(NET) NET (2019)

<< Multi Languages Spell Checker for webmaster. Part 3. Directory observer on NET Reactive extension. <<

Sorry, no time for more details description, only code.

   1:  Imports System.Reactive.Concurrency
   2:  Imports System.Reactive.Linq
   3:  Imports System.Threading
   4:  Imports System.Collections.Generic
   5:  Imports System.ComponentModel
   6:  Imports System.Data
   7:  Imports System.Drawing
   8:  Imports System.Linq
   9:  Imports System.Text
  10:  Imports System.Windows.Forms
  11:  Imports System.IO
  14:  Partial Public Class DirectoriesForm
  16:      Private Observer As IDisposable
  18:      Private Directories As IObservable(Of String)
  20:      Private BufferedDirectories As IObservable(Of IList(Of String))
  22:      Private Sub DirectoriesForm_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
  23:          TreeViewDirectories.DrawMode = TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText
  24:          FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
  25:          FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0
  26:          Me.butStop.Enabled = False
  27:      End Sub
  30:      Private Sub butOpen_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles butOpen.Click
  31:          Dim FB As New FolderBrowserDialog
  32:          FB.Description = "Select folder to observe"
  33:          If FB.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
  34:              Dim SyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current
  35:              FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Enabled = False
  36:              FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.Enabled = False
  37:              SearchPatternTextBox.Enabled = False
  38:              TreeViewDirectories.Nodes.Clear()
  39:              FileCount = 0
  40:              FolderCount = 0
  41:              If FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Text = "Flat" Then
  43:                  ' Observe the enumeration of all directories using the winforms thread.
  44:                  Directories = GetAllContents(FB.SelectedPath, SearchPatternTextBox.Text, FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.Text).
  45:                  ToObservable(Scheduler.ThreadPool).ObserveOn(SyncContext)
  47:                  If Observer Is Nothing Then
  48:                      ' Observe on the single directories.
  49:                      Observer = Directories.Subscribe(AddressOf outputDirectory)
  50:                      'Observer = Directories.Finally(Sub() MsgBox("Finish"))
  51:                  End If
  53:              ElseIf FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Text = "Tree" Then
  54:                  ' Observe the enumeratino of all directories, but buffered in groups
  55:                  ' of 1000 entries each second, and then observe that group on the winforms thread.
  57:                  BufferedDirectories = Observable.
  58:                  Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), Scheduler.ThreadPool).
  59:                  Zip(
  60:                  GetAllContents(FB.SelectedPath, SearchPatternTextBox.Text, FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.Text).
  61:                  ToObservable(Scheduler.ThreadPool).
  62:                  Buffer(1000),
  63:                  Function(a, b) b
  64:                  ).
  65:                  ObserveOn(SyncContext)
  67:                  If Observer Is Nothing Then
  68:                      ' observe on the buffered directories.
  69:                      Observer = BufferedDirectories.Subscribe(AddressOf outputDirectories)
  70:                      'Dim Z As IList(Of String) = BufferedDirectories.Finally(Sub() MsgBox("Finish"))
  71:                  End If
  72:              End If
  73:              butStop.Enabled = True
  74:          End If
  75:      End Sub
  77:      ' Clear out the running observer
  78:      Private Sub butStop_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles butStop.Click
  79:          If Observer IsNot Nothing Then
  80:              Observer.Dispose()
  81:              Observer = Nothing
  82:              butStop.Enabled = False
  83:              FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Enabled = True
  84:              FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.Enabled = True
  85:              SearchPatternTextBox.Enabled = True
  86:          End If
  87:      End Sub
  89:      ' We check to see if the handle is created because when
  90:      ' the form is disposing this may still be trying to observe.
  91:      Private Sub outputDirectory(path As String)
  92:          If TreeViewDirectories.IsHandleCreated Then
  93:              TreeViewDirectories.Nodes.Add(path)
  94:          End If
  95:      End Sub
  97:      Private TreeNodes As New Dictionary(Of String, TreeNode)()
  98:      ' We check to see if the handle is created because when
  99:      ' the form is disposing this may still be trying to observe.
 100:      Private Sub outputDirectories(paths As IEnumerable(Of String))
 101:          If TreeViewDirectories.IsHandleCreated Then
 102:              Try
 103:                  TreeViewDirectories.BeginUpdate()
 104:                  For Each path__1 In paths
 105:                      Dim sb = New StringBuilder()
 106:                      Dim pieces = path__1.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
 107:                      Dim parent As TreeNode = Nothing
 108:                      For i As Integer = 0 To pieces.Length - 1
 109:                          Dim child As TreeNode = Nothing
 110:                          sb.Append(pieces(i))
 111:                          sb.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)
 112:                          If Not TreeNodes.TryGetValue(sb.ToString(), child) Then
 113:                              If parent IsNot Nothing Then
 114:                                  child = parent.Nodes.Add(pieces(i))
 115:                              Else
 116:                                  child = TreeViewDirectories.Nodes.Add(pieces(i))
 117:                              End If
 118:                              TreeNodes(sb.ToString()) = child
 119:                          End If
 120:                          parent = child
 121:                      Next
 122:                  Next
 123:              Finally
 124:                  TreeViewDirectories.EndUpdate()
 125:              End Try
 126:          End If
 127:      End Sub
 129:      Shared FileCount As Integer
 130:      Shared FolderCount As Integer
 131:      'This is another thread than form
 132:      Private Iterator Function GetAllContents(path As String, SearchPattern As String, SearchType As String) As IEnumerable(Of String)
 133:          If SearchType <> "FolderOnly" Then
 134:              Dim Files As String() = Nothing
 135:              Try
 136:                  Files = Directory.GetFiles(path, SearchPattern, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
 137:              Catch generatedExceptionName As IOException
 138:              Catch generatedExceptionName As UnauthorizedAccessException
 139:              End Try
 140:              If Files IsNot Nothing Then
 141:                  For Each One In Files
 142:                      FileCount += 1
 143:                      If FileCount Mod 10 = 0 Then UpdateFileLabel(FileCount.ToString)
 144:                      Yield One
 145:                  Next
 146:              End If
 147:          End If
 149:          Dim Subdirs As String() = Nothing
 150:          Try
 151:              Subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(path)
 152:          Catch generatedExceptionName As IOException
 153:          Catch generatedExceptionName As UnauthorizedAccessException
 154:          End Try
 155:          If Subdirs IsNot Nothing Then
 156:              For Each subdir In Subdirs
 157:                  Debug.Print(subdir.ToString)
 158:                  FolderCount += 1
 159:                  If FolderCount Mod 10 = 0 Then UpdateFolderLabel(FolderCount.ToString)
 160:                  Yield subdir
 161:                  For Each grandchild In GetAllContents(subdir, SearchPattern, SearchType)
 162:                      FolderCount += 1
 163:                      If FolderCount Mod 10 = 0 Then UpdateFolderLabel(FolderCount.ToString)
 164:                      Debug.Print(grandchild.ToString)
 165:                      Yield grandchild
 166:                  Next
 167:              Next
 168:          End If
 169:          Debug.Print("Finish " & path)
 170:      End Function
 172:      Public Sub UpdateFolderLabel(ProgressTXT As String)
 173:          InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(Sub() FolderCountLabel.Text = ProgressTXT)
 174:          InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(Sub() StatusStrip1.Refresh())
 175:      End Sub
 177:      Public Sub UpdateFileLabel(ProgressTXT As String)
 178:          InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(Sub() FileCountLabel.Text = ProgressTXT)
 179:          InvokeOnUiThreadIfRequired(Sub() StatusStrip1.Refresh())
 180:      End Sub
 182:      Dim SelectedNode As TreeNode
 183:      Private Sub treeViewDirectories_AfterSelect(sender As Object, e As TreeViewEventArgs) Handles TreeViewDirectories.AfterSelect
 184:          If SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
 185:              SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 186:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 187:          Else
 188:              SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode
 189:          End If
 190:          If FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Text <> "Flat" Then
 191:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode.Expand()
 192:          End If
 193:          Dim X As MainForm = ParentForm
 194:          X.SetNewFile(e.Node.FullPath)
 195:      End Sub
 197:      Private Sub UpToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles UpToolStripButton.Click
 198:          If TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
 199:              SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 200:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 201:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode.Expand()
 202:          End If
 203:          TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode.PrevVisibleNode
 204:      End Sub
 206:      Private Sub DownToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DownToolStripButton.Click
 207:          If TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
 208:              SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 209:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.TopNode
 210:              TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode.Expand()
 211:          End If
 212:          TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode = TreeViewDirectories.SelectedNode.NextVisibleNode
 213:      End Sub
 215:      Dim FilesTxt As List(Of String)
 216:      Private Sub LoadFileListToolStripButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LoadFileListToolStripButton.Click
 217:          Application.DoEvents()
 218:          Dim X As New OpenFileDialog
 219:          X.Title = "Browse Text Files"
 220:          X.DefaultExt = "txt"
 221:          X.Filter = "xml files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"
 222:          X.CheckFileExists = True
 223:          X.CheckPathExists = True
 224:          X.FileName = "E:\vb-net\sitemap.xml"
 225:          If X.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
 226:              FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Text = "Flat"
 227:              FilesTxt = File.ReadLines(X.FileName).ToList
 228:              FileCountLabel.Text = FilesTxt.Count - 1
 229:              FolderBrowseStyleComboBox.Enabled = False
 230:              FolderBrowseTypeComboBox.Enabled = False
 231:              SearchPatternTextBox.Enabled = False
 232:              TreeViewDirectories.Nodes.Clear()
 233:              FileCount = 0
 234:              FolderCount = 0
 235:              Dim FileName As String
 236:              Dim Match As RegularExpressions.Match
 237:              For i As Integer = 0 To FilesTxt.Count - 1
 238:                  Match = RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(FilesTxt(i), "<url><loc>.+</loc></url>")
 239:                  If Match.Success Then
 240:                      FileName = FilesTxt(i).Replace("<url><loc>", "").Replace("</loc></url>", "")
 241:                      FileName = FileName.Replace("//www.vb-net.com/", "E:\vb-net\")
 242:                      FileName = FileName.Replace("/", "\")
 243:                      outputDirectory(FileName)
 244:                  End If
 245:              Next
 246:          End If
 247:      End Sub
 249:      Private Sub TreeViewDirectories_DrawNode(sender As Object, e As DrawTreeNodeEventArgs) Handles TreeViewDirectories.DrawNode
 250:          Dim TW As TreeView = CType(sender, TreeView)
 251:          If TW.SelectedNode Is Nothing Then
 252:              e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.FullPath, Me.Font, Brushes.Black, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y)
 253:          Else
 254:              If e.Node Is TW.SelectedNode Then
 255:                  e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.FullPath, Me.Font, Brushes.Red, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y)
 256:              Else
 257:                  e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Node.FullPath, Me.Font, Brushes.Black, e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y)
 258:              End If
 260:          End If
 261:      End Sub
 262:  End Class

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/SpellChecker/DirectoryObserver.htm