(ES6) ES6 (2016)

TypedArr (TA03)

   1:  const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
   2:  const view = new DataView(buffer);
   3:  view.setUint32(0, 0x12345678, false); // false for Big-endian
   4:  console.log(new Uint8Array(buffer));

// Question: Explain the difference between Little-endian and Big-endian with an example.
// Big-endian: The most significant byte (MSB) is stored at the lowest memory address.

view.setUint32(0, 0x12345678, false); // false for Big-endian

Uint8Array(4) [ 18, 52, 86, 120 ]

TypedArr context:

ES6 context:

Binary context:

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Link to this page: http://www.vb-net.com/JavascriptES6/TA03.htm