Язык программирования VB.NET
Команды VB.NET: (AddHandler,
Call, Class,
Const, Declare,
Delegate, Dim,
Do...Loop, End,
Enum, Erase,
Error, Event,
Exit, For Each...Next,
For...Next, Function,
Get, GoTo, If...Then...Else,
Imports, Inherits,
Interface, Mid,
Module, Namespace,
On Error, Option Compare,
Option Explicit, Option Strict,
Property, RaiseEvent,
Randomize, ReDim,
RemoveHandler, Resume,
Return, Select Case,
Set, Stop,
Structure, Sub,
SyncLock, Throw,
Try...Catch...Finally, While...End
While, With...End With).
Отдельные ключевые слова VB.NET: ( Alias,
Ansi, As,
Assembly, Auto,
ByRef, ByVal,
Default, DirectCast,
End, False,
Friend, Handles,
In, Is, Lib,
Me, MustInherit,
MyBase, MyClass,
New, Nothing,
NotInheritable, NotOverridable,
Off, On,
Optional, Overloads,
Overridable, Overrides,
ParamArray, Preserve,
Private, Protected,
Public, ReadOnly,
Resume, Shadows,
Shared, Static,
To, True,
TypeOf, Unicode,
WithEvents, WriteOnly).
Стандартные - Обьекты ( Collection
Object , Err Object ). Свойства
(Count, DateString,
Erl, HelpContext,
HelpFile, Item,
LastDLLError, Now,
Number, ScriptEngine,
ScriptEngineMinorVersion, Source,
TimeOfDay, Timer,
TimeString, Today). Методы
( Add Method , Clear
Method , Raise Method ,
Remove Method ). Константы (
AppWinStyle Enumeration , CallType
Enumeration , CompareMethod
Enumeration , DateFormat
Enumeration , DateInterval
Enumeration , DueDate
Enumeration , FileAttribute
Enumeration , FirstDayOfWeek
Enumeration , FirstWeekOfYear
Enumeration , MsgBoxResult
Enumeration , MsgBoxStyle
Enumeration , OpenAccess
Enumeration , OpenMode
Enumeration , OpenShare
Enumeration , Print and
Display Constants , Tristate
Enumeration , VariantType
Enumeration , VBStrConv
Enumeration , ComClassAttribute,
VBFixedStringAttribute , Constants,
ControlChars ).
Run-Time функции VB.NET (Microsoft.VisualBasic.ХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХХ):
- Collection - Add, Count, GetEnumerator, Item, Remove
- Conversion - ErrorToString, Fix, Hex, Int, Oct, Str, Val
- DateAndTime - DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart, DateSerial, DateString, DateValue, Day, Hour, Minute, Month, MonthName, Now, Second, TimeOfDay, Timer, TimeSerial, TimeString, TimeValue, Today, WeekDay, WeekDayName, Year
- ErrObject - Clear, Description, Erl, GetException, HelpContext, HelpFile, LastDLLError, Number, Raise, Source
- FileSystem - ChDir, ChDrive, CurDir, Dir, EOF, FileAttr, FileClose, FileCopy, FileDateTime, FileGet, FileLen, FileOpen, FilePut, FileWidth, FreeFile, GetAttr, Input, InputString, Kill, LineInput, Loc, Lock, LOF, MkDir, Print, PrintLine, Rename, Reset, RmDir, Seek, SetAttr, SPC, TAB, Unlock, Write, WriteLine
- Financial - DDB, FV, IPmt, IRR, MIRR, NPer, NPV, Pmt, PPmt, PV, Rate, SLN, SYD
- Globals - ScriptEngine, ScriptEngineBuildVersion, ScriptEngineMajorVersion, criptEngineMinorVersion
- Information - Err, IsArray, IsDate, IsDBNull, IsError, IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsReference, LBound, QBColor, RGB, SystemTypeName, TypeName, UBound, VarType, VbTypeName
- Interaction - AppActivate, Beep, CallByName, Choose, Command, CreateObject, DeleteSetting, Environ, GetAllSettings, GetObject, GetSetting, IIf, InputBox, MsgBox, Partition, SaveSetting, Shell, Switch
- Strings - Asc, AscW, Chr, ChrW, Filter, Format, FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber, FormatPercent, GetChar, InStr, InStrRev, Join, LCase, Left, Len, LSet, LTrim, Mid, Replace, Right, RSet, RTrim, Space, Split, StrComp, StrConv, StrDup, StrReverse, Trim, UCase
- VbMath - Randomize, Rnd
- VBCodeProvider
То же в алфавитном порядке: Abs ,
AppActivate , Asc,
Atn , Beep ,
CallByName , CBool ,
CByte , CChar ,
CDate , CDbl ,
CDec , ChDir ,
ChDrive , Choose ,
Chr , ChrW ,
CInt , CLng ,
CObj , Command ,
Conversions , Cos ,
CreateObject , CShort ,
CSng , CStr ,
CType , CurDir ,
DateAdd , DateDiff ,
DatePart , DateSerial ,
DateValue , Day ,
DDB , DeleteSetting ,
Derived Math , Dir ,
Environ , EOF ,
ErrorToString , Exp ,
FileAttr , FileClose ,
FileCopy , FileDateTime ,
FileGet , FileGetObject
, FileLen ,FileOpen
, FilePut ,
FilePutObject , FileWidth ,Filter
, Fix , Format
, FormatCurrency ,
FormatDateTime , FormatNumber
, FormatPercent ,
FreeFile , FV ,
GetAllSettings , GetAttr
, GetChar ,
GetException , GetObject ,
GetSetting , Hex ,
Hour , IIf ,
Input , InputBox ,
InputString , InStr ,
InStrRev , Int ,
IPmt , IRR ,
IsArray , IsDate ,
IsDBNull , IsError ,
IsNothing , IsNumeric ,
IsReference , Join ,
Kill , LBound ,
LCase , Left ,
Len , LineInput ,
Loc , Lock ,
LOF , Log ,
LSet , LTrim ,
Mid , Minute ,
MIRR , MkDir ,
Month , MonthName ,
MsgBox , NPer ,
NPV , Oct ,
Partition , Pmt ,
PPmt , Print ,
PrintLine , PV ,
QBColor , Rate ,
Rename , Replace ,
Reset , RGB ,
Right , RmDir ,
Rnd , Round ,
RSet , RTrim ,
SaveSetting , Second ,
Seek , SetAttr ,
Sgn , Shell ,
Sin , SLN ,
Space , SPC ,
Split , Sqr ,
Str , StrComp ,
StrConv , StrDup ,
StrReverse , Switch ,
SYD , SystemTypeName ,
TAB , Tan ,
TimeSerial , TimeValue ,
Trim , TypeName ,
UBound , UCase ,
Unlock , Val ,
VarType , VbTypeName ,
Weekday , WeekdayName ,
Write , WriteLine ,
Ключевые слова по задачам:
- Operators
- Arrays
- Create a Collection object. Collection
- Add an item to a collection. Add
- Remove an object from a collection. Remove
- Reference an item in a collection. Item
- Return a reference to an IEnumerator interface. GetEnumerator
- Define a compiler constant. #Const
- Compile selected blocks of code. #If...Then...#Else
- Collapse and hide sections of code. #Region
- Indicate a mapping between source lines and text external to the source. #ExternalSource
Control Flow
- Branch. GoTo, On Error
- Exit or pause the program. End, Exit, Stop
- Loop. Do...Loop, For...Next, For Each...Next, While...End While, With
- Make decisions. Choose, If...Then...Else, Select Case, Switch
- Use procedures. Call, Function, Property, Sub
- ANSI value to string. Chr, ChrW
- String to lowercase or uppercase. Format, LCase, UCase
- Date to serial number. DateSerial, DateValue
- Decimal number to other bases. Hex, Oct
- Number to string. Format, Str
- One data type to another. CBool, CByte, CDate, CDbl, CDec, CInt, CLng, CSng, CShort, CStr, CType, Fix, Int
- Date to day, month, weekday, or year. Day, Month, Weekday, Year
- Time to hour, minute, or second. Hour, Minute, Second
- String to ASCII value. Asc, AscW
- String to number. Val
- Time to serial number. TimeSerial, TimeValue
Data Types
- Convert between data types. CBool, CByte, CChar, CDate, CDbl, CDec, CInt, CLng, CObj, CShort, CSng, CStr, Fix, Int
- Set intrinsic data types. Boolean, Byte, Char, Date, Decimal, Double, Integer, Long, Object(default), Short, Single, String
- Verify data types. IsArray, IsDate, IsDbNull, IsError, IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsReference
Dates and Times
- Get the current date or time. Now, Today, TimeOfDay
- Perform date calculations. DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart
- Return a date. DateSerial, DateValue, MonthName, WeekDayName
- Return a time. TimeSerial, TimeValue
- Set the date or time. DateString, TimeOfDay, TimeString, Today
- Time a process. Timer
Directories and
- Change a directory or folder. ChDir
- Change the drive. ChDrive
- Copy a file. FileCopy
- Make a directory or folder. MkDir
- Remove a directory or folder. RmDir
- Rename a file, directory, or folder. Rename
- Return the current path. CurDir
- Return a file's date/time stamp. FileDateTime
- Return file, directory, or label attributes. GetAttr
- Return a file's length. FileLen
- Return a file's name or volume label. Dir
- Set attribute information for a file. SetAttr
- Generate run-time errors.Clear, Error, Raise
- Get exceptions. GetException
- Provide error information. Err
- Trap errors during run time. On Error, Resume, Try...Catch...Finally
- Provide line number of error. Erl
- Provide system error code. LastDLLError
Input and
- Access or create a file. FileOpen
- Close files. FileClose, Reset
- Control output appearance. Format, Print, Spc, Tab, FileWidth
- Copy a file. FileCopy
- Get information about a file. EOF, FileAttr, FileDateTime, FileLen, FreeFile, GetAttr, Loc, LOF, Seek
- Manage files. Dir, Kill, Lock, Unlock
- Read from a file. FileGet, FileGetObject, Input, InputString, LineInput
- Return length of a file. FileLen
- Set or get file attributes. FileAttr, GetAttr, SetAttr
- Set read-write position in a file. Seek
- Write to a file. FilePut, FilePutObject, Print, Write
Information and
- Run other programs. AppActivate, Shell
- Call a method or property. CallByName
- Sound a beep from computer. Beep
- Provide a command-line string. Command
- Manipulate COM objects. CreateObject, GetObject
- Retrieve color information. QBColor, RGB
- Control dialog boxes InputBox, MsgBox
- Math
- Delete program settings. DeleteSetting
- Read program settings. GetSetting, GetAllSettings
- Save program settings. SaveSetting
- Compare two strings. StrComp
- Convert strings. StrConv
- Reverse a string. InStrRev, StrReverse
- Convert to lowercase or uppercase. Format, LCase, UCase
- Create a string of repeating characters. Space, StrDup
- Find the length of a string. Len
- Format a string. Format, FormatCurrency, FormatDateTime, FormatNumber, FormatPercent
- Manipulate strings. InStr, Left, LTrim, Mid, Right, RTrim, Trim
- Set string comparison rules. Option Compare
- Work with ASCII and ANSI values. Asc, AscW, Chr, ChrW
- Replace a specified substring. Replace
- Return a filter-based string array. Filter
- Return a specified number of substrings. Split, Join
and Constants
- Assign a value. Get, Property
- Declare variables or constants. Const,Dim, Private, Protected, Public, Shadows, Shared, Static
- Declare a class, delegate, enumeration, module, namespace, or structure. Class, Delegate, Enum, Module, Namespace, Structure
- Create objects. CreateObject, GetObject, New
- Get information about an object. GetType, IsArray, IsDate, IsDbNull, IsError, IsNothing, IsNumeric, IsReference, SystemTypeName, TypeName, VarType, VbTypeName
- Refer to the current object. Me
- Require explicit variable declarations. Option Explicit, Option Strict
- Handle events. AddHandler, Event, RaiseEvent, RemoveHandler
- Implement inheritance. Inherits, MustInherit, MustOverride, MyBase, MyClass, New, NotInheritable, NotOverridable, Overloads, Overridable, Overrides
- (2002) My first program in .NET framework
- (2002) My first generic function in VB.NET
- (2002) Как я осваивал .NET-framework.
- (2002) Как я осваивал .NET-студию
- (2002) Обьектное программирование
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- (2013) How to reorder DataRow with Extension function, anonymous types, Lambda Expression and Linq Special Row Comparer (eng).
- (2013) Оновлення StatusLabel з потоку BackGroundWorker - приклад застосування Action, Delegate, Invoke, AddressOf, Extension, Expression.
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- (2016) Visual Basic 2015
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- (2017) Expanding opportunities of Classic ASP.NET with generic extension function FindBaseClassRecursively.
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- (2020) NET Core 3.1 test project for Oauth2 with new IndentityModel 4.2
- (2021) ASP.NET MVC Pager based on Generic and Constraint Interfaces
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