Teleric-Blazor project future.
- 1. Blazor modal
- 2. Blazor Cache service
- 3. Blazor JS Extension
- 4. Authentication
- 5. BlazorNavigationManager Extension
- 6. Custom validator with attributes
- 7. Twilio to send SMS
- 1. Blazor modal,
- 2. Blazor Cache service
- 3. Blazor JS Extension saveAsFile, injectcss, openNewTab. More - Call Javascript from Blazor and call Blazor from Javascript.
- 4. Project has standard Blazor AU pages and pass AU header to API by the same way. More - User Identity in Blazor.
- 5. Project has various useful extension, for example BlazorNavigationManager for parse URL. More - HttpContext in Blazor.
- 6. All model has custom validator with attributes and own function. More - Use jQuery Unobtrusive Validation, custom attributes for validation and validation service/controller, jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js.
- 7. Use Twilio to send SMS. More - Use SendGrid-csharp library from Twilio..
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