloud is a library for Windows Azure projects leverages power... Rx-Core-old 1.0.2856.0 Core library for Rx. Contains code shared by all Rx libraries. Rxe 0.1.0 Rxe (Reflex Extended) is a tool for developers using reflection... RxJS-Aggregates 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with aggregation eve... RxJS-All 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript libraries. RxJS-Bridges-Dojo 1.0.10621.2 This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)... RxJS-Bridges-HTML 1.0.10621.1 This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)... RxJS-Bridges-jQuery 1.0.10621.2 This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)... RxJS-Bridges-MooTools 1.0.10621.2 This project provides Reactive Extensions for JavaScript (RxJS)... RxJS-Coincidence 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with reactive coinci... RxJS-JoinPatterns 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with join patterns e... RxJS-Main 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript main library used to express... RxJS-Testing 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript test library, used to write ... RxJS-Time 1.0.10621.0 Reactive Extensions for JavaScript library with time-based even... Rx-Main 1.0.11226 Reactive Extensions Main Library used to express complex event ... Rx-Providers 1.0.11226 Reactive Extensions Providers Library used to build query provi... Rx-Silverlight 1.0.11226 Silverlight extensions library for Rx. Contains scheduler funct... Rx-Testing 1.0.11226 Testing library for Rx. Contains code to help test Rx operators. Rx-WinForms 1.0.11226 Windows Forms extensions library for Rx. Contains scheduler fun... Rx-WPF 1.0.11226 Windows Presentation Foundation extensions library for Rx. Cont... Rxx 1.3.4451.33754 Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive ... Rxx_Experimental 1.3.4451.34132 Reactive LINQ extensions supplementary to Microsoft's Reactive ... Rx-Xaml 1.0.10621 Unofficial combination of Rx-WPF and Rx-Silverlight - extension... rza 1.0.0 Solidifying ASP.Net MVC with a single action per controller RzrCss 1.0.2 Just install package.... RzrJs 1.0 Just install package.... Salient.JsonClient 3.2.0 Salient.JsonClient Salient.ReflectiveLoggingAd... 3.1.0 Salient.ReflectiveLoggingAdapter Sammy.js 0.6.3 Sammy.js is a tiny JavaScript framework developed to ease the p... SampleData 1.0.6 Simple Data classes for testing or tutorial applications. For e... SampleNewGetPackageLive.dll 1.0 Sample created on the fly SamplePackage 1.308.149.61439 Package description SampleRecipe 1.1 The point of this recipe is a trial of recipes SampleTest.Nuget Testing SamsFirst 1.0 My package description. Samurai FeeFighters Samurai API Client Library https://samurai.feefight... Sana.Commerce.BackOffice.Lo... 1.1601 Backoffice log viewer for sana commerce 8.0 Santaji.Packages.Package1 1.0.0 My First Package Santaji.Packages.Package3 no description santaji.packages.package3.dll 1.0.0 My third package created using nuget.exe SAPDotNetConnector3 0.3.0 Adds the 3 required dlls for version 3 of the SAP .Net Connecto... SassAndCoffee 2.0 SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript... SassAndCoffee.AspNet SassAndCoffee is a package that adds SCSS/Sass and CoffeeScript... SassAndCoffee.Core Shared dependencies of SassAndCoffee.JavaScript and SassAndCoff... SassAndCoffee.JavaScript Just the JavaScript (CoffeeScript, Uglify.js) parts of SassAndC... SassAndCoffee.Ruby Just the Ruby (Sass, SCSS) parts of SassAndCoffee. Useful for e... SauceDB.Sample Database access that just works - this is a sample plackage to ... SauceDBComplete Database access that just works - This is the complete package ... SauceDBMySQL Database access that just works - This package includes support... SauceDBPostgre Database access that just works - This package includes support... SauceDBSQL Database access that just works - This package includes support... SauceDBSQLite Database access that just works - This package includes support... SaxonViewEngine 1.0.1 XSLT and XQuery compiled view engines for ASP.NET MVC, using Sa... Scal Scal (Structuremap and Caliburn.Micro) combines the Caliburn.Mi... scipbe.common.office 1.3 The ScipBe.Common.Office namespace contains 3 classes: OutlookP... ScrappyDB ScrappyDB is a code first style object mapping library and Linq... ScrapySharp 1.3.2 Scraping Framework containing :... ScreenShots.cs 1.0 Provides a helper for generating and storing screen shots of yo... ScribdNet 2011.8.8.1 A C# client library written against the Scribd.com API. ScriptHelper 1.1 ScriptHelper is a small and simple set of helper methods to all... ScriptKeeper 0.2.3 JavaScript and web resource manager for .NET MVC. You can use t... ScriptSharp Script# support for ASP.NET MVC applications. Adds config entri... Scritchy Scritchy allows you to get started with CQRS in a few minutes, ... ScrumPM.Core 1.0 Description SCS.HierList 1.0.1 The HierList ASP WebControl generates hierarchial lists from XM... SCS.MenuExtender 2.0.1 The MenuExtender is an ASP.NET extender which turns unordered l... SCS.SplitterPanel 1.5.2 The SplitterPanel WebControl splits page content between two se... SCS.Toolbar 1.0.2 This toolbar is an ASP.NET WebControl with a server-side and cl... SD.NuGet.Test 1.0.2 Testing NuGet package SD.Windows.Toolbar 1.0.4259.0 A ribbon-like toolbar control for use in Silverlight apps. SDataCSharpClientLib Sage SalesLogix SData Client Library for .NET SEAL.DWMP 2.0.0 Adds solution folders and existing items to match what exists i... SecurityGuard An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership sys... SecurityProviders 1.1 Simple implementation of .Net MembershipProvider for MongoDB SecuritySwitch 4.1.4469.0 .NET libraries for automatically switching between HTTP and HTT... seed 1.0.4 Dsl for generating sql that creates schema and inserts records. Seedworks.Persistence A generic Repository for NHibernate Seedworks.Settings A base class for storing settings. Seedworks.Web.State An abstraction on ASP.NET Session, Request and Cache. Selenium.RC 2.21.0 Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a diffe... Selenium.Support 2.21.0 Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a diffe... Selenium.WebDriver 2.21.0 Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a diffe... Selenium.WebDriverBackedSel... 2.21.0 Selenium is a set of different software tools each with a diffe... selenium-dotnet-dropin 1.0.1 A VS2010 project that can be dropped into any Solution, to prov... SeleniumExtensions A set of extension methods for common form and CSS-based tasks.... SeleniumWebDriverExtensions 1.0.2 Extension methods for Selenium WebDriver. Simplifies working wi... SemVerHarvester 0.3.0 A MSBuild task library for harvesting semantic versioning infor... Sendgrid 1.0.1 A client library for interfacing with the SendGrid API Senova.Library.PivotViewer 0.2 This is a library to help make it even easier to work with Pivo... Serene Serene is a library for Windows Phone 7 that allows application... Serenity Giving you piece of mind by making it easy to integrate both St... ServerAppFabric.Client 1.0.2912 This package contains Server AppFabric Client assemblies. ServiceBusSimplifier Simplifies topic-based publish/subscribe via the Windows Azure ... ServiceModelContrib 1.0.1 Helpers for developing more robust WCF-based services. ServiceModelContrib.IoC.Unity 1.0.3 Microsoft Unity integration for WCF (client-/service-side). ServiceModelContrib.Testing 1.0.1 Helpers for testing WCF-based services. ServiceProcess.Helpers Helps Windows Service debugging by creating a Play/Stop/Pause U... ServiceScaffolder 0.4 Provides a very easy and fast way to scaffold Restful services ... ServiceStack 3.7.3 Binaries for the ServiceStack web framework.... ServiceStack.Client.Silverl... 3.5.5 ServiceStack client binaries for Silverlight. Provides generic ... ServiceStack.Common 3.7.3 Common library dependency for other ServiceStack projects... ServiceStack.Host.AspNet 3.6.9 Host ServiceStack in an existing ASP.NET web application at the... ServiceStack.Host.Mvc 3.6.9 Host ServiceStack side-by-side with an existing ASP.NET MVC app... ServiceStack.Logging.Elmah Provides Elmah logging integration for other ServiceStack proje... ServiceStack.Logging.EventLog Provides EventLog logging integration for other ServiceStack pr... ServiceStack.Logging.Log4Net Provides log4net logging integration for other ServiceStack pro... ServiceStack.Logging.Log4Ne... Provides log4net 1.2.9 logging integration for other ServiceSta... ServiceStack.Logging.NLog Provides NLog logging integration for other ServiceStack projec... ServiceStack.Mvc 3.6.9 Adapter classes to provide tight integration and re-usable func... ServiceStack.OrmLite.Firebird 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for... ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySql 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for... ServiceStack.OrmLite.Postgr... 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for... ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite32 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Su... ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite64 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM. Su... ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer 3.6.9 Light, simple and fast convention-based code-first POCO ORM for... ServiceStack.Plugins.ProtoBuf 3.6.9 Add the ProtoBuf binary format and endpoint to a ServiceStack w... ServiceStack.Redis 3.7.3 C# Redis Client for the worlds fastest distributed NoSQL datast... ServiceStack.Text 3.6.9 .NET's fastest JSON, JSV and CSV Text Serializers (3x faster th... Seterlund.CodeGuard 2.1 Guard and Validator library. ... SettingsProviderNet 1.4.0 Inspired by FunnelWeb's settings provider, SettingsProvider.net... SettingsProviderWp7 1.4.0 Inspired by FunnelWeb's settings provider, SettingsProvider.net... SevenZipSharp 0.64 Managed 7-zip library written in C# that provides data (self-)e... SexyBookmarks 1.2 Easily adds 'Sexy Bookmarks' to any site.... SFSdotNet-Framework-My-Web-Mvc 1.0.1 test1 SFSdotNet-Framework-Securit... 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFSdotNet-Framework-Web-Mvc 1.0.6 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-BR 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-BusinessObjects 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-BusinessObjects... 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-BusinessObjects... 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-Services 1.0.0 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... SFS-EFPOCO1-Web-Mvc 1.0.7 With the SFS tools can be generated in minutes a fully function... sgeddas-first 1.0 My first package! SgmlReader 1.8.8 SGMLReader is a versatile C# .NET library written by Chris Love... SharpArch.Domain 2.0.2 Provides the core interfaces and classes needed by a Sharp Arch... SharpArch.NHibernate 2.0.2 Provides NHibernate persistance support for a Sharp Architectur... SharpArch.Testing.NUnit 2.0.2 Provides base classes to help with testing applications written... SharpArch.Wcf 2.0.2 Provides functionality to allow using CommonServiceLocator to i... SharpArch.Wcf.NHibernate 2.0.2 Adds SharpArch.NHibernate persistance support to a WCF project. SharpArch.WcfClient.Castle 2.0.2 Provides a Castle.WIndsor facility that ensures Wcf channels ar... SharpArch.Web.Mvc.Castle 2.0.2 Provides MVC ModelBinder using Sharp Architecture's IRepository... sharp-architecture 2.0.2 Adds all required assemblies to start using Sharp Architecure i... SharpBrake Airbrake Notifier for .NET SharpBrake.Mvc SharpBrake.Mvc Airbrake Notifier for .Net SharpBrake.Mvc3 MVC3 global filter plugin for SharpBrake.Mvc sharpcompress 0.8 SharpCompress is a compression library for .NET/Mono/Silverligh... SharpDevelopCodeCompletion Code Completion for Avalon Editor from SharpDevelop http://www.... SharpDX 2.0.4 Core assembly for all SharpDX assemblies. SharpDX.Animation 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - RawInput managed API SharpDX.D3DCompiler 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - D3DCompiler managed API SharpDX.Diagnostics 2.0.4 Assembly providing diagnostic and runtime description for Direc... SharpDX.Direct2D1 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - Direct2D, DirectWrite and WIC mana... SharpDX.Direct3D10 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D10 and Direct3D10.1 manage... SharpDX.Direct3D11 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D11, Direct3D11.1 and Effec... SharpDX.Direct3D9 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - Direct3D9 managed API SharpDX.DirectInput 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - DirectInput managed API SharpDX.DirectSound 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectSound managed API SharpDX.DXGI 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - DXGI 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 managed API SharpDX.RawInput 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - RawInput managed API SharpDX.X3DAudio 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - X3DAudio managed API SharpDX.XACT3 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - XACT3 managed API SharpDX.XAPO 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - XAPO managed API SharpDX.XAudio2 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - XAudio2 managed API SharpDX.XInput 2.0.4 Assembly providing DirectX - XInput managed API SharpGIS.GZipWebClient 1.2 WebClient for Windows Phone 7 that adds support for GZIP compre... SharpGIS.UnZipper 1.0 VERY Compact UnZip library for performing UnZip of zip-files in... sharpkeys 3.0 sharpkeys Please install with chocolatey (http://nuget.org/List... SharpKml 1.0.4350.26034 A basic C# KML library implementation SharpLite.Scaffolding 1.0.0 Collection of Scaffolders for a SharpLite project SharpLua 1.0.4 Lua implementation in C# SharpLua.Web 1.0.1 Web handler for SharpLua SharpMigrations 0.8.4 Sharp migrations is a framework to help you deal with database ... SharpRomans Implementation of Roman Numerals for the .Net platform. Allows ... SharpSerializer 2.18 SharpSerializer is an open source XML and binary serializer for... SharpShooter.Reports.Web.AS... 1.0.1 SharpShooter Reports.Web (ASP.NET MVC 3+Razor) SharpShooter.Reports.Web.AS... 1.0.2 SharpShooter Reports.Web (ASP.NET Web) SharpShooterHistogram 0.6 Small helper to visualize data as a histogram with SharpShooter. SharpShooterMvc.GettingStarted Small helper to simplify use of SharpShooter's Report.Web compo... Sharpsugar Common .Net Utilities SharpSvn.x64 1.6016.1637 SharpSvn is a binding of the Subversion Client API for .NET app... SharpSvn.x86 1.6016.1637 SharpSvn is a .NET wrapper for Subversion SharpTestsEx 1.1.1 SharpTestsEx (Sharp Tests Extensions) is a set of extensible ex... SharpTestsEx.MVC 1.1.1 SharpTestsEx extension for MVC. SharpTestsEx.Silverlight 1.1.1 SharpTestsEx version for Silverlight 4. SharpZipLib 0.86.0 #ziplib (SharpZipLib, formerly NZipLib) is a Zip, GZip, Tar and... SharpZipLib-WP7 This project is a complete (less AES cryptography) port version... Shawty 0.0.1 Shawty is a fine ass short URL resolver, will also get the page... SheepAspect [SheepAspect Preview-3] SheepAspect is an AOP framework for .Ne... SheepJax ASP.Net MVC library for Ajax, Hijax, and reverse-Ajax (Comet) Should The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension method... ShouldAnnotate The ShoudAnnotate library is a set of extensions methods that h... ShouldFluent The Should Assertion Library provides a set of extension method... Shouldly Shouldly - Assertion framework for .NET. The way asserting *Sho... ShuttleBus 1.0.1321.1 Simple extendable Service Bus implementation ShuttleBus.Transports.Amazo... 1.0.1321.1 SQS extension for ShuttleBus ShWp 1.0.1 Sh library for wp7 sidepop SidePOP allows your application the ability to receive email Sider 0.9 SIDER : REDIS bindings for C#/.NET 4.0 --... Sidewinder 1.4.0 Provides a console application to pull down NuGet packages and ... Sidewinder.Core 1.4.0 Provides the core functionality to deploy updates to your appli... Siege.Repository 1.0.1 Repository Pattern Framework for integrating with multiple data... Siege.Repository.EntityFram... 1.0.2 Integrates Siege.Repository with Entity Framework Siege.Repository.NHibernate 1.0.2 Integrates Siege.Repository with NHibernate and Fluent NHibernate Siege.Repository.Web 1.0.2 Web Adapter for using Siege.Repository with ASP.NET and ASP.NET... Siege.Security 1.0.12 Authentication, Authorization and Administration Framework for ... Siege.ServiceLocator 1.0.3 Inversion of Control framework Siege.ServiceLocator.AutoFa... 1.0.0 Integrates Autofac with Siege.ServiceLocator Siege.ServiceLocator.Dynamic 1.0.1 Inversion of Control framework Siege.ServiceLocator.Native 1.0.0 Native Adapter for Siege.ServiceLocator Siege.ServiceLocator.Ninjec... 1.0.0 Integrates Ninject with Siege.ServiceLocator Siege.ServiceLocator.Struct... 1.0.0 Integrates StructureMap with Siege.ServiceLocator Siege.ServiceLocator.UnityA... 1.0.0 Integrates Unity IoC Framework with Siege Siege.ServiceLocator.Web 1.0.1 Integrates Siege.ServiceLocator with ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC Ap... Siege.ServiceLocator.Windso... 1.0.1 Integrates Castle Windsor with Siege Siege.TypeGenerator 1.0.1 Type Generation Library SignalR 0.4.0 A client and server side library for .NET that provides messagi... SignalR.Client .NET client for SignalR SignalR.Client.Silverlight Silverlight client for SignalR SignalR.Client.WP7 WP7 client for SignalR SignalR.EventStream Monitor events on your website live. SignalR.Hosting.AspNet Asp.Net host for SignalR SignalR.Hosting.Owin Owin host for SignalR SignalR.Hosting.Self HttpListener host for SignalR SignalR.Js Javascript library for SignalR SignalR.Ninject 0.4 A ninject dependency resolver implementation for SignalR. SignalR.Sample 0.2.1 A simple fake stock ticker sample for SignalR. SignalR.Server Async signaling library for .NET to help build real-time, multi... SignalR.StructureMap 0.4.1 A structuremap dependency resolver implementation for SignalR. SignalR.WebSockets 0.3.3 Websocket transport for SignalR Signals.js 1.1.1 Signals.js is a light weight (1k minified) pure JavaScript impl... SilentCommons 1.0.4407.31620 SilentCommons SilentCommons.ExtensionMethods 1.0.4380.27411 SilentCommons.ExtensionMethods SilentCommons.WinFormControls 1.0.4407.31621 SilentCommons.WinFormControls Silverlight.4.Persian.DateP... 1.3 Silverlight 4 Persian DatePicker Control Silverlight.Advanced.ToolTips 2.2.0 The Silverlight advanced ToolTipService included in this librar... Silverlight.js 5.0.61118.0 Silverlight.js is a helper file which enables Web sites to crea... Silverlight.PivotViewer.Uno... 1.0 Unofficial NuGet package for Silverlight's PivotViewer (August ... Silverlight.UnitTest 4.0.40413.2011 Silverlight unit testing framework. Add to a Silverlight 4 appl... silverlight.unittest.wp7 3.0.40609.1000 Silverlight unit testing framework for Windows Phone 7 SilverlightActivator 1.0.4 A NuGet package that allows other packages to execute some star... Silverlight-Serializer A binary, reflection based serializer for Silverlight, WP7 and ... SilverlightToolkit-All 4.2010.4 The complete Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at http://... SilverlightToolkit-Core 4.2010.4 The core components Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details at ... SilverlightToolkit-Data 4.2010.4 Data components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details ... SilverlightToolkit-DataViz 4.2010.4 Data visualization components of the Microsoft Silverlight Tool... SilverlightToolkit-Input 4.2010.4 Input components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Details... SilverlightToolkit-Layout 4.2010.4 Layout components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Detail... SilverlightToolkit-Theming 4.2010.4 Theming components of the Microsoft Silverlight Toolkit. Detai... SilverlightToolkitWP 4.2011.12.14 The Microsoft Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. Details a... SilverlightWizard 1.0.0 The silverlight wizard Simple.Data.Ado ADO Adapter for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.Core A Simple, Dynamic data access library. Simple.Data.Informix Informix ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.Mocking XML-based Mocking adapter for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.MongoDB MongoDB provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.Mysql MySql ADO provider for the Simple.Data library Simple.Data.OData OData provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.Oracle 0.14.0 Oracle Provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.PostgreSql PostgreSql adapter for Simple.Data Simple.Data.RawSql 0.1.4446.14702 Raw sql query extensions to Simple.Data Simple.Data.Sample 0.4.7 This sample demonstrates how to use Simple.Data against a SQL S... Simple.Data.SqlAnywhere SQL Anywhere ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.SqlCompact40 SQL Server Compact 4.0 ADO provider for the Simple.Data data ac... Simple.Data.Sqlite SQLite 3 ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.Data.SqlServer SQL Server ADO provider for the Simple.Data data access library. Simple.ImageResizer 2.0.0 A simple C# ImageResizer library using wpf classes Simple.Mocking Easy to use framework for creating mock objects, fakes, stubs w... Simple.Testing 2.0.0 Simple Specification Framework. Simple.Validation 0.2.3 Provides a lightweight validation framework targeting objects, ... Simple.Validation.Ninject 0.2.3 Provides a Ninject implementation of the IValidatorProvider int... SimpleADO 1.2.4429.19163 Biblioteca para criar acesso de dados utilizando ADO. SimpleBasicAuthenticationMo... 0.1 Simple implementation of basic authentication using only one dl... SimpleCaching 1.0.1 Offers simple caching scheme with very little code. SimpleCompression 1.2.3 Compress and combine engine for ASP.NET MVC SimpleConfigSections Simplifies defining .net configuration sections. Removes the ce... SimpleCqrs 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.EventStore.File 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.EventStore.MongoDb 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.EventStore.SqlSe... 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.NServiceBus 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.Rhino.Servicebus 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.StructureMap 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.Unity 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCqrs.Utilities 1.0 A framework for building applications using the CQRS and Event ... SimpleCrypto Simple cryptography library that wraps complex hashing algorith... SimpleEventAggregator Simple event aggregator implementation for .NET SimpleHoneypot.MVC 1.4.4442.21319 A simple honeypot to replace your standard reCAPTCHA for ASP.NE... SimpleID 1.0 SimpleID is a plugin for ASP.NET MVC that provides a simple Rel... SimpleInjector The Simple Injector is an easy-to-use Inversion of Control libr... SimpleInjector.Extensions Extensions for the Simple Injector Inversion of Control library... SimpleInjector.Extensions.S... Extensions for the Simple Injector Inversion of Control library... SimpleInjector.MVC3 Extension for Simple Injector providing integration with ASP.NE... SimpleInjector.Silverlight The Simple Injector is an easy-to-use Inversion of Control libr... SimpleIoC 0.1.3 Implementation a simple IoC pattern for your applications SimpleJson Super lightweight Json library for .NET 2.0+/SL4+/WP7/WinRT alo... SimpleLucene SimpleLucene is a wrapper for the popular Lucene.NET search eng... SimpleMembership.Mvc3 1.2 Enables SimpleMembership API to be used with ASP.NET MVC3. This... SimpleMembership.Mvc3.Sample 1.2 This sample AccountController demonstrates the use of SimpleMem... SimpleMvcCaptcha 1.1 Simple ariphmetic captcha for ASP.NET MVC 3 SimpleMvvmToolkit.Silverlight Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and samp... SimpleMvvmToolkit.Silverlight5 Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and samp... SimpleMvvmToolkit.WP7 Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and samp... SimpleMvvmToolkit.WPF Helper classes, Visual Studio templates, code snippets and samp... SimpleOAuth.Net 1.0.1 OAuth libraries come in all shapes and sizes, however in the .N... SimpleOWLApi 3.2.4 Simple OWL.Api is a .Net OWL Api wrapper library. SimplePassword.dll 1.0 Simple way of creating and verifying salted password hashes. SimplePluralizeHelpers 0.3 Demonstration of NuGet package that adds a couple of HtmlHelper... simpler 1.1 You probably won't like Simpler. If you enjoy spending your tim... SimpleRazorScriptManager 1.0 Easy to use ScriptManager based on Razor Helpers. It makes sure... SimpleScriptRunner 1.1.7 Description SimpleSpeedTester 1.0.4252.40228 SimpleSpeedTester is a simple, easy to use framework that helps... SimpleXml Simple dynamic xml parsing Simplicode.ConfigurationTem... 1.2 A T4 Template which generates a static class based on your conf... Simplicode.Framework 1.1.3 A set of common types and framework helpers for .Net Simplicode.ImageProcessor 1.2 An image processing wrapper around GDI+, allowing you to apply ... SinaMicroBlogHelper 1.1 Get the latest Sina microblog and forward yours microblog. Sinbadsoft.Lib.Data Database access helper library.... Sinbadsoft.Lib.Model Model manipulation library. It provides utility functions for:... Sinbadsoft.Lib.UserManagement Simple lightweight membership provider for MySql. Sindicait 0.5.0 A simple syndication library for exposing an Atom and RSS feed ... Sindicait.WebMatrix 0.5.0 A simple syndication library for exposing an Atom and RSS feed ... SinglePageApplication 4.0.20221.15125 This package contains SPA scaffolding. SinglePageApplication.CSharp 4.0.20221.15125 This package contains SPA scaffolding for C# projects. SinglePageApplication.Visua... 4.0.20221.15125 This package contains SPA scaffolding for Visual Basic projects. SisoDb 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... SisoDb.AspWebCache 11.4.0 A Cache provider over the ASP Cache for SisoDb.... SisoDb.Dynamic 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... SisoDb.MiniProfiler 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... SisoDb.MsMemoryCache 11.4.0 A Cache provider over the MS Memory Cache for SisoDb.... SisoDb.SQL2008 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... SisoDb.Sql2012 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... SisoDb.SqlCe4 11.4.0 SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Serve... Sitecore.ItemBuckets Sitecore Items Buckets allows Sitecore Sites to manae repositor... Sitecore.ItemBuckets.Client Sitecore Items Buckets allows Sitecore Sites to manage reposito... Sitecore.NuGet.Sample 1.0 Sitecore NuGet Sample package.... Sitecore.Rocks.Rocksharper 1.1 Sitecore Rocks plugin, that provides deep integration between S... SitecoreExtension.23Video 1.0 Sitecore List Field for showing 23Video's and one save setting ... SitecoreExtension.Childlist... 1.1 Sitecore List Field for Administrating Child Items under the cu... SitecoreExtension.PagePrope... 1.0 Sitecore Editor for the Page Edit ribbon to allow editors to ed... SitecoreItemExtensions 0.0.1 A few handy Item extensions to make life a little easier. Sitemaps 1.0.1 Smart sitemap generation for .NET web apps SixPack 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SixPack.Caching 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SixPack.Data.Entity 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SixPack.Net.Mail 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SixPack.Reflection 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SixPack.Web.Services 1.2.33 The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classe... SizSelCsZzz An extension to Selenium to support Sizzle based CSS selectors.... Skeleton 1.1.1 Skeleton is a small collection of CSS & JS files that can help ... Skinner A helper library for managing skins in WPF applications. It all... Skywalker.FluentComponents Easily wrap your API with a fluent interface. Now without havin... Skywalker.Web.Mvc.ViewCompo... ViewComponents are HTML Helpers on Steroids: reusable pieces of... SL4PopupMenu 2.6.4 Multilevel Silverlight 4.0 menu and context menu. The control p... slcommon 1.0.1 ????sl4????? slcommon2 1.0.0 My package description. slcommon3client 1.0.0 express level dll... sleight 1.0.3 Dynamic mocking framework for .Net. Usage: https://github.com/... SlickThoughtTrialManager 1.0.0 TrialManager is a simple piece of code that you can add to any ... SlideShowPro.Director 0.1 A client library for the SlideShowPro Director photo publishing... slmultiwindow 1.0.0 Silverlight 5 Multi-Window Controls slogs-csharp c# client for SlogS SLSharp 1.4 Runtime IL-to-GLSL translator, allowing developers to write GLS... SLTools 0.2.2 Helpers for web-camera snapshoting from Silverlight application. smarx.TableTraceListener 1.1 Custom TraceListener that logs messages immediately to Windows ... smarx.WazStorageExtensions 2.0 Useful extension methods for Windows Azure storage operations t... Smith.AsyncMemcachedClient 0.7.5 Fully asynchronous memcached client that uses consistent hashin... Smith.BuildExtensions Simple MSBuild Task that helps with maintaining app.config and ... Smokesignals 1.5 Put nice friendly messages on your screen. smtp-impostor 2.0.8 A testable fake SMTP server Smugmug.Net 1.0 A client library for the Smugmug photo sharing API SNairDemo1 This demo will be deleted SNairDemoForKevin1 This is a cool demo SNAP 1.7.5 SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating with your favorite IoC conta... SNAP.Autofac 1.7.5 Autofac provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating ... SNAP.CastleWindsor 1.7.5 Castle Windsor provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integr... SNAP.LinFu 1.7.5 LinFu provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating wit... SNAP.Ninject 1.7.6 Ninject provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrating w... SNAP.StructureMap 1.7.5 StructureMap provider for SNAP. SNAP makes AOP easy by integrat... Snooze Restful conventions for ASP .NET MVC Snooze.Testing Testing support for Snooze SnowMaker High performance, distributed unique id generator for Azure env... Soac.Sdk The SOAC SDK is a library of helpful classes for programming ag... Soac.ServiceHostFactory The SOAC Factory is the hook for SOAcollective's SOA Platform o... Soac.TraceLogger The SOAC TraceLogger provides a simple, lightweight way to log ... SocialBarExtension 1.0 My package description. SocialCounter.NET 1.2.3 A handy .NET library to get the counts of your social stats. So... SocketIO4Net.Client 0.4.08 SocketIO4Net.Client is a C# websocket client for the very popul... SoCollections 1.0 List of the collections:... SODA 2.03.0 The main goal of this library is the simplify data access for O... Soda.GoogleAnalytics 1.0.4491.30130 A wrapper around the Google Analytics JS code. Useful especiall... Soda.GoogleAnalytics.MVC 1.0.4491.29854 @{ Html.RenderPartial("TrackingCode", new Soda.GoogleAnalytics.... SoftwareBotany.Ivy 2.0.0 The Software Botany Ivy project is a library containing various... sogeti.pattern.core 0.0.4 Core package to be used when coding as described by Sogeti Patt... sogeti.pattern.data.nhibernate 0.0.1 Implements UoW sogeti.pattern.inversionofc... 0.0.3 Allows you to use Autofac together with the inversion of contro... sogeti.pattern.mvc3 0.0.2 Classes making it easier to work with MVC3 such as a more flexi... SolrNet 0.3.1 Apache Solr client SolrNet.CommonServices Description SolrNet.NHibernate 0.3.1 NHibernate integration for SolrNet SolrNet.Ninject 0.3.1 Ninject module for SolrNet SolrNet.StructureMap 0.3.1 StructureMap registry for SolrNet SolrNet.Windsor 0.3.1 Windsor facility for SolrNet SolrPowr .Net Client library for Solr Search Server Solution.Setting 1.0 Copy files into the same folder as the VS solution file. Create... solutionfactory 1.0.3 Solution Factory is a Visual Studio library that reduces the fr... SolutionScripts 1.1 sources custom init scripts and includes custom powershell modu... Solyutor.EventPublisher Simple extensible event aggregator for net. Solyutor.EventPublisher.Aut... Provides facility that allows transient listeners to handle mes... Solyutor.EventPublisher.Win... Provides facility that allows transient listeners to handle mes... Soma Soma is an O/R mapping framework developed in F#. Soma supports... SonicUnityConfiguration 1.0.2 Xaml based configuaration for the Enterprise Library Unity Appl... SonjaKe.TestPackage.Content... 1.0 Used for testing. Please ignore. Sopaco.Labs.ServerFoundation 1.0.1 Server Foundation SourceBit.ClientCompressor JavaScript and Css compression library for MVC 3 Sourcery 1.1.36 Description Spackle An assembly that contains utilities and extension methods to au... Sparc.MongoQueue 0.2.0 A simple queuing mechanism built on MongoDB. Allows for basic ... Sparc.Mvc 0.2.0 A set of extensions for the Microsoft MVC framework. Sparc.Mvc.dll 0.1.0 A view extension (specifically designed to be used by Razor) wh... Sparc.TagCloud 0.0.1 A .NET tag-cloud computation library based on LemmaSharp. Spark 1.6.1 Spark View Engine Core. Spark.Web.Mvc2 1.6.1 Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC. Spark.Web.Mvc3 1.6.1 Spark View Engine for ASP.NET MVC. SpeakEasy 0.1.2 SpeakEasy is a library that makes talking to http webservices e... SpecExpress SpecExpress takes a different approach than most other Validati... SpecExpress.MVC3 Supports SpecExpress Validation for both server and client side... SpecExpress.Silverlight Supports SpecExpress Validation for Silverlight applications. SpecFlow 1.8.1 SpecFlow aims at bridging the communication gap between domain ... SpecFlow.Assist.Dynamic 0.3 Adds support for dynamic instances and set from SpecFlow tables SpecFlow.NUnit 1.0 Combined package to setup SpecFlow with NUnit easily. Specification 1.0.1 Set of classes for implementation Specification pattern specification.patterns 0.3 specification.patterns is a small C# framework which helps deve... SpecificationExtensions.MSTest 0.3 A set of C# specification extension methods that provide an eas... SpecificationExtensions.NUnit 0.2 A set of C# specification extension methods that provide an eas... SpecificationExtensions.Xunit 1.4 A set of C# specification extension methods that provide an eas... Specifications 1.0.4 The specification pattern for composable business logic, in C#. Specificity.MbUnit Specificity is a unit test fluent assertion library. Specificity.MSTest Specificity is a unit test fluent assertion library. Specificity.NUnit Specificity is a unit test fluent assertion library. Specificity.xUnit Specificity is a unit test fluent assertion library. SpecRun SpecRun - a smarter integration test runner for SpecFlow. Beta ... SpecSalad 1.6.2 the joy of SpecFlow without the bind of step definations SpecsFor 2.6.0 SpecsFor is another Behavior-Driven Development framework that ... SpecsFor.Mvc 1.1.0 SpecsFor.Mvc is a stand-alone acceptance testing framework for ... specwatchr 1.6.0 Set of ruby scripts that help you do continuous testing in .Net... Spextensions.RhinoMocks 1.0.2 Extensions for the mocking framework RhinoMocks SPG2010 2.0.0 This package contains the Patterns and Practices for SharePoint... SPGenesis.Core 1.3.5 The SharePoint Genesis Framework for SharePoint 2010 gives you ... SPGenesis.Entities 1.3.5 The SharePoint Genesis Framework for SharePoint 2010 gives you ... Spine.js 1.0.6 Spine is a lightweight framework for building JavaScript web ap... SplitPipeline 0.4.0 SplitPipeline is a PowerShell module for parallel data processi... SpMapper-Client-2010 0.3 A simple object mapper to sharepoint lists, to use with Sharepo... SpMapper-Model-2007 0.3 A simple object mapper to sharepoint lists, to use with Sharepo... SpMapper-Model-2010 0.3 A simple object mapper to sharepoint lists, to use with Sharepo... Sprache Sprache is a simple, lightweight library for constructing parse... Spring.Aop 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide AOP support in Spring.Net Spring.CodeConfig 1.0.4 Provides the ability to configure a Spring container using stan... Spring.Core 1.3.2 Core functionality for Spring.Net IoC container Spring.Data 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide Data access support in Spri... Spring.Data.NHibernate12 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 1.2 support in S... Spring.Data.NHibernate20 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 2.0 support in S... Spring.Data.NHibernate21 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 2.1 support in S... Spring.Data.NHibernate30 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 3.0 support in S... Spring.Data.NHibernate31 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 3.1 support in S... Spring.Data.NHibernate32 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NHibernate 3.2 support in S... Spring.Http.Converters.NJson 1.1.0 Json.NET support for Spring.NET REST Client Framework Spring.Messaging 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide MSMQ 3.0 support in Spring.Net Spring.Messaging.Amqp The Spring AMQP project applies core Spring concepts to the dev... Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Rabbit The Spring AMQP project applies core Spring concepts to the dev... Spring.Messaging.Ems 1.3.2 TIBCO EMS support Spring.Messaging.Nms 1.3.2 ActiveMQ support Spring.Rest 1.1.0 Spring.NET REST Client Framework Spring.Rest.Testing 1.1.0 Spring.NET REST Client Testing Framework Spring.Scheduling.Quartz 1.3.2 Spring.NET Integration with the Quartz Scheduling Library Spring.Services 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide portable service abstractio... Spring.Social.Core 1.0.0 Spring.NET Social Framework Spring.Social.Dropbox 1.1.0 Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Dropbox Spring.Social.LinkedIn Spring.NET Social Framework extension for LinkedIn Spring.Social.Twitter 1.0.0 Spring.NET Social Framework extension for Twitter Spring.Template.Velocity 1.3.2 Spring.NET Intergration with the NVelocity templating Engine Spring.Testing.Microsoft 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide Microsoft Unit Testing inte... Spring.Testing.NUnit 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide NUnit integration in Spring... Spring.Web 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide web application support in ... Spring.Web.Extensions 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 support in... Spring.Web.Mvc 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide ASP.NET MVC application sup... Spring.Web.Mvc3 1.3.2 Interfaces and classes that provide ASP.NET MVC3 application su... SqlCeWrapper 0.8 SqlCe 4 Wrapper SQLinq 1.1.0 Easily generate ad-hoc SQL code using LINQ in a strongly typed ... SQLinq.Dapper 1.0.0 Allows for SQLinq to be more easily used with a little help fro... SQLitex64 1.0.66 Provides both (32 and 64 bit) assemblies needed to use SQLite. ... SqlServerCompact 4.0.8482.1 SQL Server Compact. An embedded SQL database. SquishIt 0.8.6 SquishIt lets you easily compress and combine JavaScript and CS... SquishIt.Config A YAML configuration engine for SquishIt SquishIt.Config.Mvc MVC Extensions for SquishIt.Config - A YAML configuration engin... SquishIt.Contrib.Mvc 0.1.3 SquishIt.Contrib.Mvc was designed to add functionality and ease... SquishIt.Mvc 0.8.6 ASP.NET MVC Extensions for SquishIt SQUnit 2.2.1 QUnit using NUnit implemented via Selenium WebDriver. SSH.NET 2012.3.9 IMPORTANT: This project is BETA quality. This project was insp... Stacky 1.1.2 StackApps is a REST API for which provides access to the stacko... Stacky.Silverlight 1.1.2 StackApps is a REST API for which provides access to the stacko... Stacky.WindowsPhone 1.1.2 StackApps is a REST API for which provides access to the stacko... Stact Stact is an actor library and framework StandardTypeExtensions 1.0 Provides extension methods for the older static methods on basi... Starter.Site.Template 1.0 This is the ASP.NET Web Pages Starter Site template from Micros... Starter.Site.Template.VB 1.0 This is the VB version of the ASP.NET Web Pages Starter Site te... StartItUp 1.0.2 Remove clutter from Application_Start and use this little utili... StatefulObjectflow Objectflow is a library for creating simple, lightweight workfl... Stateless Stateless is a hierarchical state machine framework based on Si... stateless-4.0 This is a clone of the original stateless repository (owned by ... StateMachineToolkit A generic state machine framework. StaticVoid.Core.IO 1.0 Contains simple fluent extentions to System.IO to allow for a m... StaticVoid.Core.Repository 1.2.4 A repository pattern implementation for Code First.... StatLight 1.6.4375 StatLight: Tool for executing Silverlight test xap packages or ... StealFocus.Build 1.0.20328.0 StealFocus Build package. StealFocus.Tracer 1.0.20403.0 StealFocus Tracer package. Sterling Sterling NoSQL object-oriented database for .NET 4.0 and Silver... SterlingPhone Sterling NoSQL object-oriented database for Silverlight Windows... Stimpack .NET library for highly reactive applications. Stitch Develop and test your JavaScript applications as CommonJS modul... Stitch.AspNet AspNet HttpHandler for use with Stitch. Stitch.Compilers.CoffeeScript CoffeeScript compiler for use with Stitch. Stool A micro framework for .net Storage.Providers 1.0.2 ASP.NET Providers (Membership, Roles, Profile and Session State... StoryQ 2.0.5 StoryQ is a portable (single dll), embedded BDD framework for .... Storyteller StoryTeller is an external DSL tool for creating acceptance tes... Stp.Utils 1.10.0 Utility classes provides convenient extension methods. See http... StringSupport 1.4 Extends "string" class. StringUtils 1.4 Semplice classe di utility per le stringhe Stripe 1.4.1 Stripe is a simple, developer-friendly way to accept payments o... Stripe.net 1.1.11 Stripe.net is a full service .net api for http://stripe.com. It... StructureAssertions Library of static analysis assertions for .NET unit tests structuremap 2.6.3 StructureMap is a Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control t... structuremap.automocking 2.6.3 Test utility to instantiate a class by creating mocks for each ... StructureMap.MVC3 1.0.8 Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as th... StructureMap.MVC4 1.1.0 Adds the latest version of structuremap and configures it as th... StructureMap-MVC3 1.0.8 An MVC3 IDependencyResolver - Deprecated, use StructureMap.MVC3 StudioShell 1.2 PowerShell module that deeply integrates Visual Studio extensib... Stump A really small BDD framework built on top of nunit StyleCop Core libraries for building custom rules and extending StyleCop StyleCop.MSBuild Adds StyleCop MSBuild targets to your project for the execution... subkismet 1.0.0 The cure for comment spam. Subkismet is a comment spam filterin... Sublogix Sublogix is a simple repository for SalesLogix from Customer FX... SubSonic SubSonic is A Super High-fidelity Batman Utility Belt that work... SubSpec SubSpec allows developers to write declarative BDD style tests ... SubSpec.Silverlight SubSpec allows developers to write declarative BDD style tests ... SubSpecGWT 0.6.1 NOTICE: This is the last planned release of SubSpecGWT. SubSpec... Sugar.MVC 1.0 A repackage of Rob Conery's Sugar, a set of Extension Methods f... sugarjs 1.2.4 Sugar is a Javascript library that extends native objects with ... SuperAds 1.5 A Windows Phone 7 Control Library providing in-app advertising ... SuperDuperHappyPath 0.3.0 Provides directions to the super duper happy path.. SuperFarter Like fart, just better SuperFish 1.0.5 All credit goes to Joel Birch, I simply made it a NuGet package... Supermodel 1.4.0 DDD Framework for Code First and MVC3 SuperSocket 1.4.2 SuperSocket is a light weight, cross platform and extensible so... Surge.SlickGrid.Extensions 2.0.1 The Surge SlickGrid Extensions is a set of open-sourced tools t... Sweetness 0.0.1 Extension methods for .NET projects SWI.Prolog 1.1.5990 A CSharp class library to connect .NET languages with SWI-Prolog. Switch 1.0.0 Switch is an Addin for Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 201... SwitchBlade A simple implementation of Razor hosted outside of ASP.NET. SwitchBlade.Sample A simple implementation of Razor hosted outside of ASP.NET. Sa... SymbolSource.DemoLibrary This is a sample package created to demo SymbolSource on-demand... SymbolSource.Microsoft.Cci.... 1.66.517.0 This is a fork of Microsoft.Cci.Metadata, with all types made p... SymbolSource.Processing.Basic This library contains basic binary, symbol and source file proc... SymbolSource.Server.Basic 1.0.0 Symbol and source server counterpart to NuGet.Server. Can also ... SymbolSource.TestPackage 1.1111301341.316 This is a test package used for testing end-to-end scenarios wi... SymbolSourceTest 1.0 Test Package Synapse 1.1.4174.35585 The Synapse Parser Combinator Framework synoptic Convention-based method execution from the console for C#. Incl... SyntaxC4.WindowsAzure.ACSMa... 0.1 This package provides Request Validation for ACS when using ASP... SyntaxHighlighter 3.0.83 SyntaxHighlighter is a fully functional self-contained code syn... System.Data.SQLite The official SQLite database engine combined with a complete AD... System.Data.SQLite.MSIL An ADO.NET provider for SQLite (managed-only). System.Data.SQLite.x64 The official SQLite database engine combined with a complete AD... System.Data.SQLite.x86 The official SQLite database engine combined with a complete AD... System.IO.Abstractions Just like System.Web.Abstractions, but for System.IO. Yay for t... System.IO.Abstractions.Test... Testing helpers for the System.IO.Abstractions package to save ... System.Json 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains the JsonValue API, which supports dynamic... System.Linq.Dynamic 1.0.0 This is the Microsoft assembly for the .Net 4.0 Dynamic languag... System.Net.Http 2.0.20126.16343 This package provides a programming interface for modern HTTP a... System.Net.Http.Formatting 4.0.20126.16343 This package adds support for formatting and content negotiatio... System.ServiceModel.Dynamic 1.0.1 universal client for Wcf. generated at fly with mono. System.Spatial Contains a number of classes and canonical methods that facilit... System.Threading.Tasks 3.0.1 This package is a port of the Mono version of the *complete* Ta... System.Tuples 1.0.0 System.Tuples is a small tuple library made to be compatible wi... System.Web.Http.Common 4.0.20126.16343 This package contains common libraries used by both ASP.NET MVC... System.Web.Mvc.Composition 1.0.0 A set of types for managing the composition of multiple IContro... System.Web.Providers 1.1 ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 f... System.Web.Providers.Core 1.0 ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 f... System.Web.Providers.LocalDb 1.0 ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 f... System.Web.Providers.SqlCE 1.0 ASP.NET Universal Providers add provider support in ASP.NET 4 f... SystemEx Collection of utilities for working with .NET and WinForms. SystemEx.DockPanel DockPanel extension for SystemEx. SystemTime 1.0 This source-only package provides an abstraction for System.Dat... SystemWebCompanion SystemWebCompanion provides usual extension methods and custom ... SystemWrapper 0.4 SystemWrapper is a library that wraps .NET classes for system r... T4AppSettings 0.53 This T4 template was based on the orginal work of J Wynia from ... T4Configuration 1.0.0 T4Configuration is a template that generates a static class in ... T4JS 1.1 Your JavaScript should be as beautiful as your code!... T4MVC 2.8.1 T4MVC is a T4 template that generates strongly typed helpers fo... T4MvcJs 1.0.10 T4 template for Javascript generation. Helps to get access from... T4Resx.CSharp Adds a T4 template to your C# project that, when transformed, g... T4Scaffolding 1.0.5 A fast and customizable way to build parts of your .NET applica... Table.QuickSearch.QuickFind... 1.0.2 Table QuickSearch - JQuery Plugin Table.QuickSearch.QuickFind... 1.0.6 Table QuickSearch - JQuery Plugin... TablePager 1.0 Helps manage paging and page sorting in a ASP.NET MVC3 project TableSort 1.0 This plugin allows you to animatedly sort a table based on a co... tagchimp-for-dot-net TagChimp TV episode metadata for .net 4 projects... taglib 1.0.0 TagLib# (aka taglib-sharp) is a library for reading and writing... TakeIo.Client TakeIo.Client connects to take.io platform and enables you to a... TakeIo.ConfigFile The TakeIo.ConfigFile implements a basic configuration file par... TakeIo.Essentials TakeIo.Essentials is a RESTful framework for ASP.NET MVC 3. Tak... TakeIo.MapReduce The TakeIo.MapReduce is a simple yet powerful generic purpose m... TakeIo.NetworkAddress TakeIo.NetworkAddress is a small library to handle IP/Mask oper... TakeIo.PhoneNumber TakeIo.PhoneNumber is a library to interpret phone number plans... TakeIo.Spreadsheet TakeIo.Spreadsheet is a library to import Excel and CSV files. ... TakeLib.Logging 1.0.3 Common logging library for Takenet's applications Talifun.Web A suite of Http Modules and Http Handlers to easily implemented... Talifun.Web.Crusher A module that compresses js into a single file, and css into a ... Talifun.Web.CssSprite A module that compresses images into a single image, and then c... Tamarack 1.0.0 A micro framework for implementing the Chain of Responsibility ... Tamir.SharpSSH SharpSSH - A Secure Shell (SSH) library for .NET Taobao 2.0.3 The Taobao API C# SDK. Taobao.Helper 1.1.5 The Taobao Api Helper for WebMatrix make it easy to add item or... Taobao.Infrastructure 1.0 Taobao.Infrastructure.dll Taobao.Infrastructure.Castles 1.0 ??Taobao.Infrastructure.Castles.dll???? tarantino-batchjobs This is a batch process runner. tarantino-db-deployer This is a database migration framework for sql server. TargetProcessPluginSDK SDK for TargetProcess plugin development. TargetProcessPluginSDK.Testing Testing framework for TargetProcessPluginSDK. TaskExtensions 0.1.1 Helper extension methods for Task Parallel Library (TPL) Taskie 0.130 Taskie provides an easy way to create and manage scheduled tasks. TaskMan Easily map .NET methods to command-line tasks (like Rake for .NET) TaskParallelLibrary 1.0.2856.0 The package includes:... Tasks 1.1 Library for calculating start/end dates in project task/depende... TaskScheduler 1.8.1 Provides a single assembly wrapper for the 1.0 and 2.0 versions... TaskSchedulerEditor 1.8.1 Provides localizable UI elements for editing classes in the Tas... TaskSchedulerEngine Add cron-like scheduling to your .NET app with ease. Taste.Core A lightweight state machine implementation. Taste.Extensions Additional features to Taste.Core, especially helpful for WPF a... TeaFiles.Net Time Series Storage in Flat Files TEAM.Commons 0.1203.1401 TEAM extensions to the .NET Framework TEAM.Commons.DDD 0.1203.1401 TEAM extensions to the .NET Framework to DDD develpoment (the g... TEAM.Commons.Messaging 0.1203.1401 TEAM's inter-process communication tools. TEAM.Commons.Parallel 1.0 Description TEAM.Commons.Threading 0.1111.2102 TEAM's Producer->Consumers implementation and other multi-threa... TEAM.Commons.Web 0.1203.1401 TEAM's extensions to MVC and WebForms, including Single Action ... TeamCity.ServiceMessages This library provides read/write access to TeamCity Service mes... TeamCitySharp 0.3.2 Package to interact with a TeamCity server to make calls to the... TeamCitySiteValidator Description to be added TechEdLibrary 0.9.4155.17813 This is my cool library TechEdRussia2011 1.0 My package description. TechFielders.ILove 1.0 Demo Helper for TF. TechHikeExtensions 0.4.0 A set of C# extension methods intended to enhance the developme... Tegi.Mvc3.Web 1.0 Description tegi.starter 1.0 Description Telerik.Web.Mvc.Contrib 1.2.1 Add Coffee, Sass and Browser filtering to WebAssets from Teleri... TelerikMvcExtensions 2012.1.214 Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC is a set of UI components fo... TelerikMvcGridCustomBinding... 0.5.1 This project was created to help developers work with Telerik G... TelerikMvcGridCustomBinding... 0.5.1 This project was created to help developers work with Telerik G... TelerikWinCompositeUI 2012.1.321.20 This package will install the Telerik CAB Enabling Kit (Telerik... Templater 1.5.1 Minimal reporting library. Create reports from Word and Excel d... Test Test Nuget. TestAddCopyright.KO 1.4 NuGet ??????????? TestCh 1.0.0 My package description. TestClassLibrary TestClassLibrary Description TestCreatePackageNuGet 0.9.4271.39687 Prueba TestDataGenerator 0.0.7 Utility for filling objects with data.... TestDllNuGet descctiotion guillaume TestDrivenDesign Augments Microsoft's Visual Studio unit testing framework and h... testeNuget 1.0 Um Teste testexpand 1.0 My package description. Testing.Commons Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing ope... Testing.Commons.NUnit Utility classes and extensions to facilitate common testing ope... Testing123 1.11 My package description. TestPackage_ToBeRemoved 1.1 to be removed TestPackageDamien 1.0 My package description. TEST Over Nuget TestPackageForNuget 1.0 NellyasTest TestWebSite 1.14 Description Textbox_Controls 1.0 A couple of new Textboxes with additional capabilites.... TextHelper 0.2 The TextHelper library provides a set of methods for filtering,... Textile.NET 1.3 Textile.NET is, surprisingly, a textile formatter for .NET proj... texttemplate Text template system for .NET 3.5 and 4.0 written in C#. TheFlash Rails-like "flash" for ASP.NET MVC TheMovieDb 2.0 A .Net library for The Movie DB API (http://www.themoviedb.org). ThinkGearNET 1.1 ThinkGearNET is a library for easy usage of the Neurosky Mindse... Thinktecture.IdentityModel Thinktecture.IdentityModel extends and adds new functionality t... Thinktecture.IdentityModel.... Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Http adds support for various authen... Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Web Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Web extends and adds new functionali... Thinktecture.Web.Http The Thinktecture.Web.Http library provides convenience extensio... thinktectureUIAnnotationsWPF 0.10 With thinktecture UIAnnotations you can declarative attach visu... ThisMember 1.3.0 ThisMember is a high performance library that allows you to map... thorn 1.0.0 A commandline utility accelerator for "Tasks" style utilities. ThreadTaskManager 1.0 A framework to easily create threads to run tasks Synchronously... Thrift 0.7 Thrift Library Thunder 1.0.5 O Thunder e um framework .Net que auxilia no desenvolvimento co... Thunder.Mock 1.0.3 O Thunder e um framework .Net que auxilia no desenvolvimento co... Thunder.Web.Mvc 1.0.0 O Thunder e um framework .Net que auxilia no desenvolvimento co... TickSpec 1.0.0 Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business lan... TID 0.5.1 Tavis Integration Document - Media type parser for document for... Tierless.Framework.Client 0.9.4363.29818 Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, design... Tierless.Framework.Server 0.9.4363.29819 Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, design... Tierless.Infrastructure.Data 0.9.4363.29818 Tierless is an alternative to Entity Framework for .NET, design... TileSlider TileSlider is a control for Windows Phone 7 that lets the devel... Timeline With this Silverlight and WPF control you can create interactiv... TimeSpan2 2.0.1 Library to extend the functionality of the TimeSpan structure t... TinyIoC 1.1.1 An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for... TinyIoC.AspNetExtensions 1.0 An easy to use, hassle free, Inversion of Control Container for... TinyMCE 3.4.7 The best WYSIWYG editor! TinyMCE is a platform independent web ... TinyMCE.JQuery 3.4.7 TinyMCE.jQuery is special jQuery build of TinyMCE and a jQuery ... TinyMCE.MVC 3.4.7 MVC Partial Editor Templates For TinyMCE HTML Text Editor TinyMCE.MVC.JQuery 3.4.7 MVC Partial Editor Templates For TinyMCE.JQuery HTML Text Editor TinyMCE.MVC.JQuery.Sample 3.4.5 MVC Sample Controller, Model and View For TinyMCE.JQuery HTML T... TinyMCE.MVC.Sample 3.4.5 MVC Sample Controller, Model and View For TinyMCE HTML Text Editor TinyMembershipProviders 1.6 A shared library with web security tiny membership providers an... TinyMessenger 1.0 A simple messenger/event aggregator TinySpec.NUnit 0.9.5 TinySpec is one class that abstracts away your testing syntax. ... Tinyweb 2.2.6 Tinyweb is a lightweight web framework for ASP.NET that embrace... Tinyweb.FluentAuth 0.1 Authentication for Tinyweb with a simple Fluent syntax.... What... TJ.CQRS A simple CQRS framework TJ.CQRS.MongoEvent Event store implementation using MongoDB for TJ.CQRS TJ.Extensions General helper extensions for .NET projects TLEF 1.0 Base EntityFramework Project todoistsharp 1.1 A C# wrapper for the todoist api todotxtlib.net 1.1.0 .NET library for parsing the todo.txt file format ToggleSwitch 1.1 Use the Toggle Switch Control Library to create highly customiz... Toji 0.2.2 Toji is a bootstrapping project for setting up psake builds. TokenMail TokenMail is a small library for finding and replacing user-def... ToolkitExtensions 1.2 Command Extensions (as attached behaviours) for the Silverlight... TopShelf Topshelf is a service library and hosting framework for .NET Topshelf.Dashboard Topshelf is a service library and hosting framework for .NET Topshelf.Log4Net Integration library adding support for log4net to Topshelf. Top... Topshelf.NLog Integration library adding support for NLog to Topshelf. Topshe... totalrecall 0.2.3 Crawl and index your (static) asp.net website for searching usi... TownCrier 1.1 Town Crier is a small, open-source e-mail templating engine for... Tracer This library provides testable and dynamic tracing capabilities... TracerX-Logger 6.0.1201.1 Trace logger for .NET. Easy to get started with, but has advan... TrafficCop 0.3.1 Simple JavaScript library to prevent multiple simultaneous clie... Transformer.NET 2.0.0 A .NET template parsing and transformation library. TransientFaultHandling.Core 5.0.1118.2 The Transient Fault Handling Core provides the retry mechanisms... TransientFaultHandlingFx 1.8.2 This package has been deprecated. Install the Enterprise Librar... TranslatorService.Speech 1.2.0 This library adds Text-To-Speech (aka speech synthesis) capabil... TranslatorWidget 1.0.4 WebMatrix helper for Bing Translator Widget and API TransparentControls 1.0 A few Windows Forms Controls that are transparent. TreeLayoutHelper This .NET/Mono library provides some utilities for handling tre... TrelloNet 0.4.2 A .NET client library for Trello. Trespasser 1.1 Private Proxy for testing TrialByOtpi Something that we can delete TripleA 0.2.0 TripleA is an extensible framework for building components for ... tropo-webapi 1.0.2 Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#. tropo-webapi-mvc 1.0.1 Allows you to develop against the Tropo Web API using C#. Trove.Bundle.Xunit.Moq Bundles together various packages to use xUnit and Moq. Trove.CommandLine The Command Line Parser Library offers to CLR applications a si... Trove.FLEE Flee is an expression parser and evaluator for the .NET framewo... Trove.Nini Nini is an uncommonly powerful .NET configuration library desig... Truffler .NET client API for the Truffler REST API. Truffler is a hosted... TryRecipe 1.3 Simply a test. This will go away soon! TTF 1.1.1 The Tiny Test Framework. TTF.Timings 1.1.1 The Timing Classes used by TTF for its results. TugberkUg 1.0.4367.29595 Tugberk Ugurlu's widely used .NET stuff TugberkUg.MVC 1.0.4364.18929 Tugberk's most common used Html Helpers, Helper Results, Extens... TugberkUg.MVC.JQuery 0.2 Tugberk's most common used JQuery and JavaScript codes for ASP.... TVACodeLibrary This TVA Code Library is a collection of class libraries that e... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Co... Library of components for TCP, UDP, serial and file-based commu... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Core Library of .NET extensions and components - adapter framework, ... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Se... Library of core security framework for implementing role-based ... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Se... Library of lightweight WCF-based Service Bus with queue and top... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Se... Library of base WCF service with self-hosting capability, and W... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Se... Library of components that facilitate remote interaction with a... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Web Library of ASP.NET web forms extensions, embedded resource host... TVACodeLibrary.Libraries.Wi... Library of property grid extensions, about dialog and base Wind... TVACodeLibrary.Samples.Secu... Enables role-based security using TVA Code Library security fra... TVACodeLibrary.Samples.Secu... Enables role-based security using TVA Code Library security fra... twavatar 1.0.0 Super simple ASP.NET helper for rendering Twitter avatars / pro... TweetSharp 2.1.5 TweetSharp v2 is a fast, clean wrapper around the Twitter API. ... Twilio 3.4.0 Twilio REST API helper library Twilio.Client 3.3.4 Twilio Client capability token generator for use with the Twili... Twilio.Mvc 3.1.3 Twilio helpers for ASP.NET MVC twilio.sugar 1.1 Take Twilio's Rest API, sprinkle in some C# 4, and you've got T... Twilio.TwiML 3.1.3 Twilio TwiML generator. If using ASP.NET MVC, install Twilio.Mv... Twilio.WebMatrix 3.1.3 Twilio helpers for WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages TwilioFluent.Mvc3 An MVC3 helper library that makes generating valid TwilML respo... TwilioFluent.TwiML A helper library that makes generating valid TwilML responses a... TwilioSharpCore 1.0 TwilioSharp adds a Fluent TwiML Response Builder for easily bui... TwilioSharpMVC 1.0 TwilioSharpMVC adds a TwiMLController base class for easily ret... Twitter.Bootstrap 2.0.2 Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for website... Twitter.Bootstrap.Less Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart devel... Twitter.Helper 1.0 ASP.NET Web Pages helpers for displaying Twitter widgets like F... TwitterBootstrap 2.0.1 Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart devel... twitterizer Twitter integration library twitterizer-async Adds asynchronous method wrappers to the Twitterizer library. twitterizer-silverlight Twitter integration library twitterizer-streaming Twitter integration library twitter-log4net-appender 1.0 Log4Net appender that truncates and logs events to a configured... TxFileManager 1.2.1 Transactional File Manager is a .NET API that supports includin... Typed.Configuration 0.2 Strongly typed configuration provider for .net applications.... TypeScaffolding 0.9.1 A fast and customizable way to add type to your project. You ca... UASI 1.1 Using Unity to inject various settings from Azure Configuration... Ubjson.NET .NET-based implementation of the Universal Binary JSON Specific... ucajax 1.0.14 .NET library and jQuery plugin for rendering ASP.NET UserContro... uComponents 3.0.3 uComponents is a collaborative project for creating components ... UglifyCS Brings Uglify.js, jsBeautifier, JSHint, CoffeeScript, and CSSLi... UiPath 5.0.4479 SDK for UI automation and text capture featured in ScreenScrape... UIT Makes your life easier to develop multiplatform applications Ukadc.Mvc3 0.0.7 A set of helpers for working with MVC3. Much of the content is ... UltimateConsole 0.1.1 Console application that allows you to easily create console-ba... Umbraco 5.0.1000.1 Installs Umbraco Cms in your Visual Studio MVC3 project. This p... Umbraco.ACSExtensions 1.0.0 The Access Control Service Extensions for Umbraco code sample a... Umbraco.Cms.Web.Editors 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Cms Web Editor assemblies and dependencies... Umbraco.Cms.Web.ParameterEd... 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Cms Web ParameterEditor assemblies and dep... Umbraco.Cms.Web.PropertyEdi... 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Cms Web PropertyEditor assemblies and depe... Umbraco.Cms.Web.Trees 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Cms Web Trees assemblies and dependencies.... Umbraco.Framework 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Framework assemblies and dependencies Umbraco.Framework.Persistence 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Framework Persistence assemblies and depen... Umbraco.Framework.Security 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Framework Security assemblies and dependen... Umbraco.Hive 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Hive assemblies and dependencies Umbraco.Hive.Providers.IO 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Hive FileSystem provider assemblies and de... Umbraco.Hive.Providers.Memb... 5.0.1000.0 Installs the Umbraco Hive Membership provider assemblies and de... Umbraco4.Framework Installs the Umbraco v4 Framework assemblies and dependencies Uncas.Core This library contains core infrastructure logic that does not d... Uncas.Core.External This library contains core infrastructure logic that depends on... UnconstrainedMelody 0.1 Unconstrained Melody is a library of helpful static... underscore.js 1.3.1 JavaScripts functional programming helper library. UnderscoreKO 1.1.0 Adds all the useful collection and array methods from Underscor... undoable.js 1.0.2 undoable.js is licensed under the Apache license 2.0. Please se... undoable.net 1.3 A simple undo\redo manager for .net, less than 100 lines... UNICOEN UNICOEN is a UNIfied COde ENgineering framework which analyzes ... UniMock.Core UniMock is a auto-mocking tool that automatically mocks the ent... UniMock.WithAutofac UniMock is a auto-mocking tool that automatically mocks the ent... UniMock.WithNSubstitute UniMock is a auto-mocking tool that automatically mocks the ent... UniMock.WithWindsor UniMock is a auto-mocking tool that automatically mocks the ent... Unity 2.1.505.0 The Unity Application Block (Unity) is a lightweight extensible... Unity.AutoRegister 0.2 UnityExportAttribute class is automatically registered in the U... Unity.Extensions.Lazy 1.1.1 Unity 2.1 custom extensions which enable to pull Lazy and IE... Unity.Interception 2.1.505.0 Unity interception enables you to effectively capture calls to ... Unity.Interception.Serializ... This package allowed to persist the state of a proxy or pass th... Unity.Mvc.Wcf Removes the cross-cutting concern of managing WCF service clien... Unity.Mvc3 1.1 Unity.Mvc3 is a library that allows simple Integration of Micro... Unity.Mvc3.DLL 1.1 Installs references to Unity.Mvc3.DLL without any source code s... Unity.Mvc3.EntityFramework.... 0.7 Legacy package. Please use this package: quickstart.mvc3.unity.... Unity.Mvc3.VB 1.0 Unity.Mvc3.VB VB.Net implementation of the code portions of Uni... Unity.Wcf 1.0.0 Unity.Wcf is a library that allows simple Integration of Micros... Unity.WebAPI 0.9.0 Unity.WebAPI is a library that allows simple Integration of Mic... UnityAutoMoq 2.1.1 Automocking container using Microsoft Unity and Moq. UnityAutoMoqS 2.1.1 Automocking container using Microsoft Unity and Moq. Signed ver... UnityAutoRegistration Unity Auto Registration extends Unity IoC container and provide... UnityCommonServiceManager 1.0.1 Common Service Manager Unity Adapter is an implementation of th... UnityConfiguration 1.4.1 Convention based configuration API for the Microsoft Unity IoC ... UniversalTypeConverter 1.0 Converting nearly every type to another type by using extension... unobtrusive.jquery.ui 0.2 Some simple wire-up glue that automatically invokes jQuery func... Unplugged.IbmBits Helps read and convert from legacy IBM System formats to .NET t... Unplugged.Segy Supports reading of seismic images stored in SEG-Y format Unquote 2.1.1 Unquote is a library for writing unit test assertions as F# quo... updatecontrols Automatically discover view model dependencies and databind wit... UpdateControls.Snippets Code snippets for Update Controls. uPLibrary 1.5 uPLibrary is an helper library composed of managed drivers for ... Upshot Microsoft Upshot JS Library UriTemplates 0.1.0 Implementation of URI template specification UrlShortener 0.9.1 UrlShortener is a WebMatrix helper that will shorten urls. UrlShortener.Helper 0.9.2 UrlShortener is a WebMatrix helper that will shorten urls. UsefulDB4OToWeb 1.0 This package allows you to easily use multiple db4o "object dat... userstreamex 1.0 LINQ to Twitter??User Stream??????LINQ to Twitter??????????User... UserVoice.Helper 0.9 The UserVoice Helper for WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Pages allows... Utilities Documentation is included as part of the package.... UtilitiesWeb Documentation is included as part of the package.... Utility.Logging General base interfaces and classes for logging Utility.Logging.NLog Implementation of Utility.Logging for NLog Utility.Logging.NLog.Autofac Autofac module to register NLog Utility.Logging components Utility.Logging.NLog.Ninject Ninject module to register NLog Utility.Logging components UtilsExtensionsAndHelpers 1.0.13 This is a collection of extensions, helpers, interfaces, and ut... UWS Before installin on Win2008 run Powershell.exe and then "Set-Ex... ValueInjecter 2.3 ValueInjecter lets you define your own convention-based matchin... VastPark.PluginFramework Includes a series of controllers and helper classes that simpli... Vector2D 1.0 An simple Immutable Vector2D Classes Veil.Azure 0.5.7 Synchronous and asynchronous table storage interfaces. veparser 1.1 Ve Parser is an implementation of Combinatory Parser concept in... Verifi A simple Verification engine for .NET VerifyArgs Contains Verify - fast and extensible class for simple method a... Versionator Framework for versioning individual service endpoints. Configu... v-huhu 1.1 Package description vici.coolstorage 1.5.0 Lightweight ActiveRecord-inspired ORM for .NET, Windows Phone a... vici.core 1.0.0 General purpose library for expression parsing, template render... Viewfinder Simple result filter to allow for finding mobile views. Viewfinder.Content 1.0 Simple default mobile views to be used with Viewfinder that lev... VikingErik.LuaInterface 1.0.4213.34901 A package containing the Lua for Windows (5.1) and Lua Interfac... Virastyar 2.0.0 A Farsi (Persian) language checking and NLP library. This packa... Virastyar.Data 2.0.0 Required data files for Virastyar library. Virastyar.Lib 2.0.0 A Farsi (Persian) language checking and NLP library. VirtualCity 1.1 My package description. VirtualInput 1.0 Intercept keyboard and mouse activity from any application VirtualPathTemplates This library allows you to declaratively set any ITemplate prop... Virtuosity.Fody Fody add-in for changing all members to virtual. VisualStudioTestingExtensions The Visual Studio Testing Extensions is a library that exposes ... VivendoByte.WPF.DragService 1.0 A simple class to enable drag'n'drop gesture in WPF application... VoiceShieldCS.Core Netduino driver for VoiceShield Voodoo My application is held together with voodoo and chickenwire. Voodoo.Plumbing My application is held together with voodoo and chickenwire. VsCommands 1.0.0 Adds cmd-lets NuGet PowerShell Console. VsixCommands 0.1 A powershell module that wraps some extension manager APIs. VSTOContrib.Excel Makes VSTO development with Excel far nicer, support DI/IoC, Vi... VSTOContrib.Outlook Makes VSTO development with Outlook far nicer, support DI/IoC, ... VSTOContrib.PowerPoint Makes VSTO development with PowerPoint far nicer, support DI/Io... VSTOContrib.Word Makes VSTO development with Word far nicer, support DI/IoC, Vie... VXSTest 1.1 My package description here. Waegis 1.0 A client library for the .NET Framework for Waegis spam filteri... Wakizashi 1.0.4 The Wakizashi suite of utilities solve some real world problems... warmup WarmuP is a solution level token replacer. You keep your templa... WatiN 2.1.0 Write automated tests for your web applications using the WatiN... WatiN.CssSelectorExtensions Enable writing CSS selectors to select elements in WatiN instea... WatiN.Extensions.MSTest WatiN Extensions for MSTest WatiN.Extensions.NUnit WatiN Extensions for NUnit WatiN.Extensions.Xunit WatiN Extensions for xUnit WATKit 0.7 Toolkit to make automated testing of applications with the Wind... WazMemcachedClient 1.0 An extension of the Enyim Memcached client library to support u... WazMemcachedServer 1.0 A package to add a memcached server to a Windows Azure role WBR.ArgParser 1.0.0 Easy to use library for parsing app arguments. ... WCF.Discovery.Extensions !!PRE RELEASE VERSION!!... WCF.Validation.Engine 1.0 The "WCF Validation Engine" is a lightweight extensible library... WcfClientBase 0.2.0 WcfClientBase contains two simple classes that encapsulate WCF ... WCFContrib 2.1.1 WCF Contrib is a library with infrastructure implementations fo... WCFDataAnnotations 1.0.0 WCFDataAnnotations allows you to automatically validate WCF ser... WCFDataServicesToolkit 0.6.1 Extensions to WCF Data Services that make it easier to expose a... WcfExtension A communication framework based on Wcf.... WCFExtensions 1.0.0 Collection of WCF extensions. The current version provides a co... WCFExtras 2.0 A collection of useful WCF extensions including Soap Header sup... WCFExtrasPlus 2.3.0 Based on the inactive WCFExtras project, WCFExtrasPlus is a col... wcfrestcontrib The WCF REST Contrib library adds functionality to the current ... Web.Require Web.Require is client dependency framework for ASP.NET MVC WebActivator 1.5 A NuGet package that allows other packages to execute some star... WebApi.CrudHttpSample 1.0 Adds the latest version of WCF Web API and provides sample star... WebApi.JsonP A JSON-P HttpResponseHandler for WCF Web API.... WebApi.Membership Authenticates service requests using your Membership Provider.... WebApi.OAuth Authenticates service requests using Windows Identity Foundatio... WebApi.Scaffolding 0.3.0 Scaffolders for WCF Web API services with repositories and data... WebApi.Upload 1.0 Some Host Factories for use with WCF Web API to enable File Upl... WebAPIContrib Description WebAPIContrib.Formatters.Js... 0.6.0 WebAPIContrib JSON Formatters based on JSON.Net WebAppBuilder 0.1.2 WebAppBuilder allows you to build Web Applications at runtime b... WebBackgrounder 0.1 WebBackgrounder is a proof-of-concept of a web-farm friendly ba... WebBackgrounder.EntityFrame... 0.1 WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJo... WebCropImage 1.0.5 Asp.net Web Crop Image Control allows developers to build image... WebDriverSEd C# extension that vastly improves upon the WebDriver. It includ... WebFormContrib 1.2 WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax WebFormContrib.Source 1.2 WebFormContrib is used to make WebForms more like MVC type syntax WebForms.ControlExtender 1.0 WebForms.ControlExtender simplify the creation of components wh... WebFormsMVP ASP.NET MVC might be the new kid on the block, but there are st... WebFormsMvp.Autofac Provides Autofac integration for Web Forms MVP presenter resolu... WebFormsMvp.Castle Provides Castle Windsor integration for Web Forms MVP presenter... WebFormsMVP.Contrib.Autofac An Autofac-based Presenter Factory which allows custm IoC with ... WebFormsMvp.Unity Provides Unity integration for Web Forms MVP presenter resolution. WebGridMvc 1.0.0 WebGridMvc contains the WebGrid customisation and helpers from ... WebGridMvc.Sample 1.0.0 WebGridMvc.Sample contains the sample code showing how to use t... Webinator 1.1.9 For a full description and getting started guide, please visit ... WebMatrix.Data 2.0.20126.16343 This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pa... WebMatrix.Data.StronglyTyped Strongly typed extensions for WebMatrix.Data WebMatrix.Security This package contains the helper library to enable OAuth and Op... WebMatrix.WebData 2.0.20126.16343 This package contains the runtime assemblies for ASP.NET Web Pa... WebMatrixLoopHelper 0.1 Adds syntactical sugar for working with loops in ASP.NET pages WebOnDiet Web develpoment made simple WebPageRouteHandler 0.1 Enables routing in ASP.Net WebPages applications. Usage and sam... WebSocket4Net 0.5.1 WebSocket4Net is a .NET websocket client implemtation. It origi... WebStack.Modules.Container Application and Request services for an NInject-ified Web Appli... WebStack.Modules.Container.... Test Project and Base classes to write MSTests using the WebSta... WebStack.Modules.OAuth2 Open Authentication Provider/Service implementation for the Web WebSync.Server.Starter This package includes the community version of WebSync Server 3... WeenyMapper 0.1 Configuration-less object-relational mapper for SQL Server and ... WeightedRandomCollection 1.9 Collection which allows items to be pulled out randomly includi... Westwind.BusinessFramework 1.201 Provides a base business class layer for Linq to Sql and Entity... Westwind.Globalization 1.201 This library provides a data driven ASP.NET resource provider u... Westwind.Utilities 1.201 This library provides a number of .NET utility classes that inc... Westwind.Web 1.201 West Wind Web and AJAX Utilities provide a host of AJAX and RES... WestWindWebToolkitProject 1.201 Installs Westwind.Web and Westwind.Utilities components that pr... wetnap 1.1.4448.20572 Wetnap is a series of extension methods that make coding in .NE... WFAzureActivityPack 1.0 The activity pack contains a set of WF activities based on Wind... WFMigrationKit The WF Migration Kit helps users migrate WF3 (System.Workflow) ... wfToolkit 0.4.0 Currently available controls :... White 0.2.0 White is a framework for automating rich client applications ba... Whitebox Base assemblies for the Whitebox IoC container profiler Whitebox.Autofac Whitebox Autofac integration WiaDotNet 1.0 A .NET wrapper for the Windows Image Acquisition library. Makes... Wif.Swt (Binary Version of the NetFx.)... WifRequestValidator 1.0.0 An ASP.NET request validator which enables claims to pass throu... WiimoteLib 1.7 Managed Library for Nintendo's Wiimote WijmoMvcScaffolding 1.2 This package is MVC Scaffolding for generating Razor Views auto... WijmoOpenJuiceUI 4.0.20121.2 Wijmo Open widgets ported to the Juice UI framework as ASP.NET ... WikiPlex 2.0 A regular expression based wiki engine allowing developers to i... Windows7APICodePack Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft. NET Framework provides a s... Windows7APICodePack-Core Core library for Windows 7 API Code Pack Windows7APICodePack-Shell Shell library for Windows 7 API Code Pack Windows7ToolStripRenderer 1.0 An Explorer-like renderer for ToolStrips Windows8.CSharp.Identity.Ac... The Windows Identity Access Control library for C# provides an ... Windows8.Identity.AccessCon... The Windows Identity Access Control Sample allows a client devi... Windows8.JS.Identity.Access... The Windows Identity Access Control library for JS provides an ... Windows8.Notifications The Windows Push Notification Client Recipe provides a WinMD as... WindowsAzure.ACS.Management 0.1 Provides a wrapper to the Home Realm Discovery API. WindowsAzure.Caching Windows Azure Caching enables you to easily provision a cache i... WindowsAzure.Common 1.0.2 Class library that provides common helpers tools for Windows Az... WindowsAzure.Core.Contrib Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.DevelopmentFab... Syncronizes initialization of Windows Azure web roles in the de... WindowsAzure.Diagnostics.Co... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.Diagnostics.Co... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.ELMAH.Tables This is a simple package that sets up ELMAH to use Windows Azur... WindowsAzure.Identity.Membe... 1.0.2 Class library that includes the Membership Authentication Cloud... WindowsAzure.Notifications 1.0.3 This package contains a class library with the Push Notificatio... WindowsAzure.Notifications.... 1.0.2 This package enables authentication using Windows Azure Access ... WindowsAzure.Notifications.... 1.0.0 This package contains a class library with a Table Context to a... WindowsAzure.Notifications.... 1.0.0 This package contains a class library with a Table Context to a... WindowsAzure.Notifications.... 1.0.1 This package enables authentication using the Membership provid... WindowsAzure.Notifications.... The Windows Azure Notification Metro Client for Javascript prov... WindowsAzure.Notifications.Sql 1.0.3 Class library that provides storage in a SQL Azure or SQL Serve... WindowsAzure.Plugins.Proces... 1.0.3 This packages adds a plugin in the Windows Azure SDK named "Pro... WindowsAzure.RoleTools 0.4.4 A code library with extension methods to help configure Windows... WindowsAzure.ServiceBus This package works with Windows Azure - Service Bus. ... WindowsAzure.ServiceBus.Sam... This package adds a sample folder with Publish/Subscribe sample... WindowsAzure.ServiceBus.Sam... 0.5 Currently customers writing Azure ServiceBus queue consumer nee... WindowsAzure.ServiceManagem... 1.0.0 Did you ever try to manage your Windows Azure subscriptions, ho... WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.Storage 1.6 This client library enables working with the Windows Azure stor... WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudD... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.Storage.CloudD... Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.Storage.Contrib Windows AzureContrib is a community addition to Microsoft Widow... WindowsAzure.Storage.Proxy 1.0.2 This package contains a class library with the Windows Azure St... WindowsAzure.Storage.Proxy.... 1.0.0 This package enables authentication using Windows Azure Access ... WindowsAzure.Storage.Proxy.... 1.0.0 This package enables authentication using the Membership provid... WindowsAzureStorage.Helper 1.0 Windows Azure storage services provide persistent, redundant st... WindowsPhone.Notifications.... 1.0.5 A sample MVC Area containing the Management UI for sending Push... WindowsPhoneControlLibrary 1.0.0 When you install the Windows Phone SDK this file can be found i... WindowsPhoneControls 0.3.0 Controls for Windows Phone: WatermarkTextBox, WatermarkPasswordBox WindowsPhoneEssentials a collection of utility classes which save you time and help yo... WindowsPhoneEssentials.Cont... Control which automatically generates a UI for settings used wi... WindowsPhoneEssentials.Cont... Some essential controls, which are not available in other frame... WindowsPhoneEssentials.Testing a collection of wp7 helper classes which make it simpler to wri... WindowsPhoneMVC An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting ty... WindowsPhoneMVC.Extensions.... Adds Autofac support to Windows Phone MVC WindowsPhoneMVC.Extensions.... Adds support for the Silverlight Toolkit Page Transition's with... WindowsPhoneMVC.Libs An MVC + MVVM implementation for windows phone 7, supporting ty... WindowsPhoneMvp An MVP implementation for Windows Phone. ... WindowsPhoneMvp.Mocks WindowsPhoneMvp Mock Objects for Unit testing makes... WindowsPhoneNotificator 1.0.2 Library to easily send Tile and Toast notification to your appl... Windy.Json 1.0.4135.3368 Windy.Json is super lightweight Json Dom library, which is powe... Windy.Transformations 1.0.4126.42867 Windy.Transformations is a rule-based transformation engine. It... Windy.TurtleDrawing 0.1.4126.42890 A library enables develop to create the geometry with the famou... WineApi 1.0.3 Wraps the entire wine.com RESTful API WinFormsWizard Wizard UI library for WinForms. WinSCP 4.3.7 WinSCP is an open source free SFTP client, SCP client, FTPS cli... Winterdom.IO.FileMap Wrapper .NET Library for Win32 Memory Mapped Files API WinUSBNet 1.0 WinUSBNet is a .NET class library that provides easy access to ... Wishlist.Template 1.0 This is the ASP.NET Web Pages Wishlist template from Microsoft. Witness 0.1.0 Web application testing framework. WnsRecipe The Windows Push Notification Service Recipe provides an object... wnvhtmlconvert You can use the HTML to PDF Converter for .NET as a general pur... Wolfpack Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework ... Wolfpack.Contrib.BuildAnaly... Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework ... Wolfpack.Contrib.Checks.Fake Provides fake passing and failing health check plugins for Wolf... Wolfpack.Contrib.Checks.Mon... A MongoDb health check for the Wolfpack Distributed Monitoring ... Wolfpack.Contrib.Checks.NuGet Provide a health check plugin for Wolfpack Distributed Monitori... Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers... Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers.Console is an installable package t... Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers... An email publishing plugin for the Wolfpack Distributed Monitor... Wolfpack.Contrib.Publishers... A MongoDb publishing plugin for the Wolfpack Distributed Monito... Wolfpack.Core.Testing Wolfpack.Core.Testing provides a set of helpers and mocks to he... Wolfpack.HealthCheck Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework ... Wolfpack.Publisher Wolfpack is an extensible .Net windows service based framework ... WolframAPI 1.2 A small library written in C# using the .NET 4 framework which ... Wordbox Generates random pronounceable words based on trigram probabili... WordCapture 5.0.4363 WordCaptureX is a software library that allows your application... WorkflowServiceTrackingViewer 0.1 Provides an HTML Tracking Viewer that shows real-time tracking ... WorkingWeek 1.0 This library allows its users to perform a variety of useful da... wormhole.autofac Wormhole enables function composition along with integration in... WowDotNetAPI Package description WP7AppLifecycleService WP7AppLifeCycleService helps WP7 applications manage tombstonin... WP7-CI 1.1 A port of the Silverlight Toolkit Test Framework that includes ... WP7Contrib.All The complete set of WP7Contrib nuget packages. WP7Contrib.All.Merged All WP7Contrib assemblies IL Merged into a single assembly. Thi... WP7Contrib.Caching WP7Contrib caching assemblies.... WP7Contrib.Controls WP7Contrib UI controls assemblies, contains the UI controls, be... WP7Contrib.Core WP7Contrib core assemblies.... WP7Contrib.Messaging WP7Contrib messaging extensions for MVVM light framework, conta... WP7Contrib.Net WP7Contrib communication assemblies, for simplifying commuinica... WP7Contrib.Services WP7Contrib services, complete functionality for common tasks su... wp7logger A static logger for WP7 written in C# contained in a single fil... WP7LongListSelectorHelper 1.0 Provides helper classes and extension methods to allow easy sha... wp7nl 2.2.0 This project is a collection of Windows Phone 7 utility classes... wp7sqlite 0.1.1 C# Sqlite Port for Windows phone 7 and possibly Silverlight 3, ... WP7Test 0.9.6 Class library project package.... WP7TestClient 0.9.6 The WP7 App client library for BDD SpecFlow testing framework f... WP7TombstoneHelper 2.5 A library to make it really easy to support tombstoning in the ... Wp7Tools 1.5.1 The coolest Wp7 MVVM framework WPControls 1.3.6 This package contains calendar cotrol to be used with Windows P... WPExtensions 1.3.2 WPExtensions provide extensions for standart WP controls Wpf.Themes 1.1.0 Collection of basic themes for WPF. Supported controls: Calenda... Wpf.Themes.ExpressionDark 1.1.0 ExpressionDark theme for WPF. Supported controls: Calendar, But... WpfDynamicUI Generates fully working Wpf User Interface for any INotifyPrope... WpfDynamicUI-Model Workflow component for WpfDynamicUI... WPFExtensions 1.0.0 Some extensions for the WPF framework.... WpfLocalizeExtension 1.0.2 LocalizationExtension is a realy easy way to localize any type ... WpfShapes 0.1 Collection of WPF shape controls WPFSilverlightExtension 2.0 WPFSilverlightExtension for xaml, c# etc WPFSpark 1.1 WPFSpark is a library of rich user controls which can be used t... wpfthemes 0.0.1 WPF Themes is a collection of themes for WPF WPFToolkit 3.5.50211.1 The WPF Toolkit is a collection of WPF features and components ... WPFToolkit.DataVisualization 3.5.50211.1 The WPF Toolkit is a collection of WPF features and components ... wpunifiedad 1.1.0 Unified Ad Control for Windows Phone which rotates around:... Wrapper.OpenXml 0.1 This is a wrapper simplifying some of the functionality availab... WriteableBitmapEx The WriteableBitmapEx library is a collection of extension meth... Wrox.ProMvc3.Ajax.ActionLink 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 8 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Ajax.AjaxForm 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 8 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Ajax.Autocomplete 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 8 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Ajax.CustomCli... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 8 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Ajax.Templates 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 8 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.ExtendingMvc 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 13 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 b... Wrox.ProMvc3.Routing.Editab... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 9 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Routing.RestSa... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 9 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Security.Autho... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 7 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Security.Autho... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 7 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Validation.Max... Sample code from Chapter 6 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Views.AlbumList Sample code from Chapter 3 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Views.AlbumsList Sample code from Chapter 3 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Views.BasePage... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 3 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Views.Specifyi... 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 3 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... Wrox.ProMvc3.Views.ViewModel 3.0.0 Sample code from Chapter 3 of the Professional ASP.NET MVC 3 bo... WroxBookHunt.1 1.0 First Wrox MVC 3 Book giveaway. Adds Get-Clue command for the f... WSAF 2.0.0 Wicresoft Application Framework 2.0 Libraries WURFL_Official_API 1.4 The official ASP.NET API for WURFL. WURFL is a data repository ... WuSS 1.0.1 A simple Hybi10 compliant web socket server written in C# XAct.Collections 0.0.309 Common code specific Collections XAct.Configuration 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: common code specific app.Config Configuration XAct.Core 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: A base assembly that almost all other XAct... XAct.Data 0.0.309 An XAct Library Assembly: An Assembly that contains interfaces ... XAct.Data.Db 0.0.309 An XAct Library Assembly: an Assembly that builds on the interf... XAct.Data.Db.EF 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: an Assembly that builds on the interfaces ... XAct.Data.Mapping 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: an Assembly that provides a Service to map... XAct.Diagnostics.Enterprise... 0.0.309 KW_ASSEMBLYDESCRIPTION XAct.Diagnostics.Log4Net 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: an Assembly that provides a Log4NetTraceLi... XAct.EntityLibrary5 0.0.2 An unofficial packaging of Microsoft's Enterprise Library 5. ... XAct.Environment.IIS 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library of code to perform maintenance o... XAct.IO 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: common code for accessing files, etc. XAct.IO.Compression.DotNetZip 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library to work with the essentials of D... XAct.IO.Compression.ZipPackage 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: library for working with Zip Packages (Com... XAct.IO.FileSystemWatcher 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library to watch directories and files (... XAct.IO.FS 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library for accessing the FS system dire... XAct.IO.TemplateEngines.NVe... 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: Library for working with NVelocity XAct.Resources 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library for working with Resources. XAct.Resources.Db 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library to access resources in a Db. XAct.Runtime.InteropServices 0.0.309 An XActLib assembly: a Library of code for working with ActiveX... XAct.Security 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library to manage security. Defines cont... XAct.Security.Web 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: an assembly that builds on the interfaces ... XAct.Security.Windows 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library that uses the interfaces defined... XAct.ServiceProcess 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library of code to work with Windows Ser... XAct.Services.IoC 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly:library to manage registration and retrieva... XAct.Services.IoC.AspMvc.Ni... 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library for working with Ninject in an M... XAct.Services.IoC.AspMvc.Unity 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library to encapsulate what is needed to... XAct.Services.IoC.AspNet.Ni... 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library for working with Ninject in a cl... XAct.Services.IoC.AspNet.Unity 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library of code to encapsulate what is r... XAct.Services.IoC.NInject 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library for working with Ninject XAct.Services.IoC.Unity 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library for common fragments of code to ... XAct.Settings 0.0.209 An XActLib Assembly: a library to manage user Profile settings ... XAct.Settings.Host.AppSettings 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: an implementation of IHostSettingsService,... XAct.Settings.Profile 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library to manage user Profile settings ... XAct.SimpleServiceLocator 1.0.1 An unofficial packaging of Bart De Smet's Simple Service Locato... XAct.UI 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Common library of UI Layer code, that is... XAct.UI.Web 0.0.304 An XActLib Assembly: a library of Common Code for the UI layer ... XAct.UI.Web.Mvc.v3 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a Library of code for working with Asp.NET... XAct.WIF 0.1 An unofficial packaging of WIF assemblies that work on .NET3.5. XAct.Wintellect.PowerCollec... 0.0.1 An unofficial packaging of WIntellect's PowerCollections.... XAct.Workflows 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library of code common to workflow contr... XAct.Workflows.K2.Client 0.0.309 An XActLib Assembly: a library containing services for controli... XAct.XTernals.K2.Client 0.0.259 An XActLib Assembly: a library containing services for controli... XActDependency.Antlr3.Strin... 0.0.9 A packaging of Antlr3's StringTemplate assemblies -- enough to ... XActDependency.AutoMapper 0.3 An unofficial packaging of an earlier version of AutoMapper tha... XActDependency.CommonServic... A signed version of the NinjectAdapter for the CommonServiceLoc... XActDependency.K2.Client 0.0.9 A packaging of K2's KO.dll so that XActLib can be built in a CI... XActDependency.Log4Net 0.0.2 An unofficial packaging of Log4Net to suit our needs -- specifi... XActDependency.RazorHosting 1.0.5 An unofficial packaging of Rick Stahl's RazorHosting project.... XActLib.MODI 0.1 An unofficial packaging of 32bit MODI (Microsoft Office Documen... XamlEssentials 1.0 A helper library of BindingConverters, MarkupExtensions, and ot... XAMLMarkupExtensions 1.0.1 A base class for nested markup extensions and a collection of u... XAMLtoMVC 1.0.0 XAMLtoMVC was created to ease tasks in web development when you... Xango Architectural foundation for building ASP.NET MVC3 applications... Xbehave 0.8.0 A BDD library based on xUnit.net designed for use either from d... XbimCompletex64 1.0.0 This library provides the complete sef of functions of the Xbim... XbimCompleteX86 1.0.0 This library provides the complete sef of functions of the Xbim... XbimKernel 1.0.0 This library provides basic I/O, querying and editing functions... Xceed.Hack 0.0.1 Hacking the Xceed data grid library for testing. XcoAppSpace 1.2.0 Here?s what the Application Space is in more concrete technical... XDMessaging 3.0 The XDMessaging library provides an easy-to-use, zero configura... XeroAPI.Net .Net wrapper library for Xero API. This library allows you to p... XGENO.DBMapper 1.1.0 XGENO.DBMapper is a simple, easy-to-use and powerful OR Mapper ... xheditorpkg 1.1.9 xheditor nuget package. XHTMLr 1.0.0 Normalizes HTML into XML that can be parsed and manipulated. xizzle 0.1 XML parsing with selectors, similar to the sizzle engine for HTML xmlbuilder 1.0.1 A DSL to help on XML authoring, with this library you can creat... XMLDatabase 2.1 This is based on. NET and XML database product technology devel... XmlExport 0.2.1 Generator for exporting data to Office (Excel and Word) XmlModelMetadataProvider 1.0 A metadata provider for ASP.NET Mvc that gathers information fr... XmlRpcMvc 0.2.2 XmlRpcMvc helps you to handle XML-RPC requests within an ASP.NE... XmlRpcMvc.MetaWeblog 0.2.1 XmlRpcMvc.MetaWeblog is a sample implementation for the MetaWeb... xmlrpcnet 2.5.0 A client and server XML-RPC library for .Net. xmlrpcnet-server XML-RPC.NET - an XML-RPC server library for .NET ... XmlSettings 0.1.1 A general purpose settings .ini style file in xml format. XmlUnit.Xunit 0.4 Xunit extension for Xml testing... XMVP 1.6 MVP implementation for Windows Phone 7.0, 7.1 beta 2 and Silver... XNInterface 0.3.0 XNInterface is a GUI library for XNA 4.0, and is compatible and... XNInterfaceContentPipeline 0.3.2 This is the Content Pipeline Extension required to build XNInte... Xomega.Framework 1.2 A powerful .NET framework for building multi-tier ASP.NET, WPF ... XsdClassGen 0.1 A T4 template to generate XmlSerializer classes that represent ... XsltViewEngine 1.0.1 XSLT compiled view engine for ASP.NET MVC, using System.Xml.Xsl... XSockets 1.0.1 This package will provide you with a XSockets development serve... XSockets.DevelopmentServer 1.0.5 A developmentserver for XSockets XSockets.External 1.0.5 Provides a socket client for connecting to a XSockets.NET serve... XSockets.JsApi 1.0.4 Provides a javascript API for sending text and binary messages ... xstream-dot-net 1.0.3552.35177 XStream.Net is the .Net version of Joe Walnes' XStream for Java... Xtensive.Orm.BulkOperations Adds support for bulk insert, update and delete operations for ... Xtensive.Orm.Localization Adds support for easy localization for DataObjects.Net-powered ... Xtensive.Orm.Reprocessing Adds support for reprocessable operations for DataObjects.Net-p... Xtensive.Orm.Security Adds security layer for DataObjects.Net-powered projects Xtensive.Orm.Web Adds integration with ASP.NET for DataObjects.Net-powered projects xTrace 0.9.2 Easy integration of exception and audit logging with Azure Tab... xtricate.build 0.20.11213.956 xtricate.build is a psake build and deployment extension xunit xUnit.net is a developer testing framework, built to support Te... xunit.extensions Extensions for the xUnit.net framework, including data theories... xunit.runners Runners for the xUnit.net framework, including Console, GUI, an... XUnitTesting.MoqExtensions 1.0.0 XUnitTesting.MoqExtensions simplifies Moq library. xVal.WebForms 0.4.2 An attribute based validation framework for ASP.NET WebForms XWapAutoUpdate 1.0 Package description YABOV 1.4 YABOV is a simple attribute based business object validator. Yacq 1.9 YACQ (Yet Another Compilable Query) is an embeddable querying l... YamlDotNet.Converters 1.1.15 A .NET library for YAML. yamldotnet provides low level parsing ... YamlDotNet.Core 1.1.15 A .NET library for YAML. yamldotnet provides low level parsing ... YamlDotNet.RepresentationModel 1.1.15 A .NET library for YAML. yamldotnet provides low level parsing ... YamlSerializer 1.0 YamlSerializer can serialize / deserialize most of native C# ob... Yandex.Direct Yandex.Direct API library for .NET. Yandex.Maps 1.0.4484.906 Yandex Maps control YAXLib 2.8 YAXLib is an XML Serialization library which allows the program... YelpSharp YelpSharp is a .NET wrapper for the Yelp.com REST API YepNope.js 1.5.2 yepnope is an asynchronous conditional resource loader that's s... YesSql.Core 0.3 A .NET document database using any RDBMS, because in SQL we (st... YLAD 1.4 Are you tired of recreating the same about dialog logic and con... YlnLib A few random utilities. YLOD 1.0 Are you tired of recreating the same options dialog logic and c... YLOD.Extras 1.0 This is an extension to the YLOD package that adds support for ... Youmay 1.0 Package description YouTrackSharp A .NET Library to talk to JetBrains YouTrack YoutubeExtractor 0.1.0 YoutubeExtractor is a library to extract the download link from... YUICompressor.NET This library allow you to minify and/or combine any Javascript ... YUICompressor.NET-MsBuild-Task This is the MSBuild Task for the YUICompressor .NET library - a... ZazClient 1.0.4 [WARNING: NOT PRODUCTION READY] Client for Zaz Command Endpoint... ZazServer 1.0.4 [WARNING: NOT PRODUCTION READY] Zaz Command Endpoint Server. Su... ZedGraph 5.1.5 ZedGraph is a class library, user control, and web control for ... ZedGraph.Web 5.1.5 ZedGraph is a class library, user control, and web control for ... Zelda Simple library for LINQ based repository pattern. ZeldaSysData Simple implementation of the IRepository pattern. Zencoder-cs A .NET C# client library for the zencoder.com API. Visit https:... ZenDeskApi A .net wrapper to the ZenDesk api. Use this to get/create/edit:... zepto.js 0.8 Zepto.js is a minimalist JavaScript framework for modern web br... ZeroClipboard 1.0.7 The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to... ZeroFramework.Backend 0.1.0 Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of... ZeroFramework.Common 0.1.0 Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of... ZeroFramework.Frontend 0.1.0 Zero Framework is .NET based framework for rapid development of... ZeroIn 0.1.1 An A/B/n testing framework for ASP.NET (MVC) ZeroScaffolding 0.1.0 Scaffolding library for ZeroFramework. Zetetic.Caching Strongly-typed utility wrapper for the Enterprise Library Cachi... Zetetic.Chain Chain of Responsibility API, similar to Apache Chain Zetetic.Ldap LDIF, LDAP schema, LDAP runtime, and LDAP Entry tools Zetetic.Security Secure password HashAlgorithm implementations including bcrypt ... zlib.net ZLIB.NET is a 100% managed version of ZLIB compression library ... ZooKeeperNet ZooKeeper client for .NET Zurb_Foundation_MVC3 0.4.221 Welcome to Foundation... Zurb_Foundation_MVC3_Demo 0.4.221 Welcome to Foundation... ZXing 2.0.0 This is the C# port built directly from source in the latest ZX... ZXing.Net ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-fo... ZXing.WP7 1.3 ZXing (pronounced "zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-fo... Zyan 2.3 Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed ... PM>
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