(FRONT) FRONT (2023)

Cloudflare feature overview

Time on time I write small shallow notes about various public web services I'm faced. This couple of my notes of this type, for example:

So, what is Cloudflare https://www.cloudflare.com/? This is my own view to this strange packages of services, strange but very useful. More strange packages propose maybe only Google. But I like various services form this company and therefore decide to spend my time for this post.

There are a couple of entering of Cloudflare product list

I try to build my own list (for myself)

1. Network services

So, firstly this is CDN, a bridge between various datacenters.

This is network related services Cloudflare Network Services, one of them is Cloudflare Radar https://radar.cloudflare.com/ to see and analyze what happens on CDN now. For example - this is terrorist attack for Ukraine:

2. Domain registration, DNS services, SSL certificates.

Cloudflare Registrar and Cloudflare DNS server is most popular DNS server in whole world (including on Mobile phone https://developers.cloudflare.com/, this is Cloudflare WARP service - https://developers.cloudflare.com/warp-client/ (including connection to Zero Trust)

Most of this services is free https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/, even including producing SSL certificates.

3. VPN Services

VPN, of course, is most important parts of all Cloudflare’s SSE & SASE services .Zero Trust is most advanced and popular VPN services in whole world, I like this services and even this site I place to Cloudflare VPN Transfer domain to Cloudflare CDN and than to Cloudflare ZeroTrust VPN..

This service require Card number, but working without money https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/zero-trust-services/.

4. Cloudflare WAF and Captcha service

Most popular Cloudflare service is Cloudflare WAF https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/network-services/, I like this service and used it many times - for example, How to protect your business from DDOS attack by Cloudflare WAF

Other popular service is Captcha service

5. Page services

This service allow to upload any HTML+JS+CSS project and run it without own server.

This is well-known free services:

6. Webworker features

I like and use this service Serverless Telegram bot on Cloudflare, because, for my opinion, this is most however advanced similar services on the world.

Cloudflare Webworker most reach services in the world and included very reach futures:

  1. free Email router include Email service monitor:

  2. Image service

  3. WebWorker can store environment variables ans secrets

  4. Add custom domain
  5. Add a Cron Trigger
  6. Email routing
  7. Binding to R2, KV, Durable Objects, and D1
  8. Cloudflare Queues, this is Javascript API for Cloadflare Message Broker
  9. free Key Value storage
  10. Browser Rendering (web scrapper) platform
  11. Client certificates
  12. Durable Object
  13. KV Namespace Bindings
  14. R2 Bucket
  15. D1 Database

This is limits of free Workers plan without paid

7. Storage Services

Storage services is parts of developers platform https://developers.cloudflare.com/products/?product-group=Developer+platform, this services included SQL Database and R2 storage.

There is a lot of free SQL database with free plan

And millions other with free plan, like Supabase and Firebase

As storage I use Backblaze - faster than Amazon, cheaper than Amazon, therefore Cloudflare Storage Services is not very useful services for me.

But Cloudflare very useful service and has embedded connectors for each main databases:

And eveen for encrease speen you can connect you local storage

8. Cloudflare Stream

Cloudflare stream is popular service, but this is very rare application for me, I created a couple of times application with WebRTC My site with peer-to-peer communication based on Mizu-Voip library., and with Live Media Producing Live Stream, but without Cloudflare features.

Therefore, unfortunately I don't know how this service working https://developers.cloudflare.com/products/?product-group=Media

This is maybe will be interesting service Cloudflare Calls, but unfortunately I don't know how to use it.

9. Cloudflare Web Analytics

Cloudflare Web Analytics. This service allow to show various reports like this.

Unfortunately this report show absolute another data than Google analytics and Cloudflare has no service like Google ADS, therefore for my opinion this is not very useful service.I wait while Cloudflare propose own system like Google Bard, but based on own analystic.

10. Ethereum Gateway

Ethereum Gateway is very interesting opportunity, but I still don't use it, I deploy my own Ethereum node many times - Up and running Ethereum 2.0 node, but still never use this Cloudflare gateway.

11. AI service

There are a couple of AI services, but I'm not a fun of AI service. This is Workers AI SDK

12. What missing in Cloudflare

Cloudflare is awesome service, but my opinion, Cloudflare missing a couple services:

  1. Deploy own docker to Cloudflare servers
  2. Deploy own VM to Cloudflare service - this two services is most important to me, I worked many years as program architect of that services Notes about most interesting project in my life and don't understand how huge internet company can not propose it
  3. Own alternatives of Google ADS
  4. Own public mail server

If in future Cloudflare will add this 4 services and price will be cool - since than no need any other Cloud service at all - from AWS to Amazon, from Azure to Vultr/Hetzner/Kamatera and so on.

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