(back) C# Object-oriented Programming (back)
- 1. Pass ByVal/ByRef param, Override/virtual method, Encapsulation public/private/protected
- VB: Inheritance, Event, Extension, listener How to intercept exception & console output & debug trace and show it in textbox.
- VB: Overrides Customize Newtonsoft.Json Serializer/Deserializer to convert Javascript Datetime and Number to .NET datatype.
- VB: Generic VB.NET function for loading ExcelFile to DataBase (EF6 CodeFirst) with Reflection and avoiding Linq-to-Entity Linq.Expressions (use Linq-to-Object IEnumerable)
- VB: Generic Five amazing Linq-to-SQL extensio
- VB: Як будуються адаптивні сайти для мобільників та десктопів на CLASSIC ASP.NET
- 5. Events and delegates, recursion, param, generic param, Lambda, Extension, Anonimous
- VB: (Static/Dynamic declaration, AddressOf/RaiseEvent/AddHandler/WithEvents/Handles statement, SingleCast/MultiCast/InvocationList, Invoke/BeginInvoke/DynamicInvoke/AsyncInvoke, Automatically instantiate.
- VB: Оновлення StatusLabel з потоку BackGroundWorker - приклад застосування Action, Delegate, Invoke, AddressOf, Extension, Expression.
- VB: Set HandCursor for all ToolStripButton by Linq, Extension, Delegates, Lambda Expression and Anonymous Action.
- VB: How to reorder DataRow with Extension function, Anonymous types, Lambda Expression and Linq Special Row Comparer.
- VB: How to create Razor html-helper in VB.NET
- VB: Делегаты сравнения для сортировки и Linq-отборов в VB.NET
- VB: Практическое применение наследования, полиморфизма, интерфейсов, дженериков и делегатов на примерах в Visual Basic .NET
- 6. Multithreading, LINQ, Nullable,
- ASP.NET Core BackEnd with MailKit/IMAP (Async/Await, Monitor, ConcurrentQueue, CancellationTokenSource)
- VB: Змінні Nullable та як обробляти DBNull з бази за допомогою Extension-функції.
- VB: My web scrapper with asynchronous web request and visual proxy availability detection.
- VB: TreeView FileSelector by ReactiveNET and TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer (SpellChecker project).
- VB: Mutlithreading InfoMessagBox by ConcurrentQueue, Interlocked and Timer.
- VB: Building TreeView by Reactive Extensions NET (Recursive observe directory, Iterator function with Yield, Windows native thread).
- VB: Multithreading Parsers with Parallel, CsQuery, Newtonsoft.Json, OfficeOpenXml and IAsyncResult/AsyncCallback.
- 7. IEnumerator and yeld, Jagged array, Destructor, Dynamic, Attributes, Reflection
- VB: Yield/Iterator/IEnumerable - і ці люди забороняли нам багато років колупатися у носі?
- VB: Serialize Table to CSV with Iterator and Yeld
- VB: Dispose unmanaged resources (configuration, fonts). GC.SuppressFinalize
- VB: Attributes Типовий SOAP/WSDL сервіс.
- VB: Attributes Складська прога на WCF-сервісах зі сканером.
- VB: Amazing extension function CopyLinqDataMembersByName to expand Linq-to-SQL.
- VB: BackgroundWorkerQueue.
- VB: BachgroundWorker, Extension RichTextBox Editor for various purposes with row numbering and searching.
- VB: Робота з байтами у VB.NET - ChrW, BitConverter.ToInt32, Convert.ToInt32, Byte.Parse, ToString("X2") / AllowHexSpecifier, GetBytes/GetString, New Byte(N) {}, UInt32 = &H33
- VB: DragAndDrop DataGridView Rows
- VB: EF Code First, Enum FinancialBroker - MDI application with EF code first database.
- VB: Drawing ListView-TabControl-CustomDrawing/index.htm
- VB: Trap unhandled exception in windows application.
- VB: Reflection Object dumper.
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