(MVC) MVC (2021)

ASP.NET MVC Handbook.

I want to summarize main future of ASP.NET MVC projects. I start this overview in this page ASP.NET MVC main future overview on the example of TaxiStar project, this page is continue. This project I have fully rebuild from scratch.

And of course I have a lot of various overviews in this page MVC (for example see overview Рефакторінг сайта IMK.). This project I expanded and evolved successfully.

Below I describe key future of KWMC project, I was hired to repair bugs in this site and adding some future, but unfortunately client has no enough money to continue this project and project has closed unexpectedly.

This is description of RPAT project. I made some additional functions to this project and perhaps will be doing more additional functions.

And finally this is description of last my ASP.NET Classic site AuctionClient site future I have rebuild.

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/AspNetMvc-Future/Index.htm