(MVC) MVC (2019)

Generic VB.NET function for loading ExcelFile to DataBase (EF6 CodeFirst) with Reflection and avoiding Linq-to-Entity Linq.Expressions (use Linq-to-Object IEnumerable)

In my current project I need to load to DB a lot of Excel files with a lot of separate tables in each sheet.

I write simple loader in ASP.NET 5. This time is only start of project - I do not create a report, and I has markup of loading only first 5 tables of first XLS file.

This is commmon description of logic of my loader. It's so simple and I do not publish its code, for target reader of my articles is more than enough.

Firstly I write loader to db in simplest as possible way.

After I finish written second loader I stopped for thinking. It is possible to write universal loader for dozens various tables?

And finally I has creating code below, its common and working fine in all case of my project and allow me to change raw text from Excel call to key during loading process.

   1:  Imports OfficeOpenXml
   2:  Imports System.Data.Entity
   3:  Imports System.Linq.Expressions
   4:  Imports System.Reflection
   6:  Namespace Controllers
   8:      Public Class Xls
   9:          'Example of call
  10:          '
  11:          'Dim CurRowValue() As String = {"", ""}
  12:          'Dim ColumnNames() As String = {"Account number", "New code"}
  13:          'If XlsLoader.TwoColumnLoader(Of MgtlDbContext, AccountNumber)(WorkSheet, ColumnNumber, RowCount,
  14:          '                                                                 ColumnNames, CurRowValue,
  15:          '                                                                 db1, db1.AccountNumbers,
  16:          '                                                                 Function(X) X.AccountNumberCol = CurRowValue(0) And X.NewCode = CurRowValue(1),
  17:          '                                                                 Errors, RowsAddedCount) Then
  18:          '     ViewData("RowCount") = db1.AccountNumbers.Count
  19:          '     ViewData("RowCountAdd") = RowsAddedCount
  20:          '    Return View("Success", Errors)
  21:          'Else
  22:          '    Return View("LoadError", Errors)
  23:          'End If
  24:          '
  25:          'All cell must have data
  26:          '
  27:          Public Delegate Function KeyCallBack(Of T As {Class, New})(X As String(), ByRef Y As List(Of String)) As T
  29:          Public Shared Function Loader(Of Db As DbContext, T As {Class, New})(WorkSheet As ExcelWorksheet,
  30:                                           StartColumnNumber As Integer,
  31:                                           MaxRowsCount As Integer,
  32:                                           ByVal ColumnNames() As String,
  33:                                           ByRef CurRowValue() As String,
  34:                                           ByVal db1 As Db, ByVal DbSet As DbSet(Of T),
  35:                                           ByVal FilterPredicate As Func(Of T, Boolean), ' LINQ to Object instead LINQ to Entities - ByVal FilterPredicate As Expression(Of Func(Of T, Boolean)), 
  36:                                           ByRef Errors As List(Of String),
  37:                                           ByRef RowsAddedCount As Integer,
  38:                                           Optional AllowEmptyCell As Boolean = False,
  39:                                           Optional ByRef CreateKeyCallBack As KeyCallBack(Of T) = Nothing ' As Func(Of String(), List(Of String), T) - forbid onstring declaration - byref
  40:                                           ) As Boolean
  41:              Errors = New List(Of String)
  42:              RowsAddedCount = 0
  43:              Dim TrueColumnName As Boolean = True
  44:              Dim AlwaysEmpty As Boolean = True
  45:              Dim HasEmptyCell As Boolean = False
  46:              Dim FullEmptyRow As Boolean = True
  47:              If ColumnNames IsNot Nothing And CurRowValue IsNot Nothing Then
  48:                  If ColumnNames.Count = CurRowValue.Count Then
  49:                      Try
  50:                          For i As Integer = 1 To MaxRowsCount
  51:                              HasEmptyCell = False
  52:                              For J = 0 To CurRowValue.Count - 1
  53:                                  If WorkSheet.Cells(i, StartColumnNumber + J).Value Is Nothing Then
  54:                                      HasEmptyCell = True
  55:                                  End If
  56:                              Next
  57:                              If Not HasEmptyCell Or (HasEmptyCell And AllowEmptyCell) Then
  58:                                  AlwaysEmpty = False
  59:                                  FullEmptyRow = True
  60:                                  For J = 0 To CurRowValue.Count - 1
  61:                                      If WorkSheet.Cells(i, StartColumnNumber + J).Value Is Nothing Then
  62:                                          CurRowValue(J) = ""
  63:                                      Else
  64:                                          FullEmptyRow = False
  65:                                          CurRowValue(J) = WorkSheet.Cells(i, StartColumnNumber + J).Value.ToString()
  66:                                      End If
  67:                                  Next
  68:                                  If FullEmptyRow Then Continue For
  69:                                  If i = 1 Then
  70:                                      For J = 0 To CurRowValue.Count - 1
  71:                                          If CurRowValue(J) <> ColumnNames(J) Then
  72:                                              Errors.Add("Wrong column name '" & CurRowValue(J) & "'. Expected '" & ColumnNames(J) & "' in sheet '" & WorkSheet.Name & "'")
  73:                                              Return False
  74:                                          End If
  75:                                      Next
  76:                                  Else
  77:                                      'need to conversion from Linq-to-Entity to Linq-to-Object, because - The LINQ expression node type 'ArrayIndex' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.
  78:                                      'If Not DbSet.Any(FilterPredicate) Then 
  79:                                      If DbSet.AsEnumerable.Where(FilterPredicate).ToList.Count = 0 Then
  80:                                          Dim TEntity As New T
  81:                                          Dim Propertyes() As PropertyInfo = TEntity.GetType().GetProperties
  82:                                          If Propertyes(0).PropertyType = GetType(System.Int32) Then
  83:                                              If CreateKeyCallBack Is Nothing Then
  84:                                                  'directly write excel current row as string to db
  85:                                                  For J = 1 To Propertyes.Count - 1
  86:                                                      Propertyes(J).SetValue(TEntity, CurRowValue(J - 1))
  87:                                                  Next
  88:                                              Else
  89:                                                  'transform raw string of excel row to db key
  90:                                                  TEntity = CreateKeyCallBack.Invoke(CurRowValue, Errors)
  91:                                              End If
  92:                                              DbSet.Add(TEntity)
  93:                                              RowsAddedCount += 1
  94:                                          Else
  95:                                              Errors.Add("Error. First column in Entity 'T' must be autoincrement Int32.")
  96:                                              Return False
  97:                                          End If
  98:                                      End If
  99:                                  End If
 100:                              Else
 101:                                  If AlwaysEmpty And Not AllowEmptyCell Then
 102:                                      Errors.Add(StartColumnNumber & " or " & StartColumnNumber + 1 & " columns always empty in sheet '" & WorkSheet.Name & "'")
 103:                                      Return False
 104:                                  End If
 105:                              End If
 106:                          Next
 107:                          db1.SaveChanges()
 108:                          Return True
 109:                      Catch ex As Exception
 110:                          Errors.Add(ex.Message)
 111:                          Return False
 112:                      End Try
 113:                  Else
 114:                      Errors.Add("Error. Array CurRowValue and ColumnNames Array must have equal length.")
 115:                      Return False
 116:                  End If
 117:              Else
 118:                  Errors.Add("Error. Array CurRowValue and ColumnNames Array must be present.")
 119:                  Return False
 120:              End If
 121:          End Function
 122:      End Class
 123:  End Namespace

This code has two interesting point. Firstly, it is impossible to declare As Func(Of String(), byref List(Of String), T) (this is need to add error in callback), need to declare generic delegate in highlighted separate declaration. This is restriction of VB, in C# in the same place is allow online declaration out or ref. And secondary interesting point is avoid simple way to use linq-to-entity DbSet.Any(FilterPredicate) and change this request to request IEnumerable (linq-to-object), because without this changing it is impossible to pass array with column name to checking. In both case (declaration callback function as Linq.Expression or as System.Func) a calling of function not changed and look as Function(X) X.WorkType = CurRowValue(0) And X.ShortJob = CurRowValue(1), this Lambda expression is fit to both type of linq.

Below is example of callback function.

Result of using this function looking fine and satisfy me.

And next my idea is create by Code Generation and T4 Text Templates calling each XLS loader because loader from loader is differ only by one literal (type T), column titles and need to expand some properties by Reflection in filter. But this is next story.

Other topic, related with IEnumerable interface.

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Link to this page: //www.vb-net.com/GenericXlsDbLoader/Index.htm