<< back Maximilian Schwarzmüller Javascript lecture

- 01 - Introduction
- 02 - Basics Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions
- 03 - Efficient Development & Debugging
- 04 - Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)
- 05 - Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript
- 06 - More on Functions
- 07 - Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript
- 08 - More on Arrays & Iterables
- 09 - More on Objects
- 10 - Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
- 11 - Deep Dive Constructor Functions & Prototypes
- 12 - Practice OOP & Classes
- 13 - Back to the DOM & More Browser APIs
- 14 - Working with Events
- 15 - Advanced Function Concepts
- 16 - More on Numbers & Strings
- 17 - Async JavaScript Promises & Callbacks
- 18 - Working with Http Requests
- 19 - Working with JavaScript Libraries
- 20 - Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)
- 21 - JavaScript Tooling & Workflows
- 22 - Utilizing Browser Storage
- 23 - JavaScript & Browser Support
- 24 - Time to Practice Share My Place App
- 25 - Working with JavaScript Frameworks
- 26 - Meta-Programming Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API
- 27 - Node.js An Introduction
- 28 - Security
- 29 - Deploying JavaScript Code
- 30 - Performance & Optimizations
- 31 - Introduction to Testing
- 32 - Bonus Programming Paradigms (Procedural vs Object Oriented vs Functional)
- 33 - Bonus Data Structures & Algorithms Introduction
- 34 - Bonus TypeScript Introduction
- 35 - Bonus Web Components
- 36 - Roundup & Next Steps
- 01 - Introduction
- 001 Introduction
- 002 What is JavaScript
- 003 JavaScript in Action!
- 005 How JavaScript Is Executed
- 006 Dynamic vs Weakly Typed Languages
- 007 JavaScript Executes In A Hosted Environment
- 008 Course Outline - What's In This Course
- 009 How To Get The Most Out Of This Course
- 011 JavaScript vs Java
- 012 A Brief History Of JavaScript
- 013 Setting Up a Development Environment
- 02 - Basics Variables, Data Types, Operators & Functions
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Setting Up the Project
- 004 Adding JavaScript to the Website
- 005 Introducing Variables & Constants
- 006 Declaring & Defining Variables
- 007 Working with Variables & Operators
- 008 Understanding the Starting Code
- 009 Data Types Numbers & Strings (Text)
- 010 Using Constants
- 011 More on Strings
- 012 Introducing Functions
- 013 Adding A Custom Function
- 015 Returning Values
- 016 The (Un)Importance of Code Order
- 017 An Introduction to Global & Local Scope
- 019 More about the return Statement
- 020 Executing Functions Indirectly
- 022 Converting Data Types
- 024 Splitting Code into Functions
- 025 Connecting all Buttons to Functions
- 026 Working with Code Comments
- 027 More Operators!
- 028 More Core Data Types!
- 029 Using Arrays
- 030 Creating Objects
- 032 Accessing Object Data
- 033 Adding a Re-Usable Function That Uses Objects
- 034 undefined, null & NaN
- 035 The typeof Operator
- 036 Importing Scripts Correctly with defer & async
- 038 Wrap Up
- 03 - Efficient Development & Debugging
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Efficient Development & Debugging - An Overview
- 003 Configuring the IDE Look & Feel
- 004 Using Shortcuts
- 005 Working with Auto-Completion & IDE Hints
- 006 Installing IDE Extensions
- 007 Tweaking Editor Settings
- 008 Utilizing Different IDE Views
- 009 Finding Help & Working with MDN
- 011 How to google Correctly
- 012 Debugging JavaScript - An Overview
- 013 An Error Message! No Reason To Panic!
- 014 Using console.log() to look into the Code
- 015 Next-Level Debugging with the Chrome Devtools & Breakpoints
- 016 Testing Code Changes Directly in the Devtools
- 017 Debugging Code directly Inside VS Code
- 018 Wrap Up
- 04 - Working with Control Structures (if Statements, Loops, Error Handling)
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Introducing if Statements & Boolean (Comparison) Operators
- 004 Using if Statements
- 005 Working with if, else and else-if
- 006 Beware When Comparing Objects & Arrays for Equality!
- 007 The Logical AND and OR Operators
- 008 Understanding Operator Precedence
- 009 Beyond true false Truthy and Falsy Values
- 011 Setting Up a Bigger Example Project (The Monster Killer)
- 012 Adding an Attack Function
- 013 Using if Statements for Checking the Win-Condition
- 014 Adding More if Statements & A Strong Attack Functionality
- 015 Time for a Heal Player Functionality!
- 016 Controlling the Conditional Bonus Life (Without Boolean Operators!)
- 017 Adding a Reset Game Functionality
- 018 Validating User Input
- 019 Utilizing Global Constants as Identifiers in Conditional Code
- 020 Adding a Conditional Battle Log
- 021 Introducing the Ternary Operator
- 022 A Bit of Theory Statements vs Expressions
- 023 Logical Operator Tricks & Shorthands
- 025 Working with the switch-case Statement
- 026 Introducing Loops
- 027 The for Loop
- 028 The for-of Loop
- 029 The for-in Loop
- 030 The while & do-while Loops
- 031 Controlling Loops with break
- 032 Controlling Iterations with continue
- 033 More Control with Labeled Statements
- 034 Error Handling with try-catch - An Introduction
- 035 Throwing Custom Errors
- 036 Working with try-catch to Catch & Handle Errors
- 037 Wrap Up
- 05 - Behind the Scenes & The (Weird) Past (ES3, ES5) & Present (ES6+) of JavaScript
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 ES5 vs ES6+ (Next Gen JS) - Evolution of JavaScript
- 003 var vs let & const - Introducing Block Scope
- 004 Understanding Hoisting
- 005 Strict Mode & Writing Good Code
- 006 How Code is Parsed & Compiled
- 007 Inside the JavaScript Engine - How the Code Executes
- 009 Primitive vs Reference Values
- 010 Garbage Collection & Memory Management
- 011 Wrap Up
- 06 - More on Functions
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Recapping Functions Knowledge - What We Know Thus Far
- 004 Functions vs Methods
- 005 Functions are Objects!
- 006 Function Expressions Storing Functions in Variables
- 007 Function Expressions vs Function Declarations
- 008 Anonymous Functions
- 009 Working on the Project Adding User Choices to the Game
- 010 Implementing the Core Game Logic
- 011 Introducing Arrow Functions
- 013 Outputting Messages to the User
- 014 Default Arguments in Functions
- 015 Introducing Rest Parameters (Rest Operator)
- 016 Creating Functions Inside of Functions
- 017 Understanding Callback Functions
- 018 Working with bind()
- 019 Adding bind() to the Calculator Project
- 020 call() and apply()
- 021 Wrap Up
- 07 - Working with the DOM (Browser HTML Code) in JavaScript
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What's the DOM
- 003 Document and Window Object
- 004 Understanding the DOM and how it's created
- 005 Nodes & Elements - Querying the DOM Overview
- 006 Selecting Elements in the DOM
- 008 Exploring and Changing DOM Properties
- 009 Attributes vs Properties
- 010 Selecting Multiple Elements & Summary
- 011 Traversing the DOM - Overview
- 012 Traversing Child Nodes
- 013 Using parentNode & parentElement
- 014 Selecting Sibling Elements
- 015 DOM Traversal vs Query Methods
- 016 Styling DOM Elements
- 017 Creating Elements with JS - Overview
- 018 Adding Elements via HTML in Code
- 019 Adding Elements via createElement()
- 020 Inserting DOM Elements
- 021 Cloning DOM Nodes
- 022 Live Node Lists vs Static Node Lists
- 023 Removing Elements
- 024 Insertion & Removal Method Summary
- 026 Setting Up the Practice Project
- 027 Selecting the Modal and Add Button
- 028 Opening a Modal by Changing CSS Classes
- 029 Controlling the Backdrop
- 030 Fetching and Validating User Input
- 031 Creating a Movie in JavaScript & Clearing the Input
- 032 Rendering Movie Items on the Screen
- 033 Deleting Movie Elements
- 034 Showing & Hiding the Are you sure Dialog
- 035 Starting with the Confirmation Logic
- 036 Finishing the App
- 037 Wrap Up
- 08 - More on Arrays & Iterables
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What are Iterables and Array-like Objects
- 003 Creating Arrays
- 004 Which Data Can You Store In Arrays
- 005 push(), pop(), unshift(), shift() - Adding & Removing Elements
- 006 The splice() Method
- 007 Selecting Ranges & Creating Copies with slice()
- 008 Adding Arrays to Arrays with concat()
- 009 Retrieving Indexes with indexOf() & lastIndexOf()
- 010 Finding Stuff find() and findIndex()
- 011 Is it Included
- 012 Alternative to for Loops The forEach() Method
- 013 Transforming Data with map()
- 014 sort()ing and reverse()ing
- 015 Filtering Arrays with filter()
- 016 Where Arrow Functions Shine!
- 017 The Important reduce() Method
- 019 Arrays & Strings - split() and join()
- 020 The Spread Operator (...)
- 021 Understanding Array Destructuring
- 022 Maps & Sets - Overview
- 023 Working with Sets
- 024 Working with Maps
- 025 Maps vs Objects
- 026 Understanding WeakSet
- 027 Understanding WeakMap
- 028 Wrap Up
- 09 - More on Objects
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What's an Object
- 004 Objects - Recap
- 005 Adding, Modifying & Deleting Properties
- 006 Special Key Names & Square Bracket Property Access
- 007 Property Types & Property Order
- 008 Dynamic Property Access & Setting Properties Dynamically
- 009 Demo App & Shorthand Property Syntax
- 010 Rendering Elements based on Objects
- 011 for-in Loops & Outputting Dynamic Properties
- 012 Adding the Filter Functionality
- 013 Understanding Chaining (Property & Method Chaining)
- 014 The Object Spread Operator (...)
- 015 Understanding Object.assign()
- 016 Object Destructuring
- 017 Checking for Property Existance
- 018 Introducing this
- 019 The Method Shorthand Syntax
- 020 The this Keyword And Its Strange Behavior
- 021 call() and apply()
- 022 What the Browser (Sometimes) Does to this
- 023 this and Arrow Functions
- 025 Getters & Setters
- 026 Wrap Up
- 10 - Classes & Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What is Object-oriented Programming (OOP)
- 003 Getting Started with OOP Code
- 004 Defining & Using a First Class
- 005 Working with Constructor Methods
- 006 Fields vs Properties
- 007 Using & Connecting Multiple Classes
- 008 Binding Class Methods & Working with this
- 009 Adding a Cart and Shop Class
- 010 Communicating Can Be Challenging!
- 011 Static Methods & Properties
- 012 First Summary & Classes vs Object Literals
- 013 Getters & Setters
- 014 Introducing Inheritance
- 015 Implementing Inheritance
- 016 Using Inheritance Everywhere
- 017 Overriding Methods and the super() Constructor
- 018 super() Constructor Execution, Order & this
- 019 Different Ways of Adding Methods
- 020 Private Properties
- 022 The instanceof Operator
- 023 Built-in Classes
- 024 Understanding Object Descriptors
- 025 Wrap Up
- 11 - Deep Dive Constructor Functions & Prototypes
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Introducing Constructor Functions
- 003 Constructor Functions vs Classes & Understanding new
- 004 Introducing Prototypes
- 006 Working with Prototypes
- 007 The Prototype Chain and the Global Object
- 008 Classes & Prototypes
- 009 Methods in Classes & In Constructors
- 010 Built-in Prototypes in JavaScript
- 011 Setting & Getting Prototypes
- 012 Wrap Up
- 12 - Practice OOP & Classes
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 First Project Steps & Planning
- 003 Creating Project Lists & Parsing Element Data
- 004 Starting with the Switch Project Logic
- 005 Passing Method References Around
- 006 Moving DOM Elements
- 007 Adding a Tooltip
- 008 Adding Inheritance
- 009 Wrap Up
- 13 - Back to the DOM & More Browser APIs
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Using dataset (data- Attributes)
- 003 Getting Element Box Dimensions
- 004 Working with Element Sizes & Positions
- 005 The DOM & Prototypes
- 006 Positioning the Tooltip
- 007 Handling Scrolling
- 008 Working with template Tags
- 009 Loading Scripts Dynamically
- 010 Setting Timers & Intervals
- 011 The location and history Objects
- 012 The navigator Object
- 013 Working with Dates
- 014 The Error Object & Constructor Function
- 015 Wrap Up
- 14 - Working with Events
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Introduction to Events in JavaScript
- 003 Different Ways of Listening to Events
- 004 Removing Event Listeners
- 005 The event Object
- 006 Supported Event Types
- 008 Working with preventDefault()
- 009 Understanding Capturing & Bubbling Phases
- 010 Event Propagation & stopPropagation()
- 011 Using Event Delegation
- 012 Triggering DOM Elements Programmatically
- 013 Event Handler Functions & this
- 014 Drag & Drop - Theory
- 015 Configuring Draggable Elements
- 016 Marking the Drop Area
- 017 Dropping & Moving Data + Elements
- 019 Wrap Up
- 15 - Advanced Function Concepts
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Pure Functions & Side-Effects
- 003 Impure vs Pure Functions
- 004 Factory Functions
- 005 Closures
- 006 Closures in Practice
- 007 Closures & Memory Management
- 009 Introducing Recursion
- 010 Advanced Recursion
- 011 Wrap Up
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 How Numbers Work & Behave in JavaScript
- 003 Floating Point (Im)Precision
- 004 The BigInt Type
- 005 The Global Number and Math Objects
- 006 Example Generate Random Number Between Min Max
- 007 Exploring String Methods
- 008 Tagged Templates
- 009 Introducing Regular Expressions (RegEx)
- 010 More on Regular Expressions
- 011 Wrap Up
- 16 - More on Numbers & Strings
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 How Numbers Work & Behave in JavaScript
- 003 Floating Point (Im)Precision
- 004 The BigInt Type
- 005 The Global Number and Math Objects
- 006 Example Generate Random Number Between Min Max
- 007 Exploring String Methods
- 008 Tagged Templates
- 009 Introducing Regular Expressions (RegEx)
- 010 More on Regular Expressions
- 011 Wrap Up
- 17 - Async JavaScript Promises & Callbacks
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Understanding Synchronous Code Execution (Sync Code)
- 003 Understanding Asynchronous Code Execution (Async Code)
- 004 Blocking Code & The Event Loop
- 005 Sync + Async Code - The Execution Order
- 006 Multiple Callbacks & setTimeout(0)
- 007 Getting Started with Promises
- 008 Chaining Multiple Promises
- 009 Promise Error Handling
- 011 Async await
- 012 Async await & Error Handling
- 013 Async await vs Raw Promises
- 014 Promise.all(), Promise.race() etc
- 015 Wrap Up
- 18 - Working with Http Requests
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What & Why
- 004 More Background about Http
- 005 Getting Started with Http
- 006 Sending a GET Request
- 007 JSON Data & Parsing Data
- 009 Promisifying Http Requests (with XMLHttpRequest)
- 010 Sending Data with a POST Request
- 011 Triggering Requests via the UI
- 013 Sending a DELETE Request
- 014 Handling Errors
- 015 Using the fetch() API
- 016 POSTing Data with the fetch() API
- 017 Adding Request Headers
- 018 fetch() & Error Handling
- 019 XMLHttpRequest vs fetch()
- 020 Working with FormData
- 021 Wrap Up
- 19 - Working with JavaScript Libraries
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What & Why
- 003 Adding Libraries (Example lodash)
- 004 Example jQuery
- 005 Discovering Libraries
- 006 Axios Library & Http Requests
- 007 Third-Party Library Considerations
- 008 Wrap Up
- 20 - Modular JavaScript (Working with Modules)
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Splitting Code in a Sub-optimal Way
- 003 A First Step Towards JavaScript Modules
- 004 We Need a Development Server!
- 005 First import export Work
- 006 Switching All Files To Use Modules
- 007 More Named Export Syntax Variations
- 008 Working With Default Exports
- 009 Dynamic Imports & Code Splitting
- 010 When Does Module Code Execute
- 011 Module Scope & globalThis
- 012 Wrap Up
- 21 - JavaScript Tooling & Workflows
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Project Limitations & Why We Need Tools
- 003 Workflow Overview
- 004 Setting Up a npm Project
- 005 Working with npm Packages
- 006 Linting with ESLint
- 009 Bundling with Webpack
- 011 Development Mode & Fixing Lazy Loading
- 012 Using webpack-dev-server
- 013 Generating Sourcemaps
- 014 Building For Production
- 015 Final Optimizations
- 016 Using Third Party Packages with npm & Webpack
- 017 Wrap Up
- 22 - Utilizing Browser Storage
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Browser Storage Options
- 003 localStorage & sessionStorage
- 004 Getting Started with Cookies
- 005 Working with Cookies
- 006 Getting Started with IndexedDB
- 007 Working with IndexedDB
- 008 Wrap Up
- 23 - JavaScript & Browser Support
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What Is Browser Support About
- 003 Determining Browser Support For A JavaScript Feature
- 004 Determining Required Support
- 005 Solution Feature Detection + Fallback Code
- 006 Solution Using Polyfills
- 007 Solution Transpiling Code
- 008 Improvement Automatically Detect + Add Polyfills
- 009 What about Support Outside of Browsers
- 010 Browser Support Outside of JavaScript Files
- 011 Wrap Up
- 24 - Time to Practice Share My Place App
- 001 Module Introduction
- 003 Setting Up the Project
- 004 Getting DOM Access
- 005 Getting the User Location
- 006 Adding Feedback (Showing a Modal)
- 007 Hiding the Modal
- 008 Rendering a Map with Google Maps
- 010 Finding an Address & Getting the Coordinates
- 011 Converting User Input to Coordinates
- 012 Creating a Share Place Link
- 013 Copying the Link to the Clipboard
- 014 Rendering the Shared Place Screen
- 25 - Working with JavaScript Frameworks
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What and Why
- 003 The Idea Behind React.js
- 004 Analysing a React Project
- 005 Wrap Up
- 26 - Meta-Programming Symbols, Iterators, Generators, Reflect API & Proxy API
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Understanding Symbols
- 003 Well-known Symbols
- 004 Understanding Iterators
- 005 Generators & Iterable Objects
- 006 Generators Summary & Built-in Iterables Examples
- 007 The Reflect API
- 008 The Proxy API and a First Trap
- 009 Working with Proxy Traps
- 010 Wrap Up
- 27 - Node.js An Introduction
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 JavaScript is a Hosted Language
- 003 Installation & Basics
- 004 Understanding Modules & File Access
- 005 Working with Incoming Http Requests
- 006 Sending Responses (HTML Data)
- 007 Parsing Incoming Data
- 008 Introducing & Installing Express.js
- 009 Express.js The Basics
- 010 Extracting Data
- 011 Rendering Server-side HTML with Templates & EJS
- 012 Enhancing Our Project
- 013 Adding Basic REST Routes
- 014 Understanding CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
- 015 Sending the Location ID to the Frontend
- 016 Adding the GET Location Route
- 017 Introducing MongoDB (Database)
- 019 Wrap Up
- 28 - Security
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Security Hole Overview & Exposing Data in your Code
- 003 Cross-Site Scripting Attacks (XSS)
- 004 Third-Party Libraries & XSS
- 005 CSRF Attacks (Cross Site Request Forgery)
- 006 CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing)
- 007 Wrap Up
- 29 - Deploying JavaScript Code
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Deployment Steps
- 004 Example Static Host Deployment (no Server-side Code)
- 006 Example Dynamic Page Deployment (with Server-side Code)
- 30 - Performance & Optimizations
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What is Performance Optimization About
- 003 Optimization Potentials
- 004 Measuring Performance
- 005 Diving Into The Browser Devtools (for Performance Measuring)
- 006 Further Resources
- 007 Preparing The Testing Setup
- 008 Optimizing Startup Time & Code Usage Coverage
- 009 Updating The DOM Correctly
- 010 Updating Lists Correctly
- 011 Optimizing The Small Things
- 012 Micro-Optimizations (Think Twice!)
- 013 Finding & Fixing Memory Leaks
- 015 Wrap Up
- 31 - Introduction to Testing
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What Is Testing Why Does It Matter
- 003 Testing Setup
- 004 Writing & Running Unit Tests
- 005 Writing & Running Integration Tests
- 006 Writing & Running e2e Tests
- 007 Dealing with Async Code
- 008 Working with Mocks
- 32 - Bonus Programming Paradigms (Procedural vs Object Oriented vs Functional)
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What are Programming Paradigms
- 003 Procedural Programming in Practice
- 004 Object Oriented Programming in Practice
- 005 Functional Programming in Practice
- 006 Wrap Up
- 33 - Bonus Data Structures & Algorithms Introduction
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What are Data Structures & Algorithms
- 003 A First Example
- 004 Solving the Same Problem Differently
- 005 Performance & The Big O Notation
- 006 More Time Complexities & Comparing Algorithms
- 007 More on Big O
- 008 More Examples
- 009 Diving into Data Structures & Time Complexities
- 010 Where to Learn More & Wrap Up
- 34 - Bonus TypeScript Introduction
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 What is TypeScript and Why would you use it
- 003 Working with Types
- 004 Core Types & Diving Deeper
- 005 Object Types, Array Types & Function Types
- 006 Advanced Types (Literal Types, Union Types, Enums)
- 007 Classes & Interfaces
- 008 Generic Types
- 009 Configuring the TypeScript Compiler
- 35 - Bonus Web Components
- 001 Module Introduction
- 002 Web Components in Action
- 003 What are Web Components
- 004 Why Web Components
- 005 Getting Started!
- 006 Web Component Browser Support
- 007 Our Development Setup
- 008 A First Custom Element
- 009 Interacting with the Surrounding DOM
- 010 Understanding the Custom Element Lifecycle
- 011 Using connectedCallback for DOM Access
- 012 Listening to Events Inside the Component
- 013 Using Attributes on Custom Elements
- 014 Styling our Elements
- 015 Working with the Shadow DOM
- 016 Adding an HTML Template
- 017 Using Slots
- 018 Defining the Template in JavaScript
- 019 Using Style Tags in the Shadow DOM
- 020 Extending Built-in Elements
- 021 The Next Steps
- 022 Understanding Shadow DOM Projection
- 023 Styling slot Content Outside of the Shadow DOM
- 024 Styling slot Content Inside of the Shadow DOM
- 025 Styling the Host Component
- 026 Conditional Host Styling
- 027 Styling with the Host Content in Mind
- 028 Smart Dynamic Styling with CSS Variables
- 029 Cleaning Up the Overall Styling
- 030 Observing Attribute Changes
- 031 Adjusting the Component Behavior Upon Attribute Changes
- 032 Using disconnectedCallback
- 033 Adding a render() Method
- 035 The Next Steps
- 036 Creating the Basic Modal Component
- 037 Adding the Modal Container
- 038 Styling the Modal Elements
- 039 Adding Some General App Logic
- 040 Opening the Modal via CSS
- 041 Public Methods & Properties
- 042 Understanding Named Slots
- 043 Listening to Slot Content Changes
- 044 Closing the Modal
- 045 Dispatching Custom Events
- 046 Configuring Custom Events
- 047 Finishing it up!
- 36 - Roundup & Next Steps

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