Return Main 82 points of Browser and Node difference.
Node.js | Browser | |
1. Access to System Resources | Can interact with system resources like environment variables, operating system info, and hardware. | Limited access to system resources due to security restrictions (e.g., no access to environment variables or hardware info). |
2. Asynchronous Programming | Asynchronous I/O is inherent - file access, network requests are always asynchronous. | Asynchronous I/O for preventing blocking of the main thread - timers and user interaction are asynchronous operations. |
3. Buffer API | Provides the Buffer API for handling binary data. | No Buffer API. Uses ArrayBuffer and TypedArray for binary data handling. |
4. Child Processes | Can spawn and manage child processes using child_process module. | No support for child processes. Limited to Web Workers for parallel tasks. |
5. Cluster Module | Supports clustering for load balancing across multiple CPU cores. | No support for clustering. Limited to Web Workers for parallel tasks. |
6. Command-Line Tools | Can create command-line tools using libraries like commander or yargs. | No support for command-line tools. |
7. Console Methods | Supports advanced console methods like console.table() and console.dir(). | Supports similar console methods but with browser-specific enhancements (e.g., |
8. Cookies | No built-in cookie handling. Requires external libraries like cookie-parser. | Provides built-in cookie handling via document.cookie. |
9. Core Modules and APIs | Provides built-in modules for server-side tasks (e.g., fs for file system, http for HTTP, os for operating system). Uses require() for module imports. | Provides APIs for manipulating the DOM (e.g., document.getElementById(), addEventListener()), making network requests (fetch, XMLHttpRequest), and interacting with browser features (e.g., localStorage, navigator). Uses <script> tags or ES modules (import) for including JavaScript code. |
10. Cryptography | No built-in cryptography APIs. Requires external libraries like crypto (Node.js built-in module) or third-party libraries. | Provides built-in cryptography APIs via the Web Crypto API (e.g., window.crypto.subtle). |
11. Custom Error Types | Supports custom error types and stack trace manipulation. | Supports custom error types but with limited stack trace manipulation. |
12. Custom Inspectors | Supports custom inspectors for debugging and profiling. | No support for custom inspectors. Limited to browser developer tools. |
13. Custom Protocols | Can create custom protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, HTTP/2) using built-in modules. | Limited to standard protocols (e.g., HTTP, WebSocket). |
14. Database Access | Can directly connect to databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) using libraries like mysql, pg, or mongoose. | Limited to client-side storage (e.g., localStorage, IndexedDB) or making API requests to a server. |
15. Debugging and Profiling | Provides built-in debugging and profiling tools (e.g., node --inspect, node --prof). | Provides developer tools (e.g., Chrome DevTools), but they are focused on client-side debugging. |
16. Development Tools | Debugging and profiling tools are often command-line based or integrated into IDEs. | Browser developer tools (like Chrome DevTools or Firefox Developer Tools) provide rich debugging, profiling, and inspection capabilities specifically for the browser environment and DOM interaction. |
17. DNS Lookup | Provides built-in DNS lookup capabilities via the dns module. | No direct DNS lookup capabilities. Limited to fetch or XMLHttpRequest for network requests. |
18. Environment | Server-side environment. Has access to the file system, network, operating system resources, etc. No DOM or browser-specific APIs. | Client-side (browser) environment. Interacts with the web page's structure, content, and styling through the DOM. No direct access to server-side resources like the file system. |
19. Environment Variables | Can access environment variables via process.env. | No direct access to environment variables. Must be passed via the server or embedded in the code. |
20. Environment-Specific APIs | Provides environment-specific APIs like process.cwd() and process.chdir(). | No equivalent APIs. Limited to browser-specific APIs like window.location. |
21. Error Handling | Supports uncaught exception handling via process.on('uncaughtException'). | Supports uncaught exception handling via window.onerror and window.addEventListener('error'). |
22. Event Loop Phases | Exposes detailed event loop phases (e.g., timers, poll, check). | No direct access to event loop phases. Managed internally by the browser. |
23. Events | Event-driven architecture based on the event loop. Events are related to server-side actions (e.g., file system operations, network events). Emits events using EventEmitter. | Also event-driven. Events are triggered by user interactions (e.g., clicks, mouseovers), network activity, or browser events (e.g., load, DOMContentLoaded). Handles events using addEventListener(). |
24. File System Access | Provides built-in file system access via the fs module (e.g., fs.readFile, fs.writeFile). | No direct file system access. Limited access via file input elements (<input type="file">) or the File API. |
25. Global Objects | global is the global object. Modules have their own scope, and variables are not automatically added to the global scope (unless explicitly assigned). | window is the global object. Variables declared outside of any function are automatically added to the global scope (unless declared with let, const, or class in strict mode). |
26. IndexedDB | No support for IndexedDB. IndexedDB is browser-specific. | Supports IndexedDB for client-side storage of large amounts of structured data. |
27. Inspector API | Supports the Inspector API for debugging and profiling. | Provides browser developer tools (e.g., Chrome DevTools) for debugging and profiling. |
28. LocalStorage | No localStorage. Requires external libraries or custom implementations. | Provides localStorage for persistent client-side storage. |
29. Memory Management | Can manually trigger garbage collection using global.gc() (requires --expose-gc flag). | No direct control over garbage collection. Managed automatically by the browser. |
30. Module System | Primarily uses CommonJS modules (require() and module.exports). ES modules are also supported in newer Node.js versions. | Traditionally used <script> tags. Modern browsers support ES modules natively, enabling modular JavaScript development on the client-side. |
31. Multithreading Model | Supports Worker Threads via the worker_threads module for true multithreading. | Supports Web Workers for multithreading, but they are more limited (e.g., no DOM access). |
32. Native Addons | Supports native addons written in C/C++ via the Node-API or NAN. | No support for native addons. Limited to JavaScript or WebAssembly. |
33. Networking and Servers | Built-in support for creating TCP/UDP servers, HTTP/HTTPS servers, and WebSocket servers. | Limited to client-side networking (e.g., fetch, XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket as a client). |
34. OS Module | Provides built-in os module for accessing operating system information. | No direct access to operating system information. Limited to navigator.userAgent for browser info. |
35. Path Manipulation | Provides built-in path module for file path manipulation. | No built-in path manipulation. Limited to URL and URLSearchParams for URL handling. |
36. Performance Hooks | Provides performance hooks (perf_hooks) for measuring performance metrics. | Provides Performance API for measuring performance metrics (e.g., |
37. Performance Optimization | Can optimize performance using native modules, Worker Threads, and clustering. | Limited to Web Workers and WebAssembly for performance optimization. |
38. Process Arguments | Can access command-line arguments via process.argv. | No direct access to command-line arguments. Limited to URL query parameters. |
39. Process Exit | Can explicitly exit the process using process.exit(). | No direct process exit mechanism. The browser tab/window must be closed manually. |
40. Process Management | Provides process management capabilities via the process module. Can spawn child processes using child_process or cluster. | No direct process management capabilities. Limited to Web Workers for parallel tasks. |
41. Process Signals | Supports handling process signals (e.g., SIGINT, SIGTERM). | No support for process signals. Limited to browser events (e.g., beforeunload). |
42. Rendering and UI | No built-in UI rendering capabilities. Can use external libraries or frameworks to create web servers or command-line interfaces. | Directly responsible for rendering and updating the web page. JavaScript can modify the DOM to change the page's content, structure, and style. |
43. REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) | Provides a built-in REPL for interactive JavaScript execution. | No built-in REPL. Developers use browser console for interactive execution. |
44. Security Model | Server-side code has more privileges and access to system resources. Security is managed by the operating system and server configurations. | Runs in a sandboxed environment with limited access to system resources. Security is enforced by the browser (same-origin policy, CSP). |
45. Service Workers | No support for Service Workers. Service Workers are browser-specific. | Supports Service Workers for offline functionality, background sync, and push notifications. |
46. SessionStorage | No sessionStorage. Requires external libraries or custom implementations. | Provides sessionStorage for session-based client-side storage. |
47. SharedArrayBuffer | Supports SharedArrayBuffer for shared memory between threads. | Supports SharedArrayBuffer but with restrictions due to security concerns (e.g., Spectre mitigation). |
48. Stream Types | Supports four types of streams: Readable, Writable, Duplex, and Transform. | Supports ReadableStream and WritableStream for streaming data. |
49. Streaming APIs | Provides powerful streaming APIs (e.g., fs.createReadStream, http.IncomingMessage). | Supports streaming via Fetch API, ReadableStream, and MediaStream. |
50. System Information | Provides built-in os module for accessing operating system information (e.g., CPU, memory). | No direct access to operating system information. Limited to navigator.userAgent for browser info. |
51. Task Scheduling | Supports setImmediate() for scheduling tasks in the next event loop iteration. | No direct equivalent. Uses setTimeout(fn, 0) or queueMicrotask() for deferring execution. |
52. Threading Model | Supports Worker Threads for true multithreading. | Supports Web Workers for multithreading, but they are more limited (e.g., no DOM access). |
53. This |
54. Timers | Supports setImmediate() in addition to setTimeout() and setInterval(). | Supports setTimeout() and setInterval(), but timers are affected by browser behavior (e.g., tab throttling). |
55. Top-Level await | Supported in ES modules (Node.js 14.8+). Can be used at the top level of a module without wrapping in an async function. | Supported in modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari) for ES modules. Can be used at the top level of a module without wrapping in an async function. |
56. URL Handling | Provides built-in url module for parsing and formatting URLs. | Supports URL and URLSearchParams for URL handling. |
57. Utilities | Provides built-in utilities like util.promisify() for converting callback-based functions to promises. | No direct equivalent. Developers use custom utility functions or libraries. |
58. VM Module | Provides the vm module for running code in isolated contexts. | No equivalent to the vm module. Limited to iframes or Web Workers for isolation. |
59. Web Animations API | No support for Web Animations API. Web Animations API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Animations API for creating and controlling animations in the browser. |
60. Web APIs | No access to browser-specific Web APIs (e.g., Geolocation, Web Workers, WebSockets require external libraries). | Provides access to browser-specific Web APIs (e.g., navigator.geolocation, Web Workers, WebSockets). |
61. Web Assembly System Interface (WASI) | Supports WASI for running WebAssembly outside the browser (e.g., in Node.js). | No support for WASI. WASI is designed for server-side environments. |
62. Web Audio API | No support for Web Audio API. Web Audio API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Audio API for audio processing and synthesis in the browser. |
63. Web Authentication API | No support for Web Authentication API. Web Authentication API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Authentication API for strong authentication using public-key cryptography. |
64. Web Bluetooth | No support for Web Bluetooth. Web Bluetooth is browser-specific. | Supports Web Bluetooth for interacting with Bluetooth devices in the browser. |
65. Web Codecs API | No support for Web Codecs API. Web Codecs API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Codecs API for encoding and decoding audio/video in the browser. |
66. Web Components | No built-in support for Web Components. Requires external libraries. | Supports Web Components natively (e.g., Custom Elements, Shadow DOM, HTML Templates). |
67. Web HID | No support for Web HID. Web HID is browser-specific. | Supports Web HID for interacting with Human Interface Devices (HID) in the browser. |
68. Web Locks API | No support for Web Locks API. Web Locks API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Locks API for managing locks on shared resources in the browser. |
69. Web MIDI | No support for Web MIDI. Web MIDI is browser-specific. | Supports Web MIDI for interacting with MIDI devices in the browser. |
70. Web NFC | No support for Web NFC. Web NFC is browser-specific. | Supports Web NFC for interacting with Near Field Communication (NFC) devices in the browser. |
71. Web Notifications | No support for Web Notifications. Web Notifications are browser-specific. | Supports Web Notifications for displaying notifications to the user. |
72. Web Serial API | No support for Web Serial API. Web Serial API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Serial API for interacting with serial ports in the browser. |
73. Web Share API | No support for Web Share API. Web Share API is browser-specific. | Supports Web Share API for sharing content (e.g., text, links, files) from the browser. |
74. Web Transport | No support for Web Transport. Web Transport is browser-specific. | Supports Web Transport for low-latency, bidirectional communication in the browser. |
75. Web USB | No support for Web USB. Web USB is browser-specific. | Supports Web USB for interacting with USB devices in the browser. |
76. WebGL | No support for WebGL. WebGL is browser-specific. | Supports WebGL for 3D graphics rendering in the browser. |
77. WebGPU | No support for WebGPU. WebGPU is browser-specific. | Supports WebGPU for high-performance graphics and compute in the browser. |
78. WebRTC | No support for WebRTC. WebRTC is browser-specific. | Supports WebRTC for real-time communication (e.g., video/audio streaming, peer-to-peer data transfer). |
79. WebSocket | Supports WebSocket via the ws library or built-in http module. | Supports WebSocket natively via the WebSocket API. |
80. WebXR | No support for WebXR. WebXR is browser-specific. | Supports WebXR for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences in the browser. |
81. Worker Threads | Supports Worker Threads for multi-threading (e.g., worker_threads module). | Supports Web Workers for multi-threading (e.g., DedicatedWorker, SharedWorker). |
82. Zlib Compression | Provides built-in zlib module for compression and decompression. | No built-in zlib support. Uses Compression Streams API for compression. |
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