ASP.NET (snapshot 2017) Microsoft documentation and samples

Web Deployment in the Enterprise

by Jason Lee

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This tutorial describes how to meet lots of the challenges you’ll encounter when you manage the deployment of enterprise-scale web applications to development, test, staging, and production environments. The tutorial includes a reference solution together with a mixture of conceptual and task-oriented content to guide you through various common tasks and procedures.

For an Italian translation of these tutorials, visit http://www.lucamorelli.it.

Enterprise Deployment Challenges

Organizations often encounter these challenges when they look to manage the deployment of complex, enterprise-scale solutions:

Overview of Approach

This tutorial, together with the other tutorials in this series, uses this high-level approach to meet the challenges described above.

Use the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Deployment Tool (Web Deploy) to package and deploy web application projects.

Use the VSDBCMD.exe utility to deploy and update database schemas.

Content Map

This tutorial includes topics that fall into four main areas.

These topics introduce the reference solution—the Contact Manager solution—and describe how to download it and configure it on your local machine:

These topics introduce MSBuild project files, describe how you can create and use custom project files, and walk through the deployment process for the Contact Manager solution:

These topics describe web application deployment, including how the build and packaging process works, how the build process integrates with the Web Publishing Pipeline, how to modify deployment parameters, and how to deploy web packages to destination environments:

Key Technologies

The topics in this tutorial primarily use these technologies to manage build and deployment:

Other Tutorials in This Series

This forms part of a series of five tutorials on enterprise-scale web deployment. These are the other tutorials in the series:


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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/AspNet-DocAndSamples-2017/aspnet/web-forms/overview/deployment/web-deployment-in-the-enterprise/web-deployment-in-the-enterprise.htm