<< #Mailing Tags
- (2024) My workable Node mailing templates (with Brevo and Resend Post servers, on JS and TS with Dotenv, with native packages and directly with fetching API, with sync/async/IIFE templates). #Mailing #NodeBackend
- (2023) How to detect trouble in Microsoft SMTP server. #Servers #Mailing
- (2022) Tune SQL-dbmail COM-component #Ssl #Mailing #ComObject
- (2021) KWMC - description the features of a typical ASP.NET MVC project. #Mailing #Google #Css #AspNetMvc #NetCoreBackend
- (2020) Other my MVC projects #Mailing #AspNetMvc
- (2019) Samantha - my typical VB.NET desktop application. #WinDesktop #WinDesktop #Mailing #Access
- (2019) ASP.NET Core Backend with MailKit/IMAP (Async/Await, Monitor, ConcurrentQueue, CancellationTokenSource) #Task #NetCoreBackend #Mailing
- (2018) MailKit/MimeKit - best eMail client. #Mailing #NetCommon #Task
- (2015) ListView and TabControl Custom Drawing. #WinDesktop #Mailing
- (2014) Поштові розсилки через Gmail. #Mailing
- (2013) Основы безопасной почтовой переписки в интернете #Mailing
- (2011) Избавляемся от MS Exchange на Window-платформе (hMailServer + ASSP) #Microsoft #Mailing #Servers
- (2009) ExchangeLogAnalyzer - OpenSource парсер журнала MS Exchange Server. #Mailing #WinDesktop
- (2005) GFI MailEssentials #Mailing
- (2004) Опыт работы почтовым администратором. #Mailing #Mailing #Job
- (2004) Как настроить QMAIL #Linux #Mailing
- (2004) Опыт работы почтовым администратором. #Job #Mailing
- (2003) SuperScout EmailFilter #Mailing
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