Modern Angular Typescript books
1. De Sanctis V. ASP.NET Core 6 and Angular. Full-stack.5ed 2022 ∅∅∅
Two players, one goal The ASP NET Core revolution What’s new in Angular? Reasons for choosing NET and AngularChapter 2: Getting Ready
Technical requirements A full-stack approach MPAs, SPAs, PWAs, and NWAs Multi-page applications Single-page applications Progressive web applications Native web applications Product owner expectations An example SPA project Not your usual Hello World! Preparing the workspace Disclaimer – do (not) try this at home The broken code myth Stay hungry, stay foolish, yet be responsible as well Setting up the project(s) Installing the .NET 6 SDK Checking the SDK version Installing Node.js and Angular CLI Creating the .NET and Angular project Performing a test run Troubleshooting Architecture overviewChapter 3: Looking Around
The ASP NET back-end Configuration files Program.cs appsettings.json Controllers WeatherForecastController Introducing OpenAPI (Swagger) The Angular front-end The root files angular.json package.json tsconfig.json Other workspace-level files The /src/ folder The /src/app/ folder Our first test run First testing attempt Second testing attempt Getting to work Changing the API endpoints Implementing the baseUrl property Refactoring the Angular app Adding HomeComponent Adding FetchDataComponent Adding the navigation menu Updating the AppComponent Adding the AppRoutingModule Finishing touches Test runChapter 4: Front-End and Back-End Interactions
Introducing ASP NET Core health checks Adding the HealthChecks middleware Adding an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) check Possible outcomes Creating an ICMPHealthCheck class Adding the ICMPHealthCheck Improving the ICMPHealthCheck class Adding parameters and response messages Updating the middleware setup Implementing a custom output message Configuring the output message Health checks in Angular Creating the Angular component Health-check.component.ts health-check.component.html health-check.component.css Adding the component to the Angular app AppRoutingModule NavMenuComponent Testing it out Restyling the UI Introducing Angular Material Installing Angular Material Adding a MatToolbar Updating the AppModule Updating the NavMenuComponent HTML template First test run Playing with (S)CSS Introducing Sass Replacing CSS with Sass Restyling the tablesChapter 5: Data Model with Entity Framework Core
The WorldCities web app Updating the ASP.NET Core app Updating the Angular app Minimal UI restyling Reasons to use a data server The data source The data model Introducing Entity Framework Core Installing Entity Framework Core The SQL Server Data Provider DBMS licensing models What about Linux? SQL Server alternatives Data modeling approaches Code-First Database-First Making a choice Creating the entities Defining the entities The City entity The Country entity Should we (still) use #region blocks? Defining relationships Adding the Country property to the City entity class Adding the Cities property to the Country entity class Defining the database table names Defining indexes Getting a SQL Server instance Installing SQL Server 2019 Installing the DB Management tool(s) Creating a SQL Database on Azure SQL Database SQL Managed Instance SQL virtual machine Making a choice Setting up a SQL Database Configuring the instance Configuring the database Creating the WorldCities database Adding the WorldCities login Mapping the login to the database Creating the database using Code-First Setting up the DbContext Entity type configuration methods Data Annotations Fluent API EntityTypeConfiguration classes Making a choice Database initialization strategies Updating the appsettings.json file Securing the connection string Introducing Secrets Storage Adding the secrets.json file Working with the secrets.json file Creating the database Updating Program.cs Adding the initial migration Using the dotnet CLI Using the Package Manager Console Checking the autogenerated DB tables Understanding migrations Populating the database Implement SeedController Import the Excel file Entity controllers CitiesController CountriesController Should we really use Entities? Testing it outChapter 6: Fetching and Displaying Data
Fetching data Requests and responses JSON conventions and defaults A (very) long list city.ts cities.component.ts cities.component.html cities.component.scss app-routing.module.ts nav-component.html Serving data with Angular Material Adding AngularMaterialModule Introducing MatTable Updating AngularMaterialModule Updating CitiesComponent Adding pagination with MatPaginatorModule Client-side paging Server-side paging Adding sorting with MatSortModule Extending ApiResult Installing System.Linq.Dynamic.Core Updating CitiesController Updating the Angular app Adding filtering Extending ApiResult (again) CitiesController CitiesComponent CitiesComponent template (HTML) file CitiesComponent style (SCSS) file AngularMaterialModule Performance considerations Adding countries to the loop ASP.NET CountriesController Angular country.ts countries.component.ts countries.component.html countries.component.scss AppModule AppRoutingModule NavComponent Testing CountriesComponentChapter 7: Forms and Data Validation
Exploring Angular forms Forms in Angular Reasons to use forms Template-Driven Forms The pros The cons Model-Driven/Reactive Forms Building our first Reactive Form ReactiveFormsModule CityEditComponent city-edit.component.ts city-edit.component.html city-edit.component.scss Adding the navigation link app-routing.module.ts cities.component.html Adding a new city Extending the CityEditComponent Adding the “Add a new City” button Adding a new route HTML select Angular Material select (MatSelectModule) Understanding data validation Template-Driven validation Model-Driven validation Our first validators Testing the validators Server-side validation DupeCityValidator Introducing the FormBuilder Creating the CountryEditComponent country-edit.component.ts The IsDupeField server-side API country-edit.component.html country-edit.component.scss AppRoutingModule CountriesComponent Testing the CountryEditComponent Improving the filter behavior Throttling and debouncing Definitions Why would we want to throttle or debounce our code? Debouncing calls to the back-end Updating the CitiesComponent Updating the CountriesComponent What about throttling?Chapter 8: Code Tweaks and Data Services
Optimizations and tweaks Template improvements Form validation shortcuts Class inheritance Implementing a BaseFormComponent Extending CountryEditComponent Extending CityEditComponent Bug fixes and improvements Validating lat and lon city-edit.component.ts base-form.component.ts city-edit.component.html Adding the number of cities Table of Contentsxiv CountriesController Creating the CountryDTO class Angular front-end updates DTO classes – should we really use them? Separation of concerns Security considerations DTO classes versus anonymous types Securing entities Final thoughts Adding the country name CitiesController Angular front-end updates Data services XMLHttpRequest versus Fetch (versus HttpClient) XMLHttpRequest Fetch HttpClient Building a data service Creating the BaseService Adding the common interface methods Creating CityService Implementing CityService Creating CountryServiceChapter 9: Back-End and Front-End Debugging
Back-end debugging Windows or Linux? The basics Conditional breakpoints Conditions Actions Testing the conditional breakpoint The Output window LogLevel types Testing the LogLevel Configuring the Output window Debugging EF Core The GetCountries() SQL query Front-end debugging Visual Studio JavaScript debugging JavaScript source maps Browser developer tools Angular form debugging A look at the Form Model The pipe operator Reacting to changes The activity log Client-side debugging Unsubscribing the Observables The unsubscribe() method The takeUntil() operator Other viable alternatives Should we always unsubscribe? Application logging Introducing ASP.NET Core logging DBMS structured logging with Serilog Installing the NuGet packages Configuring Serilog Logging HTTP requests Accessing the logsChapter 10: ASP.NET Core and Angular Unit Testing
ASP NET Core unit tests Creating the WorldCitiesAPI.Tests project Moq Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.InMemory Adding the WorldCities dependency reference Our first test Arrange Act Assert Executing the test Debugging tests Test-driven development Behavior-driven development Angular unit tests General concepts Introducing the TestBed interface Testing with Jasmine Our first Angular test suite The import section The describe and beforeEach sections Adding a mock CityService Implementing the mock CityService Configuring the fixture and the component Creating the title test Creating the cities tests Running the test suiteChapter 11: Authentication and Authorization
To auth, or not to auth Authentication Authentication methods Third-party authentication Authorization Proprietary authorization Third-party authorization Proprietary versus third-party Proprietary auth with NET Core The ASP.NET Core Identity model Entity types Setting up ASP.NET Core Identity Adding the NuGet packages Creating ApplicationUser Extending ApplicationDbContext Configuring the ASP.NET Core Identity service Implementing AccountController Configuring JwtBearerMiddleware Updating SeedController Securing the action methods A word on async tasks, awaits, and deadlocks Updating the database Adding identity migration Applying the migration Updating the existing data model Dropping and recreating the data model from scratch Seeding the data Implementing authentication in Angular Adding the LoginRequest interface Adding the LoginResult interface Implementing AuthService Creating LoginComponent login.component.ts login.component.html login.component.scss Updating AppRoutingModule Updating NavMenuComponent Testing LoginComponent Adding the authStatus observable Updating the UI Testing the observable HttpInterceptors Implementing AuthInterceptor Updating AppModule Testing HttpInterceptor Route Guards Available guards Implementing AuthGuard Updating AppRoutingModule Testing AuthGuardChapter 12: Progressive Web Apps
PWA distinctive features Secure origin Offline loading Service workers versus HttpInterceptors Introducing @angular/service-worker The ASP.NET Core PWA middleware alternative Implementing the PWA requirements Manual installation Adding the @angular/service-worker npm package Updating the angular.json file Importing ServiceWorkerModule Updating the index.html file Adding the Web App Manifest file Adding the favicon Adding the ngsw-config.json file Automatic installation The Angular PNG icon set Handling the offline status Option 1 – the window’s ononline/onoffline event Option 2 – the Navigator.onLine property Downsides of the JavaScript approaches Option 3 – the angular-connection-service npm package Installing the service Updating the AppModule file Updating the AppComponent Adding the api/heartbeat endpoint Introducing Minimal APIs Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Implementing CORS Testing the PWA capabilities Compiling the app Installing http-server Testing out our PWAs Installing the PWAChapter 13: Beyond REST – Web API with GraphQL
GraphQL versus REST REST Guiding constraints Drawbacks GraphQL Advantages over REST Limitations Implementing GraphQL Adding GraphQL to ASP.NET Core Installing HotChocolate Testing the GraphQL schema Adding GraphQL to Angular Installing Apollo Angular Refactoring CityService Refactoring CountryServiceChapter 14: Real-Time Updates with SignalR
Real-time HTTP and Server Push Introducing SignalR Hubs Protocols Connections, Users, and Groups Implementing SignalR Setting up SignalR in ASP.NET Core Creating the HealthCheckHub Setting up services and middleware Adding the Broadcast Message Installing SignalR in Angular Adding the npm package Implementing the HealthCheckService Refactoring the HealthCheckComponent Testing it all Client-initiated Events Updating the HealthCheckHub Updating the HealthCheckService Updating the HealthCheckComponent Testing the new featureChapter 15: Windows, Linux, and Azure Deployment
Getting ready for production Configuring the endpoints Tweaking the HOSTS file Other viable alternatives ASP.NET Core deployment tips The launchSettings.json file Runtime environments .NET deployment modes Angular deployment tips ng serve, ng build, and the package.json file Differential loading The angular.json configuration file(s) Updating the file(s) Automatic deployment Windows deployment Creating a Windows Server VM on MS Azure Accessing the MS Azure portal Adding a new Windows VM Configuring a DNS name label Setting the inbound security rules Configuring the Windows VM Adding the IIS web server Installing the ASP.NET Core Windows hosting bundle Publishing HealthCheck and HealthCheckAPI Introducing Visual Studio publish profiles Folder publish profile FTP publish profile Azure Virtual Machine publish profile Configuring IIS Adding the HealthCheck website entry Adding the HealthCheckAPI website entry A note on TLS/SSL certificates Configuring the IIS application pool Adding the .webmanifest MIME Type Testing HealthCheck and HealthCheckAPI Testing the app Linux deployment Creating a Linux CentOS VM on MS Azure Adding a new Linux VM Configuring a DNS name label Setting the inbound security rules Configuring the Linux VM Connecting to the VM Installing the ASP.NET Core runtime Installing Nginx Opening the 80 and 443 TCP ports Publishing WorldCities and WorldCitiesAPI Building the Angular app Building the WorldCitiesAPI app Deploying the files to the Linux VM Configuring Kestrel and Nginx Testing WorldCities and WorldCitiesAPI Testing the app Troubleshooting Azure App Service deployment Creating the App Service instances Adding the HealthCheck App Service Adding the HealthCheckAPI App Service Adapting our apps for App Service Publishing our apps to App Service Publishing the Angular app Publishing the ASP.NET Core project Testing HealthCheck and HealthCheckAPI
2. Ninja S. Become A Ninja With Angular (v14.1.0) 2022 ∅∅∅
2.1. Transpilers 2.2. let. 2.3. Constants 2.4. Shorthands in object creation 2.5. Destructuring assignment 2.6. Default parameters and values 2.7. Rest operator 2.8. Classes 2.9. Promises 2.10. Arrow functions 2.11. Async/await 2.12. Sets and Maps 2.13. Template literals 2.14. Modules 2.15. ConclusionGoing further than ES2015+
3.1. Dynamic, static and optional types 3.2. Enters TypeScript 3.3. A practical example with DI4. Diving into TypeScript
4.1. Types as in TypeScript 4.2. Enums 4.3. Return types 4.4. Interfaces 4.5. Optional arguments 4.6. Functions as property 4.7. Classes 4.8. Working with other libraries 4.9. Decorators5. Advanced TypeScript
5.1. readonly 5.2. keyof 5.3. Mapped type 5.4. Union types and type guards6. The wonderful land of Web Components
6.1. A brave new world 6.2. Custom elements 6.3. Shadow DOM 6.4. Template 6.5. Frameworks on top of Web Components7. Grasping Angular’s philosophy 8. From zero to something
8.1. Node.js and NPM 8.2. Angular CLI 8.3. Application structure 8.4. Our first component 8.5. Our first Angular Module 8.6. Bootstrapping the app9. The templating syntax
9.1. Interpolation 9.2. Using other components in our templates 9.3. Property binding 9.4. Events 9.5. Expressions vs statements 9.6. Local variables 9.7. Structural directives 9.8. Other template directives 9.9. Summary10. Building components and directives
10.1. Introduction 10.2. Directives 10.3. Components11. Styling components and encapsulation
11.1. Shadow DOM strategy 11.2. Emulated strategy 11.3. None strategy 11.4. Styling the host12. Pipes
12.1. Pied piper 12.2. json 12.3. slice 12.4. keyvalue 12.5. uppercase 12.6. lowercase 12.7. titlecase 12.8. number 12.9. percent 12.10. currency 12.11. date 12.12. async 12.13. A pipe in your code 12.14. Creating your own pipes13. Dependency injection
13.1. DI yourself 13.2. Easy to develop 13.3. Easy to configure 13.4. Other types of provider 13.5. Hierarchical injectors 13.6. DI without types14. Services
14.1. Title service 14.2. Meta service 14.3. Making your own service15. Reactive Programming
15.1. Call me maybe 15.2. General principles 15.3. RxJS 15.4. Reactive programming in Angular16. Testing your app
16.1. The problem with troubleshooting is that trouble shoots back 16.2. Unit test 16.3. Fake dependencies 16.4. Testing components 16.5. Testing with fake templates, providers 16.6. Simpler, cleaner unit tests with ngx-speculoos 16.7. End-to-end tests (e2e)17. Send and receive data through HTTP
17.1. Getting data 17.2. Transforming data 17.3. Advanced options 17.4. Jsonp 17.5. Interceptors 17.6. Context 17.7. Tests18. Router
18.1. En route 18.2. Navigation 18.3. Redirects 18.4. Matching strategy 18.5. Hierarchical and empty-path routes 18.6. Guards 18.7. Resolvers 18.8. Router events 18.9. Parameters and data 18.10. Lazy loading19. Forms
19.1. Forms, dear forms 19.2. Template-driven 19.3. Code-driven 19.4. Adding some validation 19.5. Errors and submission 19.6. Add some style 19.7. Creating a custom validator 19.8. Grouping fields 19.9. Reacting to changes 19.10. Updating on blur or on submit only 19.11. FormArray and FormRecord 19.12. Strictly typed forms 19.13. Super simple validation error messages with ngx-valdemort 19.14. Going further: define custom form inputs with ControlValueAccessor 19.15. Summary20. Zones and the Angular magic
20.1. AngularJS 1.x and the digest cycle 20.2. Angular and zones 21. Angular compilation: Just in Time vs Ahead of Time 21.1. Code generation 21.2. Ahead of Time compilation22. Advanced observables
22.1. Subscribe, unsubscribe and async pipe 22.2. Leveraging operators 22.3. Building your own Observable 22.4. Managing state with stores (NgRx, NGXS, Akita and friends 22.5. Conclusion23. Advanced components and directives
23.1. View queries 23.2. Content 23.3. Content queries 23.4. Conditional and contextual content projection: ng-template and ngTemplateOutlet 23.5. Host listener 23.6. Host binding24. Standalone components
24.1. All by myself 24.2. Usage in existing applications 24.3. CLI support 24.4. Application bootstrap 24.5. Optional NgModules 24.6. Providers 24.7. Lazy loading routes 24.8. Initialization 24.9. Caveats 24.10. Summary25. Internationalization
25.1. The locale 25.2. Default currency 25.3. Translating text 25.4. Process and tooling 25.5. Translating messages in the code 25.6. Pluralization 25.7. Best practices26. Performances
26.1. First load 26.2. Reload 26.3. Profiling 26.4. Runtime performances 26.5. NgZone27. Going to production
27.1. Environments and configurations 27.2. strictTemplates 27.3. enableProdMode 27.4. Package your application 27.5. Server configuration 27.6. Conclusion28. This is the end
3. Pro Angular - Build Powerful and Dynamic Web Apps, 5th Edition ∅∅∅
Understanding Where Angular Excels Understanding Round-Trip and Single-Page Applications Comparing Angular to React and Vuejs What Do You Need to Know? What Is the Structure of This Book? Part 1: Getting Started with Angular Part 2: Angular in Detail Part 3: Advanced Angular Feature What Doesn’t This Book Cover? What Software Do I Need for Angular Development? How Do I Set Up the Development Environment? What If I Have Problems Following the Examples? What If I Find an Error in the Book? Are There Lots of Examples? Where Can You Get the Example Code? How Do I Contact the Author? What If I Really Enjoyed This Book? What If This Book Has Made Me Angry and I Want to Complain?Chapter 2: Jumping Right In
Getting Ready Installing Nodejs Installing an Editor Installing the Angular Development Package Choosing a Browser Creating an Angular Project Opening the Project for Editing Starting the Angular Development Tools Adding Features to the Application Creating a Data Model Displaying Data to the User Updating the Component Styling the Application Content Applying Angular Material Components Defining the Spacer CSS Style Displaying the List of To-Do Items Defining Additional Styles Creating a Two-Way Data Binding Filtering Completed To-Do Items Adding To-Do Items Finishing UpChapter 3: Primer, Part 1
Preparing the Example Project Understanding HTML Understanding Void Elements Understanding Attributes Applying Attributes Without Values Quoting Literal Values in Attributes Understanding Element Content Understanding the Document Structure Understanding CSS and the Bootstrap Framework Understanding TypeScript/JavaScript Understanding the TypeScript Workflow Understanding JavaScript vs TypeScript Understanding the Basic TypeScript/JavaScript Features Defining Variables and Constants Dealing with Unassigned and Null Values Using the JavaScript Primitive Types Using the JavaScript OperatorsChapter 4: Primer, Part 2
Preparing for This Chapter Defining and Using Functions Defining Optional Function Parameters Defining Default Parameter Values Defining Rest Parameters Defining Functions That Return Results Using Functions as Arguments to Other Functions Working with Arrays Reading and Modifying the Contents of an Array Enumerating the Contents of an Array Using the Spread Operator Using the Built-in Array Methods Working with Objects Understanding Literal Object Types Defining Classes Checking Object Types Working with JavaScript Modules Creating and Using Modules Working with Reactive Extensions Understanding Observables Understanding Observers Understanding SubjectsChapter 5: SportsStore: A Real Application
Preparing the Project Installing the Additional NPM Packages Preparing the RESTful Web Service Preparing the HTML File Creating the Folder Structure Running the Example Application Starting the RESTful Web Service Preparing the Angular Project Features Updating the Root Component Inspecting the Root Module Inspecting the Bootstrap File Starting the Data Model Creating the Model Classes Creating the Dummy Data Source Creating the Model Repository Creating the Feature Module Starting the Store Creating the Store Component and Template Creating the Store Feature Module Updating the Root Component and Root Module Adding Store Features the Product Details Displaying the Product Details Adding Category Selection Adding Product Pagination Creating a Custom DirectiveChapter 6: SportsStore: Orders and Checkout
Preparing the Example Application Creating the Cart Creating the Cart Model Creating the Cart Summary Components Integrating the Cart into the Store Adding URL Routing Creating the Cart Detail and Checkout Components Creating and Applying the Routing Configuration Navigating Through the Application Guarding the Routes Completing the Cart Detail Feature Processing Orders Extending the Model Collecting the Order Details Using the RESTful Web Service Applying the Data SourceChapter 7: SportsStore: Administration
Preparing the Example Application Creating the Module Configuring the URL Routing System Navigating to the Administration URL Implementing Authentication Understanding the Authentication System Extending the Data Source Creating the Authentication Service Enabling Authentication Extending the Data Source and Repositories Installing the Component Library Creating the Administration Feature Structure Creating the Placeholder Components Preparing the Common Content and the Feature Module Implementing the Product Table Feature Implementing the Product Editor Implementing the Order Table FeatureChapter 8: SportsStore: Progressive Features and Deployment
Preparing the Example Application Adding Progressive Features Installing the PWA Package Caching the Data URLs Responding to Connectivity Changes Preparing the Application for Deployment Creating the Data File Creating the Server Changing the Web Service URL in the Repository Class Building and Testing the Application Testing the Progressive Features Containerizing the SportsStore Application Installing Docker Preparing the Application Creating the Docker Container Running the ApplicationChapter 9: Understanding Angular Projects and Tools
Creating a New Angular Project Understanding the Project Structure Understanding the Source Code Folder Understanding the Packages Folder Using the Development Tools Understanding the Development HTTP Server Understanding the Build Process Using the Linter Understanding How an Angular Application Works Understanding the HTML Document Understanding the Application Bootstrap Understanding the Root Angular Module Understanding the Angular Component Understanding Content Display Understanding the Production Build Process Running the Production Build Starting Development in an Angular Project Creating the Data Model Creating a Component and Template Configuring the Root Angular ModuleChapter 10: Using Data Bindings
Preparing for This Chapter Understanding One-Way Data Bindings Understanding the Binding Target Understanding the Expression Understanding the Brackets Understanding the Host Element Using the Standard Property and Attribute Bindings Using the Standard Property Binding Using the String Interpolation Binding Using the Attribute Binding Setting Classes and Styles Using the Class Bindings Using the Style Bindings Updating the Data in the ApplicationChapter 11: Using the Built-in Directives
Preparing the Example Project Using the Built-in Directives Using the ngIf Directive Using the ngSwitch Directive Using the ngFor Directive Using the ngTemplateOutlet Directive Using Directives Without an HTML Element Understanding One-Way Data Binding Restrictions Using Idempotent Expressions Understanding the Expression ContextChapter 12: Using Events and Forms
Preparing the Example Project Importing the Forms Module Preparing the Component and Template Using the Event Binding Using Event Data Handling Events in the Component Using Template Reference Variables Using Two-Way Data Bindings Using the ngModel Directive Working with Forms Adding a Form to the Example Application Adding Form Data Validation Validating the Entire Form Completing the FormChapter 13: Creating Attribute Directives
Preparing the Example Project Creating a Simple Attribute Directive Applying a Custom Directive Accessing Application Data in a Directive Reading Host Element Attributes Creating Data-Bound Input Properties Responding to Input Property Changes Creating Custom Events Binding to a Custom Event Creating Host Element Bindings Creating a Two-Way Binding on the Host Element Exporting a Directive for Use in a Template VariableChapter 14: Creating Structural Directives
Preparing the Example Project Creating a Simple Structural Directive Implementing the Structural Directive Class Enabling the Structural Directive Using the Concise Structural Directive Syntax Creating Iterating Structural Directives Providing Additional Context Data Using the Concise Structure Syntax Dealing with Property-Level Data Changes Dealing with Collection-Level Data Changes Querying the Host Element Content Querying Multiple Content Children Receiving Query Change NotificationsChapter 15: Understanding Components
Preparing the Example Project Structuring an Application with Components Creating New Components Defining Templates Completing the Component Restructure Using Component Styles Defining External Component Styles Using Advanced Style Features Querying Template ContentChapter 16: Using and Creating Pipes
Preparing the Example Project Understanding Pipes Creating a Custom Pipe Registering a Custom Pipe Applying a Custom Pipe Combining Pipes Creating Impure Pipes Using the Built-in Pipes Formatting Numbers Formatting Currency Values Formatting Percentages Formatting Dates Changing String Case Serializing Data as JSON Slicing Data Arrays Formatting Key-Value Pairs Selecting Values Pluralizing Values Using the Async PipeChapter 17: Using Services
Preparing the Example Project Understanding the Object Distribution Problem Demonstrating the Problem Distributing Objects as Services Using Dependency Injection Declaring Dependencies in Other Building Blocks Understanding the Test Isolation Problem Isolating Components Using Services and Dependency Injection Completing the Adoption of Services Updating the Root Component and Template Updating the Child ComponentsChapter 18: Using Service Providers
Preparing the Example Project Using Service Providers Using the Class Provider Using the Value Provider Using the Factory Provider Using the Existing Service Provider Using Local Providers Understanding the Limitations of Single Service Objects Creating Local Providers in a Component Understanding the Provider Alternatives Controlling Dependency ResolutionChapter 19: Using and Creating Modules
Preparing the Example Project Understanding the Root Module Understanding the imports Property Understanding the declarations Property Understanding the providers Property Understanding the bootstrap Property Creating Feature Modules Creating a Model Module Creating a Utility Feature Module Creating a Feature Module with ComponentsChapter 20: Creating the Example Project
Starting the Example Project Adding and Configuring the Bootstrap CSS Package Creating the Project Structure Creating the Model Module Creating the Product Data Type Creating the Data Source and Repository Completing the Model Module Creating the Messages Module Creating the Message Model and Service Creating the Component and Template Completing the Message Module Creating the Core Module Creating the Shared State Service Creating the Table Component Creating the Form Component Completing the Core Module Completing the ProjectChapter 21: Using the Forms API, Part 1
Preparing for This Chapter Understanding the Reactive Forms API Rebuilding the Form Using the API Responding to Form Control Changes Managing Control State Managing Control Validation Adding Additional Controls Working with Multiple Form Controls Using a Form Group with a Form Element Accessing the Form Group from the Template Displaying Validation Messages with a Form Group Nesting Form ControlsChapter 22: Using the Forms API, Part 2
Preparing for This Chapter Creating Form Components Dynamically Using a Form Array Adding and Removing Form Controls Validating Dynamically Created Form Controls Filtering the FormArray Values Creating Custom Form Validation Creating a Directive for a Custom Validator Validating Across Multiple Fields Performing Validation AsynchronouslyChapter 23: Making HTTP Requests
Preparing the Example Project Configuring the Model Feature Module Creating the Data File Running the Example Project Understanding RESTful Web Services Replacing the Static Data Source Creating the New Data Source Service Configuring the Data Source Using the REST Data Source Saving and Deleting Data Consolidating HTTP Requests Making Cross-Origin Requests Using JSONP Requests Configuring Request Headers Handling Errors Generating User-Ready Messages Handling the ErrorsChapter 24: Routing and Navigation: Part 1
Preparing the Example Project Getting Started with Routing Creating a Routing Configuration Creating the Routing Component Updating the Root Module Completing the Configuration Adding Navigation Links Understanding the Effect of Routing Completing the Routing Implementation Handling Route Changes in Components Using Route Parameters Navigating in Code Receiving Navigation Events Removing the Event Bindings and Supporting CodeChapter 25: Routing and Navigation: Part 2
Preparing the Example Project Adding Components to the Project Using Wildcards and Redirections Using Wildcards in Routes Using Redirections in Routes Navigating Within a Component Responding to Ongoing Routing Changes Styling Links for Active Routes Fixing the All Button Creating Child Routes Creating the Child Route Outlet Accessing Parameters from Child RoutesChapter 26: Routing and Navigation: Part 3
Preparing the Example Project Guarding Routes Delaying Navigation with a Resolver Preventing Navigation with Guards Loading Feature Modules Dynamically Creating a Simple Feature Module Loading the Module Dynamically Guarding Dynamic Modules Targeting Named Outlets Creating Additional Outlet Elements Navigating When Using Multiple OutletsChapter 27: Using Animations
Preparing the Example Project Disabling the HTTP Delay Simplifying the Table Template and Routing Configuration Getting Started with Angular Animation Enabling the Animation Module Creating the Animation Applying the Animation Testing the Animation Effect Understanding the Built-in Animation States Understanding Element Transitions Creating Transitions for the Built-in States Controlling Transition Animations Understanding Animation Style Groups Defining Common Styles in Reusable Groups Using Element Transformations Applying CSS Framework StylesChapter 28: Working with Component Libraries
Preparing for This Chapter Installing the Component Library Adjusting the HTML File Running the Project Using the Library Components Using the Angular Button Directive Using the Angular Material Table Matching the Component Library Theme Creating the Custom Component Using the Angular Material Theme Applying the Ripple EffectChapter 29: Angular Unit Testing
Preparing the Example Project Running a Simple Unit Test Working with Jasmine Testing an Angular Component Working with the TestBed Class Testing Data Bindings Testing a Component with an External Template Testing Component Events Testing Output Properties Testing Input Properties Testing an Angular Directive
4. Developing Web Components with TypeScript ∅∅∅
• The Global Picture Components Component Architecture Parts of a Component • The Rise of Thin Libraries Single-Page Apps The HTML 5 API The Template Language Smart Decorators TypeScript WebPack Compatibility Other Libraries Summary• Chapter 2: Making Components
• Basics A First Example Observing Unset Elements Custom Elements AP • Observing Attributes Attribute Data • Discussing the Options The MutationObserver Type Proxy • Rendering Order Delaying Access Introducing a Life Cycle Customized Built-in Elements • Advantage of TypeScript Using Generics Final Thoughts on Generics Summary• Chapter 3: Shadow DOM
Preparation Built-in Shadow DOM • Shadow Tree Terms • Using Shadow Trees Limitations Modes • Encapsulation Shadow DOM without Components Closing the Shadow Root • The Shadow Root API Properties Methods Summary• Chapter 4: Events
• Events in ECMAScript Event Handlers Assigning a Handler Choosing the Right Events HTML 5 Standard Events • Event Bubbling The Event Object Stopping Other Handlers Other Types of Propagation Event Capturing Removing Handlers Multiple Handlers Stopping Default Behavior Follow-Up Events Passive Events Document Handlers • Events in Web Components Events and Slots Event Bubbling Composed Events • Custom Events Synthetic Events The dispatchEvent API Customize Events Smart Events Summary• Chapter 5: Templates
• HTML S Templates How It Works • Activating a Template Clone or Import • Templates and Web Components Shadow DOM Using createShadowRoot Shadow DOM and innerHTML Nested Templates • Template Styles Applying Global Styles Summary• Chapter 6: Slots
• Slots Explained Slot and Templates Shadow DOM Slots and Components • Slot Behavior Slot Positions Multiple Slots Default Slots • Slot Events Adding an Event Handler • Updating Slots Slot Change Events The Slot API Summary• Chapter 7: Components and Styles
• Style Behavior Accessing the Host Cascading Selecting a Host Element Accessing the Host Context Aware Styling Slotted Content CSS Hooks Ignoring Styles • Parts The Part Attribute and Pseudo Selector Forwarding Parts The Part API The Future of Parts Summary• Chapter 8: Making Single-Page Apps
The Architecture of SPAs • The Router Monitoring the URL Configuring the Router Defining the Target Router Implementation • The History API The History Stack The history Object History Change Events Final Thoughts on the History API • Stateful Apps • Flux The Flux Parts Tell Tales • Implementing Flux Overview The Demo Component The Store Merging Stores The Observer Summary• Chapter 9: Professional Components
• Smart Selectors The Smart Selector Decorator How Does It Work? • Data Binding Why Data Binding? Implementing Data Binding Discussion Forms and Validation • Sketching a Solution The Required Decorator The View Model The Example Component • UI-less Components Directives Discussion • Template Engines Mustache Handlebars jQuery Templating Lit Element (lit-html) JSX/TSX • Making Your Own Using JSX Activating JSX Implementing JSX Extending the Syntax Summary
5. Learning TypeScript. Enhance Your Web Development Skills Using Type-Safe JavaScript ∅∅∅
History of JavaScript • Vanilla JavaScript's Pitfalls Costly Freedom Loose Documentation Weaker Developer Tooling TypeScript! • Getting Started in the TypeScript Playground TypeScript in Action Freedom Through Restriction Precise Documentation Stronger Developer Tooling Compiling Syntax • Getting Started Locally Running Locally Editor Features • What TypeScript Is Not A Remedy for Bad Code Extensions to JavaScript (Mostly) Slower Than JavaScript Finished Evolving Summary• 2. The Type System
• What's in a Type? Type Systems Kinds of Errors • Assignability Understanding Assignability Errors • Type Annotations Unnecessary Type Annotations • Type Shapes Modules Summary• 3. Unions and Literals
• Union Types Declaring Union Types Union Properties • Narrowing Assignment Narrowing Conditional Checks Typeof Checks • Literal Types Literal Assignability • Strict Null Checking The Billion-Dollar Mistake Truthiness Narrowing Variables Without Initial Values • Type Aliases Type Aliases Are Not JavaScript Combining Type Aliases Summary• 4. Objects
• Object Types Declaring Object Types Aliased Object Types • Structural Typing Usage Checking Excess Property Checking Nested Object Types Optional Properties • Unions of Object Types Inferred Object-Type Unions Explicit Object-Type Unions Narrowing Object Types Discriminated Unions • Intersection Types Dangers of Intersection Types Summary
• Function Parameters Required Parameters Optional Parameters Default Parameters Rest Parameters • Return Types Explicit Return Types • Function Types Function Type Parentheses Parameter Type Inferences Function Type Aliases • More Return Types Void Returns Never Returns • Function Overloads Call-Signature Compatibility Summary• 6. Arrays
• Array Types Array and Function Types Union-Type Arrays Evolving Any Arrays Multidimensional Arrays • Array Members Caveat: Unsound Members • Spreads and Rests Spreads Spreading Rest Parameters • Tuples Tuple Assignability Tuple Inferences Summary• 7. Interfaces
Type Aliases Versus Interfaces • Types of Properties Optional Properties Read-Only Properties Functions and Methods Call Signatures Index Signatures Nested Interfaces • Interface Extensions Overridden Properties Extending Multiple Interfaces • Interface Merging Member Naming Conflicts Summary• 8. Classes
Class Methods • Class Properties Function Properties Initialization Checking Optional Properties Read-Only Properties Classes as Types • Classes and Interfaces Implementing Multiple Interfaces • Extending a Class Extension Assignability Overridden Constructors Overridden Methods Overridden Properties Abstract Classes • Member Visibility Static Field Modifiers Summary• 9. Type Modifiers
• Top Types any, Again unknown Type Predicates • Type Operators keyof typeof • Type Assertions Asserting Caught Error Types Non-Null Assertions Type Assertion Caveats • Const Assertions Literals to Primitives Read-Only Objects Summary• 10. Generics
• Generic Functions Explicit Generic Call Types Multiple Function Type Parameters • Generic Interfaces Inferred Generic Interface Types • Generic Classes Explicit Generic Class Types Extending Generic Classes Implementing Generic Interfaces Method Generics Static Class Generics • Generic Type Aliases Generic Discriminated Unions • Generic Modifiers Generic Defaults • Constrained Generic Types keyof and Constrained Type Parameters • Promises Creating Promises Async Functions • Using Generics Right The Golden Rule of Generics Generic Naming Conventions Summary
Declaration Files • Declaring Runtime Values Global Values Global Interface Merging Global Augmentations • Built-In Declarations Library Declarations DOM Declarations • Module Declarations Wildcard Module Declarations • Package Types declaration Dependency Package Types Exposing Package Types • DefinitelyTyped Type Availability Summary• 12. Using IDE Features
• Navigating Code Finding Definitions Finding References Finding Implementations • Writing Code Completing Names Automatic Import Updates Code Actions • Working Effectively with Errors Language Service Errors Summary• 13. Configuration Options
• tsc Options Pretty Mode Watch Mode • TSConfig Files tsc --init CLI Versus Configuration • File Inclusions include exclude • Alternative Extensions JSX Syntax resolveJsonModule • Emit outDir target Emitting Declarations Source Maps noEmit • Type Checking lib skipLibCheck Strict Mode • Modules module moduleResolution Interoperability with CommonJS isolated Modules • JavaScript allow's checkis JSDoc Support • Configuration Extensions extends Configuration Bases • Project References composite references Build Mode Summary
Class Parameter Properties Experimental Decorators • Enums Automatic Numeric Values String-Valued Enums Const Enums • Namespaces Namespace Exports Nested Namespaces Namespaces in Type Definitions Prefer Modules Over Namespaces Type-Only Imports and Exports Summary• 15. Type Operations
• Mapped Types Mapped Types from Types Changing Modifiers Generic Mapped Types • Conditional Types Generic Conditional Types Type Distributivity Inferred Types Mapped Conditional Types • never never and Intersections and Unions never and Conditional Types never and Mapped Types • Template Literal Types Intrinsic String Manipulation Types Template Literal Keys Remapping Mapped Type Keys Type Operations and Complexity Summary
6. Modern Full-Stack Development Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, Python, Django, and Docker
Of JavaScript Runtimes and Building (Mostly) Servers First Baby Steps with Node: Installation More Useful: Executing JavaScript Source Files Node's Partner in Crime: NPM A Few More NPM Commands Initializing a New NPM/Node Project Adding Dependencies A Quick Aside: Semantic Versioning Fisher Price's "My First Node Web Server" Bonus Example Summary• Chapter 2: A Few More Words: Advanced Node and NPM
NPM: More on packagejson NPM: Other Commands Auditing Package Security Deduplication and Pruning Finding/Searching for Packages sans Browser Updating Packages Publishing/Unpublishing Packages Node: Standard Modules File System (fs) HTTP and HTTPS (http and https) OS (os) Path (path) Process Query Strings (querystring) URL (url) Utilities (util) The Rest of the Cast Summary• Chapter 3: Client-Side Adventures: React
A Brief History of React Yeah, Okay, History Nerd, That's All Great, but What IS React?! The Real Star of the Show: Components Components Need Info: Props Components (Sometimes) Need Memory: State Making Them Look Good: Style In the End, Why React? Summary• Chapter 4: A Few More Words: Advanced React
A Better Way to Write React Code: JSX Yeah, Okay, So What Does It LOOK LIKE?! A Slight Detour into Babel Land Compile JSX And Now, Put It All Together Whither Props? Default Props Typing Props Component Lifecycle Summary• Chapter 5: Building a Strong Foundation: TypeScript
What Is TypeScript? Jumping into the Deep End Beyond the Playground Configuring TypeScript Compilation The Nitty-Gritty: Types String Number Boolean Any Arrays Tuples Enums Function Object Null, Void, Undefined, and Never Custom Type Aliases Union Types TypeScript == ES6 Features for "Free"! The let and const Keywords Block Scope Arrow Functions Template Literals Default Parameters Spread and Rest (and As an Added Bonus: Optional Arguments) Destructuring Classes Properties Member Visibility Inheritance Getters and Setters Static Members Abstract Classes Summary• Chapter 6: A Few More Words: Advanced TypeScript
Interfaces Argument/Object Interfaces Methods in Interfaces Interfaces and Classes Extending Interfaces Namespaces and Modules Namespaces Modules Decorators Decorator Factories Third-Party Libraries Debugging TypeScript Apps Source Maps Optional Chaining and Nullish Coalescing Summary• Chapter 7: Tying It Up in a Bow: Webpack
What's a Bundle, and How Do I Make One? What's Webpack All About? Dependency Graph Entry Output Loaders Plugins Modes Browser Compatibility Getting Started with Webpack Getting More Complex Configuration Using Modules Wither TypeScript? Tip Summary• Chapter 8: Delivering the Goods: MailBag, the Server
What Are We Building? Basic Requirements Setting Up the Project Source File Rundown Adding Node Modules Adding Types A More Convenient Development Environment The Starting Point: main.ts A Quick Detour: Time to Take a REST URLs for Fun and Profit Giving Methods Meaning Data Format Smackdown A Bonus Pillar: Response Status Codes Another Quick Detour: Express, for Fun and Profit Back to the Cod& REST Endpoint: List Mailboxes REST Endpoint: List Messages REST Endpoint: Get a Message REST Endpoint: Delete a Message REST Endpoint: Send a Message REST Endpoint: List Contacts REST Endpoint: Add Contact REST Endpoint: Delete Contact Gotta Know What We're Talking to: Serverinfo.ts Time to Send the Mail: smtp.ts A Quick Detour: Nodemailer Another Quick Detour: Generics Back to the Cod& Worker.sendMessage( ) Time to Get the Mail (and Other Stuff): imap.ts A Quick Detour: emailjs-imap-client and mailparser Back to the Code Worker.listMailboxes() Worker.listMessages( ) Worker.getMessageBody( ) Worker.deleteMessage( ) Reach Out and Touch Someone: contacts.ts A Quick Detour: NoSQL Another Quick Detour: NeDB Back to the Cod& Worker.listContacts( ) Worker.addContact( ) Worker.deleteContact( ) Testing It All Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 9: Delivering the Goods: MailBag, the Client
What Are We Building? Basic Requirements Setting Up the Project Source File Rundown The Starting Point: index.html The Starting Point, Redux: main.tsx A Quick Detour: State'ing the Obvious Back to the Cod& A Bit of Configuration: config.ts A Worker for All Seasons A Quick Detour: AJAX Getting Some Help: Axios Mirroring the Server Part 1: Contacts.ts Listing Contacts Adding a Contact Deleting a Contact Mirroring the Server Part 2: IMAP.ts Listing Mailboxes Listing Messages Getting the Body of a Message Deleting a Message Mirroring the Server Part 3: SMTP.ts A Cavalcade of Components A Quick Detour: MUI Another Quick Detour: CSS Grid Yet Another Quick Detour: main.css BaseLayout.tsx A Quick Detour: Functional Components Toolbar.tsx MailboxList.tsx ContactList.tsx ContactView.tsx MessageList.tsx MessageView.tsx WelcomeView.tsx Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 10: Time for Fun: BattleJong, the Server
What Are We Building? Basic Requirements Setting Up the Project Some tsconfigjson Changes Adding Node Modules Adding Types Source File Rundown The Starting Point (the ONLY Point, in Fact!): server.ts A Quick Detour: WebSockets Back to the Cod& Serving the Client: The Express Server Handling Messages: The WebSocket Server and Overall Game Design Message: "match" Message: "done" Finishing Up the WebSocket Server Of Tiles and Board Layouts Shuffling the Board Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 11: Time for Fun: BattleJong, the Client
What Are We Building? Basic Requirements Setting Up the Project Some tsconfigjson Changes Some webpack.configjs Changes Adding Libraries Adding Types Source File Rundown The Starting Point: index.html The REAL Starting Point: main.tsx The Basic Layout: BaseLayout.tsx Feedback and Status: ControlArea.tsx Scores Game State Messages Where the Action Is: PlayerBoard.tsx A Quick Detour: Custom Type Definitions Back to the Code! The Render Process Talking to the Server: socketComm.ts Handling Server-Sent Messages Sending Messages to the Server The Main Code: state.ts A Few Interfaces for Good Measure The Beginning of the State Object A Quick Detour: TypeScript-Type Assertions Back to the Cod& Message Handler Methods The Big Kahuna: tileClick( ) Helper Function: canTileBeSelected( ) Helper Function: anyMovesLeft() Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 12: Bringing the Dev Ship into Harbor: Docker
An Introduction to Containers and Containerization The Star of the Show: Docker Installing Docker Your First Container: "Hello, World!" of Course! A Quick Rundown of Key Docker Commands Listing Images Listing Containers Starting (and Stopping) Containers Remove Containers and Images Pulling Images Searching for Images Attaching to a Container Viewing Container Logs Creating Your Own Image Deploying to Docker Hub Wrapping Up MailBag and BattleJong Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 13: Feed Your Face: Fooderator, the Server
Wait, What Are We Building?! • Python Slithers In Uhh, I Can Has Python?! • Django Unchained Creating a Django Project Creating an App • Taking a REST with DRF Setting Up the API Adding Endpoints Creating Models to Model Our Data Migrations Serializers to Handle Our Models • Finally: Adding Those Views I Promised! Recipes Menu Items A Special Case: The Shopping List Automatic Documentation Generation Use Postman to Test Serving Static Content Alongside the API Suggested Exercises Summary• Chapter 14: Feed Your Face: Fooderator, the Client
A New Component Library to Play With • Hook, Line, and Sinker: React Hooks with Functional Components The useState Hook The useEffect Hook Other Hooks The (New) State of Things: Hookstate Charting a Course with React Router Your First Look at Fooderator • Setting Up the Basics Client App Directory Structure package..json Some Minor Webpack Changes • Into the Breach: index.html and main.tsx index.html main.tsx The State of Things: globalState.ts • The Home Screen: App.tsx The Component Definition useEffect Hook • The Menu Screen (Menu.tsx) The Component Definition Event Handler Functions • The Shopping List Screen (Shopping List.tsx) The Component Definition useEffect Hook The Component Definition • The Recipe List Screen (Recipes.tsx) The Component Definition Event Handler Functions • The Recipe Edit Modal Dialog (Recipes_edit.tsx) Basic Recipe Info The Ingredients Section Event Handler Functions Suggested Exercises Summary
7. Ayaz M. Angular Cookbook. Over 80 actionable recipes.2021 (652 pages)
Components communication using @Component inputs and outputs Components communication using services Using setters for intercepting input property changes Using ngOnChanges to intercept input property changes Accessing a child component in the parent template via template variables Accessing a child component in a parent component class using ViewChild Creating your first dynamic component in Angular2. Understanding and Using Angular Directives
Using attribute directives to handle the appearance of elements Creating a directive to calculate the read time for articles Creating a basic directive that allows you to vertically scroll to an element Writing your first custom structural directive How to use *ngIf and *ngSwitch together Enhancing template type checking for your custom directives3. The Magic of Dependency Injection in Angular
Configuring an injector with a DI token Optional dependencies Creating a singleton service using providedIn Creating a singleton service using forRoot() Providing different services to the app with the same Aliased Value providers in Angular4. Understanding Angular Animations
Creating your first two-state Angular animation Working with multi-state animations Creating complex Angular animations using keyframes Animating lists in Angular using stagger animations Using animation callbacks Basic route animations in Angular Complex route animations in Angular using keyframes5. Angular and RxJS – Awesomeness Combined
Working with RxJS operators using instance methods Working with RxJS operators using static methods Unsubscribing streams to avoidmemory leaks Using an Observable with the async pipe to synchronously bind data to your Angular templates Using combineLatest to subscribe to multiple streams together Using the flatMap operator to create sequential HTTP calls Using the switchMap operator to switch the last subscription with a new one Debouncing HTTP requests using RxJS6. Reactive State Management with NgRx
Creating your first NgRx store with actions and reducer Using @ngrx/store-devtools to debug the state changes Creating an effect to fetch third-party API data Using selectors to fetch data from stores in multiple components Using @ngrx/component-store for local state management within a component Using @ngrx/router-store to work with route changes reactively7. Understanding Angular Navigation and Routing
Creating an Angular app with routes using the CLI Feature modules and lazily loaded routes Authorized access to routes using route guards Working with route parameters Showing a global loader between route changes Preloading route strategies8. Mastering Angular Forms
Creating your first template-driven Angular form Form validation with template-driven forms Testing template-driven forms Creating your first Reactive form Form validation with Reactive forms Creating an asynchronous validator function Testing Reactive forms Using debounce with Reactive form control Writing your own custom form control using ControlValueAccessor9. Angular and the Angular CDK
Using Virtual Scroll for huge lists Keyboard navigation for lists Pointy little popovers with the Overlay API Using CDK Clipboard to work with the system clipboard Using CDK Drag and Drop to move items from one list to another Creating a multi-step game with the CDK Stepper API Resizing text inputs with the CDK TextField API10. Writing Unit Tests in Angular with Jest
Setting up unit tests in Angular with Jest Providing global mocks for Jest Mocking services using stubs Using spies on an injected service in a unit test Mocking child components and directives using the ng-mocks package Creating even easier component tests with Angular CDK component harnesses Unit testing components with Observables Unit testing Angular Pipes11. E2E Tests in Angular with Cypress
Writing your first Cypress test Validating if a DOM element is visible on the view Testing form inputs and submission Waiting for XHRs to finish Using Cypress bundled packages Using Cypress fixtures to provide mock data12. Performance Optimizations in Angular
Using OnPush change detection to prune component subtrees Detaching the change detector from components Running async events outside Angular with runOutsideAngular Using trackBy for lists with *ngFor Moving heavy computation to pure pipes Using web workers for heavy computation Using performance budgets for auditing Analyzing bundles with webpack-bundle-analyzer13. Building PWAs with Angular
Converting an existing Angular app into a PWA with the Angular CLI Modifying the theme color for your PWA Using Dark Mode in your PWA Providing a custom installable experience in your PWA Precaching requests using an Angular service worker Creating an App Shell for your PWA
8. Campesato O. Angular and Deep Learning Pocket Primer 2021
What You Need to Understand for Angular Applications A High-Level View of Angular A High-Level View of Angular Applications The Angular CLI Features of the Angular CLI (optional) A Hello World Angular Application The Contents of the Three Main Files The index.html Web Page Exporting and Importing Packages and Classes (optional) Working with Components in Angular Syntax, Attributes, and Properties in Angular Angular Lifecycle Methods A Simple Example of Angular Lifecycle Methods CSS3 Animation Effects in Angular Animation Effects via the “Angular Way” A Basic SVG Example in Angular Detecting Mouse Positions in Angular Applications Angular and Follow-the-Mouse in SVG Angular and SVG Charts D3 Animation and Angular2 UI CONTROLS, USER INPUT, AND PIPES
The ngFor Directive in Angular Displaying a Button in Angular Angular and Radio Buttons Adding Items to a List in Angular Deleting Items from a List in Angular Angular Directives and Child Components The Constructor and Storing State in Angular Conditional Logic in Angular Handling User Input Click Events in Multiple Components Working with @Input, @Output, and EventEmitter Presentational Components Working with Pipes in Angular Creating a Custom Angular Pipe Reading JSON Data via an Observable in Angular Upgrading Code from Earlier Angular Versions Reading Multiple Files with JSON Data in Angular Reading CSV Files in Angular3 FORMS AND SERVICES
Overview of Angular Forms An Angular Form Example Angular Forms with FormBuilder Angular Reactive Forms Other Form Features in Angular What are Angular Services? An Angular Service Example A Service with an EventEmitter Searching for a GitHub User Other Service-related Use Cases Flickr Image Search Using jQuery and Angular HTTP GET Requests with a Simple Server HTTP POST Requests with a Simple Server An SVG Line Plot from Simulated Data in Angular(optional)4 DEEP LEARNING INTRODUCTION
Keras and the xor Function What is Deep Learning? What are Perceptrons? The Anatomy of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) What is a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)? How are Datapoints Correctly Classified? A High-Level View of CNNs Displaying an Image in the MNIST Dataset Keras and the Mnist Dataset Keras, CNNs, and the Mnist Dataset CNNS with Audio Signals5 DEEP LEARNING: RNNS AND LSTMS
What is an RNN? Working with RNNs and Keras Working with Keras, RNNs, and MNIST Working with TensorFlow and RNNs (Optional) What is an LSTM? Working with TensorFlow and LSTMs (Optional) What are GRUs? What are Autoencoders? What are GANs? Creating a GAN6 ANGULAR AND TENSORFLOW JS
What is TensorFlow.js? Working with Tensors in TensorFlow.js Machine Learning APIs in TensorFlow.js Linear Regression with TensorFlow.js Angular, TensorFlow.js, and Linear Regression Creating Line Graphs in tfjs-vis Creating Bar Charts in tfjs-vis Creating Scatter Plots in tfjs-vis Creating Histograms in tfjs-vis Creating Heat Maps in tfjs-vis TensorFlow.js, tfjs-vis, and Linear Regression The MNIST Dataset Displaying MNIST Images Training a Model with the CIFAR10 Dataset (optional) Deep Learning and the MNIST Dataset Angular, Deep Learning, and the MNIST Dataset
9. Learn Angular 4 Angular Projects
Introduction to the MEAN Stack Overview Prerequisites Creating the Backend Using Express.js and MongoDB Building the Front End Using Angular Creating Components, a Model, and a Service Finishing Touches Wrapping It UpChapter 2: User Authentication with the MEAN Stack
The MEAN Stack Authentication Flow The Example Application Creating the MongoDB Data Schema with Mongoose Set Up Passport to Handle the Express Authentication Configure API Endpoints Create Angular Authentication Service Apply Authentication to Angular AppChapter 3: Building a Twitter Client with Node and Angular
Setting Up the Project Creating a Twitter Client in NodeJS Creating the Angular App SummaryChapter 4: Connecting Angular and the WordPress API with wp-api-angular
Laying Foundations Authentication Listing the Users Working With Posts Conclusion
10. Murray N. ng-book. The Complete Book on Angular 11 2020
How to Read This BookRunning Code Examples Angular CLI Code Blocks and Context Code Block Numbering A Word on Versioning Getting Help Emailing Us Chapter OverviewWriting Your First Angular Web Application
Simple Reddit Clone Getting started Node.js and npm TypeScript Browser Special instruction for Windows users Angular CLI Example Project Running the application Making a Component Importing Dependencies Component Decorators Adding a template with templateUrl Adding a template Adding CSS Styles with styleUrls Loading Our Component Adding Data to the Component Working With Arrays Using the User Item Component Rendering the UserItemComponent Accepting Inputs Passing an Input value Bootstrapping Crash Course declarations imports providers bootstrap Expanding our Application Adding CSS The Application Component Adding Interaction Adding the Article Component Rendering Multiple Rows Creating an Article class Storing Multiple Articles Configuring the ArticleComponent with inputs Rendering a List of Articles Adding New Articles Finishing Touches Displaying the Article Domain Re-sorting Based on Score Deployment Building Our App for Production Uploading to a Server Installing now Full Code Listing Wrapping Up Getting HelpTypeScript
Angular is built in TypeScript What do we get with TypeScript? Types Trying it out with a REPL Built-in types Classes Properties Methods Constructors Inheritance Utilities Fat Arrow Functions Template Strings Wrapping upHow Angular Works
Application The Navigation Component The Breadcrumbs Component The Product List Component How to Use This Chapter Product Model Components Component Decorator Component selector Component template Adding A Product Viewing the Product with Template Binding Adding More Products Selecting a Product Listing products using <products-list> The ProductsListComponent Configuring the ProductsListComponent @Component Options Component inputs Component outputs Emitting Custom Events Writing the ProductsListComponent Controller Class Writing the ProductsListComponent View Template The Full ProductsListComponent Component The ProductRowComponent Component ProductRowComponent Configuration ProductRowComponent template The ProductImageComponent Component The PriceDisplayComponent Component The ProductDepartmentComponent NgModule and Booting the App Booting the app The Completed Project Deploying the App A Word on Data ArchitectureBuilt-in Directives
Introduction NgIf NgSwitch NgStyle NgClass NgFor Getting an index NgNonBindable ConclusionForms in Angular
Forms are Crucial, Forms are Complex FormControls and FormGroups FormControl FormGroup Our First Form Loading the FormsModule Reactive- vs. template-driven Forms Simple SKU Form: @Component Decorator Simple SKU Form: template Simple SKU Form: Component Definition Class Try it out! Using FormBuilder Reactive Forms with FormBuilder Using FormBuilder Using myForm in the view Try it out! Adding Validations Explicitly setting the sku FormControl as an instance variable Custom Validations Watching For Changes ngModel Wrapping UpDependency Injection
Injections Example: PriceService Dependency Injection Parts Playing with an Injector Providing Dependencies with NgModule Providers are the Key Providers Using a Class Using a Factory Dependency Injection in Apps More ResourcesHTTP
Introduction Using @angular/common/http import from @angular/common/http A Basic Request Building the SimpleHttpComponent Component Definition Building the SimpleHttpComponent template Building the SimpleHttpComponent Controller Full SimpleHttpComponent Writing a YouTubeSearchComponent Writing a SearchResult Writing the YouTubeSearchService Writing the SearchBoxComponent Writing SearchResultComponent Writing YouTubeSearchComponent @angular/common/http API Making a POST request PUT / PATCH / DELETE / HEAD Custom HTTP Headers SummaryRouting
Why Do We Need Routing? How client-side routing works The beginning: using anchor tags The evolution: HTML5 client-side routing Writing our first routes Components of Angular routing Imports Routes Installing our Routes RouterOutlet using <router-outlet> RouterLink using [routerLink] Putting it all together Creating the Components HomeComponent AboutComponent ContactComponent Application Component Configuring the Routes Routing Strategies Running the application Route Parameters ActivatedRoute Music Search App First Steps The SpotifyService The SearchComponent Trying the search TrackComponent Wrapping up music search Router Hooks AuthService LoginComponent ProtectedComponent and Route Guards Nested Routes Configuring Routes ProductsModule SummaryData Architecture in Angular
An Overview of Data Architecture Data Architecture in AngularData Architecture with Observables - Part 1: Services
Observables and RxJS Note: Some RxJS Knowledge Required Learning Reactive Programming and RxJS Chat App Overview Components Models Services Summary Implementing the Models User Thread Message Implementing UsersService currentUser stream Setting a new user UsersService.ts The MessagesService the newMessages stream the messages stream The Operation Stream Pattern Sharing the Stream Adding Messages to the messages Stream Our completed MessagesService Trying out MessagesService The ThreadsService A map of the current set of Threads (in threads) A chronological list of Threads, newest-first (in orderedthreads) The currently selected Thread (in currentThread) The list of Messages for the currently selected Thread (in current-ThreadMessages) Our Completed ThreadsService Data Model SummaryData Architecture with Observables - Part 2: View Components
Building Our Views: The AppComponent Top-Level Component The ChatThreadsComponent ChatThreadsComponent template The Single ChatThreadComponent ChatThreadComponent Controller and ngOnInit ChatThreadComponent template The ChatWindowComponent The ChatMessageComponent The ChatMessageComponent template The ChatNavBarComponent The ChatNavBarComponent @Component The ChatNavBarComponent template SummaryIntroduction to Redux with TypeScript
Redux Redux: Key Ideas Core Redux Ideas What’s a reducer? Defining Action and Reducer Interfaces Creating Our First Reducer Running Our First Reducer Adjusting the Counter With actions Reducer switch Action “Arguments” Storing Our State Using the Store Being Notified with subscribe The Core of Redux A Messaging App Messaging App state Messaging App actions Messaging App reducer Trying Out Our Actions Action Creators Using Real Redux Using Redux in Angular Planning Our App Setting Up Redux Defining the Application State Defining the Reducers Defining Action Creators Creating the Store Providing the Store Bootstrapping the App The AppComponent imports The template The constructor Putting It All Together What’s Next ReferencesIntermediate Redux in Angular
Context For This Chapter Chat App Overview Components Models Reducers Summary Implementing the Models User Thread Message App State A Word on Code Layout The Root Reducer The UsersState The ThreadsState Visualizing Our AppState Building the Reducers (and Action Creators) Set Current User Action Creators UsersReducer - Set Current User Thread and Messages Overview Adding a New Thread Action Creators Adding a New Thread Reducer Adding New Messages Action Creators Adding A New Message Reducer Selecting A Thread Action Creators Selecting A Thread Reducer Reducers Summary Building the Angular Chat App The top-level AppComponent The ChatPage Container vs. Presentational Components Building the ChatNavBarComponent Redux Selectors Threads Selectors Unread Messages Count Selector Building the ChatThreadsComponent ChatThreadsComponent Controller ChatThreadsComponent template The Single ChatThreadComponent ChatThreadComponent template Building the ChatWindowComponent The ChatMessageComponent Setting incoming The ChatMessageComponent template SummaryAdvanced Components
Styling View (Style) Encapsulation Shadow DOM Encapsulation No Encapsulation Creating a Popup - Referencing and Modifying Host Elements Popup Structure Using ElementRef Binding to the host Adding a Button using exportAs Creating a Message Pane with Content Projection Changing the Host’s CSS Using ng-content Querying Neighbor Directives - Writing Tabs ContentTabComponent ContentTabsetComponent Component Using the ContentTabsetComponent Lifecycle Hooks OnInit and OnDestroy OnChanges DoCheck AfterContentInit, AfterViewInit, AfterContentChecked and After-ViewChecked Advanced Templates Rewriting ngIf - ngBookIf Rewriting ngFor - NgBookFor Change Detection Customizing Change Detection Zones Observables and OnPush SummaryTesting
Test driven? End-to-end vs. Unit Testing Testing Tools Jasmine Karma Writing Unit Tests Angular Unit testing framework Setting Up Testing Testing Services and HTTP HTTP Considerations Stubs Mocks HttpClient HttpTestingController TestBed.configureTestingModule and Providers Testing getTrack Testing Routing to Components Creating a Router for Testing Mocking dependencies Spies Back to Testing Code fakeAsync and advance inject Testing ArtistComponent’s Initialization Testing ArtistComponent Methods Testing ArtistComponent DOM Template Values Testing Forms Creating a ConsoleSpy Installing the ConsoleSpy Configuring the Testing Module Testing The Form Refactoring Our Form Test Testing HTTP requests Testing a POST Testing DELETE Testing HTTP Headers Testing YouTubeSearchServiceConclusion Converting an AngularJS 1.x App to AngularPeripheral Concepts What We’re Building Mapping AngularJS 1 to Angular Requirements for Interoperability The AngularJS 1 App The ng1-app HTML Code Overview ng1: PinsService ng1: Configuring Routes ng1: HomeController ng1: / HomeController template ng1: pin Directive ng1: pin Directive template ng1: AddController ng1: AddController template ng1: Summary Building A Hybrid Hybrid Project Structure Bootstrapping our Hybrid App What We’ll Upgrade A Minor Detour: Typing Files Writing ng2 PinControlsComponent Using ng2 PinControlsComponent Downgrading ng2 PinControlsComponent to ng1 Adding Pins with ng2 Upgrading ng1 PinsService and $state to ng2 Writing ng2 AddPinComponent Using AddPinComponent Exposing an ng2 service to ng1 Writing the AnalyticsService Downgrade ng2 AnalyticsService to ng1 Using AnalyticsService in ng1 Summary ReferencesNativeScript: Mobile Applications for the Angular DeveloperWhat is NativeScript? Where NativeScript Differs from Other Popular Frameworks What are the System and Development Requirements for NativeScript? Creating your First Mobile Application with NativeScript and Angular Adding Build Platforms for Cross Platform Deployment Building and Testing for Android and iOS Installing JavaScript, Android, and iOS Plugins and Packages Understanding the Web to NativeScript UI and UX Differences Planning the NativeScript Page Layout Adding UI Components to the Page Styling Components with CSS Developing a Geolocation Based Photo Application Creating a Fresh NativeScript Project Creating a Multiple Page Master-Detail Interface Creating a Flickr Service for Obtaining Photos and Data Creating a Service for Calculating Device Location and Distance Including Mapbox Functionality in the NativeScript Application Implementing the First Page of the Geolocation Application Implementing the Second Page of the Geolocation Application Try it out! NativeScript for Angular DevelopersPrefaceWhat this book covers What you need for this book Who this book is for Conventions Reader feedback Customer support Downloading the example code Downloading the color images of this book Errata Piracy QuestionsFrom Loose Types to Strict TypesTerm definitions Implications of loose types The problem Mitigating loose-type problems The typeof operator The toString method Final NoteGetting Started with TypeScriptSetting up TypeScript Hello World Type annotation in TypeScript ES6 and beyond User story Final notesTypescript Native Types and FeaturesBasic types Strings Numbers Boolean Arrays Void Any Tuple Enums Functions and function types Function parameters Function return value Optional parameters Interfaces Interfaces for JavaScript object types Optional properties Read-only properties Interfaces as contracts Decorators Decorating methods Decorating classes Decorator factoriesUp and Running with Angular and TypeScriptSetting up Angular and TypeScript Creating a new Angular project Project structure Generating files Basics concepts Components Templates Component styles Modules Unit testingAdvanced Custom Components with TypeScriptLifecycle hooks DOM manipulation ElementRef Hooking into content initialization Handling DOM events View encapsulation Emulated Native NoneComponent Composition with TypeScriptComponent composability Hierarchical composition Component communication Parent-child flow Intercepting property changes Child–parent flow Accessing properties and methods of a child via a parent component Accessing child members with ViewChildSeparating Concerns with Typed ServicesDependency injection Data in components Data class services Component interaction with services Services as utilitiesBetter Forms and Event Handling with TypeScriptCreating types for forms The form module Two-way binding More form fields Validating the form and form fields Submitting forms Handling events Mouse events Keyboard eventsWriting Modules, Directives, and Pipes with TypeScriptDirectives Attribute directives Handling events in directives Dynamic attribute directives Structural directives Why the difference? The deal with asterisks Creating structural directives Pipes Creating pipes Passing arguments to pipes ModulesClient-Side Routing for SPARouterModule Router directives Master-details view with routes Data source Blog service Creating routes Listing posts in the home component Reading an article with the post componentWorking with Real Hosted DataObservables The HTTP module Building a simple todo demo app Project setup Building the API Installing diskdb Updating API endpoints Creating an Angular component Creating application routes Creating a todos service Connecting the service with our todos component Implementing the view Build a user directory with Angular Create a new Angular app Create a Node server Install diskDB Create a new component Create a service Updating user.component.ts Updating user.component.html Running the appTesting and DebuggingAngular 2 testing tools Jasmine Main concepts of Jasmine Karma Protractor Angular testing platform Using Karma (with Jasmine) Creating a new project Installing the Karma CLI Configuring Karma Testing the components Testing services Testing using HTTP Testing using MockBackend Testing a directive Testing a pipe Debugging Augury Augury features Component tree Router tree Source map12. Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects - Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript (408 pages)
• Chapter 1: Advanced TypeScript FeaturesTechnical requirements Building future-proof TypeScript with tsconfig • Introduction to advanced TypeScript features Using different types with union types Combining types with intersection types Simplifying type declarations with type aliases Assigning properties using object spread Deconstructing objects with REST properties Coping with a variable number of parameters using REST AOP using decorators Composing types using mixins Using the same code with different types and using generics Mapping values using maps Creating asynchronous code with promises and async/await Creating Uls with Bootstrap Summary Questions• Chapter 2: Creating a Markdown Editor with TypeScriptTechnical requirements Understanding the project overview Getting started with a simple HTML project • Writing a simple markdown parser Building our Bootstrap UI Mapping our markdown tag types to HTML tag types Representing our converted markdown using a markdown document • Updating markdown document using visitors Understanding the visitor pattern Applying the visitor pattern to our code Deciding which tags to apply by using the chain-of-responsibility pattern Bringing it all together Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 3: A React Bootstrap Personal Contacts ManagerTechnical requirements Understanding the project overview Getting started with the components Creating a React Bootstrap project with TypeScript support • Creating our mock layout Creating our application Formatting our code using tslint Adding Bootstrap support • React using tsx components How React uses a virtual DOM to be more responsive Our React App component • Displaying the personal details interface • Simplify updating values with binding Supplying state to bind against • Validating user inputs and the use of validators Validating the address Validating the name Validating the phone number Applying validation in a React component • Creating and sending data to the IndexedDB database • Adding active record support to our state Working with the database Accessing the database from PersonalDetails Enhancements Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 4: The MEAN Stack - Building a Photo GalleryTechnical requirements The MEAN stack Project overview Getting started • Creating an Angular photo gallery with the MEAN stack Understanding Angular • Creating our application App.Module.ts Using Angular Material for our UI Using Material to add navigation • Creating our first component — the FileUpload component Previewing files using a service Using the service in the dialog The file upload component template Introducing Express support into our application • Providing routing support Introducing MongoDB Back to our routing • Displaying images Using Rx.IS to watch for images Transferring the data Back to the page body component Wrapping up by displaying the dialog Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 5: Angular ToDo App with GraphQL and ApolloTechnical requirements Understanding the GraphQL-to-REST relationship Project overview Getting started with the project • Creating a ToDo application with GraphQL and Angular Creating our application • Creating our GraphQL schema Setting up our GraphQL types Creating our GraphQL resolver Using Apollo Server as our server • The GraphQL Angular client Adding client-side Apollo support Adding routing support The routing user interface Adding content to our page components Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 6: Building a Chat Room Application Using Socket.lOTechnical requirements Long-running client/server communications using Socket.lO Project overview Getting started with Socket.lO and Angular • Creating a chat room application using Socket.lO, Angular, and AuthO Creating our application Adding Socket.lO support to our server • Creating our chat room client Using decorators to add client-side logging Setting up Bootstrap in Angular Bootstrap navigation Authorizing and authenticating users using AuthO Using secure routing • Adding client-side chat capabilities Working in rooms Getting the messages Finishing the server sockets Namespaces in Socket.I0 Finishing off our application with the GeneralchatComponent Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 7: Angular Cloud-Based Mapping with FirebaseTechnical requirements Modern applications and the move to cloud services Project overview • Getting started with Bing mapping in Angular Signing up to Bing mapping Signing up to Firebase • Creating a Bing Maps application using Angular and Firebase Adding the map component Points of interest Representing the map pins Trying interesting things with map searches Adding Bing Maps to the screen The map events and setting pins Securing the database Summary Questions• Chapter 8: Building a CRM Using React and MicroservicesTechnical requirements • Understanding Docker and microservices • Docker terminology Container Image Port Volume Registry Docker Hub Microservices Designing our REST API using Swagger • Creating a microservices application with Docker Getting started creating a microservices application with Docker • Adding server-side routing support The Server class Creating our Addresses service • Using Docker to run our services Using docker-compose to compose and start the services • Creating our React user interface Using Bootstrap as our container Creating a tabbed user interface Using a select control to select an address when adding a person Adding our navigation Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 9: Image Recognition with Vuejs and TensorFlowjsTechnical requirements • What is machine learning and how does TensorFlow fit in? What is machine learning? What is TensorFlow and how does it relate to machine learning? Project overview • Getting started with TensorFlow in Vue Creating our Vue-based application • Showing a home page with the Vue template Introducing MobileNet The Classify method Modifying the HelloWorld component to support image classification The Vue application entry point • Adding pose detection capabilities Drawing the key points on the canvas Using pose detection on the image A brief aside about pose detection How does PoseNet work? Back to our pose detection code Completing our pose detection component Summary Questions Further reading• Chapter 10: Building an ASP.NET Core Music LibraryTechnical requirements Introducing ASP.NET Core MVC Providing the project overview • Getting started creating a music library with ASP.NET Core, C#, and TypeScript Creating our ASP.NET Core application with Visual Studio • Understanding the application structure The Startup class The files that make up the base views • Creating a Discogs model Setting up the Results type Writing our DiscogsClient class Discogs rate limitations Wiring up our controller Adding the Index view Adding TypeScript to our application Calling our TypeScript functionality from ASP.NET Summary Questions Further reading Assessments Other Books You May Enjoy Index13. Baumgartner S. TypeScript Cookbook. Real World Type-Level Programming 2023 (831 pages)
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