ASP.NET MVC Handbook.
I want to summarize main future of ASP.NET MVC projects. I start this overview in this page ASP.NET MVC main future overview on the example of TaxiStar project, this page is continue. This project I have fully rebuild from scratch.
- Create site versioning
- Use resources for support globalization
- Use, and google icons
- Use Bundle as webPackaging JS
- Use Bootstrap style
- Use ViewData to switch Bootstrap style
- Accumulate all site tuning in config
- Redirect DLL version in config
- Tune IIS node in web.config
- Calculate right ROOT path and set right permission to Upload folder
- Use complex Models garlands, one model inherits from another and use data transformation inside Models
- Protect Model from wrong data.
- Use Attributes in Model and show it in form by LabelFor, Check ModelState
- Use Scaffolding templates.
- Show metadata from Model to Tooltip.
- Avoid manually copy DB structures to Model POCO classes (CopyLinqDataMembersByName)
- Use own async generic pager
- Use wait screen for postback
- Use PartialView in AJAX
- Analyze XHR result of server API
- Use ViewBag instead ViewData
- Compress data to multiple columns table
- Use many button to raise postback
- Directly call codeBehind function from View
- Use JsonConvert to receive typed object
- Use Dropdown list
- Create dropdownItem automatically from ENUM
- Use Autopostback DropdownList with and render PartialView by Ajax.Load
- Use checkbox list
- Use Async call for redirection and call Backend.
- Delete SSL certificate chain checking
- Use stream as Image. (and use Tuple to store request result)
- Use WCF backend
- Use OnActionExecuting filter
- Use Interface and Generic
- Use PartialView
- Use Anti Forgery Validator
- Create own helper for View
- Datapickers
- Autocomplete
- Set up periodic task
- Use confirmation to delete records
- Use attribute for custom validation function
- Use Twilio to send SMS
- Inject OnBegin/OnSuccess/OnFailure custom Javascript code into ASP.NET Ajax tag by Bundle of jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js
- ASP.NET MVC Pager based on Generic and Constraint Interfaces
And of course I have a lot of various overviews in this page MVC (for example see overview Рефакторінг сайта IMK.). This project I expanded and evolved successfully.
- EntityFramework
- OpenXml - Excel framework
- Wow photoSlider
- Highlighting Menu and Sortable tables (WebMethod)
- URL Rewriting and Sitemap
- SMS gateway
- AJAX and WebMethod handers
- Pages without CodeBehind
- Eval Binding and ItemDataBound inside Control
- Control Event Handling
- FancyBox PopUp
- FCKEditor (text formatter)
- CKFinder (client processing image)
- MiniProfiler and Glimpse Profilers
- IpGeoBase adaptive price
- Liqpay payment gateway
- Repeat SendMail with timer
Below I describe key future of KWMC project, I was hired to repair bugs in this site and adding some future, but unfortunately client has no enough money to continue this project and project has closed unexpectedly.
- Project packages
- Use Dynamic route
- Use FluentMigrator to deploy Model POCO classes to Database engine
- Use AutoMapper to create projection (View) from POCO classes
- Use Autofac as dependency resolver
- Use Hangfire to start periodic task
- Use CustomAttribute to store metadata about model field
- Use attributes as common controller code
- Use UIHint attribute to define template for EditorFor and DisplayFor helpers
- Save ModelState with Redirection
- Use attributes as common controller code
- Use jQuery Unobtrusive Validation, custom attributes for validation and validation service/controller
- Use Owin Authentication
- Use RoleBasedAccess - special security model
- Use SqlDependency/SqlServiceBroker to send notification to SignalR hub
- Use SignalR to notify other user about events
- Use Ajax/WebApi Syns/Async request/response.
- Use SiteMap to provide forms title and available menu/step
- Define common code as Function and Helpers (directly in View and in the codeBehind)
- Use Database to store all project resources. Use Middleware (Module) to handle request to resource
- Create middleware as separate project and register all modules in main project
- Project store UserCulture to Database
- Define IEnumerable extension interface to Hierarchy LinqToSQL and LinqToObject
- Use Google reCaptcha ASP.NET MVC (clearly in View and as filter attribute)
- More efficiency - use (1) GzipCompression, (2) Cache, (3) manual MemoryDispose, (4) Bundle scripts and CSS.
- Use DragAndDrop JS with custom XHR processing
- Use Bootstrap template
- Use BootsrapModal window
- This project support SmartCustmDataTable, SCEditor, Chats, various DataPicker and a lot of other futures
- Use third-party web services - (1) Open Weather data, (2) Azure Earth Map, (3) Azure storage for saving files, (4) WebService about vehicle model, (5) to shorten URL for SMS
- This project has full web interface to Mail/SMS system. Use SendGrid-csharp library from Twilio.
- Use Google JS API
- Detect mobile device
This is description of RPAT project. I made some additional functions to this project and perhaps will be doing more additional functions.
- Common project description.
- MediatR and Generic CRUD-controllers.
- FluentScheduler.
- EF, Dapper, Mapster (for map Entity to POCO classes).
- Amazon file service.
- Selenium.
- Working with Excel (Reader and Creator, OpenXml,ClosedXML), MultipartFormDataParser (to select Excel stream), CSV.
- Attributes to restrict Access.
- Third-party library - Twilio (to send SMS), SMTP client, Serilog (to serialize object to string), Ionic.Zip (to Zip), Dawn.Guard (to check Model and avoid exception), TripleDES, SixLabors.ImageSharp (to Resize image), MimeMapping (to check file type).
- Programming style.
- Improve Performance - Prometheus (for collect performance), SqlJob (to check SQL performance), LazyCache, MemoryCache, SpaServices.Extensions.
And finally this is description of last my ASP.NET Classic site AuctionClient site future I have rebuild.
- Unlock ASP.NET.
- Replace jQuery Post to jQuery Get.
- WebMethod - native alternatives of Jquery Get/Post and REST API in Classic ASP.NET.
- Create ASP.NET Postback by own code.
- Cancel bubbling.
- Move JavaScript string to server.
- Emulate ASP.NET MVC in ASP.NET Classic.
- Style changing inside JS.
- Create dynamic SQL request without LINQ.
- Various YML (JSON Schema) with dynamic changing nodes.
- Authentication with sessionId stored in DB.
- Store data in Cookies instead database (js.cookie.js).
- ContactForm - Div with Fixed CSS position.
- Header - Div with Fixed CSS position, fadeIn/fadeOut jQuery effect and Z-index.
- Footer - Div with color changing from server and Generic function depends from MasterPage hierarchy.
- LeftMenu - Div with state stored by js.cookie.js, Fixed CSS position, button with Absolute CSS pos from bottom, Z-index and control from Web.Config.
- IconSlider - Div with Scrolling Icon, overflow:hidden CSS and complex button with fall out menu.
- Fit various Div to one/two column with different width and Various TabControl Div.
- SqlFormatter script.
- JsonFormatter script.
- Add Static Google Map.
- Add Google Map dynamically.
- Google Font Awesome Icon
- Custom Svg Icon
- Checkbox.
- UploadButton.
- Custom Image slider.
- Different site view in different browser.
- Various JS questions.
- Bootsrtap main css-class I used in this project.
- Changing in SQL server.
- Debugging and Test zone.