Databases in Electron application
Electron applications can use a variety of databases, depending on your application's needs and complexity. The choice depends on factors such as data size, data structure, query complexity, required features (transactions, concurrency control), and performance requirements. The database will run in the main process, and data will need to be transferred to the renderer process (your Angular application) via Electron's IPC.
Here are some popular database options suitable for Electron applications:
- 1. SQLite:
- • Features: A lightweight, file-based database engine. It's self-contained, requiring no separate server process. Excellent for smaller to medium-sized applications where data doesn't need to be shared across multiple devices. Good choice for offline applications.
- • Pros: Simple to use, easy to embed, good performance for single-user applications.
- • Cons: Can be slower for very large datasets or complex queries compared to client-server databases. Not ideal for multi-user scenarios without significant concurrency controls added.
- • Node.js Library: better-sqlite3 (recommended), sqlite3
- 2. LevelDB:
- • Features: A fast key-value store. Ideal for applications needing extremely fast lookups based on keys, but not complex relational queries.
- • Pros: Very efficient for key-value data, great performance.
- • Cons: Not suitable for relational data or complex queries.
- • Node.js Library: level
- 3. NeDB:
- • Features: A pure JavaScript, in-memory database. Data is persisted to files, but its design makes it easier to handle data in-memory first. Best for smaller datasets that are not exceedingly complex.
- • Pros: Easy to use, no external dependencies (except Electron and Node). Good for simple applications needing a lightweight database.
- • Cons: Not suitable for large datasets or high concurrency. May perform worse compared to optimized native libraries such as better-sqlite3.
- • Node.js Library: nedb
- 4. LowDB:
- • Features: A small JSON database. Data is stored in a JSON file. Most suitable for straightforward applications that don't require complex query capabilities.
- • Pros: Simple to integrate, minimal setup. Good for storing configuration or small amounts of application-specific data.
- • Cons: Not suitable for large or relational data. Querying can become slow with large datasets.
- • Node.js Library: lowdb
- 5. Client-Server Databases (with a backend):
- • Main Process: Always remember that the database is run within the main process of your Electron application and not the renderer process where your Angular code resides.
- • IPC Communication: You'll need to use Electron's Inter-Process Communication (IPC) to transfer data between the main process (where the database resides) and the renderer process (your Angular app).
- • Asynchronous Operations: Database operations are usually asynchronous. Use async/await or promises to prevent blocking the main thread and ensure responsiveness.
- • Error Handling: Implement proper error handling to manage database-related exceptions.
- • Data Security: Securely manage the database file and connection credentials to protect the data from unauthorized access.
For larger applications or multi-user scenarios, consider using a client-server database like PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, or others. Your Electron application would act as a client that communicates with the database server over a network. This setup adds complexity but is necessary when data needs to be shared or when you require more advanced database features (transactions, etc.). You would need a separate backend service for this setup, as Electron is primarily a desktop application framework.
Important Considerations for Electron:
The optimal database for your Electron application will depend on its specific requirements. For many smaller to medium-sized applications, SQLite (better-sqlite3 is recommended for Node.js) is a good starting point due to its simplicity and performance. For key-value storage, LevelDB is efficient. For larger, more complex applications, a client-server solution will likely be more scalable.
This example demonstrates how an Electron application can interact with an SQLite database using the better-sqlite3 library. Remember that database operations happen in the main process, and communication with the renderer process (your Angular app) is handled via IPC.
- 1. Install better-sqlite3:
# npm install better-sqlite3
1: import { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } from 'electron';
2: import { Database } from 'better-sqlite3';
3: import path from 'path';
5: let mainWindow: BrowserWindow | null = null;
6: const dbPath = path.join(app.getPath('userData'), 'mydb.db'); // Path to your DB
9: app.on('ready', () => {
10: mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ /* ... your window options ... */ });
11: mainWindow.loadFile('index.html');
13: // Create the database if it doesn't exist (only do this once during startup)
14: const db = new Database(dbPath);
15: db.prepare('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS items (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)').run();
16: db.close();
19: ipcMain.handle('db-query', async (event, query) => {
20: const db = new Database(dbPath);
21: try {
22: const stmt = db.prepare(query);
23: const result = stmt.all();
24: db.close();
25: return result;
26: } catch (error) {
27: db.close();
28: console.error('Database error:', error);
29: return null;
30: }
31: });
33: ipcMain.handle('db-exec', async (event, query) => {
34: const db = new Database(dbPath);
35: try {
36: const stmt = db.prepare(query);
37: const result =;
38: db.close();
39: return result.changes;
40: } catch (error) {
41: db.close();
42: console.error('Database error:', error);
43: return null;
44: }
45: });
47: });
50: // ... rest of your main process code ...
1: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
2: import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron';
4: @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
5: export class DatabaseService {
6: async query(query: string): Promise<any[] | null> {
7: return await ipcRenderer.invoke('db-query', query);
8: }
10: async exec(query: string): Promise<number | null> {
11: return await ipcRenderer.invoke('db-exec', query);
12: }
13: }
1: content_copyaddcompare_arrowsopen_in_full
2: import { Component } from '@angular/core';
3: import { DatabaseService } from './database.service';
5: @Component({
6: selector: 'app-my-component',
7: template: `
8: <button (click)="addItem()">Add Item</button>
9: <ul>
10: <li *ngFor="let item of items">{{ }}</li>
11: </ul>
12: `,
13: })
14: export class MyComponent {
15: items: any[] = [];
17: constructor(private dbService: DatabaseService) {}
19: async ngOnInit() {
20: this.items = await this.dbService.query('SELECT * FROM items');
21: }
23: async addItem() {
24: const changes = await this.dbService.exec('INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES (?)', ['New Item']);
25: if(changes) {
26: this.items = await this.dbService.query('SELECT * FROM items');
27: }
28: }
29: }
The connection string in this case is implicitly defined by the dbPath variable. better-sqlite3 directly uses the file path as the connection. There's no complex connection string needed for a local SQLite database.
The SQLite database (mydb.db in this example) is a simple file. To distribute it, simply include it in your Electron application's package. electron-builder (or similar packaging tools) will automatically include this file in the distributable. The code above uses app.getPath('userData') to place the DB file in the correct location for user data on the OS, meaning the file will be created in the same relative location for each user who runs the application. The CREATE TABLE statement ensures that the table is created if it's missing, making the app more robust for the first time the user runs the app. Remember to handle errors appropriately, and consider adding more sophisticated error handling and logging.
Important Security Note: While SQLite is relatively secure for local data, avoid storing highly sensitive information directly in the database without implementing appropriate encryption and security measures. For highly sensitive data, explore other, more robust storage methods such as cloud storage or using a fully-fledged relational database in a server-client architecture. Also, make sure you carefully check the user's permissions to write to the appropriate directory.
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- (2024) Inter-Process Communication in Electron application.
- (2024) Asynchronous Operations in Electron application.
- (2024) Databases in Electron application.
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AngularElectron context:
