C# QuickHelp
- VB-Csharp-Difference, Visual Basic 2015, Що нового з'явилося у бейсіці за останні роки, Шаблони OOP
- Solid, Abstract class, Software patterns, Coupling loose/tight, Lazy loading/eager loading, Garbage collector, Sync vs async calls. Xhr object, Jenkins.
- JavaScript
- C# Object-oriented Programming
- 1. Pass ByVal/ByRef param, Override/virtual method, Encapsulation public/private/protected
- VB: Inheritance, Event, Extension, listener How to intercept exception & console output & debug trace and show it in textbox.
- VB: Overrides Customize Newtonsoft.Json Serializer/Deserializer to convert Javascript Datetime and Number to .NET datatype.
- VB: Generic VB.NET function for loading ExcelFile to DataBase (EF6 CodeFirst) with Reflection and avoiding Linq-to-Entity Linq.Expressions (use Linq-to-Object IEnumerable)
- VB: Generic Five amazing Linq-to-SQL extensio
- VB: Як будуються адаптивні сайти для мобільників та десктопів на CLASSIC ASP.NET
- 2. Interfaces and classes, struct/classes
- 3. String/string, cryptography
- VB: Encrypt sensitive data in DB by Rijndael symmetric algorithm.
- VB: Linux shell parser (Renci.SshNet.SshClient, MySqlConnector.NET, RSA encription, Console password, XDocument/XPath, Tuple, Regex, Buffer.BlockCopy, Stream, Base64String, UTF8.GetBytes, ToString("X2"))
- 4. Tuples and other collection, generic and non-generic
- 5. Events and delegates, recursion, param, generic param, Lambda, Extension, Anonimous , MS Delegates and Events (VB.NET)
- VB: Events vs delegates
- VB: Events/Delegates in VB.NET (Static/Dynamic declaration, AddressOf/RaiseEvent/AddHandler/WithEvents/Handles statement,SingleCast/MultiCast/InvocationList, Invoke/BeginInvoke/DynamicInvoke/AsyncInvoke, Automatically instantiate.
- VB: Оновлення StatusLabel з потоку BackGroundWorker - приклад застосування Action, Delegate, Invoke, AddressOf, Extension, Expression.
- VB: Set HandCursor for all ToolStripButton by Linq, Extension, Delegates, Lambda Expression and Anonymous Action.
- VB: How to reorder DataRow with Extension function, Anonymous types, Lambda Expression and Linq Special Row Comparer.
- VB: How to create Razor html-helper in VB.NET
- VB: Делегаты сравнения для сортировки и Linq-отборов в VB.NET
- VB: Практическое применение наследования, полиморфизма, интерфейсов, дженериков и делегатов на примерах в Visual Basic .NET
- VB: JsonPath more examples.
- 6. Multithreading, LINQ, Nullable,
- VB: Asynchronous MultiThreaded performance test of Confluent Kafka (Net Core 6).
- VB: EventLogger - example of Task.Factory.FromAsync, Task.Run, ReaderWriterLock, Interlocked.Increment, Stream.BeginWrite, SyncLock, Timeout, AsyncCallback, IAsyncResult, String.Format, Timespan.
- VB: Змінні Nullable та як обробляти DBNull з бази за допомогою Extension-функції.
- VB: CheckDBNull, RawSqlQuery, ExecRDR, RawSqlQueryAsync, ExecNonQueryAsync (with transaction)- amazing extension for working with data.
- VB: Asynchronous MultiThreaded SSH engine for Web (Net Core 6, Linux) - Part 3,4 (CryptoAPI/CryptoService and Database Access). Protect password in DB and config, Task.Run for Async DB access, Expand POCO classes, Service lifetime list, Linq and Iterator/Yield functions.
- VB: Yeld - TreeView FileSelector by ReactiveNET and TheArtOfDev.HtmlRenderer (SpellChecker project).
- VB: My TDD Technique for Backend API development with Xunit (Custom Attribute, WebClient GET/POST, JWT auth, Fact, Theory, InlineData, ClassData iterator function, Inject Log, Txt parsers for console output)
- VB: SQLServerTxtDump -Example of System.Data.SqlClient, GetSchemaTable, DataTable/DataRow, Action/Func, Linq, Tuple, IEnumerable, Iterator, Yield, Byte.ToString("x2"), DBNull, Array of Object.
- VB: Yield/Iterator/IEnumerable - і ці люди забороняли нам багато років колупатися у носі?
- VB: Serialize Table to CSV with Iterator and Yeld
- VB: Dispose unmanaged resources (configuration, fonts). GC.SuppressFinalize
- VB: Amazing extension function CopyLinqDataMembersByName to expand Linq-to-SQL.
- VB: Generic VB.NET function for loading ExcelFile to DataBase (EF6 CodeFirst) with Reflection and avoiding Linq-to-Entity Linq.Expressions (use Linq-to-Object IEnumerable)
- VB: Collection.Generic.List (of T), IQueryable vs IEnumerable.
- VB: Типовий SOAP/WSDL сервіс.
- VB: Складська прога на WCF-сервісах зі сканером.
- VB: My TDD Technique for Backend API development with Xunit (Custom Attribute, WebClient GET/POST, JWT auth, Fact, Theory, InlineData, ClassData iterator function, Inject Log, Txt parsers for console output)
- VB: Customize Newtonsoft.Json Serializer/Deserializer to convert Javascript Datetime and Number to .NET datatype.
- VB: Reflection Object dumper.
- VB: BachgroundWorker, Extension RichTextBox Editor for various purposes with row numbering and searching.
- VB: Робота з байтами у VB.NET - ChrW, BitConverter.ToInt32, Convert.ToInt32, Byte.Parse, ToString("X2") / AllowHexSpecifier, GetBytes/GetString, New Byte(N) {}, UInt32 = &H33
- VB: DragAndDrop DataGridView Rows
- VB: EF Code First, Enum FinancialBroker - MDI application with EF code first database.
- VB: Drawing ListView-TabControl-CustomDrawing/index.htm
- VB: Trap unhandled exception in windows application.
- Widening and Narrowing Conversions (Visual Basic)
- 1 - Getting Started with C# 8 and .NET Core
- 2 - Exploring New Features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3.0
- 3 - C# Interfaces, Patterns, and Expressions
- 4 - Creating a Windows Desktop App with .NET Core
- Record (compare)
- Record (inheritance)
- Record (Init only)
- Inline InitOnly constructor
- Top level statement
- As statement
- Is/And/Or comparison statement
- New switch with comparing value
- New without class
- Nullable reference type
- Comparision nullable type
- Date only or Time only type
- Scope Namespace
- Global import
- Priority Queue
- MaxBy and MinBy
- IEnumerable chunk
- Constant string
- Throw if null exception
- Extended adressing to property
- Default Interface = Abstract class
- 1. Useful links
- New design pattern from MS (Ambassador, Anti-Corruption Layer, Asynchronous Request-Reply, Backends for Frontends, Bulkhead, Cache-Aside, Choreography, Circuit Breaker, Claim Check, Compensating Transaction, Competing Consumers, Compute Resource Consolidation, CQRS, Event Sourcing, External Configuration Store, Federated Identity, Gatekeeper, Gateway Aggregation, Gateway Offloading, Gateway Routing, Health Endpoint Monitoring, Index Table, Leader Election, Materialized View, Pipes and Filters, Priority Queue, Publisher/Subscriber, Queue-Based Load Leveling, Retry, Scheduler Agent Supervisor, Sequential Convoy, Sharding, Sidecar, Static Content Hosting, Strangler, Throttling, Valet Key)
- .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin
- Castle Windsor
- ASP.NET Core - Dependency Injection
- pluralsight trial video
- Dependency injection into views in ASP.NET Core
- Dependency injection into controllers in ASP.NET Core
- How to use Castle Windsor as an IOC instead of the default .net core IOC container?
- Combining Angular, Visual Basic and .NET Core for developing modern web apps
- Blazor, a SPA framework, component
- Blazor vs Razor
- .NET Core Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility pack
- 2. ASP.NET Core MVC Quick Start
- Understanding Middleware and Startup (Exploring Middleware, Dependency Injection, Exploring IApplicationBuilder, IHostingEnvironment and Exception, Understanding Static File, Discover Logging)
- Routing (Understanding Routing, Working with Conventional Routing, Attribute Routing, Demo Creating a Custom Routing)
- Controllers (Introduction to the MVC Pattern, What Is a Controller, Demo Creating Our First Controller, Serving Views)
- Models (What Is a Model, Demo Creating a Model, Creating Mock Data, What Is View Model, Validating Models, Demo Validation, Motivating Validation, Doing Validation, Setting Up DI for Mock Repository)
- Views and Razor Syntax (What Is a View, Creating Views, Razor Syntax, More Razor Syntax, Using Razor Syntax in Our View, Completing the Order)
- Entity Framework Core (EF Core Overview, SQL Server Local Db, Installing Entity Framework, Repository and DbContext, Configuring EF Core, EF Core Data Migration)
- 3. Основи ASP.NET Core
- 4. ASP.NET Core Clean Architecture
- Common web application architectures
- innovativeinstitution / CleanArchDemo
- Greg Trevellick / Clean Architecture
- 5. ASP.NET Core Microservices (RabbitMQ)
- https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/transform-existing-soap-based-web-service-to-rest-based-api-using-azure-api-mana2/
- https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E65459_01/dev.1112/e65461/content/general_soap_to_rest.html
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-Oracle-Fusion-Middleware
- Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern
- https://github.com/innovativeinstitution/MicroRabbit
- GettingStartedMicroservicesRabbitMQ.pdf
- 6. Test Driven Development
- Launching into MVC Patterns and .NET Core
- Creating Models and Data
- Writing Frameworks for Controllers
- Views
- Learning Continuous Integration with Examples
- 7. ASP.NET Core Angular project (VB.NET)
- 8. ASPNET Core and Angular
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Building a Walking Skeleton
- 3. Security
- 4. Client side login and register
- 5. Error Handling
- 6. Adding 3rd party components to our app
- 7. Routing in Angular
- 8. Extending the API
- 9. Building a great looking User Interface
- 10. Updating Resources
- 11. Adding Photo upload functionality to the application
- 12. Reactive Forms in Angular
- 13. Action Filters in ASP.NET Core
- 14. Paging, Sorting and Filtering
- 15. Adding the 'Likes' functionality from start to finish
- 16. Add a private messaging system to the application
- 17. Publishing
- 18. Course Updates - 22 Jul 2018
- 19. Bonus - Publishing the application to Azure
- 20. Bonus - Identity and Role Management
- 9. ASPNET Core and Angular
- 1.Introduction
- 2.SignalR Overview
- 3.Basic Chat Features
- 4.Groups and Persistence
- 5.Users and Security
- 6.Conclusion
- 10. ASP.NET Core and SPA-page on XMLHttpRequest
- 11. Understanding ASP.NET Core 3x
- 00. Course Overview
- 01. Exploring the Project Structure of ASP.NET Core 3
- 02. Working with Packages and Libraries
- 03. Understanding ASP.NET Core 3 MVC
- 04. Blazor and SignalR
- 05. Setting up a Web API
- 06. Developing Applications Across Frameworks and Operating Systems
- 07. Deploying ASP.NET Core 3 Applications
- 12. Getting Started with .NET Core Identity Server 4
- 1. Introduction
- 2. .NET Core Web API Project Setup
- 3. Testing Web API using Postman
- 4. Identity Server 4 Project Setup
- 5. Securing Web API using Identity Server
- 6. Identity Model Console Client
- 13. Beginning ASP.NET Core 3.0
- 1 - Getting Started with ASP.NET Core 3.0
- 2 - How ASP.NET Core MVC Works
- 3 - Use Entity Framework Core
- 4 - Create Razor Pages Web App in ASP.NET
- 5 - Test, Monitor, Secure, and Deploy Your Web App
- 14. Authentication brief in NET Core 3.1
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