[Angular mosaic 3] Standard Interceptor and JWT injector, Login page, Auth service, and Base form with FormGroup.
- 1. My fast style (background, NAV menu, header) for my various technical sites.
- 2. Intercept and analyzing routing events (router-outlet onActivate event).
- 3. Pass parameters from one component to another (@Input, extends base page).
- 4. Simplest shared service (@Injectable, Subject, Injectable, LocalStorage, Store).
- 5. UIkit Modal Futures (uk-modal tag, Modal from routed page and from Menu, Modal Toggle, Modal Show, Bind by On, MouseOver Modal, Modal Alert, Modal Prompt, Close button).
- 6. Standard Interceptor and JWT injector, Login page, Auth service, and Base form with FormGroup.
- 7. Fill select/options (FormsModule, ngModel, ngModelChange, ngValue, http.get Json from Assets, LocalStorage)
- 8. Angular connection service (Enable/Disable Heartbeat, Heartbeat URL, Heartbeat Interval/RetryInterval)
- 9. [Angular mosaic 5] Net Core SignalR Client (ReactiveX/rxjs, Configure Angular injector, Abstract class, Inject SignalR service, Configure SignalR hub - forbid Negotiation, setUp Transport, URL, LogLevel, Anon or AU socket connection), Configure server Hub (MapHub endpoint, WithOrigins on CORS-policy, LogLevel, JWT AU)
6. Standard Interceptor and JWT injector, Login page, Auth service, and Base form with FormGroup
- This is my UiKit Login page login.component.html
- Login page based on BaseFormComponent
- Login page data structures
- This is standard AU interceptor allow to inject JWT token to each request (auth.interceptor.ts).
This interceptor need to add to common module list
working with Auth services auth.service.ts and with Auth redirector (commented currently for test mode without Backend).
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