(ES6) ES6 (2016)

Globalscope (GL03)

   1:  // In a Node.js environment.
   2:  global.globalVar = "I'm global (Node.js)!";  // Explicitly add to global scope with `global.`
   3:  var globalVarWithVar = "Also global, but with var";
   4:  let globalLet = "Global let (NodeJS)"
   6:  console.log(global.globalVar); // Output: I'm global (Node.js)! (accessing via `global`)
   7:  console.log(globalVarWithVar); // Output: Also global, but with var (directly)
   8:  console.log(globalLet); // Output: Global let (NodeJS)
  10:  function myFunction() {
  11:      console.log(globalVarWithVar); // Also global, but with var
  12:  }

Global Scope (Node.js):
In Node.js, the global scope is represented by the global object.

I'm global (Node.js)!
Also global, but with var
Global let (NodeJS)

Globalscope context:

ES6 context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/JavascriptES6/GL03.htm