<< #Testing Tags
- (2022) My TDD Technique for Backend API development with Xunit (Custom Attribute, WebClient GET/POST, JWT auth, Fact, Theory, InlineData, ClassData iterator function, Inject Log, Txt parsers for console output) #Testing #NetCoreBackend
- (2020) TDD in Core Linux (Middleware, IdentityServer, SignalR, Quartz, RabbitMQ, Redis and so on) #Testing
- (2020) My last public project templates in Microsoft marketplace #Blazor #Bot #Testing #NetCoreBackend #WebServiceClient
- (2016) Unit-тести для ASP.NET MVC #AspNetMvc #Testing
- (2016) Застосування патерну Dependency Injection за допомогою IoC-контейнера Ninject #EfCodeFirst #Testing
- (2015) Аналіз MVC-сайту за допомогою System.Reflection. #AspNetMvc #Testing
- (2013) TDD- Test Driven Development #Testing
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