GarbageCollection (GC03)
1: const element = document.getElementById('myElement');
2: const clickHandlers = new WeakMap(); // Use a WeakMap to store event handler
3: const handleClick = () => {
4: console.log('Element clicked!');
5: };
6: clickHandlers.set(element, handleClick); // Store the handler in the WeakMap, using the element as a weak key
7: element.addEventListener('click', clickHandlers.get(element));
Weak References (WeakMap) WeakMap will automatically remove handleClick entry after element will be removed from DOM and garbage collected // ... (the element might be removed from the DOM at some point) ... // Now, when the element is garbage collected, the WeakMap doesn't prevent it. The entry will be removed automatically // ... later, when the element is no longer needed, the click handler will be garbage collected automatically
GarbageCollection context:
ES6 context:
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